2section (Continued) 6 Layer 3 Processing

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The mobile station shall measure the arrival time, PILOT_ARRIVAL, for each pilot reported to the base station. The pilot arrival time shall be the time of occurrence, as measured at the mobile station antenna connector, of the earliest arriving usable multipath component of the pilot (for SR3 pilots, it is based on the earliest arriving usable multipath component from all three carriers). The arrival time shall be measured relative to the mobile station’s time reference (see [2]) in units of PN chips. The mobile station shall compute the reported pilot PN phase, PILOT_PN_PHASE, as


where PILOT_PN is the PN sequence offset index of the pilot (see [2]). Handoff Messages Processing of Forward Traffic Channel Handoff Messages

If the mobile station receives any of the following messages, then the mobile station shall process the message as described.

1. Pilot Measurement Request Order: The mobile station shall send, within T56m seconds, a Pilot Strength Measurement Message if P_REV_IN_USEs is less than seven or a Extended Pilot Strength Measurement Message if P_REV_IN_USEs is equal to or greater than seven.

2. Reserved

3. Neighbor List Update Message: If P_REV_IN_USEs is greater than or equal to eight, the mobile station shall send a Mobile Station Reject Order with the ORDQ field set to ‘00000010’ (message not accepted in this state); otherwise, the mobile station shall process the message as specified in and set SEARCH_PRIORITY_INCLs, SRCH_WIN_NGHBR_INCLs, and SRCH_OFFSET_INCLs to ‘0’, and set TIMING_INCL for each of the neighboring base stations in the Neighbor List Update Message to ‘0’.

4. Extended Handoff Direction Message: The mobile station shall process the message as follows:

The mobile station shall send a Mobile Station Reject Order with the ORDQ field set to ‘00000110’ (capability not supported), if the mobile station does not support the band class specified in the Extended Handoff Direction Message.

If the mobile station does not send a Mobile Station Reject Order in response to the Extended Handoff Direction Message, the mobile station shall perform the following at the action time of the message:

• The mobile station shall send a Handoff Completion Message or an Extended Handoff Completion Message as specified in

• Update the Active Set, Candidate Set, and Neighbor Set in accordance with the Extended Handoff Direction Message processing (see,, and

• The mobile station shall delete all pilots that are not listed in the Active Set from the Active Set of the Supplemental Channel for the Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment (if any). If these deleted pilots include all pilots in the Active Set of the Supplemental Channel, the mobile station shall cancel the Forward Supplemental Channel Assignment.

• Discontinue use of all Forward Traffic Channels associated with pilots not listed in the Extended Handoff Direction Message.

• The mobile station shall update the Code Channel List, CODE_CHAN_LISTs, as specified in 2.6.8.

• If the mobile station is currently processing Forward Supplemental Code Channels, then it shall continue processing the Forward Supplemental Code Channels using the updated Code Channel List, CODE_CHAN_LISTs.

• The mobile station shall set IGNORE_SCAMs and IGNORE_ESCAMs to ‘0’.

• If HARD_INCLUDED is equal to ‘1’, perform the following actions:

– If FRAME_OFFSETr is not equal to FRAME_OFFSETs, change the frame offset on all of the code channels of the Forward Traffic Channel and of the Reverse Traffic Channel.

– If RESET_L2r is equal to ‘1’, Layer 3 shall send a L2-Supervision.Request primitive to Layer 2 to reset the acknowledgment procedures as specified in [4]. The acknowledgment procedures shall be reset immediately after the action time of the Extended Handoff Direction Message.

– If RESET_FPCr is equal to ‘1’, initialize the Forward Traffic Channel power control counters as specified in

– If SERV_NEG_TYPEr is equal to ‘1’, set SERV_NEGs to enabled; otherwise set SERV_NEGs to disabled.

– Use the long code mask as follows:

  • If PRIVATE_LCMr equals ‘1’, the mobile station shall use the Private Long Code Mask as specified in 2.3.6.

  • If PRIVATE_LCMr equals ‘0’, the mobile station shall use the Public Long Code Mask derived from PLCM_TYPEs as specified in 2.3.6.

