1000 Game Heroes Choquet, David

Phoenix: The Fall & Rise of Home Videogames (preview edition)

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Phoenix: The Fall & Rise of Home Videogames (preview edition)

Herman, Leonard

NO ISBN; Rolenta Press; 1993; $0; [?]p; TPB. Notes: Leonard Herman: “This was the Phoenix 'prototype'. It contains the full text of the 1st edition through 1991. The booklet was bound by staples and doesn't contain any appendices or indexes. It was sent to prozines and fanzines editors. Fortunately one of the fanzine editors happened to be Chris Johnston who just joined the new magazine EGM2 and reviewed it in that magazine's second issue. This was going to be the final edition until I discovered self publishing.”

  • Phoenix: The Fall & Rise of Home Videogames

Herman, Leonard

0-964-38488-4; Rolenta Press; 1994; $19.99; 296p; TPB. Notes: Leonard Herman: “The first edition with a memorable cover designed by myself. Actually I had assumed that the printers would be able to design a cover but learned too late that that service would take longer and be more expensive. The book itself had been designed on an IBM-compatible with a 286 processor using WordPerfect 6.0 for DOS. There are places in the book where the font changes for no reason at all and the formatting itself is very poor. There are no pictures and the book ends with 1993. There are appendices on Multimedia and Virtual Reality and separate indexes for subject matter and game titles.”

  • Phoenix: 1994

Herman, Leonard

NO ISBN; Rolenta Press; 1994; $0; [?]p; TPB. Notes: Leonard Herman: “I had intended to sell the prototype copy of Phoenix for $14 a copy. Several fanzines wrote reviews and mentioned this price. It was shortly before these reviews were published that I made the decision to actually have the book printed and bound. This drove the retail price up to $19.99. The final kicker was when EGM2 reviewed the book with the $14 price. Since it wasn't fair in my mind that some people paid $14 (postage free!) while others paid $19.99 + $2.50 postage, I decided to include a bonus for all who bought the book at the $19.99 price. The result was Phoenix: 1994 which supplements the original book. This also was the basis for the 1994 chapter in the second edition although the two are not exactly the same. Originally I had hopes to release a yearly update to Phoenix but that idea didn't last too long.”

  • Phoenix: The Fall & Rise of Videogames (second edition)

Herman, Leonard

0-964-38482-5; Rolenta Press; 1997; $19.95; 315p; PB. Notes: Leonard Herman: “The second edition omitted the word 'home' from its subtitle as more coverage was given to major historical arcade games. The book contained over 130 system photographs and screen prints; a major enhancement over the first edition, The typeset was completely redone and the book included three additional chapters covering the years 1994-1996. The appendices from the first edition were disposed in favor of new sections covering classic cartridge based computers and an introduction to the Internet. The two indexes in the first edition were merged together to form one large index. Keith Feinstein from the Electronics Conservatory (Videotopia) designed a nice colorful cover which unfortunately wasn't ready by the time the book went to print so I put together the Pong-type design and the logo. There are scarce differences between the three printings of this edition. The second printing contains an Errata page instead of the mail-in coupon at the back of the book. The third printing updated the magazine and website appendices..”

  • Phoenix: The Fall & Rise of Videogames (third edition)

Herman, Leonard

0-964-38485-X; Rolenta Press; 2001; $24.95; 388p; PB. Notes: With the third edition, Phoenix was expanded to a new 8.5 x 11 size. This was done to provide larger photos. Originally it was hoped that the photos would be in color but this had proved too costly.New for this edition are chapters on 1997 through 2000; a cover gallery of American video game magazines and books, and several Focus-On sections containing information on pertinent people and companies. Also new for this edition is a foreword by Ralph Baer, the father of video games.

  • Pilgrim in the Microworld

Sudnow, David

0-446-51261-3; Warner Books; 1983; $15.50; 227p; HC. Notes: The author does a psychological case study on himself as he becomes addicted to Breakout, and covers his visit to Atari HQ to talk to Brad Stewart (who programmed the VCS version), on his quest for gaming strategies and insight (which btw, are excellent).

  • Play Consoles and Home Computers

Forster, Winnie

3-000-10658-8; Gameplan; 2005; $31; 144p; PB. Notes: Entirely in German.

