Aaby, Peter 1984 Epidemics Among Amerindians and Inuit: a preliminary Interpretation. In: Jens Brosted, et al., eds. Native Power: The Quest for Autonomy and Nationhood of Indigenous Peoples

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Hohenthal, William D., and Sheilagh T. Brooks 1960 An Archaeological Scaphocephal from California. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 18(1):59-67. SCAPHOCEPHALY, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, CALIFORNIA, [JRNL]
Hohmann, John W. 1981 Sinagua Social Organization: Inferences Based Upon Prehistoric Mortuary Practices. [Thesis, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff]. MORTUARY PRACTICE, AMERICA, INDIAN, SINAGUA, [J-ARCHAEOL-SCI-1994-21:605]
Hohmann, John W. 1982 Sinagua Social Differentiation: Inferences Based on Prehistoric Mortuary Practices. Arizona Archaeologist 17. MORTUARY PRACTICE, AMERICA, INDIAN, SINAGUA, [MELVYL]
Hohmann, John W. 1985 Archaeological Evidence for Raiding and Warfare in the Salado Heartland. Paper presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, Las Vegas, Nevada. WARFARE, ARCHAEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE FOR, AMERICA, SOUTHWEST, INDIAN, [ANTHROPOL-SCI-1995-103:18]
Hohndorf-Hoferer, M. 1980 The Importance of the Measurements of the Female Pelvis for the Diagnosis of Pregnancy Problems by Pathological Narrow Pelves in Ancient Populations (Examples from the Turin Osteological Collection). Antropologia Contemporanea 3:135-136. PELVIS, PREGNANCY PROBLEM, ANCIENT, TURIN OSTEOLOGICAL COLLECTION, [PPNL-1980-31:18]
Hoinkes-Wilflingseder, Barbara 1992 Zum Strafrechtlichen Schutz Archäologischer Funde. In: Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, and Konrad Spindler, eds. Der Mann im Eis, Band 1. Bericht über das Internationale Symposium 1992 in Innsbruck. Veröffentlichungen der Universität Innsbruck 187. [ISBN 3-901249-01-X hardback]. Innsbruck: Universität Innsbruck, pp. 56-60. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, LEGAL ASPECT, AUSTRIAN, [BOOK]
Hφjgaard, K. 1980 Dentition on Bahrain, 2000 B.C. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 88(6):467-475. DENTAL DISEASE, BAHRAIN 2000 B.C., [NDX-Tooth Diseases history-22-14-12836 & ARME]
Hφjgaard, K. 1980 Dentition on Umm an-Nar (Trucial Oman), 2500 B.C. Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research 88(5):355-364. DENTAL DISEASE, TRUCIAL OMAN 2500 B.C., [NDX-Tooth Diseases history-22-14-12836 & ARME]
Hφjgaard, K. 1980 [Teeth of the Kilmun-Times. Umm an-Nar (2500 B.C.) Al-Bahrain (2000 B.C.).]. [Danish]. Tandlaegebladet/Danish Dental Journal 84:548. DENTITION, KILMUN-TIMES, TRUCIAL OMAN, BAHRAIN, [CWHM-1982-112-#1374 & ARME]
Hojo, T. 1969 [On the Human Skeletal Remains Excavated at the House-Shaped Stone Coffin of the Protohistoric Period, in Onozaki, Shichijo Village, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.]. [Japanese]. Journal of the Kumamoto Medical Society/Kumamoto Igakkai Zasshi 43:37-46. REMAINS, SKELETAL, COFFIN, STONE, JAPAN, [NDX-Paleontology-10-02-08248 & ARME]
Hojo, T. 1989 Dietary Difference and Microwear on the Teeth of Late Stone Age and Early Modern People from Western Japan. Scanning Microscopy 3(2):623-628. DIET, DENTAL MICROWEAR, STONE AGE, EARLY MODERN PERIOD, WESTERN JAPAN, [CWHM-1990-146-#1613-#2211 & NDX-Paleodontology-31-08-09994]
Hojo, T., and Al Matsuda 1970 [On the Human Skeletal Remains Excavated from the Hayamazuka Stone Coffin Group at Sakabaru, in Nishigoshi Town, Kikuchi-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.]. [Japanese]. Journal of the Kumamoto Medical Society/Kumamoto Igakkai Zasshi 44:653-658. REMAINS, SKELETAL, COFFIN, STONE, JAPAN, [NDX-Paleontology-11-02-07185]
