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Sent: Monday, June 14, 2004 10:20 PM

To: AAHistoryLovers@yahoogroups.com

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Conference Approved Literature

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a little information and thought maybe one of you may be able

to help. The question arose in one of our groups recently as to whether or not

the use of non-conference approved literature by those in the Program was

acceptable, or if it constituted a violation of of AA principles. I seem to

recall having read something about the use of conference approved literature

by AA members--it may have been in a newsletter or at this site, but I

searched previous postings and didn't find anything. Did Bill W. speak or

write about this in his later years or do you know of any relevant articles?

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Roseanne S.


++++Message 1868. . . . . . . . . . . . Painting that is signed "Helen


From: silkworthdotnet . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/16/2004 9:41:00 PM


The following was sent to me @ silkworth.net:

Name: Ann

Email: ag......@c......

Subject: Painting signed "Helen Griffith"

Hello, I am an Art Researcher in Seattle, WA. I have a painting

which is signed "Helen Griffith". The painting dates, by my estimate

from late 1920's. It is titled, "Gig Harbor - Fishing Village". I

believe it may have been painted by the Helen Griffith who helped

Bill and Lois, get their 1st house. I have read the most recent

biography about Bill Wilson and the background for Helen Griffith

could be a match. Do you have any other details about Helen? Was

there possibly an obituary, when and where she died? Any help,

references, or additional resources would be greatly appreciated. Of

course, it would be an amazing coincidence that I would be so lucky

to find this painting if it is by YOUR Helen Griffith. I am the

mother of a son who is the 1st in 3 generations (of alcoholics I have

known and loved ) to find recovery (after being on death's doorstep

at age 17). He now has 7+ years of sobriety and is an amazing person.

Best regards !and thanks for the help on retracing Helen Griffith's

background. -Ann G.


I will direct Ann to AAHistoryLovers to see if anyone has

responded and posted information about the above information.

Kind regards,

/ Jim Myers


++++Message 1869. . . . . . . . . . . . I need help encouraging more Closed


From: Lance . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/16/2004 10:09:00 PM


Anyone who can cite where out literature or other sources may say

that closed meetings are one way to help us stick to our Primary

Purpose...I'd be grateful for those references!

Thanks so much!

HUGS!!! Lance from colorful Colorado!



++++Message 1870. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: I need help encouraging more

Closed meetings

From: Gilbert Gamboa . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/17/2004 10:34:00 PM


First of all read Tradition 5-it states our primary purpose, also tradition 3

talks about membership(not attendance of meetings) being for alcoholics..step

12 also states our primary purpose, and page 159 (third edition)it reads






PROBLEMS".(problems in this sentence refers to alcoholism !!!!!)

again we are here for the newcomer,its important to understand that most

reasons for making a meeting a closed one is because of sharing of personal

problems we are having that day.see somthing wrong with that?these things

arent for the meeting

where is the solution in sharing personal problems in a meeting,that should be

left to your higher power and your sponsor.A meeting is to hook up the

new-comer to a solution and remind each other (50 years sober or 30 days

sober) where we found that solution.

Trust God,Clean house,Carry hope

Gilbert G.

Lance wrote:

Anyone who can cite where out literature or other sources may say

that closed meetings are one way to help us stick to our Primary

Purpose...I'd be grateful for those references!

Thanks so much!

HUGS!!! Lance from colorful Colorado!



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++++Message 1871. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Conference Approved Literature

From: Danny S . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/18/2004 4:35:00 AM


The term "Conference Approved" did not even exist in our Fellowship

prior to the First Annual General Service Conference held in April 20-

22, 1951. Not even the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous could

be "Conference Approved" before that year.

Today not all AA material distributed through AA has gone through the

rather tedious conference approval processed, nor does it require

approval of the General Service Conference in order to be considered

by members as AA literature.

All references to use of the term "Conference Approved" in the Report

of the First Annual General Service Conference appears to point

heavily toward the creation of a process by which we could officially

distinguish which literature we hold publishing rights and therefor

control over the proceeds that such literature generates. This also

would establish a firm precedence in order to prevent non-AA entities

from profiting out the sale of AA literature. No small issue.

There is no written record, to which I am aware that would indicate

that "Conference Approved" should construed by AA members as a "stamp

of approval" for content.


Danny S


++++Message 1872. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Painting that is signed "Helen


From: Mel Barger . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/17/2004 8:12:00 PM


Hi Ann and History Lover friends:

I stayed two weekends at Stepping Stones while working on "Pass It On."

The story I got from Lois was that a Griffith had lived there in the 1920s

and had a drinking problem. The coincidence is that Griffith was Bill's

middle name and also the family name of his maternal grandparents. But

perhaps the real estate agent was named Griffith too. In any case, she

pushed hard to persuade the Wilsons to visit the house which they were

reluctant to do because they were flat broke and didn't even have money for

a down payment. After getting them to see the house, the agent worked out

a deal so they could get it for $6500 with no down payment and $40 a month

payments. Since they were already paying $20 a month to store their

furniture, all they had to do was come up with another $20 and they were

home free, which they did.

