A short white bar indicates that the principle was not relevant to the areas addressed in the session concerned. In addition to the bar chart profiling principles, which is built up cumulatively
during an evaluation session, the CD ROM also offers a profile of ratings per stage in the form of a pie chart of concentric circles. The stage profiles (one for each
stage) do not show the score in relation to the principles and sub-principles as in the bar chart. They offer a transparent record of the way in which different aspects related to the three stages have been rated. Again, percentage scores for each segment of the chart (each section and element) are expressed by differences in colour. This enables the user to identify at a glance those areas of the program
which were rated highly, and those which might benefit from closer inspection.
Questions 1. How do teachers use comprehensible input to convey information to students.
2. Do teachers communicate clear instructions to carryout the learning task.
3. What Action Steps are there
4. How the
monitoring cycle can be done Share with your friends: