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feel like talking, and the tone of the meetings is as varied as the people who

choose to attend. Group consensus rules in all things, so in any good-size


there are smoking meetings and nonsmoking meetings, meetings for early risers

and for night owls, meetings mostly populated by long-timers and meetings more

oriented to the newly sober.

The 12 Steps and decentralized structure have proved so effective and popular

that other groups have copied the template for dealing with other problems:

Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous and so forth.


AA has never branched out. Getting and staying sober has been labor enough.

Unlike many spiritual visionaries, Wilson came to understand "that when he


the voice of God, it was often just the voice of Bill Wilson," as Cheever puts

it. And so, in the now-famous catechism that he created, AA members are


simply to turn their will and lives over to "the care of God as we understood

him," with italics right there in the Big Book. Prospective converts are often

assured that they may take as their God the nearest radiator if that's what

works for them. Almighty God with the white beard, or a gentle breeze in the

treetops, or the sublime engineering of a molecule, or the vastness of space,


the love of friends, or the power of the AA meeting itself: Choose your own


Whatever works.

In the can-do land of the bottom line, even our spirituality tends to be


But the language of AA plays provocatively with a simple word: "work." In one

sense, sobriety is something that just happens, much like Wilson's great clean

wind. It is a gift from the Higher Power to the alcoholic. At the same time,

"work" means work, as in tangible, sometimes even grudging, effort. In the


days, Bill W. and Dr. Bob would sit in the Smith parlor refining their

drunk-saving techniques, and often Smith's wife, Anne, read aloud from the

Bible. They were partial to the Epistle of James, which reminded them that

"faith without works is dead." AA members speak of "working the steps," and


meetings end with the affirmation that "it works if you work it."

This means returning again and again to the state of mind and the exercises


constitute the upkeep on each miracle of sobriety. Beginning with the


that they are powerless over alcohol and continuing through labors of


repentance, meditation and service, AA members maintain the dam that holds


the obliterating tide of booze from their lives.

A Friend of Bill W.

Cheever is a forthright woman with a big laugh and no immediately obvious

illusions, a hard-working writer who publishes books like clockwork, pens a

column for Newsday and teaches at Bennington College. She decided to write


Wilson because "I loved him. I loved how he changed the world without knowing

it, just as a way to stop drinking himself. I loved his Yankeeness," by which

she seems to mean a range of qualities, from the Emersonian flinty optimism,


the unsentimental practicality, to the hovering dark clouds and the weirdo

seances, which she calls his "table-tapping after dark."

No doubt she also loved Wilson for the fact that his miracle, worked and

reworked through the long chain of drunks, touched her own family, late in the

life of her father, the short-story artist John Cheever. Booze was the


of Cheever's masterpieces. He was the poet laureate of postwar suburbia, in

which hope, striving, lust and angst were all refracted through the bottom of


cocktail glass.

But what was symbol and atmosphere in his stories was toxic in John Cheever's

life, as his daughter explained in her acclaimed memoirs "Home Before Dark,"


booze washed into Susan Cheever's life as well. In her book "Note Found in a

Bottle," she recalls learning to mix a martini by the age of 6, and doing


of drinking as an adult. Susan Cheever now speaks of her father's AA years as


amazing gift to the whole family, not a gift of bliss so much as a gift of

simple reality. When a drunk enters the unreal world of his illness, he takes

his family and friends with him.

Her homage to the family benefactor is pro-Wilson but not hagiographic. "I


to take saints and make them into people," she explains. She touches the

spiritual bases in her portrait of Wilson, but seems more moved by the


elements. Over lunch at a Manhattan bistro, she recalls her first visit to

Wilson's boyhood home in East Dorset, Vt., not far from the Bennington campus.

Cheever noticed the low ceiling of the stairway leading to Wilson's room, and

caught a glimpse in her mind's eyes, so to speak, of the gangly boy having to

duck his head each time he passed.

"And I was him," for that moment, she says. "I understood what it was to be a

depressed 10-year-old boy trapped in that house" after his parents had


him to his remote and austere grandparents.

It's not easy making a spiritual figure compelling and real without slipping

into iconoclasm. Cheever's approach is to apply a writerly version of Wilson's

humility. She gets the goods on his serial adultery, for instance, but


to make too much of it. "He was engaged to Lois when he was 18 -- hello!"

