A-, an-: without abyss, alogical, an

-osiV: diseased condition trichinosis etc. (= Eng. -osis

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-osiV: diseased condition

trichinosis etc. (= Eng. -osis)

osmh: odor

anosmic, anosmatic, coprosma, microsmatic, osmagogue, osmate, osmatic, osmeterium, osmic, osmicate, osmics, osmiophilic, osmious, osmite, osmium, osmoceptor, osmology, osmometer, osmophilic, osmophore, osmoscope, osmotic, parosmia, perosmate, telosmic

osteon: bone

coracosteon, endosteal, exostosis, intraosteal, ossein, osseous, ostalgia, osteal, osteitis, ostenoid, osteoarthritis, osteoblast, ostecartilaginous, osteochondritis, osteoclasis, osteoclast, osteocolla, osteocomma, osteocope, osteocyte, osteoderm, osteodynia, osteodystrophy, osteofibrosis, osteogangrene, osteogen, osteogenesis, osteogenous, osteography, osteoid, osteolite, osteolith, osteological, osteologist, osteology, osteolysis, osteolytic, osteoma, osteomalacia, osteomancy, osteomere, osteometry, osteomyelitis, osteon, osteopath, osteopathic, osteopathy, osteopetrosis, osteophage, osteophagist, osteophagous, osteophlebitis, osteophone, osteophyte, osteoplasty, osteoporosis, osteosarcoma, osteosclerosis, osteostomous, osteotic, osteotome, osteotomy, osteozoon, osthexy, otosis, otosteal, pachyostosis, periosteal, periosteum, periostitis, synostosis, teleostean, tenosteosis

ostrakon: potsherd, shell; ostreon: oyster

entomostracan, malacostracon, ostraca, ostracean, ostraceous, ostracism, ostracitis, ostracize, ostracod, ostracodent, ostracoderm, ostracoid, ostracology, ostracophore, ostracopod, ostrakon, ostreiculture, ostreiform, ostreophage, ostreophagist, ostreophagous, oyster, oysterous, oyster-shell, pearl oyster, periostracum

osceon: scrotum

oscheal, oscheocele, oscheolith, oscheoplasty

osfuV: loin

osphyalgia, osphyocele, osphyomyelitis

ou: not

utopia, utopian, utopianism, utopianist, utopianize, utopiate, utopism, utopist

ouloV: crisp

ulotrichan, ulotrichous

oura: tail

brachyurous, coenure, colure, cynosural, cynosure, dasyure, dolichurus, elaphure, gymnure, hippurite, hypural, macroscian, macruran, macrurous, menura, ophiuran, opisthure, ornithurous, oxyuris, panurine, platyurous, podura, squirrel, squirrely, thysanuran, uroboros, urochord, urochordata, urodele, uropod, xenurine

ouranoV: heaven

transuranic, Urania, uranian, uranic, uraniferous, uranite, uranitic, uranium, uranography, uranolatry, uranology, uranomania, uranometry, uranopathy, uranoplasty, uranoscopy, uranous, Uranus, uranyl

ouron: urine

anuric, cynurenic, disuria, disuric, disury, diureide, diuresis, diuretic, dysuria, dysuric, dysury, enuresis, galacturonic, genitourinary, glycosuria, hematuria, hexuronic, hydruria, ischueretic, ischuria, ketonuria, lactosuria, lithuria, mastiguria, melanuria , melanuric, melituria, meninguria, natriuresis, nocturia, oliguresia, oliguria, oliguric, Orion, ornithuric, oxaluria, oxaluric, paruria, peptonuria, phosphaturia, photuria, planuria, polyuresis, polyuria, polyuric, porphyrinuria, proteinuria, purine, pyuria, urea, uremia, uremic, ureter, urethra, urethritis, urethescope, urethescopy, urobilin, urobilinuria, urochrome, urocystitis, uroerythrin, urogaster, urogastrome, urogenital, urogenous, uroglaucin, urography, urokinase, urolagnia, urolith, urologist, urology, uromelanin, uronic, urophanic, urophilia, uropoietic, uroporphyrin, uroscopy, urostealith, urostyle, urotoxic, urotoxy, uroxanthic, uroxanthin, urrhodin, vesicouretal

