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racional: rational

racionalizar: to rationalize

racionar: to ration

racismo: racism

radar: radar

radiación: radiation

radiactivo: radioactive

radioactividad: radioactivity

radiofusión: broadcast

radioemisora: radio station

radioescucha: listener

radiofónico: radio

radiografía: x-ray

radiología: radiology

ráfaga: gust, flash

raíz: root

raja: crack, slit

rajar: to crack

rajarse: to crack

rallar: to grate

rama: branch

ramaje: branches

ramal: branch

ramificarse: to branch

ramillete: bouquet

rampa: incline

rana: frog

rancho: farm, ranch

ranchero: rancher, farmer

rancio: rancid

rango: rank

ranura: groove

rapar: to shave, crop

rapaz: rapacious

rápido: rapid, quick

rápidamente: quickly, fast

rapidez: speed

rapsodia: rhapsody

raptar: to kidnap

raptor: kidnapper

raqueta: racket

raro: rare

raramente: rarely

rareza: peculiarity, rarity

rascar: to scratch

rascarse: to scratch oneself

rasgar: to tear, rip

rasgo: characteristic, trait

rasguñar: to scratch

rasguño: scratch

raso: flat

raspar: to scrape

raspadura: scraping, scratch

rastra: rake

rastrear: to trace, track

rastrero: creeping

rastrillo: rake

rasurar: to shave

rata: rat

ratero: thief

ratificar: to ratify

ratificación: ratification

rato: short while

ratón: mouse

raudal: torrent

raya: line

rayo: ray

rayón: rayon

raza: race

razón: reason

razonable: reasonable

razonamiento: reasoning

razonar: to reason

reacción: reaction

reaccionar: to react

reaccionario: reactionary

reacio: obstinate, stubborn

reactivar: to reactivate

reactor: jet

reajustar: to readjust

real: royal, real

realce: enhancement

realeza: royalty

realidad: reality

realismo: realism

realizar: to make, realize

realizarse: to fulfil oneself

realización: realization, accomplishment

realmente: really

realzar: to highlight, enhance

reanimar: to reanimate, revive

reanudar: to renew

reaparecer: to reappear

rebajar: to reduce

rebanada: slice

rebaño: flock, hed

rebasar: to exceed

rebatir: to refute

rebelarse: to rebel

rebelde: rebel

rebelión: rebellion

rebobinar: to rewind

rebosar: to overflow

rebotar: to bounce

rebote: bounce

rebozar: to coat in batter

rebuscado: searched carefully

recado: message

recaer: to fall on, relapse

recaída: relapse

recalcar: to stress, emphasize

recalentar: to overheat

recámara: firing chamber, bedroom

recambio: spare part

recapitular: to recapitulate

recapitulación: recapitulation

recargar: to recharge, overload

recatado: modest, demure

recaudar: to collect

recaudación: collection

recaudador: collector

recepción: reception

recepcionista: receptionist

receptivo: receptive

receptor: receiver

recesión: recession

receso: recess

receta: recipe

rechazar: to reject

recibir: to receive

recibidor: vestibule

recibimiento: reception

recibo: receipt

reciclar: to recycle

reciclaje: recycling

recién: just, recently

reciente: recent

recientemente: recently

recio: strong

recipiente: container

recíproco: reciprocal

recitar: to recite

recital: recital

reclamar: to protest

reclamación: claim

reclamo: reclamation, lure

reclinar: to lean

recluir: to shut in, confine

reclusión: imprisonment

recluso: prisoner

recluta: recruit

reclutamiento: recruitment

recobrar: to recover

recodo: bend

recoger: to gather, pick up

recogedor: dustpan

recogido: gathered, secluded

recolección: harvesting, collection

recomendar: to recommend

recomendación: recommendation

recompensar: to compensate, reward

recompensa: reward

reconciliar: to reconcile

reconciliación: reconciliation

recóndito: recondite, hidden

reconfortar: to comfort

reconocer: to recognize

reconocido: recognized

reconocimiento: recognition

reconsiderar: to reconsider