  • The mobile station shall indicate to the user the voice privacy mode status.

– Process the ENCRYPT_MODE field as specified in

• Store the following parameters from the current configuration:

– Serving Frequency Assignment (SF_CDMACHs = CDMACHs)

– Serving Frequency band class (SF_BAND_CLASSs = BAND_CLASSs)

– Serving Frequency frame offset (SF_FRAME_OFFSETs= FRAME_OFFSETs)

• If HARD_INCLUDED is not equal to ‘1’, set NUM_PREAMBLEs = ‘000’.

• Store the following parameters from the Extended Handoff Direction Message:

Extended Handoff Direction Message sequence number (HDM_SEQs = HDM_SEQr)

– If SEARCH_INCLUDED is equal to ‘1’, then store the following:

    + Search window size for the Active Set and Candidate Set
    (SRCH_WIN_As = SRCH_WIN_Ar )

    + Pilot detection threshold (T_ADDs = T_ADDr)

    + Pilot drop threshold (T_DROPs = T_DROPr)

    + Active Set versus Candidate Set comparison threshold

    (T_COMPs = T_COMPr)

    + Drop timer value (T_TDROPs = T_TDROPr)

– If HARD_INCLUDED is equal to ‘1’, then store the following:

    + Frame offset (FRAME_OFFSETs = FRAME_OFFSETr)

    + Nominal power setting of the target cell (NOM_PWRs = NOM_PWRr)

    + Hard handoff traffic channel preamble count required before transmitting Handoff Completion Message or Extended Handoff Completion Message (NUM_PREAMBLEs = NUM_PREAMBLEr )

    + CDMA band class (CDMABANDs = BAND_CLASSr)

    + Frequency assignment (CDMACHs = CDMA_FREQr)

    + Nominal power setting of the target cell (If CDMABANDs = ‘00000’ or CDMABANDs = ‘00011’, then NOM_PWR_EXTs = ‘0’; otherwise, NOM_PWR_EXTs = NOM_PWR_EXTr)

– One occurrence of PILOT_PN and PWR_COMB_IND for each included member of the Active Set.

– If ADD_LENGTH is not equal to ‘000’, then store the following:

    + Protocol revision level (P_REVs = P_REVr)

    + Protocol revision level currently in use (P_REV_IN_USEs = the minimum value of P_REVs and MOB_P_REVp of the current band class)

– Disable return on failure (RETURN_IF_HANDOFF_FAILs = ‘0’)

• Perform a soft or hard handoff depending on the following conditions:

– If any of the following conditions is true, the mobile station shall perform a hard handoff:

+ HARD_INCLUDED is set to ‘1’ and either BAND_CLASSr is not equal to SF_CDMABANDs, CDMA_FREQr is not equal to SF_CDMACHs, or FRAME_OFFSETr is not equal to SF_FRAME_OFFSETs, or

+ The set of pilots specified by the message is disjoint from the Active Set prior to the action time of the message.

– If the mobile station performs a hard handoff, it shall perform the following:

+ If a Periodic Serving Frequency Pilot Report Procedure is in progress, abort the procedure (see

+ If a Candidate Frequency periodic search is in progress, abort the periodic search (see and and set PERIODIC_SEARCHs to ‘0’.

+ The mobile station shall cancel the Forward Supplemental Channel assignment or the Reverse Supplemental Channel assignment (if any).

+ Perform the actions specified in If the message specifies more than one pilot, the mobile station shall also perform the actions specified in and

– Otherwise, the mobile station shall perform a soft handoff as specified in

5. Candidate Frequency Search Request Message: The mobile station shall process the message as follows:

The mobile station shall send a Mobile Station Reject Order with the ORDQ field set to ‘00000110’ (capability not supported), if the following condition is true:

• SEARCH_MODEr is not equal to ‘0000’, and the mobile station does not support the capability specified by SEARCH_MODEr.

If none of the above conditions is true, the mobile station shall perform the actions described in the remainder of this section to process the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message.

If SEARCH_MODEr is equal to ‘0000’, the mobile station shall process the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message as follows:

• The mobile station shall send a Mobile Station Reject Order with the ORDQ field set to ‘00001100’ (invalid Frequency Assignment), if the Frequency Assignment specified in the message is the same as the Serving Frequency (BAND_CLASSr is equal to CDMABANDs and CDMA_FREQr is equal to CDMACHs).

• The mobile station shall send a Mobile Station Reject Order with the ORDQ field set to ‘00001010’ (search set not specified), if SEARCH_TYPEr is equal to ‘01’ or ‘11’, and one of the following conditions is true:

 PILOT_UPDATEr is equal to ‘0’ and the Candidate Frequency Search Set before the action time of the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message is empty, or

 PILOT_UPDATEr is equal to ‘1’ and the message specifies an empty search set.

• The mobile station shall send a Mobile Station Reject Order with the ORDQ field set to ‘00001101’ (search period too short), if SEARCH_TYPEr is equal to ‘11’ and search_period is less than (max (fwd_time, rev_time ) + T71m) seconds, where search_period, fwd_time and rev_time are defined below.

(In the following, if PILOT_UPDATEr is equal to ‘1’, rec_search_set is the set of pilots specified in the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message with the corresponding SEARCH_SET field set to ‘1’; otherwise, rec_search_set is the Candidate Frequency Search Set before the action time of the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message.)

search_period = time period corresponding to SEARCH_PERIODr shown in

fwd_time = the mobile station’s estimate of the total length of time, in seconds, for which the mobile station will need to suspend its current Forward Traffic Channel processing in order to tune to the Candidate Frequency, to search rec_search_set, and to re-tune to the Serving Frequency; if the mobile station searches rec_search_set in multiple visits, fwd_time is the total time for all visits to the Candidate Frequency in a search period (see

rev_time = the mobile station’s estimate of the total length of time, in seconds, for which the mobile station will need to suspend its current Reverse Traffic Channel processing in order to tune to the Candidate Frequency, to search rec_search_set, and to re-tune to the Serving Frequency; if the mobile station searches rec_search_set in multiple visits, rev_time is the total time for all visits to the Candidate Frequency in a search period

• If the mobile station does not send a Mobile Station Reject Order in response to the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message, it shall perform the following:

  • The mobile station shall send a Candidate Frequency Search Response Message in assured mode, within T56m seconds of receiving the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message. The mobile station shall set the fields of the Candidate Frequency Search Response Message as follows:

 The mobile station shall set TOTAL_OFF_TIME_FWD and TOTAL_OFF_TIME_REV to its estimate of the total number of frames or power control groups for which it will need to suspend its current Forward Traffic Channel processing and Reverse Traffic Channel processing, respectively, in order to tune to the Candidate Frequency, to search rec_search_set, and to re-tune to the Serving Frequency (see If the mobile station searches rec_search_set in multiple visits to the Candidate Frequency, the mobile station shall report the total number of frames or power control groups in all visits in a search period for which it will need to suspend its current Forward Traffic Channel and the Reverse Traffic Channel processing.

 The mobile station shall set MAX_OFF_TIME_FWD and MAX_OFF_TIME_REV to its estimate of the maximum number of frames or power control groups for which it will need to suspend its current Forward Traffic Channel processing and Reverse Traffic Channel processing, respectively, during any single visit to tune to the Candidate Frequency, to search a subset of rec_search_set, and to re-tune to the Serving Frequency.39

 The mobile station shall set PCG_OFF_TIMES to ‘1’ if TOTAL_OFF_TIME_FWD, MAX_OFF_TIME_FWD, TOTAL_OFF_TIME_REV and MAX_OFF_TIME_REV are expressed in units of power control groups. If these time estimates are expressed in units of frames, the mobile station shall set PCG_OFF_TIMES to ‘0’. The mobile station shall not use power control groups as the unit of duration if P_REV_IN_USEs is less than six.