Cheever says. "They were married 53 years. All we really know is that they


friends through an amazing life. He was a good-enough husband."

Likewise, she can look into Wilson's LSD experiment with proto-hippie Aldous

Huxley without getting mired in a puritanical inquisition into whether this

constituted a "slip" in his sobriety or hypocrisy in his creed.

This attitude allows Cheever to see that Wilson's inconsistencies and quirks

weren't blemishes on his record -- they were the essence of a flawed man who


endlessly seeking what works. "Again and again, his intuitions were wrong,"

Cheever says. "But he wasn't interested in problems. He was interested in

solutions." Most of the key traditions of AA operations, including its

independence, anonymity and governance-by-consensus, ran counter to Wilson's

personal disposition. "He wanted fame and fortune, but somehow was able to

figure out that AA would have to be a group in which nobody represents it,

nobody speaks for it and nobody's in charge of it."

Sobering Reality

The striking thing about Wilson's story -- which only settles in upon


-- is how hard his life was even after he sobered up.

What, really, had that bright light and clean wind changed? He and Lois


penniless, even homeless, for years. Sometimes it seemed that AA was


to keep him poor forever. He had a chance to cash in by allying his message


a particular hospital, but his fledgling flock forbade him to do it. He


hope that John D. Rockefeller Jr. would lavish money on him, but instead

Rockefeller came through with a tiny stipend. Alcoholics Anonymous struggled


six long and underwhelming years before catching its crucial break: a glowing

article in the Saturday Evening Post.

Then, as the group flourished, Wilson was attacked by jealous colleagues and

abandoned by old friends. He sank into a crushing depression, and "often just

sat for hours with his head on the desk or with his head in his hands,"


writes. "When he raised his head, he was sometimes weeping." Wilson liked

children but was childless. Cigarettes were killing him but he couldn't stop


He wrote of "being swamped with guilt and self-loathing . . . often getting a

misshapen and painful pleasure out of it."

It was enough to drive a man to drink.

Yet for 36-plus years of this troubled and very human life, he was able to

resist that next drink. Perhaps the most efficacious miracles are the small

ones. And because "his mind was the right lens" and his will was "the right

machine," in Cheever's words, for mass-producing that limited but crucial

victory, Bill Wilson's miracle keeps working, one person and one day at a


© 2004 The Washington Post Company

Of Alcoholics Anonymous founder Bill Wilson, Cheever says, "He changed the


without knowing it, just as a way to stop drinking himself." (Helayne Seidman

For The Washington Post)


++++Message 1785. . . . . . . . . . . . One Solitary Voice by Jack B...any


From: wbmscm . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/4/2004 6:43:00 PM


Does anyone have any information on a gentlemen by the name of Jack

B. who wrote a publication called "One Solitary Voice"?


++++Message 1786. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: One Page At A Time (2004)

From: Arthur Sheehan . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/6/2004 10:40:00 AM


I found Cheever's book to be a big disappointment - not based its so-called

"revelations" but from numerous factual errors in the material. Having read

most of the books cited in its bibliography, I don't get the sense Cheever

studied them very thoroughly. The book is acclaimed to be well researched but

I don't get a sense that it measures up to those claims. I'm somewhat tempted

to develop an itemized list of its errors (they are not trivial).

Outside of revealing a letter from Bill that his first drink was a beer (a few

weeks or so before drinking a Bronx cocktail) I didn't see anything that

hadn't appeared elsewhere. In regards to Bill asking for whiskey on his death

bed, the delirious comments of a dying man should not be projected as being

representative of anything other than the delirious comments of a dying man.

Regrettably there are those who persist in wanting to elevate Bill to demigod

status and deprive him of his human fallibility. All things considered,

despite his infidelities, séances, LSD, niacin, smoking himself to death,

etc., etc., Bill's shortcomings do not need to be either rationalized or

vilified. Bill left a priceless legacy of recovery, unity and service that has

saved the lives of countless millions since 1935. That legacy gets obscured by

what seems to be a disturbing and ever-increasing trend these days to churn

out titillating exposés and editorials masquerading as well-researched



----- Original Message -----

From: Lash, William (Bill)

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 5:25 PM

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] One Page At A Time (2004)

One Page At a Time

Susan Cheever's Chilling Glimpse of AA's Tormented 'Saint'

By David Von Drehle

Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, May 3, 2004; Page C01

During her research for a biography of Alcoholics Anonymous co-founder Bill

Wilson, author Susan Cheever dug through the just-opened archives at


Stones, Wilson's longtime home outside New York City. Alongside an


she sifted reams of material that had not been looked at in decades.

