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Dwarven Smiths can also cast Blade Wind with terrific effect again light troops or ethereal creatures (etherealness offers no protection against spells).
For summons, Vanheim can make earth gems into Fall Bears and can make air gems into black hawks for patrols (Call of the Winds).
Finally, Vanheim mages really shine when they use blood magic. That's particularly nasty when you play on maps with a low magic site frequency. And being able to summon hawks to quell unrest at your bloodhunting sites comes very handy.
When you recruit an earth3/blood1 smith, give him a few cheap items (Brazen Vessel, Blood Thorn and Earth Boots - or even better that pendant that produces earth gems) and have him summon Fathers Illearth or Demon Knights.
Give some of these items to a blood-empowered Vanjarl (or even better give him an Armor of Souls, costs the same if you use a Dwarven Hammer being Vanheim you should have at least one of these tools ASAP anyway), and have him summon Pazuzu or Storm Demons very valuable as counters as both are unaffected by storms (they even get bonuses when fighting during a storm).
Vanjarls make top-notch assassins too. Give some a Black Hearth, and go hunting.


# Vanlade -with 3 Air, 1 Death, 1 Blood and 3 Holy powers- can forge air enhancing items (and the famous Staff of Storms) : "Vanlade is an ancient Vanjarl who remembers the time when humans were few and the vanir were numerous. Vanlade has studied magic for centuries and commanded hundreds of battles. His reputation as a warrior is widespread. Vanlade is one of the few surviving disciples of the ancient god who gave the valkyries their role as messengers of death".
# Farbaute the Einhere, a strong Einhere fighting with two weapons : "Farbaute is a fierce warrior. He is almost impervious to pain and is skilled in the two-weapon combat of the Einheres. Farbaute's drinking habits are legendary and it is reputed that he won a drinking contest in Jotunheim among the much larger and swill-swollen giants. His friendly ways with the giants of Jotun has made him several enemies among the vanir, but the Einheres and humans of Vanheim consider him a true hero".
6.10 Undocumented effect for some items
Q : What effect does reinvigoration items have on commanders wearing them?

A : Reinvigoration allows your commander to regain that number of fatigue point each turn. A good thing since high fatigue values will lead to unconsciousness and before that allows for more frequent armor penetration.

Q : Do commanders suffer from fatigue when casting spells from magic items ?

A : Yes, every time you cast a spell with an item (like Skull Talisman or Scepter of Authority) you suffer 5 points of fatigue. Armor, encumbrance, magic level etc have no influence, it¿s a lump sum.

Q : what is the forge bonus ?

A : It lowers the cost to create items by a percentage - rounded to your advantage. With a Dwarven Hammer (bonus 25), a magic user will make most trinkets for only 3 magic gems for example (5 -25%), and items with 5+5 in gem cost are reduced to 3+3 in gem cost.

Q : If I give my commander two swords will he use them both in combat?

A : Yes, with reduced attack values -5. This does not apply to leaders that start with two weapons as long as they are not given new ones.

Q : If I give my commander two same magic rings, will the effect be cumulative?

A : No, most duplicate items give no double effect (exception : production items like Lifelong Protections, Soul Contracts or Fever Fetish). Sometime it is not a good idea anyway (giving two magical eyes to the same commander will cause a permanent blindness for exemple).

Q : My hero gets only +6 in protection when wearing a +12 fire plate. Is this a bug?

A : No. Units with natural protection will receive decreased protection from armors worn (but a unit with natural protection will never be so penalized as to have lower protection than another unit carrying the same armor, but having lower natural protection). Your magic armor gives a protection of 12 ; it¿s not like a +12 bonus. And any magical armor, shield or helm actually takes the place of the armor, shield or helm already worn by the commander, if any.

Click HERE to see the most common armor values.
Q : Why is the attack bonus of magic weapons not shown on the leader statistics ? I can see the improved defense, but not the attack bonus.

A : Attack values are per weapon if the leader wields 2 different weapons, each of them has its own attack rating and is computed separately. Ergo, it makes no sense to display the attack value of weapons on the leader stats. All the defense bonuses apply however, so 2 Mains Gauches will give you +12 defense. Also remember there is a penalty to attack for wielding two weapons at once (except if the unit has two weapons to start off with).