 If ALIGN_TIMINGr is equal to ‘1’, the mobile station shall set ALIGN_TIMING_USED to ‘1’ to indicate if it will align its search as requested by the base station; otherwise, the mobile station shall set ALIGN_TIMING_USED to ‘0’. If ALIGN_TIMING_USED is set to ‘1’, the mobile station shall set MAX_NUM_VISITS to the maximum number of visits per search period minus one. If MAX_NUM_VISITS is not equal to 0, the mobile station shall set INTER_VISIT_TIME, in units of frames or power control groups, to its estimate of the time between the beginning of consecutive visits to the Candidate Frequency within the same search period.

 When the message takes effect, the mobile station shall perform the following actions:

     If any periodic search is in progress, the mobile station shall abort it (see and

    + Store the following parameters from the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message:

    Candidate Frequency Search Request Message sequence number (CFSRM_SEQs = CFSRM_SEQr)

     Periodic search flag: If SEARCH_TYPEr is equal to ‘11’, the mobile station shall set PERIODIC_SEARCHs to ‘1’; otherwise, the mobile station shall set PERIODIC_SEARCHs to ‘0’.

     Search period on the Candidate Frequency

     Candidate Frequency search mode


     Band class for the Candidate Frequency


     CDMA Channel number for the CDMA Candidate Frequency


     Serving Frequency total pilot Ec threshold


     Serving Frequency total pilot Ec/I0 threshold


     Received power difference threshold


     Candidate Frequency Total pilot Ec/I0 threshold


     Pilot detection threshold on the CDMA Candidate Frequency

    (CF_T_ADDs = CF_T_ADDr)

     Maximum time on the CDMA Target Frequency that the mobile station may wait to receive a period of (N11m  20) ms with sufficient signal quality on the physical channel corresponding to FPC_PRI_CHANs


     Pilot PN sequence offset increment on the CDMA Candidate

    Frequency (CF_PILOT_INCs = CF_PILOT_INCr)

     Search window for pilots in the Neighbor Set on the CDMA Candidate Frequency (CF_SRCH_WIN_Ns = CF_SRCH_WIN_Nr)

     Search window for pilots in the Remaining Set on the CDMA Candidate Frequency (CF_SRCH_WIN_Rs = CF_SRCH_WIN_Rr)

     If PILOT_UPDATE is equal to ‘1’, the mobile station shall perform the following:

    à Set CF_SEARCH_PRIORITY_INCLs and CF_SRCH_WIN_NGHBR_INCLs to the values corresponding to CF_NGHBR_SRCH_MODE shown in Table,


     If PILOT_UPDATE is equal to ‘1’, the mobile station shall replace the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set with all neighbor pilots specified in the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message. Specifically, the mobile station shall store the following:

à Set the NGHBR_PN field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to NGHBR_PNr.

à Set the ADD_PILOT_REC_INCL field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to ADD_PILOT_REC_INCLr. If ADD_PILOT_REC_INCLr is equal to ‘1’, the mobile station shall store the following:

– Set the NGHBR_PILOT_REC_TYPE field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to NGHBR_PILOT_REC_TYPEr.

– If NGHBR_PILOT_REC_TYPEr equals ‘000’, the mobile station shall set the TD_POWER_LEVEL and TD_MODE fields of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to TD_POWER_LEVELr and TD_MODEr, respectively.

– If NGHBR_PILOT_REC_TYPEr is equal to ‘001’, the mobile station shall

 Set the AUX_PILOT_QOF field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to QOFr.

 Set the AUX_PILOT_WALSH_CODE field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to AUX_PILOT_WALSHr with the Walsh Code length specified by WALSH_LENGTHr.

– If NGHBR_PILOT_REC_TYPEr is equal to ‘010’, the mobile station shall:

 Set the AUX_PILOT_TD_QOF field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to QOFr.

 Set the AUX_PILOT_WALSH_CODE field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to AUX_WALSHr with the Walsh Code length specified by WALSH_LENGTHr.

 Set the AUX_TD_POWER_LEVEL field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to AUX_TD_POWER_LEVELr.

 Set the TD_MODE field of the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to TD_MODEr.