  • Playboy's Guide to Rating the Video Games

Lowe Jr., Walter

0-867-21212-8; Playboy Paperbacks; 1982; $2.95; 266p; PB. Notes: 16 pages of B&W photo quality illustrations, including standard marketing pseudo-screen-shots. Contains price list for the five home systems.

  • Player's Strategy Guide to Atari VCS Home Video Games, The

Electronic Games

0-440-17068-3; Dell; 1982; 224p; $2.95; PB. Notes: It was put out by Electronic games and had input from their staff, but Arnie Katz wrote the reviews and Frank Tetro the "Tetros Tips" advice on how to play the game. Had a suggested range for a given game (Beginer, Intermediate, Advanced). Some were realistic, some not. (SMTC474) Cover says by the Editors of Electronic Games. Title page says Arnie Katz, Bill Kunkel with strategy tips from "Video" Frank Tetro, Jr.

  • Playing Donkey Kong to Win

Video Game Books, Inc

0-346-12584-7; Cornerstone Library; 1982; $2.50; 32p; PAM. Notes: Color illustrations. Contents same as any other how to win at Donkey Kong book. How else would you play….to lose?

  • Playing Ms. Pac-Man to Win

Video Game Books, Inc

0-671-45759-4; Wallaby Books; 1982; $2.25; 32p; PAM. Notes: Color illustrations. Brief notes on each level. Patterns (patterns?) drawn in parts on separate mazes to help comprehension. Includes seconds monsters stay blue on each board. Has very, very basic description of algorithm used for monsters & fruit movement that might be useful if it's true.

  • Playing with Power in Movies, Television and Video Games

Kinder, Marsha

[ISDN?]; University of California Press; 1991; $[?]; 266p; [Format?]

  • Playing with Power in Movies, Television and Video Games: From Muppet Babies to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Kinder, Marsha

0-520-07776-8; University of California Press; 1993; $29.75; 280p; PB. Notes: Reissue / updated version of 1991 book of similar title.

  • Power Up: How Japanese Video Games Gave the World an Extra Life

Kohler, Chris

0-744-00424-1; Pearson Education; 2004; [$?]; 312p; PB.

St. Clair, John

0-764-55616-9; Wiley; 2004; $29.99; 501p; PB. Notes: A complete step-by-step guide on how to put your own MAME cabinet together from scratch. Includes a CD-ROM with diagrams, MAME software, Pain Shop Pro, and links to hundreds of other arcade projects.

  • Q*Bert and His Friends Coloring Book

[Author?]; [ISBN?]; Parker Brothers; 1983; $[?]; [?]p; COL?. Notes: Green cover with large "Q" on front

  • Q*Bert's Quazy Questions: A Riddle Book to Make You Laugh

[Author?]; [ISBN?]; Parker Brothers; 1983; $[?]; [?]p; [Format?]. Notes: Blue; large "Q" on front; top is round like the "Q".

  • Regulating Videogames

Jaffe, Martin S.

NO ISBN; American Planning Association; 1982; $10.00 ($5.00 to subscribers); 30p; PB?. Notes: Subject is Video games--Law and legislation--United States. Illustrated. American Planning Association, Planning Advisory Service report no. 370. Cover title: "Regulating Videogames: Mixed Results in the Courts (Reprinted from Land Use Law & Zoning Digest), by Edward H. Ziegler, Jr": p. 25-30.

  • Repairing Your Home Video Game

Jennings, Gordon

0-881-90277-2; Datamost; 1984; $9.95; 126p; PB. Notes: Covers basic electronics repair, logical troubleshooting, the repair of power adapters, joysticks, TV/Game switches, cartridges, and consoles for the following systems: Atari 2600, Atari 2600A, Sears Telegames, Sears Video Arcade, Mattel Intellivision I, Tandyvision, Sears Super Video Arcade, and the Atari 5200. 5200 coverage is extremely minimal. Good coverage on the 2600 models. Contains a part number listing of frequent problem components as well as a list of suppliers for repair parts.

  • Resting Your Thumb: Books about Video Games

Hall, Porter B.

[ISBN?]; [Publisher?]; [Date?]; $[?]; [?]p; [Format?].