A unit with two weapons gets to potentially attack multiple creatures in the same square, so you could get several kills each turn. Natarja pretenders are good examples of that they often can get 4 kills a round, and if you give them two Gauches their defense is so high they really need to be ganged up on to ever get hit.
Q : Why are blood magic items so expensive ?

A : Blood magic items and spells are generally twice as expensive as other items, as blood slaves are easier to come by.

Q : Do elemental magics have any special effect vs. each other (exemple : does a fire sword have a bonus vs. water elementals)?

A : No, besides things like temperature cancelling out each other (Wolven Winter will locally counter the Second Sun spell) or the fact that all fire magic spells have twice the normal fatigue value when it is raining.

* Bear Claw Talisman : gives +5 strength
* Berserker Pelt : makes the bearer berserk (no more spells, +3 strength, attack and protection, -3 defense, for a total protection of 7, not 4) even if not wounded in battle. Can be dropped.
* Boots of Long Stride : do not change the action points, but the holder moves twice faster on the battlefield, even underwater. He does not fire or cast spell faster however (see Boots of Quickness for this effect).
* Enchanted Sword/Spear/Pike : I see no effect on ¿accuracy and quickness¿.
* Slave Collar : increases morale by 5.
* Armor of Souls : gives +5 MR even if the owner has no knowledge in blood magic.
* Bane Blade : infects the opponent with a (non contagious) desease.
* Barkskin amulet : gives the wearer a base protection of 10, partially added to armor, if any.
* Black Bow of Botulf : causes ¿feeblemind¿ ; very nasty for mages, they lose all spellcasting ability. There is no MR saving throw if hit.
* Boots of Giant Strength : gives +4 strength.
* Boots of the Behemoth : give trample ability to the bearer (no other bonus).
* Bracers of Protection : gives +2 defense, but +2 protection if the wearer has no other armor (only +1 if he wears some serious armor already).
* Burning Pearl : gives +4 attack.
* Crystal Shield : gives +1 in all magic paths, including holy/unholy power, but this empowerment is only available for battle (do not count on the additional level for forging or for a ritual).
* Enormous Cauldron of Broth : provides food for 50 soldiers (keep in mind that you can not give two Cauldrons to the same commander to feed 100 men, duplicate items give no double effect).
* Eye of Aiming : gives +5 precision but the holder loses one eye (permanent affliction). Can not be dropped
* Fever Fetish : slowly kills the wearer. You need to remember when he is supposed to die so you can take away the Fetish and the gem the turn before (when a leader dies from disease all items and gems he has disappears, even if he's in a province with a lab). The Fetish can be used on undead commanders (immune to disease) however.
* Halberd of Might : gives +4 strength.
* Ivy Crown : lets the bearer summon one more Vinemen or Vineogre each turn, but does not work with Dark Vines though.
* Knife of the Damned : also curses its owner, and it cant be removed.
* Lead Shield : gives +4 MR.
* Lifelong Protection : the beneficiary gets an horror mark. This item is cursed and can not be removed. It works with any commanders, not only blood mages. It also works underwater, curiously (where the imps can swim but don't fly).
* Lighning Rod : lets the bearer summon two more Corpse Men each turn.
* Pendant of Luck : does not cancel a curse. Luck makes it harder to damage a unit at all, but if it gets damaged it will still have a great chance of getting a battle affliction if it is cursed as well.
* Piercer : also works during a storm.
* Ring of the warrior : gives +5 in attack skill.
* Robe of Missile protection : is not foolproof. Missiles do not disappear, they miss. They still land somewhere however and can kill whatever they land on, including their original target if he is very unlucky, or his bodyguards. Still, spreading out mages with robes of protection means that missed missiles have minimum chance to hit someone.
