A-, an-: without abyss, alogical, an

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udometer metron

ufology logoV

ulcer elkoV

ulcerate elkoV

ulceration elkoV

ulcerous elkoV

ulotrichan ouloV/qrix

ulotrichous ouloV/qrix

Ultima Thule Qulh

ultrabasic bainw

ultracentrifuge kentew

ultracritical krinw

ultramicroscope mikroV/skopew

ultramicrotome mikroV/temnw

ultrasaurus sauroV

ultrasonography grafw

umbilical cord cordh

unanchored agkura

unapologetic logoV

unapologetically logoV

unathletic aqlon

unathletically aqlon

unbaptized baptw

unblamed fhmi

uncanonical kanna

uncharacteristically carassmw

uncharted carthV

unchristian criw

uncritical krinw

uncritically krimw

uncrowned korwnh

uncrystallized kruoV

undecagon deka/gwnia

undemocratic dhmoV/kratew

undemocratically dhmoV/kratew

undertone teinw

undiagnosed gignwskw

undisposed pauw

undramatic draw

unglossed glwtta

ungovernable kubernaw

ungoverned kubernaw

ungovernmental kubernaw

ungrammatical grafw

unicameral kamara

unicycle kukloV

unicyclist kukloV

unidiomatic idioV

unimer meroV

unimposing pauw

unineme nhma

unipod pouV

unmassed massw

unmechanical mhcoV

unmetered metron

unmusical Mousa

unopposed pauw

unorganized organon

unorthodox orqoV/dokew

unparalleled alloV

unpatriotic pathr

unpenitent poinh

unphilosophical filoV/sofoV

unphonetic fwnh

unphrased frazw

unphysical fuw

unpoetic poiew

unpoetically poiew

unpompous pempw

unpracticed prattw

unpunishable poinh

unpunished poinh

unrepentant poinh

unrepented poinh

unrepenting poinh

unscheduled scizw

unscholarly scolh

unschooled scolh

unsophistocated sofoV

unstigmatized stizw

unsymmetrical metron

unsympathetic paqoV

unsympathetically paqoV

unsyntactical tattw

unsystematic isthmi

untalented tlaw

untreasured qhsauroV

untune teinw

untypical tupoV

unzealous zhloV

upsilon u/yiloV

upturn tornoV

upturned tornoV

Urania ouranoV

uranian ouranoV

uranic ouranoV

uraniferous ouranoV

uranite ouranoV

uranitic ouranoV

uranium ouranoV

uranography ouranoV/grafw

uranolatry ouranoV/latriV

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uranometry ouranoV/metron

uranopathy ouranoV/paqoV

uranoplasty ouranoV/plattw

uranoscopy ouranoV/skopew

uranous ouranoV

Uranus ouranoV

uranyl ouranoV/ulh

urbanology logoV

urea ouron

uremia ouron/aima

uremic ouron/aima

ureter ouron

urethra ouron

urethritis ouron

urethescope ouron/skopew

urethescopy ouron/skopew

urinalysis luw

urinologist logoV

urinology logoV

urinometer metron

urinoscopist skopew

urinoscopy skopew

urobilin ouron

urobilinuria ouron

uroboros oura

urochord oura/cordh

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urochrome ouron/crwma

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urodele oura/dhloV

uroerythrin ouron/eruqroV

urogaster ouron/gasthr

urogastronome ouron/gasthr

urogenital ouron

urogenous ouron/genoV

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urophanic ouron/fainw

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uroporphyrin ouron/porfura

uroscopy ouron/skopew

urostealith ouron/stear/liqoV

urostyle ouron/stuloV

urotoxic ouron/toxon

urotoxy ouron/toxon

uroxanthic ouron/xanqoV

uroxanthin ouron/xanqoV

urrhodin ouron/rodon

uterotome temnw

utility program grafw

utopia ou/topoV

utopian ou/topoV

utopianism ou/topoV

utopianist ou/topoV

utopianize ou/topoV

utopiate ou/topoV/opoV

utopism ou/topoV

utopist ou/topoV

utriculoplasty plattw

uvulatome temnw

uvulatomy temnw

uvulotome temnw

uvulotomy temnw

vaccinophobia foboV

vacuometer metron

vaginoscope skopew

vagotomy temnw

vagotonia teinw

valvotomy temnw

valvulotomy temnw

vaporimeter metron

varicocele khlh

varicocelectomy temnw

variometer metron

vasculotoxic toxon

vaseline elaia

vasotribe tribw

velodrome dromoV

velodyne odunh

velometer metron

venigenous genoV

Venn diagram grafw

venoclysis kluzw

venography grafw

venospasm spaw

venostasis isthmi

ventriculography grafw

ventropodal pouV

verbomania mainomai

vernicle eikwn

Veronica eikwn

vesicouretal ouron

vestibulotomy temnw

vexillology logoV

vial fialh

vibraphone fwnh

vibrograph grafw

vibrometer metron

vibrophone fwnh

vibroscope skopew

victimology logoV

videocam kamara

videocamera kamara

video card carthV

videogram grafw

videograph grafw

videographer grafw

videography grafw

videophile filoV

video piracy peira

video pirate peira

videoporn pornh

vidicon eikon/skopew

vinometer metron

vinyl ulh

vinylogous ulh/logoV

viremia aima

virogene genoV

virogenesis genoV

viropexis phgnumi

virosome swma

virtucrat kratew

viscerotome temnw

viscerotonic teinw

viscerotropic trepw

viscoelasticity elaunw

viscometer metron

vitaphone fwnh

vitascope skopew

vitelligenous genoV

vitellogenic genoV

vitellophage fagein

vitrectomy temnw

vivotoxin toxon

VoIP kolla

volcaniclastic klaw

voltameter metron

voltammetry metron

voltmeter metron

volumeter metron

volumetric metron

vortograph grafw

vortoscope skopew

vulcanology logoV

vulvectomy temnw

wallpaper papuroV

wallphone fwnh

wallplate platuV

walltower turriV

war economy oikoV

war gas caoV

war hero hroV

war machine mhcoV

war museum Mousa

wartower turriV

war zone zwnh

watch oil elaia

watchtower turriV

water baptism baptw

warer barometer baruV/metron

water base bainw

water bomber bomboV

water buffalo bouV

water cannon kanna

water devil ballw

water gas caoV

water intoxication toxon

water lily leipoin

water mass massw

watermelon mhlon

water meter metron

waternymph numfh

water organ organon

water plate platuV

water taxi tattw

water telescope thle/skopew

water thermometer qeromai/metron

water toxic toxon

wattmeter metron

wave analysis luw

wave base bainw

wave disk diskoV

wave machine mhcoV

wave mechanics mhcoV

wave meter metron

wave period odoV

wave systen isthmi

wave theory qeaomai

wealth pyramid puramiV

weapon system isthmi

weather center kentew

weather cycle kukloV

webcam kamara

weltpolitik poliV

whale oil elaia

wheel barometer baruV/metron

wheel base bainw

white elephant elefaV

white paper papuroV

wind machine mhkoV

wirephoto fwV

wood nymph numfh

wordbase bainw

word center kentew

word geography gh/grafw

word magic magoV

word method meta/odoV

work card carthV

working card carthV

working place platuV

workpause pauw

world government kubernaw

world history istwr

wrestlemania mainomai

writing center kentew

xanthic xanqoV

xanthide xanqoV

xanthin xanqoV

xanthine xanqoV

Xanthippe xanqoV/ippoV

xanthism xanqoV

xanthocarpous xanqoV/karpoV

xanthochroi xanqoV/croa

xanthrochromia xanqoV/crwma

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xanthosis xanqoV