One day, the archivist handed her a sheaf of wide, green-lined pages --


logs kept by the nurses who tended Wilson on his deathbed.

Cheever glanced at them. They seemed mundane.

"Keep reading," the archivist urged her.

Cheever came to the pages covering Christmas 1970. On the eve of the


Bill Wilson passed a fitful night. A lifelong smoker, he had been fighting

emphysema for years, and now he was losing the battle. Nurse James


was on duty in the last hour before dawn. At 6:10 a.m. on Christmas morning,

according to Dannenberg's notes, the man who sobered up millions "asked for

three shots of whiskey."

He was quite upset when he didn't get them, Cheever writes.

Wilson asked for booze again about a week later, on Jan. 2, 1971.

And on Jan. 8.

And on Jan. 14.

"My blood ran cold," Cheever said recently of the discovery. "I was shocked


horrified." With time to ponder, though, she found herself thinking, "Of


he wanted a drink. He was the one who talked about sobriety being 'a daily

remission.' I realized that this was a story about the power of alcohol:


even Bill Wilson, the man who invented sobriety, who had 30-plus years


still wanted a drink."

In the Big Book, as AA's foundation text is known, Wilson recalled the time


1934 when doctors concluded that he was a hopeless drunk and told his wife


there was no cure, apart from the asylum or the grave. "They did not need to

tell me," he added. "I knew, and almost welcomed the idea."

On Jan. 24, 1971, the man known modestly to legions of alcoholics as "Bill


was finally cured.

Powerless Over Alcohol

Cheever's discovery, reported in her book "My Name Is Bill," doesn't really

change what little we know about alcoholism, a cruel, confounding and


disease. It doesn't really change what we know about Wilson, a rough-hewn


unorthodox American saint sketched by Cheever in all his chain-smoking,

womanizing, Ouija-board-reading, acid-tripping holiness.

But it might change, at least a bit, the way some of us think about miracles


the shelf life of miracles, the limited warranty they carry, and how

high-maintenance they are. Miracles come in Bill Wilson's story, but always


strings attached. They are a bequest -- but not like an annuity that pays


endlessly and effortlessly. More like an old mansion, precious and


but demanding endless, unglamorous upkeep.

The miracle of Wilson's sobriety -- and the birth of AA -- arrived like

something out of the Old Testament. It was 1934, late in the year, when the

doctors had given up on Bill. Booze, which once put its arm around his


now had its jaws around his throat. A smart, handsome, charming man, Wilson


become the kind of drunk who could set off one morning to play golf and

awaken a

day later outside his house, unsure how he got there, with his head bleeding

mysteriously and his unused clubs still at his side. "The more he decided

not to

drink," Cheever writes, "the more irresistible drink seemed to become."

So for the third time, Wilson checked himself into a private hospital in New

York that specialized in drying out "rum hounds," as he called himself. He


what to expect: doses of barbiturates, assorted bitter herbs, castor oil and

other purgatives, vomiting, tremors and depression. He also knew it probably

would not work, that just about every hard case like him went back to


after being discharged.

The prospect was so dismal that Wilson picked up a few bottles of beer for


cab ride.

Wilson had a friend named Ebby Thatcher, another alcoholic, who had a friend

named Roland Hazard, yet another drunk, who was wealthy enough to seek help


the eminent psychiatrist Carl Jung in Switzerland. When Jung realized how

serious Hazard's drinking problem was, he told his patient that the only


was a religious conversion -- in Jung's experience, nothing else worked. The

American psychologist William James had arrived at a similar conclusion,

declaring in "The Varieties of Religious Experience" that "the only cure for

dipsomania is religiomania."

Well, by God, Hazard got religion and sobered up, for a while. He preached


approach to Thatcher, and Thatcher in turn proselytized Wilson.

"I was in favor of practically everything he had to say except one thing,"

Wilson later recalled of his conversations with Thatcher. "I was not in

favor of


After a couple of days at Towns Hospital, Bill Wilson was past the d.t.'s


feeling really low. Science could do nothing for him. He now realized that


couldn't kick the booze by himself. Yet he was unable to believe in the only

power experts knew of to save a drunk.