  • Retro Gaming Hacks: Tips and Tools for Playing the Classics

Lowe, Al and Chris Kohler

0-596-00917-8; O'Reilly Media; 2005; $29.95; 437p; PB.

  • Revolution in the Valley: The Insanely Great Story of How the Mac was Made

Hertzfeld, Andy

0-596-00719-1; O’Reilly Media; 2004; $24.95; 320p; HC.

  • Revolutionaries at Sony: The Making of the Sony Playstation and the Visionaries who Conquered the World of Video Games

Asakura, Reiji

0-071-35587-1; McGraw-Hill Professional; 2000; $[?]; 240p; HC.

  • Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals

Salen, Katie and Eric Zimmerman

0-262-24045-9; MIT Press; 2003; $52; 688; HC.

  • Score! Beating the Top 16 Video Games

Uston, Ken

0-451-11813-8; Signet; 1982; $2.50; 191p; PB. Notes: Has the following on each game: B&W illustrations of the controls and screen(s); basic objective; scenario; novice, good, and expert scores; controls; the board; characteristics, strategies, and other versions (if any at the time), which includes arcade sequels such as Space Invaders Part II and Asteroids Deluxe. Also has a very brief section on home systems and table-tops. This book is full of details on each game!

  • Scoring Big at Pac-Man: How to Munch the Monsters

Kubey, Craig

0-446-30507-3; Warner Books; 1982; $1.25; 48p; PAM. Notes: Poor B&W illustrations. Only three patterns, each drawn entirely in one maze, reducing comprehension. Chart showing board number, fruit, and number of seconds monsters will be blue. No patterns for home version.

  • Screen Play: The Story of Video Games

Sullivan, George

0-723-26251-9; F. Warne; 1983; $10.95; 93p; HC. Notes: Juvenile literature. Includes index. Traces the development of video games since 1966 when an electronics engineer named Ralph Baer invented and marketed the Odyssey home game system.

  • Secrets of the Game Series: TurboGrafx-16 and TurboExpress

DeMaria, Rusel and Andy Eddy

1-55958-064-X; Prima Publishing & Communications; 1990; $9.95; 263p; SC.

  • Secrets of the Game Series: TurboGrafx-16 and TurboExpress Volume 2

Eddy, Andy and Donn Nauert

1-55958-126-3; Prima Publishing; 1992; [$?]; 2413p; SC.

  • Secrets of the Video Game Super Stars

Albin, Len

0-380-80614-2; Avon Books; 1982; $2.50; 186p; PB. Notes: B&W illustrations of varying quality, but most are quite good. Each chapter is based on hints from a person somewhere in the U.S. who had a world record on the game or close to it. The final chapter has short discussion on what's available for the home market and what new games are coming (such as Sub-Roc 3-D and the Atari 5200). Also mentions the unique arcade game, OOPS! by Larry Rosenthal and the introduction has some tips on Wizard Or Wor.

  • Sega Arcade History

Famitsu DC

  • Sega Consumer History

Famitsu DC

Skelly, Timothy

0-809-25541-3; Contemporary Books; 1983; $4.95; 106p; PB. Notes: The most interesting part of the book is the back cover of the book, with him on top of a couple Reactor machines. The cartoons are kinda lame, but it's still an curious piece of debris from the golden age of coin-ops

  • Smartbomb: The Quest for Art, Entertainment, and Big Bucks in the Videogame Revolution

Chaplin, Heather and Aaron Ruby

1-565-12346-8; Algonquin Books; 2005; $24.95; 288p; HC.

1-565-12545-2; Algonquin Books; 2006; $13.95; 304p; PB.

  • So What's Wrong with Playing Video Games?

Berry, Joy Wilt

0-849-98169-7; Word, Inc.; 1982; $2.95; 48p; PB. Notes: Juvenile literature. Appears to be the same book as We Can’t Afford It! Discusses the negative parts of playing too many games and also how to schedule your time and money around other activities. Pictures by Bartholomew.

  • Soul of a New Machine

Kidder, Tracy

[ISBN?]; [Publisher?]; [Date?]; $[?]; [?]p; [Format?].