Hojo, T., T. Nagata, and N. Aoki 1969 [On the Human Skeletal Remains Excavated from the Box-Shaped Stone Coffin in Kitaamagi-Tsurugibaru, Kashima Village, Kamimashiki-gun, Kumamoto Prefecture.]. [Japanese]. Journal of the Kumamoto Medical Society/Kumamoto Igakkai Zasshi 43:892-894. REMAINS, SKELETAL, COFFIN, STONE, JAPAN, [NDX-Author index-11-01-01561]
Holbrook, W. C. 1877 Examinations of Indian Mounds on the Rock River, at Sterling, Illinois. American Naturalist 11:688. ROCK RIVER, INDIAN MOUNDS, STERLING, ILLINOIS, [CRAN]
Holck, Per 1984 [Harris' Lines. Radiological Findings in a Pre-Historic Skeleton.]. [Norwegian with English Abstract]. Tidsskrift for den Norske Laegeforening 104(15):1028-1031. HARRIS LINES, PREHISTORIC, RADIOLOGY, [NDX-Paleontology-25-12-12541]
Holck, Per 1984 Scurvy as a Paleopathological Problem. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Fifth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Siena, Italy, 3-4 September 1984, p. 8. SCURVY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Holck, Per 1986 Cremated Bones: A Medical-Anthropological Study of an Archaeological Material on Cremation Burials. [See review by Friedrich W. Rösing, 1988/1989.]. Antropologiske Skrifter (P: Anatomisk Institutt--Universitetet Oslo) 1. BONE, BURIAL, CREMATION, [PACT-19:070 & HOMO-1988/1989-38:61]
Holck, Per 1986 Pathology from a Medieval Churchyard. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Madrid, Spain, 9-11 September 1986, p. 7. PATHOLOGY, MEDIEVAL CHURCHYARD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Holck, Per 1988 To Catch a Thief: A Find from a Medieval Churchyard. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Seventh European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Lyon, France, 1-4 September 1988, p. 12. PALEOPATHOLOGY, MEDIEVAL, CHURCHYARD, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Holck, Per 1990 The Occurrence of Hip Joint Dislocation in Early Lappic Populations of Norway. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Eighth European Members Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Cambridge, England, 19-22 September 1990, p. 12. DISLOCATION, HIP, LAPPS, NORWAY, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Holck, Per 1991 The Occurrence of Hip Joint Dislocation in Early Lappic Populations of Norway. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 79:15.]. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1:203-207. DISLOCATION, HIP, NORWAY, [PPNL-1992-79:15]
Holcomb, Richmond C. 1930 Who Gave the World Syphilis? The Haitian Myth. New York: Froben Press. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, MYTH, HAITIAN, [STEINBOCK-1976:163 & HART 1983:279 & ARME]
Holcomb, Richmond C. 1934 Christopher Columbus, and the American Origin of Syphilis. United States Naval Medical Bulletin 32(4):401-430. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ORIGIN, AMERICA, COLUMBUS, [JRNL]
Holcomb, Richmond C. 1935 The Antiquity of Syphilis. Medical Life 42:275-325. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ANTIQUITY, [STEINBOCK-1976:163]
Holcomb, Richmond C. 1940 Syphilis of the Skull Among Aleuts and the Asian and North American Eskimo About Bering and Arctic Seas. United States Naval Medical Bulletin 38(2):177-192. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, SKULL, ALEUT, ASIAN, ESKIMO, BERING AND ARCTIC SEA, [JRNL]