ouroV: watcher

pyloric, pylorectomy, pyloroplasty, pylorus

ouV: ear

diota, dolichotis, entotic, epiotoc, otacoustic, otalgia, otary, otiatric, otic, otitis, otocyst, otodynua, otographical, otolaryngologist, otolaryngology, otolite, otolith, otologist, otology, otomorphology, otomycosis, otopathy, otophone, otoplasty, otopyosis, otorhinolaryngology, otorrhea, otosalpinx, otosclerosis, otoscope, otoscopy, otosis, otosteal, ototomy, ototoxic, ototoxicity, pachyote, parotic, parotid, parotidectomy, parotis, parotitis, parotoid, periotic, plecotine, prootic

ousia: see eimi
ofiV: snake; ofidion: snake

ophicleide, ophidian, ophiocephaloid, ophiography, ophioid, ophiolater, ophiolatry, ophiolite, ophiolitic, ophiology, ophiomorphic, ophiomorphous, ophiophagous, ophiophilous, ophiosaur, ophiothrix, ophite, ophitic, Ophiuchus, ophiuran

ocloV: crowd

ochlesis, ocholocracy, ochlocrat, ochlocratic, ochlocratical, ochlophobia, ochlophobist, ochlotic

oy: voice

Calliope, Calliopean

oyiV: sight; ofqalmoV: eye

amblyopia, anorthopia, autopsy, biopsy, bioptic, catadioptric, catoptric, chromatopsy, coreopsis, cyclopean, cyclops, dacryops, dermatopsy, deuteranope, deuteranopia, dichoptic, diopter, dioptric, dioptrical, diplopia, dysopsia, edriophthalmian, emmetrope, emmetropia, emmetropic, emmetropy, entoptic, erythropsia, exophthalmic, hemeralopia, horopter, hypermetrope, hyperopia, ichthyopsid, iodopsin, lagopthalmus, macropsia, megalopa, meropia, microphthalmic, micropsia, micropsy, monophthalmic, myopia, myopic, myopically, myopism, necropsy, nyctalope, nyctalopia, nyctalopic, nyctalopy, ophthalmia, ophthalmic, ophthalmite, ophthalmitis, ophthalmocele, ophthalmodynia, ophthalmography, ophthalmolith, ophthalmological, ophthamalogist, ophthamology, ophthalometer, ophthalmophore, ophthalmophthisis, ophthalmoplasty, ophthalmoplegia, ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscopy, ophthalmospore, ophthalmostat, ophthalmotomy, ophthalmotrope, optacon, optic, optical, optical illusion, optically, optician, opticity, opticochemical, opticochemistry, optics, optigraph, optoacoustics, optoelectronics, optogram, optokinetic, optometer, optometrist, optometry, optomotor, optophone, optotype, orthoptic, oxyopia, panoptic, panopticon, photophthalmai, photoptic, photopsia, pleoptics, podophthalmate, polyopia, presbyopia, protanopia, pseudoptics, psorophthalmia, psychoptic, pyrope, rhodopsin, sclerophthalmia, stereopsis, steropticon, synopsis, synoptic, synopticon, synoptist, synoptophore, teichopsia, teloptic, thanatopsis, tritanopia, xanthocyanopsy, xanthopsy, xerophthalmia