  • SPACE INVADERS La vera storia dei videogames

Carlà, Francesco

88-86232-81-0; Castelvecchi Editoria & Comunicazione srl, Roma; 1993; L.20000; 402 pages. Notes: The author founded Simulmondo in 1988, which created many of the Amiga titles. This book may be interesting for someone who likes unknown Amiga and PC titles, since the "history" of video games is extremely approximative (he talks about sports titles but devotes just one page about "Mr. Shigaru Miyamoto, unknown japanese inventor”).

  • Sparrow Book of Video Games, The

Webb, Frank

[ISBN?]; Sparrow; 1982; $[?]; [?]p; PB. Notes: Cheesy obvious plagarism of Score! and How to Master the Video Games; some pages have been directly copied. There’s no indication of licensing, so it appears to be a blatant ripoff. Covers the same games as most of the others. Does have some coverage of tabletop/handheld games as well though.

  • Sports Gamer: The Best in Sports Video Games

Rubenstein, Glenn

[ISBN?]; [Publisher?]; [Date?]; $[?]; [?]p; [Format?].

  • Star Raiders

Maggin, Elliot S! (writer) and Jose Luis Garcia Lopez (illustrator)

NO ISBN; DC Comics, Inc.; 1983; $5.95; 64p; unique (graphic novel; approximately magazine size with square binding). Notes: This graphic novel departs from the story in the ATARI FORCE mini-comic included with Star Raiders. It features only a bare cameo of the Atari Force. Otherwise, it is an entirely new cast plus many, many Hukkas. This graphic novel was DC's first. See also: Atari Force and Atari Force Special in periodicals.

  • Study of the Toy Market, Videogame [sic] Industry, Psychological Role of Toys, and Toy Construction in Relation to a Proposed Promotion Campaign for Mattel Electronics Intellivision Video System, A

Dodd, John Carroll

NO ISBN; NO PUBLISHER; 1982; NO PRICE; 56p; bound photocopy. Notes: Okay, so it isn't a book. It's a School of Art honors paper at Kent State University. It was too good to pass up. If anyone goes to K.S.U. to look it up, I'd appreciate a photocopy.

  • Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1971-1984

Burnham, Van

0-262-02492-6; MIT Press; 2001; $49.95; 448p; HC. Notes: Illustrated history of video games.

0-262-02420-1; MIT Press; 2003; $29.99; 448p; PB. Notes: Although Van Burnham is credited as the author, she was mainly just the editor – several other well-known writers in the genre contributed, such as Leonard Herman (who wrote the chapter on the Atari 2600), Steven Kent, Lauren Fielder, and Joe Fielder.

  • Teach Yourself Game Programming in 21 Days

LaMothe, Andre

0-672-30562-3; SAMS Publishing; [Date?]; $[?]; [?]p; [Format?]. Notes: On page 799 he talks about ... you guessed it, Atari 2600 Adventure, and how it "inspired" him to write the example game used in that chapter.

  • Toyland: The High-Stakes Game of the Toy Industry

Stern, Sydney Ladenshohn and Ted Schoenhaus

[ISBN?]; [Publisher?]; [Date?]; $[?]; [?]p; [Format?]. Notes: It's a history on the toy industry with a great chapter on video games. It's got detailed information on Atari's downfall but also quite a bit about Mattel and Coleco plus some stories about 3rd party developers. Later in the book it focuses on the industry circa 1988-9.

  • Trigger Happy: Video Games and the Entertainment Revolution

Poole, Steven

1-559-70539-6; Arcade Publishing; 2000; $25.95; 264p; HC. Notes: Examines the cultural phenomenon of the video game.

1-559-70598-1; Arcade Publishing; 2002; $[?]; 304p; PB. Notes: Revised edition.

  • TV Today

Maccarone, Grace

0-590-32815-8; Scholastic; 1983; $[?]; 103p; PB. Notes: If you wade through the spectacular stuff about Amy Linker (?), Lee Curreri (??), Kathy Maisnik (???) and Stephen Collins (????), you'll find stuff on Pac-Man, the 2600, Intellivision, Colecovision, and even PlayCable, the ill-fated Intellivision version of the Sega Channel Pac-Man graphic in lower right corner of front cover.

  • Twin Galaxies' Official Video Game & Pinball Book of World


Day, Walter A. (editor)

1-887-47225-8; Sunstar Publishing; 1998; $19.95; 984p; TPB. Notes: World records for all arcade and home video games. Also includes 200 pages of reminisces of the days of classic arcades.

