With such definition the DiffusionSolverFE will behave like FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE as far as computation.
Remark: DiffusionSolverFE autoscales diffusion discretization depending on the lattice so that we used in FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE is unnecessary.
This may result in slow performance so users have to be aware that those extra calls to the solver may be the cause. Typical syntax for the DiffusionSolverFE may look like example below:
The syntax resembles the syntax for FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE. We specify global diffusion constant by using tag. This specifies diffusion coeeficient which applies to entire region of the simulation. We can override this specification for regions occupied by certain cell types by using the following syntax:
Similar principles apply to decay constant and we use tag to specify global decay coeeficient and
to override global definition for regions occupied by Red cells.
We do not support , or tags.
Remark: DiffusionSolverFE autoscales diffusion discretization depending on the lattice so that we used in FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE is unnecessary.
GPU Solver
To run DiffusionSolverFE on GPU all we have to do (besides having OpenCL compatible GPU and correct drives installed) to replace first line of solver specification:
Remark: This is an experimental module and was not fully curated.
This steppable solves advection diffusion equation on a cell field as opposed to grid. Of course, the inaccuracies are bigger than in the case of PDE being solved on the grid but on the other hand solving the PDE on a cell field means that we associate cocentration with a given cell (not just with a lattice point). This means that as cells move so does the concentration. In other words we get advection for free. The mathematical treatment of this kind of approximation was spelled out in Phys. Rev. E 72, 041909 (2005) paper by D.Dan et al.
The equation solved by this steppable is of the type:
where denotes concentration , is diffusion constant, decay constant, is velocity field.
In addition to just solving advection-diffusion equation this module allows users to specify secretion rates of the cells as well as different secretion modes. The syntax for this module follows same apttern as FlexibleDiffusionSolverFE.
Example syntax: