A description of the CS including any common name.
The label (see 12.2.2).
The code (see 12.2.3).
Function type
Either “generating function” or “map projection”.
CS type
One of: 3D linear, 3D curvilinear, surface linear, surface curvilinear, map projection, 2D linear, 2D curvilinear, 1D linear, or 1D curvilinear.
Either “None” or a list of one or more properties of the CS chosen from the following: orthogonal, not orthogonal, orthonormal, not orthonormal, conformal, or not conformal. Conformal and not conformal only apply to map projections.
CS parameters and constraints
The parameters (if any) that control aspects of the CS and constraints on how those parameters interrelate.
Coordinate symbols and common names.
Domain of the generating function or mapping equations
The domain of the CS generating function or mapping equations.
Generating function or mapping equations
The CS generating function or mapping equations.
Domain of the inverse of the generating function or mapping equations
The domain of the inverse of the CS generating function or mapping equations.
Inverse of the generating function or mapping equations
The inverse of the CS generating function or mapping equations.
Zero or more figure(s) that explain and illustrate the CS.
Additional, non-normative information concerning the CS.
Reference type
The reference type (see 12.2.5).
The references (see 12.2.5).