Holcomb, Richmond C. 1941 The Antiquity of Congenital Syphilis. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 10(2):148-177. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, ANTIQUITY, CONGENITAL, [ARME]
Holden, Constance 1990 Now Even Mummies Go Digital. Science 250(4986):1334. MUMMIES, [JRNL]
Holden, Constance 1991 Mycomummy. [Briefings]. Science 253(5026):1353. MUMMIES, [JRNL]
Holden, Constance 1994 22nd-Dynasty Toothache. Science 265(5180):1806. MUMMIES, EGYPT, TWENTY-SECOND DYNASTY, DENTAL DISEASE, TOOTHACHE, [JRNL]
Holden, Constance 1994 Exaggerations of Ancient Medicine. Science 265(5180):1807. MEDICINE, PERSIA, FIFTEENTH CENTURY, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Holden, Constance 1995 "Ice Man" Markings Seen as Medical Tattoos. Science 268(5207):33. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ALPS, ICEMAN, HOMO TIROLENSIS, TATTOO [JRNL]
Holden, Constance 1995 Thoroughly Modern Mummy. Science 267(5206):1903. MUMMIES, MODERN, EMBALMING PRACTICE RECONSTRUCTION, [JRNL]
Holden, Constance 1996 Ebola: Ancient History of "New" Disease? [Random Samples]. Science 272(5268):1591. PLAGUE OF ATHENS, EBOLA VIRUS, [JRNL]
Holden, Constance 1996 Ice Man Didn't Die Young. [Random Samples]. Science 272(5270):1875. MUMMIES, AUSTRIA, ICE MAN, PREHISTORIC, AUSTRIAN-ITALIAN ALPS, [JRNL]
Holden, H. S. 1931 Some Observations on the Wound Reactions of Ankyropteris Corrugata. Journal of the Linnean Society (London) 48:643-655. WOUND, REACTION, ANKYROPTERIS CORRUGATA, [CRAN]
Holden, J. D. 1967 The Russell-Silver's Dwarf. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology 9:457-459. DWARFISM, RUSSELL-SILVER'S DWARF, [NDX-Dwarfism-08-02-01879]
Holden, Timothy G. 1986 Preliminary Report on the Detailed Analyses of the Macroscopic Remains from the Gut of Lindow Man. In: I. M. Stead, J. B. Bourke, and Don R. Brothwell, eds. Lindow Man: The Body in the Bog. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, pp. 116-125. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1987, 59:17.]. BOG BODIES, LINDOW MAN, GUT CONTENT ANALYSIS, [BOOK]
Holden, Timothy G. 1989 Preliminary Work on South American Mummies Held at the British Museum. Paleopathology Newsletter 69:5-9. MUMMIES, SOUTH AMERICA, BRITISH MUSEUM COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Holden, Timothy G. 1990 The Rehydration of Coprolites Using Trisodium Phosphate Solution: Color Reaction and Smell. Paleopathology Newsletter 71:9-12. COPROLITE, REHYDRATION, [JRNL]
Holden, Timothy G. 1990 Taphonomic and Methodological Problems in Reconstructing Diet from Ancient Human Gut and Faecal Remains. [Dissertation, Institute of Archaeology, University of London, England]. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, GUT CONTENT, FECES, COPROLITES, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1991-22:330]
Holden, Timothy G. 1991 Evidence of Prehistoric Diet from Northern Chile: Coprolites, Gut Contents and Flotation Samples from the Tulán Quebrada. World Archaeology 22(3):320-331. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, COPROLITE, GUT CONTENT, FLOATATION SAMPLE, CHILE, [JRNL]
Holden, Timothy G. 1991 Unusual Sources of Dietary Evidence from the Gut Contents of Three Ancient Chilean Bodies. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1992, 77:19.]. Bioantropología 1:4-8. MUMMIES, CHILE, GUT CONTENT, NUTRITIONAL EVIDENCE, [PPNL 1992-77:19]
Holden, Timothy G., and Lautaro Núñez 1993 An Analysis of the Gut Contents of Five Well-Preserved Human Bodies from Tarapacá, Northern Chile. Journal of Anthropological Science 20(6)595-611. MUMMIES, CHILE, GUT CONTENT, [JRNL]
