A new Method for Estimating Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Probabilities Last Updated 20 Jan 2009

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This research was partially supported by the NOAA Joint Hurricane Testbed and the Insurance Friends of the National Hurricane Center. The authors would like to thank Ed Rappaport, Max Mayfield, Jim Gross, Chris Landsea and Chris Sisko for their support of and valuable input to this research. The views, opinions, and findings in this report are those of the authors and should not be construed as an official NOAA or U. S. government position, policy, or decision.


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Figure Captions
Figure 1. The 48 h along track error distributions for the NHC Atlantic forecasts from 2003-2007. The distributions of the total errors and the residuals from the linear prediction are shown.
Figure 2. The first 10 track realizations for a Hurricane Ike forecast starting at 12 UTC on 07 Sept 2008. The tracks with (bottom) and without (top) the correction for serial correlation of the track errors are shown. The white line is the NHC official track forecast.
Figure 3. The histograms of the 48 h intensity error distributions for the NHC Atlantic forecasts from 2003-2007. The original distributions and the residuals from the linear prediction of the errors are shown.
Figure 4. A scatter-plot of the maximum wind (kt) of any Atlantic tropical cyclone that made landfall in the continental U.S. versus the distance (km) from land (inland distances are negative) from the 1967-2007 NHC best track. An empirical function that represents the upper bound intensity as a function inland is shown by the thick black line.
Figure 5. The maximum and average error of the 64 kt wind probabilities for Hurricane Ike starting at 12 UTC on 7 Sept 2008 as a function of the number of realizations. Note that the both axes have log scales.

Figure 6. The 0-120 h cumulative 64 kt wind probabilities for Hurricane Ike starting at 12 UTC on 7 Sept 2008 obtained from the NHC web page.

Figure 7. Examples of the fields used for the verification starting 00 UTC 15 August 2007 and extending through 5 days (120h). The observed occurrence of 34-kt winds from the best track files (top, red), the forecast occurrence of 34-kt winds based on the deterministic forecast (middle, blue) and the 120-h cumulative 34-kt MCP model forecast (bottom, colors correspond to the color bar). During this time Tropical Storm Dean, Tropical Depression 5 (Erin) were active in the Atlantic and, Hurricane Flossie and Typhoon Seput were active in the Central Pacific, and western North Pacific respectively.
Figure 8. The multiplicative biases associated with the 2006-2007 MCP model verification in the North Atlantic (1N-50N, 110W-1W), eastern North Pacific (1N-40N,180W-75W), western North Pacific (1N-50N, 100E-180E), and the multi-basin domain (1N-60N, 100E-1W) are shown in the panels from the top, respectively. Biases for the cumulative probabilities are given by solid lines and for the incremental probabilities are given by dashed lines. Line colors blue, red and green correspond to biases associated with 34-, 50- and 64-kt wind probabilities. The scale is identical for all basins except the eastern North Pacific, where the scale is doubled.
Figure 9. The Brier Skill Scores associated with the 2006-2007 MCP model verification in which the deterministic forecast is used as the reference for the North Atlantic (1N-50N, 110W-1W), eastern North Pacific (1N-40N,180W-75W), western North Pacific (1N-50N, 100E-180E), and the multi-basin domain (1N-60N, 100E-1W) are shown in the panels from the top, respectively. Results for the cumulative probabilities are given by solid lines and from incremental probabilities are given by dashed lines. Line colors blue, red and green correspond to biases associated with 34-, 50- and 64-kt wind probabilities. The scale is identical for all basins.
Figure 10. Reliability diagrams (calibration function & refinement distribution) for the 36-h (top), 72-h (middle) and 120-h( bottom) for 34-kt (blue), 50-kt (red), and 64-kt (green) probability MCP model forecasts made in the entire MCP model domain.
Figure 11. The maximum conditional Threat Scores (x 100) associated with the 2006-2007 MCP model verification for the North Atlantic (1N-50N, 110W-1W), eastern North Pacific (1N-40N,180W-75W), western North Pacific (1N-50N, 100E-180E), and the multi-basin domain (1N-60N, 100E-1W) are shown in the panels from the top, respectively. Results for the cumulative probabilities are given by solid lines and from incremental probabilities are given by dashed lines. Line colors blue, red and green correspond to biases associated with 34-, 50- and 64-kt wind probabilities. The scale is identical for all basins.
Figure 12. The probability thresholds associated with the maximum conditional Threat Scores shown in Fig. 9 and based the 2006-2007 MCP model verification for the North Atlantic (1N-50N, 110W-1W), eastern North Pacific (1N-40N,180W-75W), western North Pacific (1N-50N, 100E-180E), and the multi-basin domain (1N-60N, 100E-1W) are shown in the panels from the top, respectively. Results for the cumulative probabilities are given by solid lines and from incremental probabilities are given by dashed lines. Line colors blue, red and green correspond to biases associated with 34-, 50- and 64-kt wind probabilities. The scale is identical for all basins.