oywnw: buy provisions

duopsony, monopsonistic, monopsony, oligopsony, opsonic, opsonin, opsony


pagoV: hill

areopagite, Areopagus

paqoV: feeling, disaster;pascw: suffer; paqhma: suffering

allopathic, allopathy, anthropopathy, antipathic, antipathy, apathetic, apathetically, apathy, autopathic, cardiopathy, compathy, craniopathy, cytopathic, cytopathology, demonopathy, dermatopathology, dermatopathy, dermopathy, desmopathology, desmopathy, deuteropathy, dipsopathy, dynamopathy, dyspathy, electropathy, empathetic, empathic, empathist, empathize, empathy, enaniopathic, enantiopathy, encephalopathy, endocrinopathy, enteropathy, eupathy, exopathic, glossopathy, hematopathology, hemopathology, hepatopathy, heteropathic, homeopath, homeopathic, homeopathy, homopathy, hydropathic, hydropathism, hydropathy, hylopathism, idiopathic, idiopathy, immunopathology, keratopathy, kinesipath, leucopathy, logopathy, mastopathy, melanopathy, microangiopathy, monopathic, monopathy, myelopathy, myopathy, naturopathy, naupathia, nephropathic, nephropathy, neuropath, neuropathic, neuropathology, neuropathy, oariopathy, orthopathy, osteopath, osteopathic, osteopathy, otopathy, paleopathology, parasympathetic, -path, path, pathetic, pathetical, pathetically, pathic, pathobiology, pathogen, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogenic, pathogeny, pathogerm, pathognomonic, pathognomy, pathography, pathological, pathologically, pathologist, pathology, patholopolis, pathomania, pathometer, pathometric, pathopeia, pathophobia, pathophoric, pathophysiology, pathos, -pathy, photopathic, physiopathology, phytopathogen, phytopathogenic, protopathic, psycopath, psychopathic, psychopathologist, psycopathology, psycopathy, simpatico, sociopath, sociopathic, sociopathy, somnipathy, steatopathy, sympathectomy, sympathetic, sympathetical, sympathetically, sympathicotonia, sympathicotropic, sympathize, sympathizer, sympathoblast, sympatholytic, sympathy, telepath, telepathic, telepathically, telepathist, telepathy, theopathetic, theopathy, trophopathy, unsympathetic, unsympathetically, uranopathy, xanthopathy, zoopathology

paiV: child; paideuw: teach; paideia: education; paizw: jest

cyclopedia, cyclopedic, cryopedology, encyclopedia, encyclopedian, encyclopedic, encyclopedism, encyclopedist, encyclopedize, hypnopedia, logopedics, macropedia, micropedia, misopedist, orthopedics, orthopedist, paideutics, paidia, pedagogic, pedagogics, pedagogism, pedagogist, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pedantically, pedanticize, pedantize, pedantocracy, pedantry, pederast, pederasty, pediatric, pediatrician, pediatrics, pedobaptism, pedodontist, pedology, pedomorphic, pedomorphism, pedophile, pedophilia, pedotrophic, pedotrophy, pharmacopedia, posturepedic, propaedeutic, psilopedic

paiw: strike; Paian: healer

anapest, paean, peony

palai: long ago; palaioV: old

paleanthropic, paleanthropology, palearctic, palencephalon, paleoanthropology, paleobiology, paleobotany, Paleocene, paleochemistry, paleoclimatologist, paleoclimatology, paleocrystic, paleocurrent, paleoecology, paleoethnology, paleogean, paleogene, paleogenetic, paleogeography, paleogeology, paleogeomorphic, paleoglyph, paleography, paleohydrography, paleolatry, paleolith, paleolithic, paleologist, paleology, paleomagnetism, paleontologist, paleontology, paleopathology, paleoplain, paleornithology, paleosol, paleospecies, paleotalith, paleothere, paleotropic, paleotype, Paleozoic, paleozoology

palaiw: wrestle: see pallw
palin: again

palilalia, palilogy, palimpsest, palinal, palindrome, palindromic, palingenesis, palingenetic, palinode, palinodic, palinspastic

PallaV: Athena

Palladian, palladic, palladiferous, palladious, palladium, Pallas

pallw: sway

catapult, palestra

Palmura: Palmyra

Palmyra, Palmyrene

palunw: sprinkle

palynological, palynology

pan-: all: see paV
Pan: Pan

Pan, Pandean, panic, panically, panic button, panickiness, panicky, panic-stricken, panpipe, tragopan