Holder, Preston, and T. Dale Stewart 1958 Anthropology--A Complete Find of Filed Teeth from the Cahokia Mounds in Illinois. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 48(11):349-357. DENTITION, FILED, CAHOKIA MOUNDS, ILLINOIS, [JRNL]
Holladay, A. J. 1986 The Thucydides Syndrome: Another View. [Comment on "The Thucydides Syndrome: A New Hypothesis for the Cause of the Plague of Athens."]. [See Alexander D. Langmuir, Thomas D. Worthen, Jon Solomon, C. George Ray, and Eskild Petersen, 1986.]. New England Journal of Medicine 315(18):1170-1172. PLAGUE OF ATHENS, [JRNL]
Holladay, A. J. 1988 New Developments in the Problem of the Athenian Plague. Classical Quarterly 38(1):247-250. PLAGUE OF ATHENS, [CWHM-1988-138-#1578]
Holladay, A. J., and J. C. F. Poole 1984 Thucydides and the Plague: A Further Footnote. Classical Quarterly 34:483-485. PLAGUE OF ATHENS, THUCYDIDES, TULAREMIA, [CWHM-1985-125-#1045]
Holland, Thomas Dean 1986 Race Determination of Fragmentary Crania by Analysis of the Cranial Base. Journal of Forensic Sciences 31(2):719-725. RACE ASSESSMENT, CRANIAL BASE, [JRNL]
Holland, Thomas Dean 1986 Sex Determination of Fragmentary Crania by Analysis of the Cranial Base. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 70(2):203-208. SEX ASSESSMENT, CRANIAL BASE, [JRNL]
Holland, Thomas Dean 1991 Sex Assessment Using the Proximal Tibia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 85(2):221-227. SEX ASSESSMENT, TIBIA, PROXIMAL, HAMANN-TODD COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Holland, Thomas Dean 1992 Estimation of Adult Stature from Fragmentary Tibias. Journal of Forensic Sciences 37(5):1223-1229. STATURE ASSESSMENT, ADULT, TIBIA, FRAGMENTARY, [JRNL]
Holland, Thomas Dean 1995 Brief Communication: Estimation of Adult Stature from the Calcaneus and Talus. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 96(3):315-320. STATURE ASSESSMENT, CALCANEUS, TALUS, HAMANN-TODD COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Hollander, D. H. 1981 Treponematosis from Pinta to Venereal Syphilis Revisited: Hypothesis for Temperature Determination of Disease Patterns. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 8:34-37. TREPONEMATOSIS, PINTA, SYPHILIS, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1991-32:589]
Holländer, Eugen 1909 Pre-Columbian Diseases. British Medical Journal 2:708. DISEASE, PRECOLUMBIAN, [COURY 1969:340]
Holländer, Eugen 1912 Die Anthropomorphen Terrakoten mit Krankheitsdarstellungen aus dem Alten Inkareiche. In: Eugen Holländer. Plastik und Medizin. Stuttgart: F. Enke, Volume 8, pp. 391-439, and figs. 283-329. PALEOPATHOLOGY, PERU, INCA, [LSG4-06:784 & ARME]
Holländer, Eugen 1915 Die Chirurgische Säge. Archiv fuer Klinische Chirurgie 106:316. SURGICAL SAW, [DIS IN ANT:671]
Holländer, Eugen 1927 Äskulap und Venus/eine Kultur-und Sittengeschichte im Spiegel des Arztes. Berlin: Propyläen. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [DIS IN ANT:697]
Holländer, Eugen 1927 Die Ersten Heilbestrebungen. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift 77:1575;1606. MEDICINE, PREHISTORIC, [LSG4-Medicine prehistoric]
Holländer, Eugen 1928 Eine Kultur-Sittengeschichte in Spiegel des Arztes. Berlin: Äskulap und Venus. MEDICINE, HISTORY, [DIS IN ANT:622]
Hollander, F., and J. Dunning 1939 A Study by Age and Sex of the Incidence of Dental Caries in Over 12,000 Persons. Journal of Dental Research 18:43-60. DENTAL CARIES, AGE, SEX, [ARME]
Hollander, J. L. 1963 Environment and Musculoskeletal Diseases. Archives of Environmental Health 6:527-536. DISEASE, ENVIRONMENTAL AND MUSCULOSKELETAL, [M-SCHULTZ-INPUT-DECEMBER-1996-FROM-SCHULTZ.DOC-OF-12/13/96]