Table 1. The slope (a and c), y-intercept (b and d) and error variance explained (r2) for the auto-regression formulas (1a-1b) that account for serial correlation of the along and cross track errors. The constants a, c and r2 are non-dimensional and b and d have units of km.


Time (hr) Along Track Cross Track

a b r2 c d r2


12 0.0 -6.5 0.00 0.0 4.9 0.00

24 1.3 3.4 0.74 1.3 3.3 0.78

36 1.3 -2.8 0.86 1.2 -0.2 0.84

48 1.2 -2.8 0.89 1.2 1.2 0.89

60 1.2 9.1 0.90 1.2 -7.1 0.90

72 1.2 16.8 0.94 1.2 21.7 0.94

84 1.1 13.2 0.88 1.0 -5.4 0.88

96 1.1 9.1 0.95 1.2 19.5 0.95

108 1.2 -11.6 0.91 1.0 -13.1 0.92

120 1.1 -12.2 0.97 1.2 19.1 0.96


Table 2. The coefficients in eqn. (2) for the estimation of the intensity error to account for serial correlation and bias corrections that are a function of the forecasted intensity and the distance to land. The constants e and f are non-dimensional, g has units of kt/km and h has units of kt. The correlation coefficient of the prediction equation for intensity error (r) is also shown.

Time (hr) e f g h r2

12 0.0 -0.048 0.0061 0.62 0.21

24 0.93 -0.031 0.0016 0.56 0.66

36 0.90 -0.022 0.0005 0.63 0.74

48 0.92 -0.034 0.0011 1.20 0.80

60 0.95 -0.009 0.0027 -0.62 0.85

72 0.92 -0.047 0.0022 1.23 0.86

84 0.91 0.005 0.0015 -1.16 0.88

96 0.88 -0.041 0.0007 1.29 0.88

108 0.93 -0.012 0.0008 -0.38 0.91

120 0.93 -0.060 0.0016 1.78 0.92
Table 3. The Relative Operating Characteristic Skill Scores (x 100) for the MCP model forecasts of cumulative and incremental 34-,50-, and 64-kt wind speed probabilities.

Cumulative Probability Forecasts

Wind Speed
























Incremental Probability Forecasts

Wind Speed
























Figure 1. The 48 h along track error distributions for the NHC Atlantic forecasts from 2003-2007. The distributions of the total errors and the residuals from the linear prediction are shown.

Figure 2. The first 10 track realizations (black lines) for a Hurricane Ike forecast starting at 12 UTC on 07 Sept 2008. The tracks with (bottom) and without (top) the correction for serial correlation of the track errors are shown. The white line is the NHC official track forecast.

Figure 3. The histograms of the 48 h intensity error distributions for the NHC Atlantic forecasts from 2003-2007. The original distributions and the residuals from the linear prediction of the errors are shown.