"Like a child crying out in the dark, I said, 'If there is a Father, if

there is

a God, will he show himself?' And the place lit up in a great glare, a


white light. Then I began to have images, in the mind's eyes, so to speak,


one came in which I seemed to see myself standing on a mountain and a great

clean wind was blowing, and this blowing at first went around and then it


to go through me. And then the ecstasy redoubled and I found myself


'I am a free man! So this is the God of the preachers!' And little by little


ecstasy subsided and I found myself in a new world of consciousness."

Wilson never had another drink.

Carry This Message

Brimming with vision and new consciousness, Wilson blew back into the


world as if everything had changed -- not just for him, but for all of


He bragged that he was going to save every drunk in the world. He went

scavenging for men to preach to, finding them in missions and hospitals and

jails and among his own drinking buddies. Some of his targets thought he


an awful lot like the Bible-brandishing temperance ladies he had rebelled

against as a young man. He discovered that many alcoholics were "not in

favor of

God" -- God was an authority figure and drunks don't deal well with


"This doesn't work," he despaired to his wife, Lois. She reminded him that


was keeping at least one drunk sober -- himself.

But within months, even that project was at risk. Having been blinded like


on the road to Damascus, he now had his sight back and -- as often happens


the miraculously enlightened -- was discovering little by little that he was

much the same as before.

Tempted while on a business trip in Akron, Ohio, Wilson fought off the

bottle by

cold-calling churches from the hotel directory in search of a drunk to help.


call led him to an alcoholic surgeon named Bob Smith. Initially, Smith


to being saved -- this was after one of those sad-but-hilarious tales that


a sort of rosy glow to a truly savage disease: Wilson's first scheduled

encounter with Smith was called off after the doctor staggered home blotto

carrying an enormous potted plant for no discernible reason. He deposited


non sequitur before his bewildered wife, then passed out.

The next day, when they finally met, Wilson answered Smith's reluctance by

saying that he wasn't there for Smith, he was there for Bill Wilson. This

was a

key insight in the development of AA -- the realization that helping another

drunk is key to staying sober oneself. It reflected Wilson's new humility


his wondrous white light and great clean wind. Before, he was trying to work

miracles in the lives of others. Now, he was just trying to maintain the


in his own.

And it worked. After one relapse, Smith, who had been drinking even longer


harder than Wilson, got sober. Bill W. and Dr. Bob shared the story of their

recoveries with more drunks in this same spirit. Some of those men and women


sober themselves, and reached out to still others. And so on, down through


years and out around the planet to the largely anonymous millions of today,


range from celebrities to legislators to schoolteachers to busboys, from a

former first lady to the businessman striding down the sidewalk to the


soul working on a second sober sunrise. AA is now so widespread and well


that creators of the children's movie "Finding Nemo" could playfully include


12-step meeting for fish-addicted sharks, confident that every parent in the

global reach of Disney would get the joke.

It's impossible to know exactly how many people have tried AA, how many


sober, how many attend meetings and how often. The group is not only


it is non-hierarchical, nondenominational, non-centralized, nonpartisan.

According to the Twelve Traditions that govern AA, there is no requirement


membership except a desire to stop drinking, and the group endorses no cause

apart from that one. All it takes to convene an AA meeting is two alcoholics


feel like talking, and the tone of the meetings is as varied as the people


choose to attend. Group consensus rules in all things, so in any good-size


there are smoking meetings and nonsmoking meetings, meetings for early


and for night owls, meetings mostly populated by long-timers and meetings


oriented to the newly sober.

The 12 Steps and decentralized structure have proved so effective and


that other groups have copied the template for dealing with other problems:

Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous and so forth.


AA has never branched out. Getting and staying sober has been labor enough.

Unlike many spiritual visionaries, Wilson came to understand "that when he


the voice of God, it was often just the voice of Bill Wilson," as Cheever


it. And so, in the now-famous catechism that he created, AA members are


simply to turn their will and lives over to "the care of God as we


him," with italics right there in the Big Book. Prospective converts are


assured that they may take as their God the nearest radiator if that's what

works for them. Almighty God with the white beard, or a gentle breeze in the

treetops, or the sublime engineering of a molecule, or the vastness of

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