Hollett, Alan 1975 There was a young weaver called Nakht,/Whom disease severely attakht./When he finally died,/They dried out his hide,/But left all his organs intakht. [Limerick]. Paleopathology Newsletter 11:20. MUMMIES, EGYPT, NAKHT, DISEASE, LIMERICK, [JRNL]
Holley, H. L. 1979 A Century and a Half of the History of the Life Sciences in Alabama. Smallpox Epidemic in Jefferson County. Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences 16(2):140-142. SMALLPOX, JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA, [CWHM-1980-105-#1549]
Holliday Diane Young [See also Young, Diane E.] 1993 Occipital Lesions: A Possible Cost of Cradleboards. [For annotation, see Paleopathology Newsletter, 1993, 82:9.]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 90(3):283-290. SKULL, DEFORMATION, OCCIPITAL LESION, CRADLEBOARD, SCALP DISORDER, ISCHEMIC ULCER, IMPETIGO, CARBUNCLE, MIMBRES, AMERICA, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Holliman, Rhodes B. 1970 Evidence of a Prehistoric Physician in Virginia. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 8:18.]. Virginia Medical Monthly 97:642-644. PHYSICIAN, PREHISTORIC, VIRGINIA, [NDX-Indians north american-15-06-06419 & ZIMM]
Holliman, Rhodes B. 1970 A Prehistoric Case of Osteo-Trauma. [For abstract and commentary, see Paleopathology Newsletter 1974, 8:18.]. Virginia Medical Monthly 97:212-213. RIB, TRAUMA, [NDX-Indians north american-15-06-06419 & ZIMM]
Hollimon, Sandra E. 1988 Age and Sex Related Incidence of Degenerative Joint Disease in Skeletal Remains from Santa Cruz Island, California. In: Gary D. Richards, ed. Human Skeletal Biology: Contributions to the Understanding of California's Prehistoric Populations. Archives of California Prehistory, Number 24. Salinas, California: Coyote Press, pp. 69-90. ARTHRITIS, DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE, SANTA CRUZ ISLAND, CALIFORNIA, [ANTON-INPUT]
Hollimon, Sandra E. 1989 Malignancy in Three Crania from Coastal Southern California. [Abstract]. In: Eve Cockburn, ed. Papers on Paleopathology Presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, San Diego, California, 4-5 April 1989, p. 8. SKULL, NEOPLASM, MALIGNANCY, CALIFORNIA, ABSTRACT, [JRNL]
Hollimon, Sandra E. 1992 Health Consequences of Sexual Division of Labor Among Native Americans: The Chumash of California and the Arikara of the Northern Plains. In: Cheryl Claassen, ed. Exploring Gender Through Archaeology: Selected papers from the 1991 Boone Conference. Monographs in World Archaeology, Number 11. Madison, Wisconsin: Prehistory Press, pp. 81-88. DIVISION OF LABOR, HEALTH CONSEQUENCE OF, AMERICA, INDIAN, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1996-37:152 & MELVYL]
Hollimon, Sandra E. 1996 Sex, Gender and Health Among the Chumash: An Archaeological Examination of Prehistoric Gender Roles. Proceedings of the Society for California Archaeology 9:205-208. HEALTH, SEX AND GENDER ROLE, AMERICA, INDIAN, CHUMASH, [JRNL]
Hollimon, Sandra E., and Douglas W. Owsley 1994 Osteology of the Fay Tolton Site: Implications for Warfare During the Initial Middle Missouri Variant. In: Douglas W. Owsley, and Richard L. Jantz, eds. Skeletal Biology in the Great Plains: Migration, Warfare, Health, and Subsistence. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 345-353. WARFARE, NORTHERN PLAINS, AMERICA, INDIAN, [INTERNATL-J-OSTEOARCHAEOL-1996-6:247]
Hollingsworth, Thomas H. 1969 Historical Demography. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. DEMOGRAPHY, HISTORICAL, [COOK&LOVELL-1991:258]