Figure 4. A scatter-plot of the maximum wind (kt) of any Atlantic tropical cyclone that made landfall in the continental U.S. versus the distance (km) from land (inland distances are negative) from the 1967-2007 NHC best track. An empirical function that represents the upper bound intensity as a function inland is shown by the thick black line.

Figure 5. The maximum and average error of the 64 kt wind probabilities for the Hurricane Ike case starting at 12 UTC on 7 Sept 2008 as a function of the number of realizations. Note that the both axes have log scales.

Figure 6. The 0-120 h cumulative 64 kt wind probabilities for Hurricane Ike starting at 12 UTC on 7 Sept 2008 obtained from the NHC web page.

Figure 7. Examples of the fields used for the verification starting 00 UTC 15 August 2007 and extending through 5 days (120h). The observed occurrence of 34-kt winds from the best track files (top, red), the forecast occurrence of 34-kt winds based on the deterministic forecast (middle, blue) and the 120-h cumulative 34-kt MCP model forecast (bottom, colors correspond to the color bar). During this time Tropical Storm Dean, Tropical Depression 5 (Erin) were active in the Atlantic and, Hurricane Flossie and Typhoon Seput were active in the Central Pacific, and western North Pacific respectively.

Figure 8. The multiplicative biases associated with the 2006-2007 MCP model verification in the North Atlantic (1N-50N, 110W-1W), eastern North Pacific (1N-40N,180W-75W), western North Pacific (1N-50N, 100E-180E), and the multi-basin domain (1N-60N, 100E-1W) are shown in the panels from the top, respectively. Biases for the cumulative probabilities are given by solid lines and for the incremental probabilities are given by dashed lines. Line colors blue, red and green correspond to biases associated with 34-, 50- and 64-kt wind probabilities. The scale is identical for all basins except the eastern North Pacific, where the scale is doubled.

Figure 9. The Brier Skill Scores associated with the 2006-2007 MCP model verification in which the deterministic forecast is used as the reference for the North Atlantic (1N-50N, 110W-1W), eastern North Pacific (1N-40N,180W-75W), western North Pacific (1N-50N, 100E-180E), and the multi-basin domain (1N-60N, 100E-1W) are shown in the panels from the top, respectively. Results for the cumulative probabilities are given by solid lines and from incremental probabilities are given by dashed lines. Line colors blue, red and green correspond to biases associated with 34-, 50- and 64-kt wind probabilities. The scale is identical for all basins.

Figure 10. Reliability diagrams (calibration function & refinement distribution) for the 36-h (top), 72-h (middle) and 120-h( bottom) for 34-kt (blue), 50-kt (red), and 64-kt (green) probability MCP model forecasts made for the entire MCP model domain.

Figure 11. The maximum conditional Threat Scores (x 100) associated with the 2006-2007 MCP model verification for the North Atlantic (1N-50N, 110W-1W), eastern North Pacific (1N-40N,180W-75W), western North Pacific (1N-50N, 100E-180E), and the multi-basin domain (1N-60N, 100E-1W) are shown in the panels from the top, respectively. Results for the cumulative probabilities are given by solid lines and from incremental probabilities are given by dashed lines. Line colors blue, red and green correspond to biases associated with 34-, 50- and 64-kt wind probabilities. The scale is identical for all basins.

Figure 12. The probability thresholds associated with the maximum conditional Threat Scores shown in Fig. 9 and based the 2006-2007 MCP model verification for the North Atlantic (1N-50N, 110W-1W), eastern North Pacific (1N-40N,180W-75W), western North Pacific (1N-50N, 100E-180E), and the multi-basin domain (1N-60N, 100E-1W) are shown in the panels from the top, respectively. Results for the cumulative probabilities are given by solid lines and from incremental probabilities are given by dashed lines. Line colors blue, red and green correspond to biases associated with 34-, 50- and 64-kt wind probabilities. The scale is identical for all basins.

1 Verification contains all storms in the three basins beginning 12 UTC 11 May 2006 and continuing through the end of 2007. This date corresponds to the operational implementation of the MCP model at NCEP.

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