THEFT IS AN EMPIRICALLY VERIFIED POSSIBILITY – THERE HAVE BEEN AT LEAST 18 CASES. Matthew Bunn Senior research associate @ the JFK School of Government, ʻ06] A Mathematical Model of the Risk of Nuclear Terrorism Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 607 (Sep, 2006), pp. 103-120 The principal source of black market nuclear material is likely to be nuclear theft, by outsiders or insiders not directly connected to terrorist groups. Numerous cases of theft of weapons-usable nuclear material, apparently with the intention of selling the stolen nuclear material on the black market, have occurred. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA; 2005) has documented eighteen seizures of stolen HEU or separated plutonium confirmed by the states concerned. More incidents have occurred, but the states in question have not been willing to confirm them.
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