xanthospermous xanqoV/speirw

xanthous xanqoV

xanthoxylon xanqoV/zulon

Xantippe xanqoV/ippoV

x chromosome crwma/swma

Xe xenoV

xenagogue xenoV/agw

xenia xenoV

xenial xenoV

xenobiosis xenoV/bioV

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xerophilous xhroV/filoV

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xerophyte xhroV/fuw

xeroplastic zhroV/plattw

xeroradiography xhroV/grafw

xerosis xhroV

xerostoma xhroV/stoma

Xerox xhroV

xiphoid xiqoV

xiphophyllous xifoV/fullon

xiphosauran xiqoV/sauroV

xylanthrax xulon/anqrax

xylary xulon

xylem xulon

xylite xulon

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xyloid xulon

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xylotherapy xulon/qerapwn

xylotomous xulon/temnw

xylotomy xulon/temnw

xyst xuw

xyster xuw

xystus xuw

yawmeter metron

y chromosome crwma/swma

yellow card cordh

yellow metal metallon

youth center kentew

zeal zhloV

zealless zhloV

zealot zhloV

zealotry zhloV

zealous zhloV

zealously zhloV

zealousness zhloV

zelotic zhloV

zelotism zhloV

zelotry zhloV

Zenia xenoV

zenocentric ZeuV/kentew

zenographic ZeuV/grafw

zenography ZeuV/grafw

zeolite zew/liqoV

zeolithic zew/liqoV

zeolitize zew/liqoV

zeoscope zew/skopew

zephyr ZefuroV

zephyrean ZefuroV

zephrous ZefuroV

zero-based bainw

zerography grafw

zero hour wra

zeta zhta

zetacism zhta

zeta-function zhta

zeta potential zhta

zetetic zhtw

zeuglodon zugon/odouV

zeugma zugon

zeugmatic zugon

zeugmatography zugon/grafw

Zeus ZeuV

zeuxite zugon

zinc chrome crwma

zincography grafw

zinc oxide oxuV

ziphioid xifoV

zither kiqara

zoantharian zaw/anqoV

zoanthropy zaw/anqrwpoV

zoarium zaw

zodiac zaw

zodiacal zaw

Zoe zaw

zoetic zaw

zoic zaw

zoid zaw

zoism zaw

zona zwnh

zonal zwnh

zonar zwnh

zonary zwnh

zonate zwnh

zonation zwnh

zone zwnh

zone center zonh/kentew

zone defense zwnh

zoneless zwnh

zone level zwnh

zone refinery zwnh

zoning zwnh

zonular zwnh

zonule zwnh

zoo zaw

zoocentric zaw/kentew

zoochemistry zaw/cumoV

zoodynamic zaw/dunamai

zooecium zaw/oikoV

zoogen zaw/genoV

zoogenic zaw/genoV

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zoographer zaw/grafw

zoographic zaw/grafw

zoography zaw/grafw

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zooplankton zaw/planh

zooplasty zaw/plattw

zoopsychology zaw/yuch/logoV

zooscopic zaw/skopew

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zoosperm zaw/speirw

zoospore zaw/speirw

zootaxy zaw/tattw

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zooxanthin zaw/xanqoV

zoozygosphere zaw/zugon/sfaira

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zygogenesis zugon/genoV

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zygomorphic zugon/morfh

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zygosis zugon

zygosity zugon

zygosome zugon/swma

zygosperm zugon/speirw

zygospore zugon/speirw

zygote zugon

zyme zumh

zymocyte zumh/kuw

zymogen zumh/genoV

zymogenesis zumh/genoV

zymogenic zumh/genoV

zymogram zumh/grafw

zymoid zumh

zymology zumh/logoV

zymolysis zumh/luw

zymometer zumh/metron

zymophore zumh/ferw

zymophyte zumh/fuw

zymoplastic zumh/plattw

zymosan zumh

zymoscope zumh/skopew

zymosis zumh

zymotechny zumh/tektwn

zymotic zumh

zymotoxic zumh/toxon

zymurgy zumh/ergon

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