* Rod of the Leper King : the wielder is able to lead 50 undeads, or 50 more undeads if previously able to do so. But a disease slowly kills him (see Fever Fetish, above), unless undead.
* Sanguine Dousing Rod : counts as two levels in Blood Magic, thus increasing the chance to find blood slaves by 40 % (base chance is 20% + 20% per blood magic level + 40% if using the a Rod). When successful, the slave hunter also gets 2 more slaves.
* Sceptre of Authority : increases leadership by 25.
* Soul Contract : the beneficiary gets an horror mark. This item is cursed and can not be removed. It works with any commanders, not only blood mages.
* Totem Shield : the shield itself casts the spell Curse every turn, on one of the closest, largest (most health), non-routing enemy. There is no defense versus curse, and it lasts forever.
* Armor of Twisting Thorns : can not be dropped.
* Blood Stone : produces only 1 earth gem / turn.
* Champion Skull : gives 3 additional experience points to its owner each turn (for a total of 4 xp/t, not counting the possible battles). A newly created leader will get his first ¿star¿ in 6 seasons (again, not counting the battles). Mindless creatures never gain experience however.
* Crown of Command : gives +50 leadership.
* Crystal Matrix : does only work on mages, not on regular commanders, not even on priests. But holy and unholy powers of mage+priest commanders, like theurgs or demonbreds, are raised too.
* Dancing Trident : is not in his owner hands. So the strenght of its owner is not added to its blows, and it uses a miscellaneous item slot (not a weapon slot). It gives an extra attack, and has a 5 reach to keep mobs at bay.
* Fire Brand : sometimes sets the target ablaze. This will do a point of damage every turn and lowers morale.
* Flesh Eater : makes the bearer berserk (no more spells, cannot rout, +3 strength, +3 attack, +3 protection, but -3 defense) even if not wounded in battle.
* Frost Brand : sometimes 'freezes' the target which will cause fatigue, and lowers morale.
* Girdle of Might : gives +3 reinvigoration and +3 strength.
* Heart of Life : the holder gets a chest wound (the affliction is permanent and stays if the heart is removed) - he loses 1 STR and gets +5 ENC for both spellcasting and melee. So the reinvigoration is +5 (not +10), unless he does not cast spell or fight (ie. if he does nothing, he still get the full 10 points of reinvigoration).
* Implementor Axe : the owner counts as 25 normal soldiers when pillaging.
* Lychantropos¿ Amulet : the holder is berserk (+3 prot, +3 str, +3 att, 99 morale, but -3 def) and gains +4 more str (for a total of +7). The amulet can not be dropped, but stays on the werewolf (who gets the same bonuses, but is not stealthy).
* Medallion of Vengeance : protection vs. fire negates.
* Rune Smasher : helps to crack enemy magic resistance to rituals, like Vengeance of the Dead (and not only battle spells).
* Slave matrix : does only work on mages, not on regular commanders, not even on priests. And you need at least two 'slave' mages to effectively reduce fatigue on the 'master'.
* Thunder Bow : can be used in a storm or underwater.
* Winged Helmet : with this item, a flying commander can fly during a storm. It also gives +1 att/def in storm.
* Banner of the Northern Star : the holder loses 2 points of MR.
* Black Heart : the holder gets a chest wound (the affliction is permanent and stays if the heart is removed).
* Boots of Quickness : gives twice as many attacks, and +3 attack and defense. It lets you fire a crossbow every turn.
* Crystal Heart : the owner gets a chest wound (the affliction is permanent and stays if the heart is removed or used). If he dies, the crystal will immediately restore the owner to full health and zero fatigue. This effect takes place instantaneously in battle.
* Ethereal Crossbow : works during a storm. There is a magic resistance roll for the soul slaying effect.
* Flesh Ward : cant be dropped.
* Robe of the Magi : also increases Holy/Unholy powers. The wearer gets an horror mark.