  • Ultimate History of Video Games, The: From Pong to Pokemon - The Story Behind the Craze That Touched Our Lives and Changed the World

Kent, Steven L.

0-761-53643-4; Prima Publishing; 2001; $19.95; 624p; PB. Notes: Revised edition of First Quarter.

  • Ultimate Sega Game Strategies for the Master and Genesis Systems.

Sandler, Corey and Tom Badgett

0-553-35312-8; Bantam Books; 1990; $9.95; 266p; PB.

Graham, Ian

0-860-20681-5; Usborne-Hayes; 1982; $[?]; 48p; PB. Notes: Illustrated book about how video games work, from the chips up, from handhelds to arcade games. Also includes playing tips on a number of arcade games. While not labeled as such, most illustrations are obviously real game machines (2600, Odyssey^2 (OD^2), Microvision, many handhelds, computers, and arcade games). Even has an illustration of a Computer Space machine, but it looks more like that Blob thing on the old Hanna-Barbera "Herculoids" cartoon. There may also be a hard cover version of this book.

  • Vid Kid's Book of Home Video Games, The

Stovall, Rawson

0-385-19309-2; Doubleday & Co. (Dolphin); 1984; $6.95; 141p; HC. Notes: The 11-year-old author reviews more than 80 video games available for the six different systems available at the time, and offers advice on strategy.

  • Video Arcade, Pinball, Slot Machine, and Other Amusement

Tokens of North America

Alpert, Stephen P. & Kenneth E. Smith

[ISBN?] (LCCN 85-115285); Amusement Token Collectors Association; 1984; $[?]; 254p; [Format?]. Notes: [Info?]

  • Video Computer System

Bogost, Ian & Nick Montfort

[ISBM?]; MIT Press; 2008; $[?]; [p?]; [Format?]. Notes: The book covers the ancestry of the VCS (including Pong and the Atari Home Pong systems), the hardware design of the machine and its implications for creativity, and discusses many influential VCS games (Combat, Adventure, Pitfall, Pac-Man, and others). It is illustrated throughout, and written to appeal to technically inclined general readers as well academics studying all sorts of creative work in digital media.

  • Video Fever

Beamer, Charles

0-840-75831-6; Nelson; 1982; $3.95; 143p; PB. Notes: Illustrated. Psychological & social study.

  • Video Game Operator's Handbook


[ISBN?]; Atari Corporation; 1980; $[?]; 80+p; [Format?]. Notes: (25 Apr 1995) Published by Atari and distributed exclusively through Atari Innovative Leisure, the "VIDEO GAME OPERATOR'S HANDBOOK" describes in 80+ pages how to understand and trouble shoot classic video games. This book was written to help amusement operators when video gaming was in its infancy AND assumes the reader has NO technical knowledge, NO test equipment and VERY FEW tools! Filled with great trouble-shooting tips. High Quality, bound reprint $27.50 post paid by priority mail. Order from: E.W.Saunders P.O. Box 825 Tucker, GA 30085-0825

  • Video Game Quest: The Complete Guide to Home Video Game Systems, Video Games and Accessories

John C. DeKeles

0-962-50572-2; DMS; 1990; $13.79; 248p; PB. Notes: A really cool book that gives a rundown on games for the NES, SMS, GEN,TG-16,GB and LYNX organized by genre. There is also a section on hardware accessories for the various systems and a "game tracker" checklist in the back to check off each game in your collection. The last section is a listing of game companies and addresses so you can write them. The 1st Chapter, entitled "Past Present and Future", was written for DMS by Lou Kesten. Lou has been involved with video games for many years and is currently the associate editor for GAMES magazine (in 1990). According to the book, a company was planning on releasing a Famicom clone in the U.S.!

  • Video Game $ecret$ of the Orient

Enrico del Mundo

[ISBN?]; Del World Publications; [Date?]; $[?]; [?]p; [Format?].

  • Video Game Scorebook, The

Williams, Sally

0-425-05859-X; Berkely Books; 1982; no cover price; 78p; PB. Notes: This skinny paperback doesn't have much to it. It's just a collection of different charts and such to fill in about your arcade exploits. Includes scores to beat; daily, weekly, and monthly score log; record of on-going competition; strategy charts; and total games played.
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