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Yes, it asks for some micromanaging [Smile]

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Big square = 24 Inf squad

Small squares = 1 etherealizer each


create GE Haunted forest first.

most ppl(93%) will not go to dispel it(view here: http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=74;t=000999#000001 )
put a nature mage into combat. Nature 1 is enough,more levels more better.

give she some emerald---you can only give one.

have she cast "swarm" in the battle.

yes, a nature 1 mage + 1 emerald..what will happen? [Wink]

it's not a scheme of attacking,but a good tactics for defending(only effective in your dominions). AS YOUR LIFE GOES DOWN THE DRAIN.

THis is a strategy that is only really useful with the nations that have easy access to death 3 and death 4 mages. The nations that can reach death 3 fairly easily include:

C'Tis: Sauromancers(Default/Tombs) and 1/8 Marshmasters(Miasma)

Ermor: 1/8 Grand Thaumaturgs(Broken Empire), Dusk Elders(Ashen Empire/Soul Gate)

Jotunheim: 1/16 Gygia(Iron Woods, Niefelheim), 1/4 Norna(Utgard)

Vanheim: Hangadrott(Helheim)
Any nation that can reach death 3 can also summon a mound fiend for 28 gems, which is a death 3 and unholy 3 mage. This is very expensive in gems however, and you may be better off using them otherwise.
What this strategy involves is the alteration 5 spell "Drain Life". This is a range 25, precision 100, 14+ unresistable damage, armor negating spell requiring a death skill of 4 that both heals and removes fatigue from the caster when cast on a living target. Drain life will damage any creature, but will not provide healing or fatigue reduction against non-living creatures. To reach death 4 costs only ten gems for a skull staff for the above nations, so it is a very good investment.
This synergizes very well with quickness, as the mage will get tired only if they face an army almost exclusively of undead. The mages are also usually smart enough to start raising skeletons (enchantment 3) to protecct themselves and overwhelm the enemy. The AI will then alter its spellcasting to use drain life when its fatigue reaches high levels, and go back to summoning more undead, or casting high level spells such as banefire or cloud of death. FORWARD, MARCH:

Not a combos per se, but something rather interesting to know:
The common behavior for troops with melee and missile weapons (ex legionaries) are to use them as infantry, and order them to hold&attack or attack closest.

It results often in the troop engaging the enemy, and firing a volley of pilum in a suboptimal manner (sometime they dont, sometime only the Last line fire, etc.)

Now use them as archers. Order your legionaries, or javelin thrower to fire. Just that, fire.

What will happen? If they have ammo and an enemy in range, they fire. Each time. Its a great improvement compared to the standard behavior.

If they dont have enemy in range, or dont have any more javelins, they move to close and engage the enemy. For archers it is somehow problematic, for legionaries, its what you want.
So try this order, you will see that you get far more pilums and javelins thrown, and they still act as infantry after.
As I said, a very small trick... FLAMING EXPLOITS


Thaumaturgy 1 OR Blood 1 OR COnstruction 4(Or was it 6?), Alteration 7, Conjuration I forget how much and am too lazy to check
1. One or more mages with (Astral OR Blood OR Communion Matrix) AND Fire
2. A billion communicants. Scouts or thugs with matrices will do, but astral/blood mages will likely be feebleminded ere the battle is through.
Optional ingredients include a relief-casting nature mage, Medallions of Vengeance and Inner Sun rituals, and a communion master capable of casting Breath of Winter, Soul Vortex, Invulnerability, Mistform, Mirror Image, and so on, and so forth. But especially BoW and Soul Vortex.

Sandals of the Crane on the communion master would be a beautiful, if potentially catastrophic, addition.


Script mage/s to Communion/Sabbath Master(Or give 'em matrices, to save precious time and queue depth), Phoenix Pyre, Summon Earthpower(Reinvigoration 4!), Fire Shield(Or Phoenix Power, then Fire Shield), Blink, then either cast spells or attack, depending on lifespan and number of communicants, and on whether a nature mage casting relief/communion master casting Reinvigoration is present*.