* Robe of Invulnerability : gives Protection 30.
* Ring of Sorcery : gives +1 level of Blood, Nature, Death and Astral Magic.
* Ring of Wizardry : also increases Unholy powers (but not Holy powers, curiously).
* Shield of Gleaming Gold : gives awe (0) or increases existing awe by +1.
* Spell Focus : helps to crack enemy magic resistance to rituals, like Vengeance of the Dead (and not only battle spells). It does not affect other magic items used by the same mage, like Ethereal Crossbow.
* Staff of Storm : cancels all ordinary missile fire, plus most flyers cannot fly (the exceptions being air elementals, spring hawks, storm guards, storm demons, sylphs, queens of air and horrors- very convenient, since the same mage can summon most of them...). The storm affects the battlefield right from the start and does not need casting (but the storm does stop if the holder of the Staff is killed). It also lets you summon five more Corpse Men each turn.
* Standard of the Damned : casts Drain Life and add the points to the bearer. When his hp are full, the wearer sometime stops using it and engages in melee.
Treelord Staff : lets you summon one more Vine Men or Vine Ogre each turn.
* Alchemist Stone : gives +50% (rounded up) gold when you make gold out of magical gems (a fire gem brings 23 gold and an earth gem gives 15 gold).
* Amon Hotep : gives Protection 30, fire resistance, +4 awe and +5 magic resistance. Summoned mummies are good leaders (25-50-0). Can not be dropped.
* Ankh : will revive any non-undead unit on the battlefield (with the possible exception of immortals and pretenders) as a Soulless. They keep all magic & experience, but they change into Soulless so they may loose resistances (Abysians would lose their fire resistance, for example) and gain the benefits of the undead.
* Aseftik's Armor : can not be dropped, but good Protection and +3 Magic Resistance.
* Ark : blinds non holy priests, like ermorian priests or prophets (unless priest from the start, they have priestly powers but they are not ¿sacred¿).
* Boots of Antaeus : the wearer regenerates.
* Boots of the Planes : give etherealness and allow a super combatant to teleport around without making a lab or spending gems. He gets an horror mark though.
* Crown of Overmight : can not be dropped. Gives awe (0) or increases existing awe by +1.
* Fenris Pelt : wearer turns berserk, but the Pelt casts Howl each turn.
* Gate Stone : Allows you to gateway an army without an astral mage (and it does not require a lab to use). Hence no trouble from magic duels in response.
* Gift of Kurgi : the mage gets feebleminded, but the item gives him +8 defense and extra armour negating astral claw, as well as other benefits, and allows him to cast freely Send Lesser Horror.
* Green eye : the holder loses one eye (the affliction is permanent and stays if the eye is removed).
* Harvest Blade : makes the bearer berserk (no more spells, cannot rout, +3 str, att and prot but -3 defense) even if not wounded in battle. It cripples anyone hit, so that he can't run away. It also allows the bearer to attack an entire square at once : 6 hobbits or 3 humans in one swoop... and never misses (the attack value is strictly for repel purposes). Can not be dropped however.
* Mage Bane : the holder gets an MR bonus but also an horror mark. In addition to its normal damage it appears to do 100 fatigue per hit, regardless of target's MR. Plus, it has the chance to instantly kill if victim is magical.
* Magic Lamp : the djinn will vanish in a puff of smoke if the lamp is rebuilt by any player. All items worn by the djinn are then lost even if you summon him again. He keeps his experience however.
* Oath Rod of Kurgi : the holder gets an horror mark.
* Robe of Calius the Druid : full elemental protection, +3 Magic Resistance, Water Breathing.
* Ruby eye : also gives 2 water gems a turn. The holder loses one eye (the affliction is permanent and stays if the eye is removed).
* Sickle whose Crop is Pain : also gives one death gem per kill in battle.