PandaroV: Pandarus

Pandarus, pander, panderer, panderism

pandoura: lute

panegurikoV: see paV + agora

panqhr: panther: see qerion
pappaV: papa

antipapist, antipope, Caesaro-papism, dispope, papa, papabile, papacy, papal, papalism, papalist, papalize, papally, paparchical, pape, papism, papist, papistic, papistical, papistry, papolatry, pappy, pope, popedom, popeless, popelike, popeling, Popemobile, popery, popish, popishly, poplin, protopope

pappoV: down

pappescent, pappus

papuroV: papyrus

carbon paper, flypaper, newspaper, notepaper, paper, paperback, paperboy, paperclip, papercup, papercutter, paperer, paper hanger, paperless, papermill, paper money, paper route, paper shredder, paper tiger, paperweight, paperwork, papery, papier mache (Fr), papyraceous, papyriferous, papyrin, papyrine, papyrograph, papyrography, papyrologist, papyrology, papyrotype, papyrus, sandpaper, tissue paper, toilet paper, wallpaper, white paper

para: near, beside, against

para, parallax, parallel, paramilitary, paraphrase ETC.

parabolh: see ballw
paradeisoV: paradise (from Persian word)

paradisaical, paradisal, paradise, paradisiacal, parvis

pardaliV: panther

camelopard, Camelopardalus, leopard, pard

parqenoV: maiden

parthenic, parthenocarpy, parthenogenesis, parthenogenetic, pathenolatry, Parthenon, Parthenope

ParnassoV: Parnassus

Parnassian, Parnassus

paV: all

diapason, panacea, Pan-American, Pan-Americanism, panarthritis, Panathenia, panathenaic, panchromatic, panchronic, panclastic, panclastite, pancosmic, pancosmism, pancratiast, pancratic, pancration, pancratist, pancratium, pancreas, pancreatectomy, pancreatic, pancreatin, pancreatitis, pancreatize, pancreatography, pancreatoid, pancreozymin, pandemic, pandemonium, pandiagonal, Pandora, Pandora’s box, panegyric, panegyrical, panegyrist, panegyrize, panesthesia, panesthetism, Pangaea, pangenesis, pangenetic, pangeometry, Pangloss, Panglossian, pangram, pangrammatic, panharmonic, panhellenic, panhellenism, paniconograph, panlogism, panmixia, panographic, panophobia, panoply, panoptic, panopticon, panorama, panoramic, panoramist, panornithic, panotype, panplain, panplanation, panpot, panpsychic, panpsychism, Panroman, pansexual, pansophic, pansophism, pansophism, pansophy, panspermia, panspermic, pantagamy, pantagogue, pantamorphic, pantaphobia, pantarchy, pantatrophy, pantechnicon, Panthalassa, pantheism, pantheist, pantheistic, pantheology, pantheon, pantheum, pantisocracy, pantiscocrat, panto, Pantocrator, pantogenous, pantoglot, pantograph, pantographer, pantographic, pantographical, pantologic, pantology, pantometer, pantometry, pantomime, pantomimic. pantomimist, pantomography, pantomorph, pantomorphic, pantomorphic, pantonal, pantophagist, pantophagous, pantophobia, pantopod, pantopragmatic, pantoscope, pantoscopic, pantostomate, pantothenic, pantothermal, pantoyl, pantozooism, pantozootia, panurgic, panurine, panzootic, pasigraphy

passw: sprinkle upon

antipasto, impastation, impaste, impasto, pasta, paste, pasteboard, pastedown, paste-in, pastel, pastelist, paster, paste-up, pasticcio, pastiche, pasticheur, pastie, pastiglia, pastina, pastiness, pastry, pastrycook, pasty, pate (pie), patty, toothpaste

pathr: father; patriV: fatherland; patrwV: hereditary

allopatric, Cleopatra, compatriot, compatriotic, compatriotism, eupatrid, expatriot, hyperpatriotic, Jupiter, patriarch, patriarchal, patriarchalism, patriarchalist, patriarchally, patriarchate, patriarchism, patriarchist, patriarchy, patriot, patriotic, patriotically, patriotism, patristic, patristics, patroclinous, patrology, patronymic, stasipatric, superpatriot, superpatriotic, sympatric, sympatry, unpatriotic

patoV: way; patew: walk

peripateia, peripatetic, peripatetically, perapeteticism, peripeteia, peripety

pauw: give rest (See also L. pono.) N.B. Pono is not a Latin derivative of pauw, but OED says pose is derived from LL pausare: to rest, which I assume is from pauw.