Avoid confrontation with 0 encumbrance, cold-, fire-, and Soul Vortex-immune foes.**

* Hold on, would this WORK? Would ALL communion slaves recover 100 fatigue?

Also, are there any spells beside this and Summon Earthpower which reinvigorate the caster?
** This strategy has never been tested, and may well be bollocks.

1) a great many of the critters most easily used for communion slaves are NOT immune to soul vortex, and so tend to die of fratricide from each other's vortices.

2) Many of the critters most commonly used for communion slaves are cheap (and therefore have little health) and so die of fratricide when their copy of Pheonix Pyre goes off - killing attackers, sure, but also killing any other communion slaves that are nearby. With the ordering of the Pheonix Pyre's Explosion/Random Repop, it's actually possible to lose half your communion slaves from chain fratricide in a single combat round if you are unlucky.

3) The effects of 1 and 2 can stack. If too many of your communion slaves gather too closely together, they ALL DIE.


This communion strategy is devised to eliminate traditional weakness of communion - fragile communicants. Only Tartarians are allowed into this elite communion.
In Tartar communion, slaves are expected to both spellcast and fight while masters will quickly go into melee.
Few Tartarians with interesting paths become communion masters or communion masters and slaves at the same time. Others become communion slaves. 2-3 slaves per master should be enough. Communion slaves are equipped with hydra skin armor and boots of messenger. Other items are intended to maximize battle their melee potential. One of masters should have crystal shield, they should be able to cast quickness, fire and lightning protection, hell power, earth power, mistform, invunerability, personal luck, astral shield, astral weapon, mirror image, soul vortex, breath of winter, fire shield and resist magic. Someone (preferrably slave) should be able to cast other useful spells: doom, darkness, wrathful skies and any other batlefield-wide destructive spells.
Important points:

- every slave is expected to get +3 in every magic path (crystal shield + hell power) and +4 in earth, therefore they should start their script on hold, so that they don't start casting until empowerment.

- masters should be equipped to provide uncovered resistances.

- every masters should be scripted to attack after casting buffs (they're the main danger for the slaves).

- Tartarians should be placed so that the slaves are close together and in the front of masters and other troops (except, maybe, some fodder) This is necessary, because the slaves won't rush into the fight and they will only go to melee if the enemies comes into the range. Apparently, they will not advance to get within the spell range either.
Expected slave stats:

HP - 200 and growing...

regeneration - 40 per turn

Att/Def - in mid twenties

MR - 30-35

protection - 30.

resistance to pretty much everything resistable

breath of winter, fire shield, soul vortex, astral shield + melee weapon.

8.6.2 Dom-III tome To stop the world
Spies. They are annoying little buggers that can hamper your enemy's economy. They can be much more, though! Imagine a group of 6 spies. They stealth through enemy lands, find his capital - and in one turn, cause over 100 points of unrest. No more sacred troops for you! No more capital-only mages for you! No more income for you! Even better, to catch the spies, the target of this strategy has to patrol, which reduces unrest, and as long as the unrest stays high, it's hard to catch any stealthy units, and he it will often take a turn or two to bring suitable patrollers. Once he has brought the patrollers in, you can move your spies out and wait until the capital is empty again. Fearful Symmetry
Fear directly lowers enemy morale, as is easily noticed if you click on enemy units surrounding your Prince of Death. Heavy Cavalry with morale 4 are rather absurd sight... But, besides making it easy to rout them, low morale is also very effective protection if you happen to have Awe. Dominion values of 9 and 10 gives Awe, and I'm sure you all see where I'm going... Fear and Awe alone won't keep a unit alive, but you'll be fine if you add in some protection. Prince of Death can wear Black Plate armor without being fatigued by its encumberance. There are many, many ways to build an effective early expander around this idea, from Gorgon (med-to-high Earth for extra protection) to more monstrous creatures like Wyrms. Rain from Hell

Works well with either a VQ pretender or a Tartarian Cyclops - both can get Earth & Air combination. Suit up the SC with reasonable protection gear/good shields/resistances and cloud trapeze into an enemy army.

