A study of disciple making program for the growth of the elim christian reformed church in garden grove, california

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Boo Young Jang was born October 22, 1941, in Seoul, Korea. He graduated from Sun Rin Commercial High School and Dan Kook University (majored in the English language and Literature) in Seoul, Korea. He completed and graduated from several theological seminaries in Seoul (Ko Shin theological Seminary, Chong Shin Theological Seminary and so on) and in the United States (Luther Rice Theological Seminary and International Theological Seminary), and received the degrees of M.Div. and Th.M. respectively, and is attending the Ph.D and Th.D courses of some theological seminaries (CGST and ITS) in the United States.

His work experience in the ministry includes twenty years ministering experience in Korea and six years in the United States. He taught students in the seminaries in Seoul, Korea for five years as an instructor.

He worked as translator at several publishing companies in Seoul,Korea. He translated a lot of theological books such as the Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopaedia of the Bible, Wycliffe Bible Encyclopaedia, Pulpit Commentaries, and Spurgeon's Sermons on the Bible(the Treasury of the Bible) into Korean for the Korean ministers.

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