Hollis, M. 1970 Dental Caries Experience of New Zealand Children over a Twenty Year Period. New Zealand Dental Journal 66:467-174. DENTAL CARIES, NEW ZEALAND, CHILDREN, TWENTY YEAR PERIöOD, [ARME]
Holloway, P. J., R. L. Speirs, and G. L. Slack 1965 Fluoride Content of Extracted Teeth from Some Islanders of Tristan da Cunha. British Dental Journal 118:283-285. DENTITION, EXTRACTED TEETH, FLUORIDE CONTENT OF, TRISTAN DA CUNHA, [WORLD-ARCHAEOL-1988-20:100]
Holloway, P. J., et al. 1963 Dental Disease in Tristan Da Cunha. British Dental Journal 115:19-25. DENTAL DISEASE, TRISTAN DA CUNHA, [ARME]
Holloway, Ralph L. 1980 Paleoneurology. By Veronika I. Kochetkova, with commentary by Harry J. Jerison. 1978. Washington, D.C.: V. H. Winston and Sons. [Review]. American Anthropologist 82(1):174-175. REVIEW OF, KOCHETKOVA; VERONIKA I., 1978, [JRNL]
Holloway, Ralph L., and Elisabeth Szinyei-Merse 1972 Paleopathology. In: Ralph L. Holloway, and Elisabeth Szinyei-Merse. Human Biology: A Catholic Review. Biennial Review of Anthropology, 1971 1971:101-103. BIOLOGY, HUMAN BIOLOGY, PALEOPATHOLOGY, [JRNL]
Holman, Darryl J., and Kenneth A. Bennett 1991 Determination of Sex from Arm Bone Measurements. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 84(4):421-426. SEX ASSESSMENT, ARM, WRIST, TERRY COLLECTION, [JRNL]
Holmberg, Scott D. 1990 The Rise of Tuberculosis in America Before 1820. American Review of Respiratory Diseases 142(5):1228-1232. TUBERCULOSIS, AMERICA, [JRNL]
Holmer, U., and A. B. Maunsbach 1957 Odontologische Unterschung von Zähnen und Kiefern des Menschen aus der Steinzeit in Schweden. [Examination of Teeth and Jaws of Stone Age Man Found in Sweden.]. Odontologisk Tidskrift/Scandinavian Dental Journal 64:437-521. DENTITION, STONE AGE, SWEDEN, [DENTABST-1958-3:46 & ARME]
Holmer, U., and A. B. Maunsbach 1958 Examination of Teeth and Jaws of Stone Age Man Found in Sweden. Dental Abstracts 3(1):46. DENTITION, STONE AGE, SWEDEN, [JRNL]
Holmes, William H. 1897 Preservation and Decorative Features of Papuan Crania. Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series 2:41-49. SKULL, DECORATION, PRESERVATION, PAPUA, [JRNL]
Holmes, William John 1972 Avulsion of Both Eyes--a Form of Old Hawaiian Punishment. Archives of Ophthalmology 87(4):443. EYE, AVULSION OF, PUNISHMENT, HAWAII, [JRNL]
Holoubek, J. E., and A. B. Holoubek 1995 An Execution by Crucifixion: History, Methods and Cause of Death. Journal of Medicine (Clinical, Experimental and Theoretical) 26(1-2):1-16. EXECUTION, CRUCIFIXION, HISTORY, METHODOLOGY, CAUSE OF DEATH, [CWHM-1996-169:#0290]
Holt, B. 1993 Phytoliths from Dental Calculus: Direct Evidence of Prehistoric Diet. [Abstract]. Phytolitharien Newsletter 7:8. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PHYTOLITH, DENTAL CALCULUS, ABSTRACT, [AJPA-1996-101:112]
Holt, C. Adams 1978 A Re-Examination of Parturition Scars on the Human Female Pelvis. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 49(1):91-94. PUBIC SYMPHYSIS, PARTURITION, BIRTH SCARRING, [JRNL]
Holt, D. A., et al. 1993 A Medical History Timeline. Journal of the Florida Medical Association 80(2):121-123. MEDICINE, HISTORY, TIMELINE, [CWHM-1993-158-#0497]
Holtkamp, P. 1988 Tooth Replacement in Primitive Cultures. [German]. Quintessenz Journal 18:291-293. DENTITION, DENTURE, PRIMITIVE, [CWHM-1989-140-#0543]
Holtort, J. 1978 [Pulling Teeth with the Tip of the Sword.]. [German]. Zahnaerztliche Mitteilungen 68(17):948-950. DENTAL EXTRACTION, SWORD, [NDX-Dental Instruments history-20-09-06628]