Immediately cast rain of stones, which does the equivalent of blade wind to all units on the field. Normally, this is a double edged sword causing as much damage to your own units as to your opponents. With a high protection SC, however, you're insulated from this effect. In cases of mass undead, the damage is staggering. Have some extra air gems to cloud trapeze out again when the opponent retreats.
In my test case, the opponent had cast multiple pheonix pyre buffs on his mages in the midst of his troops - they all exploded for even more damage to his army. Ancient Kraken
The Ancient Kraken is a really fun Pretender to play if you're a water-loving nation, but he needs some help.

One consideration is the fact that his poison cloud also poisons him. Accessorize your Ancient Kraken for less! Give him a snake ring and he'll not only be protected, he'll poison his enemies. That's 4-18 hp armor piercing attacks that now do poison damage as well. Doesn't suck. Cost: 5 nature gems, 1 level of nature magic, and 0 levels of Construction. Other good, and cheap, magic items for your Kraken-on-the-go are the ring of regeneration-I've had Ancient Kraken pretenders with 690 pre-Wish hp before (see below), and throwing regeneration onto that is a beautiful thing. It also helps avoid those nasty afflictions. Sure your kraken heals them eventually, but why suffer with a limp for any amount of time if you don't have to? Ok, it's not THAT cheap at 6 const and 10 nature gems, but it's dirt-cheap when you consider your Ancient Kraken will be regenerating 65 HP+ per round. That's one whole entire Niefel Giant,




An Amulet of Antimagic is a real bargain for the Ancient Kraken, not only because it protects him from spells, but because the worst thing that can happen to him (besides death, and a well-played Kraken doesn't die very often) is Curse or Horror Mark. Even those aren't really that bad, but still, better to avoid. When you have an Ancient Kraken, Dom 10 is worth the cost. Not only will you get Awe +2 in addition to your Kraken's natural Fear +0, but your Kraken's stats will JUMP! Don't ask me why but I've had over 550 HP in mediochre Dom provinces with a 10 Dom Ancient Kraken. A 10 Dom province will give you 690 HP, around 28 str, MR of 25 with an amulet, and greatly improved attack and defense. It's hard to improve on immortality, but what if your Pretender...

Good magic paths for your Ancient Kraken include Water-just one level and your Kraken can cast quicken self-remember those 4 attacks at 18 points AP damage each? well now make that 8 attacks etc etc etc yadda yadda yadda. Earth-stoneskin and ironskin are fun, but the real beauty is Invulnerability. Cost is a little higher at 3 levels of Earth magic, but the payoff is 25 points protection, and if you're still wearing that snake ring, there's no downside! The real treat though is Astral magic. Just 1 point allows you to cast both Body Etherial and Personal Luck. Another truly beautiful spell for an Ancient Kraken is Mossbody. Finally, 3 Death will enable you to cast Soul-Vortex, and 4 Death will allow Darkness (and did I mention Ancient Krakens have 100% Darkvision?).

Not too many armies-let alone SCs-have what it takes to tackle a 690 hp etherial, lucky, invulnerable, magic-resistant, quick, poisonous and poison immune soul-sucking Ancient Kracken of Fear and Awe, especially in the dark.

'Nuff said.

