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Example 2: F4W4E2S5N2B1 dormant great enchantress with turmoil3, production1, death 1, luck 3, magic 1, dom 6. Designed less for site searching (though she can still do that of course) and more to give your oathsworn some minor blessings, to allow easy forging of rings of wizardry/sorcery and staffs of the elements, and eventually the ability to cast arcane nexus. With this build go out of your way to find H2 casters for sermon of courage, and use oathsworn mixed in with the hoplites as the mainstay of your armies. Enchantment (for arcane nexus) normally isn¿t a priority school, but it does hold a number of nice spells for you. (See earlier) Do not rush straight for the nexus without assuring you have an otherwise strong position though, since casting it paints a freakishly big target on your forehead. With the help of a couple of suicidal Sabbath slaves you can also cast master enslave, though thaumaturgy usually is your last research priority. Blood is there for the same reasons as in the previous build. Since you want to use oathsworn, and your pretender isn¿t around for the first year, you don¿t want to skimp on your dominion any more than this. Also provides one astral pearl per month, to help power your astral needs.
* SC pretender: While your expansion rate using just your regular troops is okay, speeding it up a bit with an awake expansion pretender certainly doesn¿t hurt. Additionally having an awake or dormant SC pretender will help deter early rushes, and diminish your vulnerability to enemy attack in the early mid-game window I talked about before.
Example 1: D4 awake prince of death with turmoil 2, sloth 1, growth 2, luck 3, magic 1, dom9 (or Turmoil 3 sloth 0, or sloth 0 heat/cold 1) With awe from dom9 and high fear the prince of death eats most indies naked, and he gets a lot better with equipment. Skimping on the magic allows quite good scales, (net +3) The growth is there to counteract population loss from blood hunting. Incidentally he also provides a minor death bless.
Example 2: A3B1 awake blood wind with turmoil 2, sloth 1, heat 1, growth 2, luck 3, magic 1, dom 10 (or turmoil 3 heat 0) Showcasing the unique Arga Dis pretender, a giant bloody whirlwind. (Shaped like the air elementals, but with a delicious bloody haze to it. What? Bloodthirsty? Me? Where did you get that idea?) A size 6, ethereal, fear causing, 30AP, encumberance 0, flying trampler. With 0 protection this choice is somewhat more of a gamble than the tried and trusted PoD, since any hit that does get in through the awe and etherealness is likely to do a lot of damage. (likely to resulting in afflictions or routing) For this reason I felt dom 10 was a must. With dom 9 he just gets hit too often. If he does avoid getting hit though, he¿ll blaze over any opposition in no time at all, leaving broken corpses and bits of debris strewn along his path. Quickly research a few levels in alteration for mirror image & mist form, to increase his chance of avoiding hits. At size 6 (and with awe, fear, and etherealness) he¿ll stop any elephants cold, though his own kill ratio will be very slow too, without being able to trample them himself. Unfortunately he only has 2 miscellaneous slots, limiting his ability towards later game, though you can alleviate that somewhat by buffing him with other mages. (Iron warriors is perfect) If you can manage to keep him alive, as a 30AP trampler he¿ll still devour opposing units at an alarming rate.
* Bless pretender. As I said before, I see little reason to go for a pure bless strategy with Arga Dis, but it is quite possible to combine a rather serious bless with other considerations. If you have a decent bless for your oathsworn try to find independent 2H mages and spam sermon of courage. Make sure to keep them blessed, (+2 morale apart from the bless effect) and consider mixing them into the same squad with regular hoplites for some more morale boostage. Remember that until you find indy priests you¿ll only be able to bless them with your prophet or the expensive Gilgans, so build a temple in the first indy priest province you conquer. A bless for your Gilgans is easier to manage, only requiring them to self-bless at the start of the battle.
