Note:The Tare (Pallet Level) hierarchical loop is required on the ASN when submitting an ASN with GS-128 bar code labeling on each pallet. Below are examples of how the various hierarchical levels are linked. For complete 856 data examples please see “856 Data Examples” located at the end of this document.
ASN with GS1-128 Labeling at Tare (Pallet) and Pack (Carton) Level:
HL*1**S (shipment)
HL*2*1*O (order)
HL*3*2*T (Tare/Pallet)
HL*4*3*P (carton)
HL*5*4*I (item)
ASN with GS1-128 Labeling at Tare(Pallet) Level Only:
HL*1**S (shipment)
HL*2*1*O (order)
HL*3*2*T (Tare/Pallet)
HL*4*3*I (Item)
ASN with GS1-128 Labeling at Pack(Carton)Level Only:
HL*1**S (shipment)
HL*2*1*O (order)
HL*3*2*P (carton)
HL*4*3*I (item)