The bedrooms were very tiny and it wouldn't have been a good family home.

But it was fine for a couple and would have been great for a person with an

artistic bent. The Wilsons were happy there and Lois wouldn't have moved

even when her income had soared to half a million a year and she could have

moved into the swankiest Manhattan apartment. She was a great gardener and

knew where everything on the eight or ten acre place was planted.

Mel Barger

~~~~~~~~ Mel Barger melb@accesst ~~~~~~~~ Mel Barger melb@accesstoledo.com

----- Original Message -----

From: "silkworthdotnet"


Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2004 10:41 PM

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Painting that is signed "Helen Griffith"

> The following was sent to me @ silkworth.net:


> Name: Ann

> Email: ag......@c......

> Subject: Painting signed "Helen Griffith"


> Hello, I am an Art Researcher in Seattle, WA. I have a painting

> which is signed "Helen Griffith". The painting dates, by my estimate

> from late 1920's. It is titled, "Gig Harbor - Fishing Village". I

> believe it may have been painted by the Helen Griffith who helped

> Bill and Lois, get their 1st house. I have read the most recent

> biography about Bill Wilson and the background for Helen Griffith

> could be a match. Do you have any other details about Helen? Was

> there possibly an obituary, when and where she died? Any help,

> references, or additional resources would be greatly appreciated. Of

> course, it would be an amazing coincidence that I would be so lucky

> to find this painting if it is by YOUR Helen Griffith. I am the

> mother of a son who is the 1st in 3 generations (of alcoholics I have

> known and loved ) to find recovery (after being on death's doorstep

> at age 17). He now has 7+ years of sobriety and is an amazing person.

> Best regards !and thanks for the help on retracing Helen Griffith's

> background. -Ann G.

> =======================================


> I will direct Ann to AAHistoryLovers to see if anyone has

> responded and posted information about the above information.


> Kind regards,

> / Jim Myers








> Yahoo! Groups Links









> __________________________________________________________

> This message was scanned by GatewayDefender

> 8:18:46 AM ET - 6/17/2004



++++Message 1873. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Re: Conference Approved Literature

From: Susan Krieger . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/18/2004 2:13:00 PM


In the 1977 conference actions report: It was suggested tha A.A.groups be

discouraged from selling literature not distributed by the General Service

Office and the Grapevine. p44 A Summery: Advisory Actions of the General

Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous 1951 - 1986



----- Original Message -----

From: "Danny S"


Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 2:35 AM

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Re: Conference Approved Literature

> The term "Conference Approved" did not even exist in our Fellowship

> prior to the First Annual General Service Conference held in April 20-

> 22, 1951. Not even the Big Book, Alcoholics Anonymous could

> be "Conference Approved" before that year.


> Today not all AA material distributed through AA has gone through the

> rather tedious conference approval processed, nor does it require

> approval of the General Service Conference in order to be considered

> by members as AA literature.


> All references to use of the term "Conference Approved" in the Report

> of the First Annual General Service Conference appears to point

> heavily toward the creation of a process by which we could officially

> distinguish which literature we hold publishing rights and therefor

> control over the proceeds that such literature generates. This also

> would establish a firm precedence in order to prevent non-AA entities

> from profiting out the sale of AA literature. No small issue.


> There is no written record, to which I am aware that would indicate

> that "Conference Approved" should construed by AA members as a "stamp

> of approval" for content.


> Peace,


> Danny S






> Yahoo! Groups Links







++++Message 1874. . . . . . . . . . . . RE: Re: Conference Approved Literature

From: Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/19/2004 7:43:00 AM



I don't

believe it's a stretch to suggest that when groups stress that they will allow


Conference-approved literature, they are likely trying to achieve three


1. Keep out

the proliferation of 'recovery'' writings that are emanating from more and

more varied

sources (e.g. Barnes and Noble has a 'Recovery'' section in their book


2. Ensure

that there is no blurring of the distinction between AA and the proliferation

of other '12 Step Fellowships.''

3. Stay with

literature that has been reviewed by a Conference standing committee to ensure

that it conforms to AA principles.

It would likely

be better to use the term 'AA literature'' instead of 'Conference-approved

literature'' since a fairly substantial body of AA literature is not required


go through the Conference-approval process. Some examples:

1. Grapevine

(and its non-English counterparts).


Box 459


Guidelines (the "yellow



Workbooks (e.g. Archives, PI, CPC,

TF and CF service committees)


Markings (the GSO Archives




About AA (PI releases)




Advisory Actions of the General

Service Conference of AA (M-39)


Final reports of the General

Service Conference


Literature published by GSOs other

than the US/Canada and AAWS


Final reports of the World Service




Memento booklets from International




Literature catalogs and flyers

(AAWS and Grapevine)

14. Non-English

interpretations of books/pamphlets

15. Various

and sundry GSO publications called 'service pieces.''

(And I've

probably missed others)

There is literature, published outside of AA, that is not

Conference-approved but which is certainly valuable and beneficial. There are

some wonderful historic and spiritual works. If you visit GSO in NY and go the

Archives exhibit, you'll see an entire wall of books that are not