Holubar, Karl 1990 Carl L. Sigmund (1810-1883): The World's First Professor of Syphilis. International Journal of Dermatology 29(4):300-303. TREPONEMATOSIS, SYPHILIS, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Holyoke, E. A. 1783 A Bill of Mortality for the Town of Salem for the Year 1782. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1:546-572. DISEASE, MYCOBACTERIAL DISEASE, [CURR-ANTHROPOL-1987-28:060]
Holzhueter, A. M. 1964 An Examination for Stapedial Ankylosis in Two Hundred Nineteen Indian Skulls. [Thesis, University of South Dakota, Vermillion]. ANKYLOSIS, STAPEDIAL, AMERICA, INDIAN, [DRY BONES:217 & ARME]
Holzhueter, A. M., John B. Gregg, and S. Clifford 1965 A Search for Stapes Footplate Fixation in an Indian Population, Prehistoric and Historic. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 23(1):35-40. EAR, STAPES FOOTPLATE FIXATION, PREHISTORIC, HISTORIC, INDIAN, [JRNL]
Home, Francis 1759 Medical Facts and Experiments. London: A. Millar. MEDICINE, HISTORY, EXPERIMENTAL, [PERSPECT-BIOL-MED-1994-37:303 & MELVYL]
Homewood, Katherine 1984 Comment on "Hominid Dietary Selection Before Fire." [See Ann Brower Stahl, 1984.]. Current Anthropology 25(2):158. DIETARY RECONSTRUCTION, PRE-FIRE, HOMINID, [JRNL]
Homφe, P, and N. Lynnerup 1991 Pneumatization of the Temporal Bones in a Greenlandic Inuit Anthropological Material. Acta Oto-Laryngologica (Stockholm) 111(6):1109-1116 TEMPORAL BONE, PNEUMATIZATION, GREENLAND, INUIT, [JRNL]
Homφe, P, N. Lynnerup, and H. Videbaek 1992 CT-Scanning of Ancient Greenlandic Inuit Temporal Bones. Acta Oto-Laryngologica (Stockholm) 112(4):674-679. BONE, TEMPORAL BONE, INUIT, GREENLAND, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, [JRNL]
Honea, Kenneth 1975 Prehistoric Remains on the Island of Kythnos. American Journal of Archaeology 79:277-279. REMAINS, SKELETAL, KYTHNOS ISLAND, [JRNL]
Honeji, J. A. 1917 Bone Changes in Leprosy. American Journal of Roentgenology 4:494-511. LEPROSY, BONE CHANGE, [QCIM-1917-02-0183 & STEINBOCK-1976:210]
Hong, Sungmin, Jean-Pierre Candelone, Clair C. Patterson, and Claude F. Boutron 1996 History of Ancient Copper Smelting Pollution During Roman and Medieval Times Recorded in Greenland Ice. Science 272(5259):246-249. METAL POLLUTION, COPPER SMELTING, HISTORY, [JRNL]
Hong, Zhu, and Jia Ying 1991 [An Ethnologic Study of the Skulls from Cist Tombs at Mashan, Jiutaiguan.]. [Chinese]. Kaogu 2:147-156. SKULL, ETHNOLOGY, CIST TOMB, MASHAN, JIUTAIGUAN, [ANTHROPOL-NDX-1991-29:216]
Honigmann, John J. 1945 Northern and Southern Athapaskan Eschatology. [Brief Communication]. American Anthropologist 47(3):467-469. ESCHATOLOGY, ATHAPASKAN, [JRNL]
Hooijer, D. A. 1965 Coryphomys Buhleri. Israel Journal of Zoology 14:128. PALEOPATHOLOGY, [ARME]
Hooke, Beatrix G. E. 1926 A Third Study of the English Skull with Special Reference to the Farringdon Street Crania. Biometrika 18(1 and 2):1-55. SKULL, FARRINGDON STREET SITE, [JRNL]
Hooper, B. 1976 The Saxon Burials. In: B. Cuncliff, ed. Excavation at Porchester Castle, Hants II (Saxon). London: Society of Antiquaries, pp. 235-261. BURIAL, SAXON, PORCHESTER CASTLE, [HART 1983:020]
Hooper, R. 1969 Patterns of Acute Head Injury. Baltimore, Maryland: Williams and Wilkins. SKULL, INJURY, ACUTE, [GURDJIAN-1973:16]
Hoornbeck, Billie 1976-1977 An Investigation into the Cause or Causes of the Epidemic Which Decimated the Indian Population of New England 1616-1619. New Hampshire Archeologist 19:35-46. EPIDEMIC, NEW ENGLAND 1616-1619, [VERANO-&-UBELAKER-1992:151]
Hooton, Earnest A. 1916 Notes on Skeletal Remains from Martha's Vineyard. American Anthropologist 18(1):98-104. REMAINS, SKELETAL, MARTHA'S VINEYARD, [JRNL]

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