Figure 4: Map of central Georgia with [PM2.5] roses of the semi-permanent FAQS sites Columbus, Macon, Augusta and Griffin for years 2001 and 2002, separating summer (red) from winter (blue) halves. The wind rose of downtown Atlanta represents data collected during EPA’s Super-Site Experiment in August 1999 [Baumann et al., 2003a]. The blue and red numbers next to each rose plot indicate the average [PM2.5] during calm conditions of each measurement period.
The above findings from the wind rose evaluation raise the question if the observed seasonal differences in fine PM mass concentration manifest also on smaller timescales, e.g. diurnally, and if the variability within each season is significant. The following Figure 6 therefore depicts diurnal cycles of [PM2.5] averaged over 24 1-hour intervals for the individual seasons, i.e. summers 2000, 2001, 2002 (left) and winters 2000/01 and 2001/02 (right) comparing the different FAQS sites.