Example 1: 9F3B dormant Moloch with turmoil 1, death 1, luck3, magic 1, dom 7 (Or turmoil 0, death2; death 2 dom 8, or turmoil 0, magic 0, or possibly even death 2, blood 4 for extra sacred punch) Expand aggressively with your blessed oathsworn. They should waltz over any conventional opposition with this bless, and even stand a decent chance against some sacreds as long as they don¿t break early. Make sure to have at least a decent armour, and preferably some more equipment ready by the time the Moloch awakes. Lacking awe you can¿t send him out naked, but with proper equipment he¿s a serious SC. 3B because you can¿t do anything else with the leftover points, but it also means that if you equip your moloch with armour of souls (and why wouldn¿t you? It¿s a great armour. ) you can supercharge your hp and wipe away your fatigue by using bloodletting. 9F also makes him an awesome battlefield mage, able to toss out massive spells left, right, and centre. And you can still use the bloodletting trick to wipe away accumulated fatigue, and speed up the opponent¿s death. Less (or no) turmoil than with previous builds allows you to build more units in early game, but taking death means you have to put them to good use, immediately, while the PoD build has some more staying power.
Example 2: 9E4N imprisoned Cyclops with turmoil 2, luck 3, magic 1, dominion 7 This bless mostly benefits your Gilgans, with the oathsworn getting a rather minor, if noticeable, benefit from it. Even with this bless the Gilgans risk death, or at least accumulation of afflictions when trying to take provinces naked, so try to target the weaker indies, and be careful all around. Don¿t use the Gilgans to replace your ordinary expansion with achilleans/hoplites/oathsworn, but to supplement it. Make construction research even more of a priority as with other builds, and equip some Gilgans with the best stuff you can forge them. Supplemented by their bless they¿ll be even better than they usually are. Once the Cyclops breaks free you have another powerful SC in him, with full slots, high hit points, incredible armour, and the ability to cast nature and earth buffs.
* Scales monster. Needing neither a rainbow pretender, nor awake SC, nor major blesses (though they can use them, as shown above) making a scale monster pretender is a viable option. Use great scales to speed up recruitment, expand faster, build more forts, and recruit more mages and troops in them, speeding up your expansion and research even more. If you use the oracle for this you can easily get a frightening astral caster at the same time.
Example 1: 4S imprisoned oracle with order 2, production 2, growth3, luck 3, magic 1, dominion 10 (Or order 1, production 1, magic 3. Or dominion 9 and one more pick somewhere) The ultimate scales, and the dominion strength to push them too. Incidentally you also get a +1MR bless. You can have a Baphomet with one less scales pick and one less dominion and 4F2S if you prefer.
Example 2: 8S imprisoned oracle with order 0, production 2, growth 3, luck 3, Magic 1 (Or order 1, production 1, or production 1, 9S) High production for strong recruitment from turn 1. Neutral or slightly positive order, coupled with production, growth, and luck events should give you a strong income. And a high dominion strength will allow you to push your good scales everywhere. S8 (or 9) allows for arcane nexus, wish, and master enslave. (though without easy access to clams your astral income might be on the low side to use wish a lot, at least until you cast the nexus, and these paths, especially thaumaturgy, aren¿t your usual research priorities) S8 gives your Gilgans and oathsworn a useful late game bless, and twist fate if you go up to S9 is somewhat nice for the other sacred mages too.