- which is fine for anyone engaging in serious research. On the other hand

there is an awful lot of nonsense, 'recovery psycho-babble'' and revisionist

history that gets published as well.

So how do you deal with all of this? I believe most groups draw a

line by adopting a guideline to only allow Conference-approved literature.

What does GSO have to say on the matter? The information below is

a transcription of a service piece (re 15 above) that is included in a packet

that is sent to a new group when it registers with GSO. It also appears in a

number of service committee kits.





*Service Material

From G.S.O.*


It Means to You*

The term 'Conference-approved''

describes written or audiovisual material approved by the Conference for

publication by G.S.O. This process assures that everything in such literature

is in accord with A.A. principles. Conference-approved material always deals

with the recovery program of Alcoholics Anonymous or with information about


A.A. Fellowship.

The term has no relation to

material not published by G.S.O. It does not*

bold;"> *imply Conference disapproval of other material about

A.A. A great deal of literature helpful to alcoholics is published by others,

and A.A. does not try to tell any individual member what he or she may or may

not read.

Conference approval assures us that

a piece of literature represents solid A.A. experience. Any


booklet or pamphlet goes through a lengthy and painstaking process, during

which a variety of A.A.s from all over the United States and Canada read and

express opinions at every stage of production.

*How To Tell What

Is and What Is Not Conference-approved*

Look for the statement on books,

pamphlets and films:

*'This is A.A.

General Service Conference-approved literature''*

*All 'A.A.

Literature'' Is Not Conference-approved*

Central offices and intergroups do

write and distribute pamphlets or booklets that are not Conference-approved.


such pieces meet the needs of the local membership, they may be legitimately

classified as 'A.A*. *literature.''

There is no conflict between A.A. World Services, Inc. (A.A.W.S. - publishers

of Conference-approved literature), and central offices or intergroups -


they complement each other. The Conference does not disapprove of such


G.S.O. does develop some literature

that does not have to be approved by the Conference, such as service material,

Guidelines and bulletins.

*Available at Most

A.A. Groups*

Most local A.A. groups purchase anddisplay a representative sampling of

Conference-approved pamphlets, and usually carry a supply of hardcover books.

Conference-approved literature may be available at central offices and

intergroups, or it may be ordered directly from G.S.O. Groups normally offer

pamphlets free of charge, and the books at cost.



literature is copyrighted with the Copyright Office, Library of Congress,

Washington, D.C., U.S.A. To insure the continued integrity of A.A. literature,

and to make sure the A.A. recovery programs will not be distorted or diluted,

permission to reprint must be obtained from A.A.W.S. in writing.

However, A.A.

newsletters, bulletins, or meeting lists have blanket permission to use the

material, providing proper credit is given to insure that the copyrights of

A.A. literature are protected.

The A.A.

Preamble is copyrighted by The A.A. Grapevine, Inc. (not by A.A. World

Services). Beneath it, these words should appear: Reprinted with permission

of the A.A. Grapevine, Inc. The Steps and Traditions should be followed by

these words: Reprinted with Permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.


F-29 (handwritten)


*From:* Susan Krieger


*Sent:* Friday, June 18, 2004 2:14




*Subject:* Re: [AAHistoryLovers] Re:

Conference Approved Literature


10.0pt;">In the 1977 conference actions report: It was suggested tha



10.0pt;font-family:"Courier New";">

discouraged from selling literature not

distributed by the General Service

Office and the Grapevine. p44 A Summery:

Advisory Actions of the General

Service Conference of Alcoholics Anonymous

1951 - 1986



----- Original Message -----

From: "Danny S"


Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 2:35 AM

Subject: [AAHistoryLovers] Re: Conference Approved


> The term "Conference Approved" did

not even exist in our Fellowship

> prior to the First Annual General Service

Conference held in April 20-

> 22, 1951. Not even the Big Book, Alcoholics

Anonymous could

> be "Conference Approved" before

that year.


> Today not all AA material distributed through

AA has gone through the

> rather tedious conference approval processed,

nor does it require

> approval of the General Service Conference in

order to be considered

> by members as AA literature.


> All references to use of the term

"Conference Approved" in the Report

> of the First Annual General Service

Conference appears to point

> heavily toward the creation of a process by

which we could officially

> distinguish which literature we hold

publishing rights and therefor

> control over the proceeds that such

literature generates. This also

> would establish a firm precedence in order to

prevent non-AA entities

> from profiting out the sale of AA literature.

No small issue.


> There is no written record, to which I am

aware that would indicate

> that "Conference Approved" should

construed by AA members as a "stamp

> of approval" for content.


> Peace,


> Danny S






> Yahoo! Groups Links







++++Message 1875. . . . . . . . . . . . Re: Conference Approved Literature

From: jbackman1@aol.com . . . . . . . . . . . . 6/19/2004 5:19:00 AM


In a message dated 6/15/2004 2:31:05 PM Central Daylight Time,

meggie1270@wideopenwest.com writes:


There is an unconscious movement to make the term "Conference Approved" mean

something that it does not mean. The simple summary of "Conference Approval"

is that it is literature written for AA that has been voted on in General

Service Conference meetings as representing the thinking of the majority of

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