' Van rush

This strategy works with EA Helheim, MA Vanheim and LA Vanheim. It works for EA Vanheim with few changes.
This strategy is based around sacred, mounted cavalry that has glamour and insane defense. Take an imprisoned pretender with Water 9, Fire 9 (Father of Winters is fine), full Order to have enough money for the expensive Vanir, and some Sloth and Cold scales to afford anything else you might want. Dominion 5-7 works well. Build groups of half-a-dozen or so sacred cavalry and use them to conquer independents. Avoid barbarians, heavy cavalry, Dark Vines and other tough provinces until you can bring a bigger force (10 to 15 Vanir) against them. If you meet another nation early on, you can probably kill it before it can come up with a way to deal with Vanir. quick and dirty guide to MA Man
Meglobob's quick & easy guide to slaughtering the opposition with MA Man:-
MA Man is a strong nation, it has alot going for it and many possibilites. Here is one based on stealth...
Bards, only 75gp, +30 stealth, can instill unrest, fantastic, recruit loads, get 4+ to every enemy castle, take unrest over 100. Your enemy can't recruit anymore. You have won.
Mothers 130gp, 2N 1A, stealthy, cool, research upto storm of thorns, put into squads of 4, script 5xstorm of thorns, should defeat most PD upto 30+.
Monks, 30gp, stealthy, can cast bless, can lead 10 stealthy blessed wardens into enemy lands. Can any PD defeat 10 wardens with a W9F9N4 bless? Or if you want decent scales try...E9N4.
Put all those together, plus plenty of longbows (wind guided of course, flaming arrows if your lucky) mix with plenty of lightning/thunder strikes...cool. maximize gold income
Gold, you never have enough, especially in dominions, so here is a nice way to get more of it.
Research watcher spell, cast 2 of those in your capital and any other high population province with a lab. Get 1 of your cheapo mages to patrol with them. Now slam taxes upto 200% and leave them there. You now have double your income permanently, with 0 unrest and a mounting stockpile of corpses. Watchers have +50 patrol bonus and are tough defenders who discharge lightning and never retreat, so a decent defense to support your PD.
Also to get the most out of this, turn those corpses into free troops, research carrion reanimation, and when you reach 100 corpses get 100 souless undead for 10D gems, cool... micro-managed Elephants
not so cool like the Kraken, but maybe useful for new players (got this from dom2 thread):
If you get Elephants or other big units, your main fear is that those beasts rout and trample over your own troops.

Avoid that by placing an nature mage in the square over (north of) the Elephant and let him cast Beserk.

Set the Elephant on "Hold and Attack". Note that the Elephant will attack as soon as become berserked. If possible, have an Astral mage in the same square as the Nature mage cast Body Etheral and/or Luck.

Cast any buff spell that has short range and Area of Effect of 1 square.

You can replace each Elephant with 2 cavalry units.

Place mages in the combat squares north and south of each Elephants, casting buffs.

Enjoy the sight of unbreakable, etheral (75% chance to avoid hit) Elephants trampling over your enemys. Death 9 bless synergy with evocation
Combine a D9 blessing with a Shroud of the Battle Saint and Evocation spells. Falling Fires and Cloud of Death are already great spells, but usually don't do enough damage to kill a unit on the first hit. If the casting mage has a high Death blessing, however, they inflict enough damage to afflict an enemy most of the time. Weakness seems to be especially common, with Cripple, Battle Fright, and Lost An Arm making a showing too.
If you take an E4 blessing the mages in question also benefit from the slight boost to reinvigoration. Niefelheim *Jarl-Push* Primer
Niefelheim is a powerful nation with great troops.
By far it's greatest troops are the Niefel Jarls themselves-and they're equally deadly against living and undead enemies.
You can maximize this ability by choosing an Imprisoned Cyclops with totally negative scales (make sure temperature is set to cold, because that only helps you).
You can then add those points to Earth (10), Water (10), and Nature (10) for a practically unstoppable bless. The extra 7 points go right into Dominion (3).

Perfect efficiency!

Don't bother with regular Niefel Giants-atleast at first.

Build up your gold and buy Jarls only-you won't have much gold to begin with, anyway, but that should quickly change.