composable, composant, compose, composed, composedly, composer, composing, composure, contrapose, counterproposal, crosspurpose, decomposability, decomposable, decompose, decomposer, deposable, deposal, depose, deposer, diapause, discompose, discomposure, disposability, disposable, disposal, dispose, disposedness, disposer, disposingly, expose, exposedness, exposer, exposure, heliopause, impose, imposer, imposing, imposingly, indispose, indisposed, infrapose, interpose, magnetopause, menopausal, menopause, mesopause, multipurpose, omnipurpose, opposable, oppose, opposer, overexpose, overexposure, pausal, pause, perimenopause, pesade, photocomposing, posada (Sp), pose, poser, poseur (Fr), postpose, pousada (Pg), predispose, presuppose, proposal, propose, purpose, purposeful, purposefully, purposeless, purposely, purposive, puzzle, repose, self-imposed, superimposable, superimpose, superpose, supposable, suppose, supposed, supposedly, supposer, supposing, transposable, transpose, transposer, tropopause, turbopause, undisposed, unimposing, unopposed, workpause

Words in pos- but not posit- are from pauw; those in posit- are from pono.

But there must have been reciprocal influences.

PafoV: Paphos

Paphian, Paphos

pacuV: thick

isopachyte, pachycardian, pachycarpous, pachycaul, pachycephalic, pachycholic, pachydactyl, pachyderm, pachydermatous, pachyemia, pachyglossal, pachygnathous, pachyhymenia, pachymeter, pachyodont, pachyostosis, pachyote, pachyphyllous, pachypod, pachypterous, pachysandra, pachysaurian, pachytene

pedon: ground; pedion: sole (of foot); see pouV
pedoV: see phdon
peira: attempt; peiraw: attempt

biopiracy, empiric, empirical, empirically, empiricism, empiricist, empirism, empiristic, metempirical, metempiricism, metempirics, peirastic, piracy, pirate, piratic, piratical, piratically, video piracy, video pirate

pelagoV: sea

archipelago, bathypelagic, epipelagic, mesopelagic, pelagial, pelagian, pelagic, pelagically, pelagite, pelagosaur

pelekan: pelican; pelekhV: hatchet

pelecoid, pelecypod, pelican, Pelican State

pelioV: livid


pelma: sole (of foot)


pelth: target, shield

bipeltate, dasypeltis, pelta, peltast, peltate, peltogaster

Peloy: Pelops

Peloponnese, Peloponnesian, Pelops

pelux: bowl

pelycography, pelycosaur

pelw: be in motion; poloV: pivot

apolar, bipolar, bipolarity, circumpolar, counterpole, depolarization, depolarize, dipolar, dipolarize, dipole, extrapolate, extrapolation, heliopolar, heteropolar, homeopolar, homopolar, interpolate, interpolation, monopolar, monopole, multipolar, multipolarity, nonpolar, North Pole, polar, polar bear, polar cap, polar coordinates, polarimeter, polarimetric, polar orbit, Polaris, polariscope, polariscopic, polariton, polarity, polarizable, polarization, polarize, polarizer, polarly, polarograph, Polaroid, polaron, polar wandering, pole (sky), polestar, poloid, poloidal, pulley, South Pole, transpolar

N.B. Polar and pole (sky) are derived from pelw; pole (stake) is derived from pango.
pempw: send

apopemptic, hypnopompic, pomp, pompon, pomposity, pomposo (It), pompous, pompously, psychopomp, unpompous

pemfix: bubble

pemphigous, pemphigus

penhV: poor

leucopenia, leucopenic

penqoV: grief

nepenthe, nepenthous

pente: five

cryptopentamerous, pentabasic, pentacarbon, pentachord, pentachromic, pentacle, pentacyclic, pentad, pentadactyl, pentadactylous, pentafid, pentgamist, pentaglot, pentagon, pentagonal, pentagram, pentagrid, pentagynia, pentahedral, pentahedron, pentahydrate, pentalemma, pentalogue, pentalogy, pentamer, pentamerous, pentameter, pentane, pentangle, pentangular, pentapeptide, pentaphonic, pentapody, penyapolis, pentaprism, pentarch, pentarchy, pentastich, pentastyle, pentesyllabic, Pentateuch, Pentateuchal, pentathionic, pentathlete, pentathlon, pentatomic, pentatonic, pentatremite, pentavalent, penteconter, Pentecost, Pentecostal, Pentecostalism, Pentecostalist, penthemimer, Pentium, pentode, pentomic, pentomino, penton, pentosan, pentose, pentoxide, pentryl, peta-