8.36.2 Warhammer Skaven

The Skaven mod is yet another mod created by Sombre (don¿t you ever sleep?) the mod can be found here at http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=525736&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1&vc=1

The Skaven are a race of malevolent rat-men that inhabit the underground of the Warhammer world. The tunnels of their vast under-empire reach from the steaming jungles of the Southlands to the snow-covered steppes of Kislev, from the western borders of Estalia and Bretonnia to the lost realms of the Far East. Their capital is the mysterious city of Skavenblight, hidden in the centre of the foul marshes lying on the western borders of Tilea. There, the mighty Lords of Decay, ruthless rulers of all Skaven, sit on the Council of Thirteen, scheming and preparing for the time when their armies will emerge from the subterranean realm to raze the entire surface of the world. Such is the ultimate ambition of the Skaven race, a destiny preached by the Grey Seers, who are powerful Wizards and prophets of the Horned Rat, the malevolent Skaven deity.
I decided to write this guide for a couple of reasons. One was that I had been kicking around the idea of writing a Skaven guide for a couple of months now and another is that I was inspired by Amahzair¿s excellent guide to Arga Dis to turn my own hand to writing a guide to my own favourite mod nation.

A. Units

Skaven¿s units have several things in common they all get at least:
Darkvision 50%

Mountain Survival

Poison Res 35%

Stealth 0

Siegebonus 1
To balance this however they have much weaker stats than humans and really low morale (their highest morale units get a whopping 12 and most don¿t even get over 9)
1.Skavenslaves (10g 5r): these are your very cheap and nasty chaff that have abysmal morale and very poor stats. However they have one big advantage over their fellow rat men in that they are Size 3 units compared to the others size 2 making them slightly more useful against tramplers

2.Clanrats (7g 9r) & (8g 14r): These are your basic infantry with the falchion armed version being slightly more expensive than the spear carriers nothing particularly special but they make a good all-round unit to use as the core of your army.

3.Stormvermin (11g 17r): This unit is a slightly more expensive version of the clanrat armed with a glaive and better stats I don¿t find myself using them much due to almost always taking a sloth scale.

4.Pestilens Plague Monk (8g 3r): these are your other cheap chaff unit which has better stats than the Skavenslaves and is armed with a short sword and a bite attack that causes disease they also have fairly good poison resistance and are a good unit to use with your Censer bearers as they can better survive their poisonous emissions these units can also berserk making them less likely to rout. All this comes at a cost in that they lack armour completely.

5.Pestilens Censer Bearer(25g 6r) Though they share the plague monks lack of armour these censer bearers make up for it by being little furry brutal killing machines these sacred berserkers are armed with Plague Censers which do an AOE poison attack on hit causing them to go through non-poison immune infantry like a hot knife through butter and best of all are recruitable at any fort with a temple .Get as many of these as you can and you will not regret it

6.Eshin Gutter Runners (9g 5r): another cheap chaff unit this time armed with a short sword and a net making them perfect to break up incoming charges they are very fragile however so don¿t expect them to survive very long.

7.Eshin Gutter Runners (20g 7r):these are armed with two poisoned blades as well as being armed with a poison shrunken making them your only recruitable with a missile weapon (albeit one with only 2 shots and short range) I personally have never really used this unit much as most of my gold seems to go into either clan rats or the censer bearers so I cant really comment on them

8.Council Guard (20g 17r): has excellent stats (for a Skaven) which almost equal those of a human elite unit and is your other sacred unit (capital only). These are actually pretty good units if not the powerhouses the censer bearers are I like to mix a few of these in with a normal squad of clan rats where there superior morale can help prevent routs and they can also do some real damage when blessed with their glaives,

1. Skaven scout (20g7r): your bog standard scout nothing to see here

2.Chieftain (45g 17r): your basic leader who can lead 40 troops pretty useless compared to your next commander. Its only use is that it can autosummon up to three Skavenslaves a turn.

3.Warlord (90 32r): although nearly double the price of a chieftain the warlord can lead a whopping 120 troops and is much better armoured and has much better stats it can also auto summon up to 1 stormvermin each turn. If you must recruit a non mage commander these are the men (rats?) to go for

4. Moulder Packmaster (50g 5r): can only lead 10 troops and is even more useless than the chieftain although these do come with animal awe and can summon 3 giant rats a turn.

5. Moulder Mutator (130g 8r) (E1 B1): your basic blood hunter and your only mage with a guaranteed blood pick if you decide to go down the blood path. Also with a pair of earth boots (and possibly a dwarven hammer) is very handy for forging bloodstone's Edit.Also has dowsing 1 making them blood hunt as a B2 mage actually making them your best blood hunter

6..Pestilens Plague Chantor (65g 5r) (H1 100%BD): A sacred and fairly cheap mage the B1 version make excellent cheap bloodhunters while the D1 version can be a handy researcher if you take a magic scale. Its one major flaw is that it comes with the ability to berserk always a hindrance on a mage.

7.Pestilens Plague Priest (160g 9r) (H2 D1 50%D 50%B 20%BD): An upgraded version of the Plague Chantor with a greater chance of magic diversity these will be the backbone of your military as the Skaven units biggest weakness is their low morale which can be countered by sermon of courage spam from these commanders who can also lead 40 troops.