Also, kill off your starting army by any means possible, because they're a really big money-pit in the early game, and if you keep them around they may get you killed before you get your first Jarl (the longer you go without a Jarl, the more chances you have to lose your Temple or Lab to bad luck, and that'll finish you in the first turns of a multi-player game).
Your first Jarl should become your Prophet. Use him to expand your domain, and he can also help maintain your Dominion. If the Arena comes around early in the game (like within the first 10 turns), stick him in-he should be strong enough to beat anything else in the game at that point, except for a really tough SC Pretender, and if he wins, he'll get 3 stars of experience and a nifty trident for free. At that point, he should be able to tackle most neutral provinces by himself.
Keep buying Jarls-you should soon have enough gold income to buy 1 every round, if you're lucky. At that point, start leaving some of the Jarls in your home-provinces to pray and to research construction so you can arm your Jarls and maintain your Dominion. Don't worry about expanding your Dominion very quickly-as long as it's strongly maintained in your core provinces, you should be fine, and your poor scales will really hurt you in the long run, so out run them with swift expansion until you can inflict them on your enemies' home provinces with your Jarls.
You may want to avoid provinces with lizardmen at first, unless you need the province for strategic reasons, because their shamans are really efficient at cursing your Jarls. You can build a small force of non-Niefel jotuns for this purpose in the later stages of the game. Skin-shifters are ideal for this purpose.
You should also start building scouts and creating a scout supply-train by equipping scouts with an endless bag of wine and endles cauldrons of broth, each, and then attaching them to your armies. This becomes easy once your Pretender shows up, and forging these should eventually become his main job-after he's searched your Core provinces for magic sites.
Your Pretender also makes a handy defender SC in a pinch, if you equip him, but don't risk him without a very good reason, because he's your main earth/nature mage and he won't be much better than a well-equipped Jarl.
Expect some of your Jarls to become Cursed eventually. It shouldn't hurt them that badly-they won't get hit that often, but it's something to be aware of. Counter with the Ritual Spell "Gift of Health" (Enchantment 5/Nature 5) which heals afflictions on your troops, en masse, and grants extra HP-infact, stockpile Nature Gems (you'll need atleast 50) and research this spell as soon as possible after your Pretender awakens. Horror-marks are somewhat more dangerous. It's a good idea by late-game to protect your Jarls from assassins with regular Niefel bodyguards and to equip your Pretender with a ring of warning.
Look for neutrals that give you sacred troops-especially sacred calvalry-they'll help diversify your forces, which can make you stronger, overall.
Eventually, you'll have more provinces than just Jarls can defend easily, at which time you can put expansion on the back-burner and start consolidating your forces/ strengthening your borders-you can use regular Niefels, in moderation, to suppliment your Jarl-and building up a couple of stronger attack-forces to hit neighboring human nations.
Build labs and temples in your most strategically important provinces so that you can place multiple Jarls there, and then get the full benefits of their research and prayer. Fortresses will let you build boulder-throwers, javelineers, skinshifters and huscarls on the spot-expensive, but quick-it may end up saving your province from the longest and worst attacks.
When you've got a surplus of cash, put one Jarl in each of your border-provinces to help out your PD, and keep expanding. Your Jarls are actually better defenders than they are expanders/attackers, since they can move over 3 owned provinces in a single turn, but only 1 province they don't already own-allowing you to quickly dispatch reinforcements to troubled areas-a very useful ability indeed. Build up squads of 3 or more Jarls-possibly with supplimental Niefel troops-in centralized locations within 3 provinces of your borders, so that you can ship them off to relieve defenders in case of attacks. Afflicted Jarls should go here too, and incase of a massive border collapse, these locations can also serve as rallying-points and magic equipment stockpiles for specialty items, like Gate-Cleavers.
Don't buy non-sacred troops, unless you have a good reason! like buying mages who have paths you lack (fire, especially) and reacting to strong attacks. Otherwise, they're just cash-leeches, given your bless and the horribly bad scales you have.
Good scripted level 1 combat-spells for Jarls are Breath of Winter, Holy Avenger, and (for some) Air Shield.
Some good combat equipment for Jarls (off the top of my head) are: horror helmet, sword of swiftness, rhyme hauberk, hydra-skin armor, fire plate, dragon helmet, amulet of magic resistance, wraith sword, golden shield of awe, ring of regeneration, ring of fire resistance, pendant of luck, storm bow, midget masher, boots of the behemoth, lucky coin shield, amulet of rejuvenation, amulet of missle-protection, wraith crown, and hellsword.
When you've conquered the land, amulets of water-breathing should be easy for your Jarls to mass-produce.
Even if they don't have the very *best* equipment possible, it's a good idea to improve the quality of your Jarls on a quantity basis. If you can't make swords of swiftness fast enough, give them piercers or ice swords. You can save the better, more efficient equipment you can produce later on for your experienced Jarls with heroic abilities. Don't worry *too* much about saving gems for the end-game, while there are some higher end spells which will help you, the lower-end spells will help your Jarls a lot too, and the only one that's a real *need* is "Gift of Health".

8.7 Help countering trampling monsters

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