    – If NGHBR_PILOT_REC_TYPEr is equal to ‘011’, the mobile station shall:

 Set the SR3_PRIMARY_PILOT field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to SR3_PRIMARY_PILOTr.

 Set the SR3_PILOT_POWER1 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to SR3_PILOT_POWER1r.

 Set the SR3_PILOT_POWER2 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to SR3_PILOT_POWER2r.

    – If NGHBR_PILOT_REC_TYPEr is equal to ‘100’, the mobile station shall:

 Set the SR3_PRIMARY_PILOT field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to SR3_PRIMARY_PILOTr.

 Set the SR3_PILOT_POWER1 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to SR3_PILOT_POWER1r.

 Set the SR3_PILOT_POWER2 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to SR3_PILOT_POWER2r.

 Set the AUX_PILOT_QOF field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to QOFr.

 Set the AUX_PILOT_WALSH_CODE field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to AUX_PILOT_WALSHr with the Walsh Code length specified by WALSH_LENGTHr.

 If ADD_INFO_INCL1r is equal to ‘1’, set the AUX_PILOT_QOF1 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to QOF1r and set the AUX_PILOT_WALSH_CODE1 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to AUX_PILOT_WALSH1r with the Walsh Code length specified by WALSH_LENGTH1r; otherwise, set the AUX_PILOT_QOF1 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to QOFr and set the AUX_PILOT_WALSH_CODE1 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to AUX_PILOT_WALSHr with the Walsh Code length specified by WALSH_LENGTHr.

 If ADD_INFO_INCL2r is equal to ‘1’, set the AUX_PILOT_QOF2 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to QOF2r and set the AUX_PILOT_WALSH_CODE2 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to AUX_PILOT_WALSH2r with the Walsh Code length specified by WALSH_LENGTH2r; otherwise, set the AUX_PILOT_QOF2 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to QOFr and set the AUX_PILOT_WALSH_CODE2 field of Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set Pilot Record to AUX_PILOT_WALSHr with the Walsh Code length specified by WALSH_LENGTHr.

     If PILOT_UPDATE is equal to ‘1’ and CF_SEARCH_PRIORITY_INCLs is equal to ‘1’, the mobile station shall store the search priority (SEARCH_PRIORITYs = SEARCH_PRIORITYr) associated with each of the neighboring base stations contained in the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set.

     If PILOT_UPDATE is equal to ‘1’ and CF_SRCH_WIN_NGHBR_INCLs is equal to ‘1’, the mobile station shall perform the following:

    à Store the neighbor pilot channel search window size (SRCH_WIN_NGHBRs = SRCH_WIN_NGHBRr) associated with each of the neighboring base stations contained in the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set,

    à If CF_SRCH_OFFSET_INCLr equals ‘1’, store the neighbor pilot channel search window offset (SRCH_OFFSET_NGHBRs = SRCH_OFFSET_NGHBRr) associated with each of the neighboring base stations contained in the Candidate Frequency Neighbor Set.

     If PILOT_UPDATE is equal to ‘1’, the mobile station shall replace the Candidate Frequency Search Set with all flagged pilots (those with the corresponding SEARCH_SET field set to ‘1’) specified in the Candidate Frequency Search Request Message.

    + If ALIGN_TIMINGr is equal to ‘1’ and the mobile station will align its search as requested by the base station, the mobile station shall set ALIGN_TIMING_USEDs to ‘1’ and SEARCH_OFFSETs to SEARCH_OFFSETr; otherwise, the mobile station shall set ALIGN_TIMING_USEDs to ‘0’ and SEARCH_OFFSETs to ‘000000’.

    + If the mobile station sets the PCG_OFF_TIMES field of the Candidate Frequency Search Response Message to ‘1’, it shall set SEARCH_TIME_RESOLUTIONs to 0.00125; otherwise, it shall set SEARCH_TIME_RESOLUTIONs to 0.02.

    + If SEARCH_TYPEr is equal to ‘01’, the mobile station shall perform a single search of the Candidate Frequency Search Set, as described in If SEARCH_TYPEr is equal to ‘11’, the mobile station shall perform the periodic search procedures, as described in

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