8.Eshin Assassin (80g 4r): An assassin/Spy who can lead 40 troops a pretty good unit but if you are recruiting one of these you are not recruiting a mage or plague priest.

9.Skyre Warlock (110g 8r) (100%EF 80%EFD): A fairly good mage with the potential to get a cheap F2 or E2 mage. Can also lead 40 troops. Also due to a quirk of the game engine can be recruited in a fort without a lab.

10.Skrye Warlock-Engineer (230g 24r) (F1E1D1 85%EF 30%EDF): Your main mage with good access to battlefield magic. Also they come with a small(10%) forge bonus which should make them your mage of choice for forging. They are also the mage of choice for summoning your best national summons.

11.Grey Seer (330g 1r) (H3 D2S2 110%DS) (capital only): not only does this commander give you your only H3 leader but also gives you excellent access to both astral and death two paths that are valuable throughout the game and can lead 80 normal units. To add to its power it also negates one in five of all bad events and can act as a spy as well! By the mid game you will want to be recruiting one of these a turn.
A. Scales
Order/Turmoil: I Like an Order 3 scale to take advantage of the gold expensive troops and to get forts up ASAP to turn out the mages and priests you most definitely need to back up your armies.
Productivity/Sloth: Most of your better units are fairly resource cheap so I would recommend taking at least some sloth scale here.
Heat/Cold: Nothing particularly special here as the Skaven prefer a neutral temperature scale although you may want to think about going one notch either way to pay for a bless if you go down that route.
Growth/Death: I would recommend at least Growth 1 if you are planning to go blood hunting. I would not recommend taking any death scale though as your large armies will tend to eat lots of supplies and while none of your mages start with old age none of them are particularly long lived either.
Magic/Drain: I would go with a magic 1 here if your pretender build can support it as it provides a cheap boost to your Mages particularly your plague chantors and priests who being sacred make cheap researchers.
B. Blesses
Skaven has some fairly strong blessable units, So the question you need to ask is do I go for a bless to boost my mage priests or my sacred troops?
Earth: A minor earth bless will help keep your mages spamming spells longer and while none of your sacred units particularly need a major earth bless a bit of extra protection never hurts.
Fire: Skaven's units are one of the few sacreds that don't really benefit from a fire bless as they neither need the extra damage or attack as their AOE weapons do significant damage anyway.
Air: While an air bless has the benefit of providing you some protection against arrows which your armies could really use but it is not worth taking an air bless just for that.
Water: A bless both your sacred units can benefit from. A minor water bless can boost their fairly low defence however once your units berserk this goes out of the window. Still a major bless that gives quickness is always nice for any sacred unit particularly as you don't have any access to water magic as a skaven.
Nature: A minor Nature bless is great for your sacred units who otherwise rack up a lot of afflictions due to their close contact with their poison weapons. I wouldn't recommend going with a major bless however as you do not want your mages going berserk I would recommend no more than a mid range nature bless.
Death: A death bless is very handy as your poison attacks do come with the additional affliction chance meaning that even if your sacreds are wiped out by the enemy you can still count on them to really annoy your enemies.
Astral: A minor astral bless is not bad as it boosts your fairly average Magic Resistance however I would recommend instead that if you must take an Astral bless go the whole hog and get a full S9 as it makes your sacreds a lot more survivable and high astral magic is always valuable in the late game for wishes and the like.
Blood: A blood bless is fairly useless as the extra strength does little for you I would not recommend taking any blood at all

8.36.3 Warhammer Lizardmen - Join the Communion Commrade Original Thread

Article Author: Fate

*DISCLAIMER* - I play mostly SP. I have only played Lizardmen in SP (so none of these strategies have been tested in MP). Just a grain of salt.
I love Sombre's Warhammer mods, and the Lizards (linky) in particular. I am making this guide in part to raise awareness, in part because it is my first guide and I kinda wanted to try writing one, and in part because I want Sombre to finish the nation ().
The Lizards are easily one of the most powerful nations. They are oozing sacred units, they have undeniably the most powerful mages (which also get an auto-communion), and access to every path except death. In capable hands they should be unstoppable.
Skinks - The little ones are the worthless dribble you get in PD. Never recruit the Mor 7 ones, get fewer, higher Mor alternatives. The elite and mounted Skink are interesting, but you would do better to buy Saurus for have the GCost. Even the Terradon Riders are too weak to be useful as fliers.
The Skink archers can be massed for Flaming Arrows + Wind Guide, but I would probably never buy these for anything else. Paired Skink must be killed twice. This gives them double resilience against tramplers. Also note all the skink have stealth. They can be useful as guards for sneaking priests in preparation for an ambush.
Saurus - The Saurus are great. The most gold effective unit I have seen. They even have magic weapons! I have very little to say about most of them - recruit whichever suits your needs. The mounted ones are good if you have gold to spend (not likely). I haven't noticed a large difference between the two warriors.
Kroxigor - don't bother, unless you have a specific need (regeneration/very high prot enemies). Even the second reason isn't great because all the Saurus have above average damage anyway.
Salamander - Fun to play with. Useful if you want to get underwater (but your Water Summons are even better for this). Expensive, so unless you really want them, don't bother.
Temple Guard - Go into your mod file and change these to 32 gold. At 24/25 (I can't remember because I changed mine) they are overpowered. Even at 32 gold I consider them THE unit to recruit. They are a solid sacred for a nation that loves a bless. Best of all, they work fine with a simple E9 (They pretty much like any bless you give them, except maybe N).


Skink Scout: A scout. I have tried gearing them to take advantage of the glamour, but the 5 hp is too little.

Skink Warchief: don't ever bother.

Saurus Vet: Can lead. Might be useful as a thug (but you have many better options).
Skink Shaman: Pretty much a Priest minus the holy and the auto-communion. There are some uses, but in general I would just get a Priest.

Skink Priest: Such an awesome unit, I dedicate this guide to them. More on that below.

Priest of Sotek: Will get you into blood (as if you need it). Just watch their herecy. Be prepared to lose all dominion in the province you have them blood hunting (keep them away from your research centers if you took magic).*
Slann - Fifth and Fourth: Very similar. I try to get Fourth where I can (note they are cap only) because they are just better than Fifth in every way (except, oddly, enc, but that is only by 1 point). Bear in mind they can go dormant - healing themselves and taking no upkeep. Very useful.
Oldblood: Cream on the cream pie. A great thug chassis (though lacking a little in hp, and no foot slot). When they die, the lizard they ride keeps fighting (and, miraculously, has the same slots) for the rest of the battle! Plus, they have a built-in Luck Ammy (as if they needed it). All the more reason to take a good bless.
*You could try using them to control bad scales, but that would require a bad scales. Lizards probably want at least mediocre scales.
Magic Duels:

rdonj and thejeff have pointed out issues with Magic Duel. Such problems should be mostly limited to the enemy pretender (I can't think of any nation with higher than S4 recruitables/summonables). For those battles you need to be prepared to lose any mages you commit. Note you can put your Slann to sleep, removing all their magic (and making them immune to duels), and command all your astral priests to hide/sneak. I would suggest trying for thugs over mages if you can (old bloods if it is early game, GoR summon of your choice, or sleepers, or whatever else you can get in later game).

Though you will find the Saurus perfectly serviceable, I suggest temple guard for expanding (you can prophetize your starting commander or send a priest for bless). We should probably take a sturdy bless, and the temple guard are better anyway. Even unblessed, 10 Temple Guard can take many provinces at Indy 6 without significant casualties.
An alternative (depending on your build) is the Oldbloods. They are excellent thugs. Two with frostbrands can take pretty much any Indy. If you took a strong bless (especially an E9) strongly consider giving them a shroud (it is cheap!).

Now, a quick look at Pretender:


You need a lot of gold. Order 3 is a must. Your forts cost an outrageous amount, plus your (good) mages cost as much as most forts.

You also need magic (though you could easily take drain and focus on thugs/bless). But for now, I would suggest Magic 1.
I like to take Sloth 3. By the mid game you should have plenty of summonable units, so resources matter very little. If you focus on small, sacred armies you won't need any resources.
Your nation likes Heat 2, so Heat 3 seems like a good option (it also helps your coldblooded units).

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