peoV: penis

peperi: pepper (from Sanskrit)

paprika, pep, peperino, peperite, pepper, peppercorn, pepperet, pepperish, peppermint, pepperplant, pepperoni, pepperpod, pepperpot, peppertree, pepperwood, pepperwort, peppery, pep-pill, peppy, pep talk, piperine
peploV: shawl

peplos, peplum

peptw: digest; pettw: soften

bradypepsia, dyspepsia, dyspeptic, eupepsia, eupeptic, metapeptic, oligopeptide, pentapeptide, Pepsi, pepsin, peptic, peptide, peptize, peptogen, pepetolysis, peptone, peptonize, peptonuria, peptotoxin, pita, polypeptide, pumpkin, pumpkinhead, pumpkinpie, pumpkinseed, pumpkinstone

peraw: pass through; poroV: ford; emporoV: merchant

atriopore, emporetic, emporium, gonopore, nullipore, osteoporosis, phonopore, pore, poriferan, poriferous, poriform, porogamic, porogamous, porogamy, porometric, porometer, poroplastic, poroscopy, porosity, porotype, porous, porously, porousness, tubipore, tubulipore

PergamoV: Pergamum

parchment, Pergamene, pergameneous, Pergamum

perdix: partridge

partridge, perdicine

peri: around

perimeter, peripheral, periphery ETC.

perissoV: uneven (from peri)

perissad, perissodactyl, perissology, perissosyllabic

perkh: fish; perknoV: dark colored

perch (fish), percine, percoid

PersiV: see Persa
PerseuV: Perseus

Perseid, Perseus

pessoV: oval stone

petannumi: spread out; petalon: leaf

depetal, dialypetallous, dipetalous, eleutheropetalous, enneapetalous, gamopetalous, grammatopetalous, hebepetalous, homopetalous, micropetalous, oligopetalous, petal, petaliferous, petaliform, petaline, petalism, petalite, petalless, petalocerous, petalodic, petalodont, petalody, petaloid, petalon, petalous, petasus, platypetalous, polypetalous, rectipetality, tetrapetalous, tripetalous
petomai: fly (See also pteroV.)

diptera, dipterous

petra: rock; petroV: stone

empetrous, micropetrology, osteopetrosis, parsley, pedregal, pedrero, perron, Peter, peterman, Peter Pan, Peter’s penny, Petertide, petrean, petrefact, petreity, petrel, petrichor, petricolous, petrifaction, petrifactive, petrifier, petrify, Petrine, Petrinism, Petrinist, petro-, petrochemical, petrochemistry, petro-currency, petrodollar, petrodrome, petrofabrics, petrogenesis, petrogeny, petroglyph, petrograph, petrographer, petrographic, petrographical, petrography, petroil, petrol, petrolatum, petrolene, petroleous, petroleum, petroleum jelly, petroleur, petrolic, petroliferous, petrolin, petrolization, petrolize, petrological, petrologist, petrology, petrophilous, petrophysics, petro-politics, petro-power, petrosal, petrosilex, petrosiliceous, petrotectonics, petrous, saltpeter, storm petrel, stormy petrel

See OED: petrel.
peukh: pine

phgh: spring

Pegasus, pegomancy
phgnumi: fasten; phgma: framework

bibliopegy, colopexy, nephropexy, omentopexy, orchidopexy, ochiopexy, pectic, pectin, pectose, pectous, pegmatite, rheopexy, viropexis

phdon: oar; pedoV: oar

autopilot, copilot, pilot

phlaw: leap

phloV: clay

peloid, pelolithic, pelotherapy
phra: purse

phrin: scrotum

perineal, perineum
phroV: maimed

peropod, perosis

pi: pi

pi, pion, pionization, p-meson

piar: fat


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