6.11 FAQS


Q: How do you tell what is the terrain (tundra, plains etc.) of a given province ?

A : Here's a key to the colors:

Orange: Plains

Blue: Water

Dark Brown: Mountain

Yellow: Farm

Green: Forest

Dark Blue: Swamp

White: Tundra

Light Brown: Waste

As provinces grow (or shrink) you can see farms and forests spread (or wasteland spread).

The game counts every pixel of each color in a province and calculates the its stats according to the pixel breakdown. It sees all provinces with 98% or more water as a sea province.
Q: What is the % to find a Magic Site ?

A : Each site is keyed to a certain type of magic and has a discovery rating from 0 - 4, where 0 means that a site is found automatically by anyone entering the province and a number greater then 0 indicates that you need to search with a commander of that rating for that Magic Path to unveil that particular site (then the discovery is automatic). There are only four level 4 sites (one Astral, one Fire and two Holy), so really there is no reason to send a site searcher out with more than 3 for the other spheres (and with only four exceptions, all underwater sites have a level of 2 or less).

Each site corresponds to only one path, although the gems found in a site need not correlate with the path required to find it.

The power of the site is not directly tied to difficulty of finding it, for example there is one level 2 site of each of the eight magic types that will give you 3 crystals (ghoul cave and firbolg fortress are two sites of this category). Sites also have a separate frequency value wich determines how often they occur. The most powerful sites such as sites giving acces to unique and powerful troops or sites that halves your summoning costs are usually difficult to find and rare/unique as well. Blood is the path with the least number of sites. Note that several sites also have an effect on at least one of the scales of the province they're in, or on local unrest, even if still undiscovered.

Click HERE to download an zipped excel file made by G. McGinn and W. Knowles, with all the known magic sites of Dominions.

Once a site is found it is found for everyone though. Discoveries made by enemy players are automatically unveiled when you capture the province

Q: What is the % to find a Holy/Unholy Site ?

A : Holy / Unholy sites can be discovered by corresponding priests, like magic sites (see previous question).

Some holy sites damage undead units, but the ancient temple, marble temple, ancient temple of the deeps and forgotten crypt (probably the most common holy sites) do not.

Only Ermor can access unholy sites, but the highest Unholy site is a level 1.

Q : What does a "Summoning Bonus" do ? I found the nature site Cedar Pillars which has a summoning bonus of 30.

A : The Summoning bonus is subtracted from the gem cost of summonings in that province (you still need the original number of gems but when the spell is cast you pay the % less - the fraction is rounded down, so a bonus of 30 % reduces a cost of 8 gems to a cost of 6). The best summoning site in the game is the summoning circle with a summoning bonus of 60.

The bonus also works for blood slaves, even if the spells' name are "Bind" something, and not "Summon" something.
Q: What is the % to find blood slaves ?

A : Officially, the base chance is 10% (even without blood magic knowledge) + 20% per blood magic level + 40% if using a Sanguine Dousing Rod.

The score in blood magic affects both the chance of finding and the number of slave found : the nr of slaves found = a dice roll (open ended) + (score in blood magic), if the hunt is successful. A Dowsing rod will add both to the chance to find slaves and to the number found.

It¿s also much harder to find blood slaves in depopulated provinces and it¿s impossible above a certain unrest level.

See HERE to see more figures about slave hunt.

Q : What is the berserk bonus ?

A : When wounded, some units can go berserk. They gain +3 attack, strenght and protection, but -3 defense. They cannot rout, but they attack the closest enemy and ignore all orders like cast spell, fire, hold, or attack commander. Some items like the Berserker Pelt and the Flesh Eater make their holder automatically berserk even if not wounded.

Berserk units stay on the battlefield to the death, but could also win a battle without any commanders (they do not rout even when all leaders are gone).

Q :What is the prize if you win a deathmatch ?

A : The "Champion's Trident" is always the prize (except if your champion has no arms). It is a cursed (can not be dropped or given to another commander) two-handed item that grants quickness.

Also, he who holds the Trident is forced to enter all future tourneys as long as he keeps winning!

The main benefit from the tourney is the gain of 1000 points of experience, which catapult the winner into the Hall of Fame and thus grant a heroic ability (if this random ability is quickness, your commander will make 5 attacks/turn).

Q : I have a immortal, that automatically revives if I'm in my dominion. Is the "deathmatch" area considered in dominion?

A : No a deathmatch is not in your dominion, it is considered neutral for all such purposes. So you will only have basic strength, magic resistance, etc. Your hit points will still be higher if you started out in a friendly dominion though.

Q : Are my scout's reports trustworthy ?

A : Scouts and spies observing troops can be off by 50 - 200%. They sometime omit a troop type (often archers or crossbowmen in small number) but never add any by mistake.

Q : Do my armies fight better in a province with high # white candles ?

A : Yes. Though 1 or 10 candles don't make any difference, except on your pretender or your prophet, who get increased stats. The bonuses can be pretty substantial with a 7+ candle dominion if you have a combat pretender :

Hitpoints: +(#candles*20)% or +(#candles*5)% in enemy dominion (red candles count negative)

Strength: +#candles

MR: +#candles/2 (rounded down)
Q : What is the benefit of prophethood ?

A : +3 strength, +2 attack/defense/precision, +1 MR, extra morale and HP in friendly dominion are a nice package. A prophet also increases his holy power by 1 level (or gains 3 levels if lower, or if he had no power at all). A scout prophet for exemple will be able to stealth preach with the same power as a high priest (3 candles).

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