reconstruir: to reconstruct

reconstrucción: reconstruction

recopilar: to compile, collect

recopilación: compilation

récord: record

recordar: to remember, remind

recordatorio: reminder

recorrer: to cross, travel through

recorrido: route, journey, trip

recortar: to trim, cut

recrear: to recreate, entertain

recrudecer: to worsen

rectángulo: rectangle

rectangular: rectangular

rectificar: to rectify

rectitud: straightness, rectitude

recto: rectum, straight

rector: director, rector

rectoría: rectory

recubrir: to cover

recuento: count, recount

recuerdo: memory, remembrance

recuperar: to recover

recuperarse: to recover

recuperación: recovery

recurrir: to resort to, turn to

red: network, net

redactar: to write up

redacción: writing

redactor: editor

redescrubrir: to rediscover

redención: redemption

redoblar: to redouble

reducir: to reduce

reducción: reduction

redundante: redundant

redundancia: redundancy

reedición: reprint

reembolsar: to reimburse, refund

reemplazar: to replace

reencarnación: reincarnation

reencuentro: encounter, reunion

reestructurar: to restructure

refaccionar: to repair, renovate

refacciones: repairs

referir: to refer

referéndum: referendum

referente: referring, concerning

refinar: to refine

refinado: refined

refinamiento: refinement

refinería: refinery

reflector: reflector

reflejar: to reflect

reflejarse: to be reflected

reflejo: reflection

reflexionar: to reflect, think

reflexión: reflection

reflexivo: reflexive

reforma: reform

reformador: reformer

reformar: to reform

reformatorio: reformatory

reforzar: to reinforce

refrán: proverb

refregar: to scrub

refrenar: to rein in

refrendar: to approve

refrescar: to refresh, cool

refrescante: refreshing

refresco: soft drink

refriega: scuffle

refrigeración: refrigeration

refrigerio: refreshment

refuerzo: reinforcements

refugiar: to shelter

refugiarse: to take refuge

refugiado: refugee

refulgir: to shine, brightly

refunfuñar: to grumble, groan

regadera: watering can

regalar: to give

regalo: gift, present

regañadientes: reluctantly, unwillingly

regañar: to scold

regañon: grumpy, irritable

regar: to water

regatear: to haggle, bargain

regazo: lap

regenerar: to regenerate

régimen: regime

regimiento: regiment

regio: regal

región: region

regir: to prevail, rule

registrar: to register

registrador: register

registro: registration

regla: rule

reglamentación: regulation

reglamentar: to regulate

reglamentario: regulation

reglamento: regulations

regocijar: to cheer, gladden

regocijo: rejoicing, delight

regordete: chubby

regresar: to return, come back

regresión: regression

regresivo: regressive

regreso: return

regular: regular, to regulate

regulación: regulation

rehabilitar: to rehabilitate

rehabilitación: rehabilitation

rehén: hostage

reimprimir: to reprint

reimpresión: reprinting

reina: queen

reinado: reign

reinante: reigning

reinar: to reign

reincidir: to backslide

reino: kingdom

reintegrar: to refund, reinstate

reintegro: reimbursement, refund

reír: to laugh

reírse: to laugh

reiterar: to reiterate

reinvindicar: to restore

reja: grate, grille

rejuvenecer: to rejuvenate

rejuvenecerse: to be rejuvenated

relación: relation

relacionar: to relate

relajar: to relax

relajarse: to relax

relajación: relaxation

relajado: relaxed

relámpago: lightning

relampaguear: to flash

relatar: to relate, tell

relativo: relative

relato: story

relevante: important

relevar: to relieve

relevo: relief

relieve: relief

religión: religion

religioso: religious

reliquia: relic

rellenar: to refill

reloj: clock

relucir: to shine, glitter

relumbrar: to shine brightly

remanente: remainder

remar: to row

rematar: to end, finish off

remedar: to imitate

remediar: to remedy, repair

remendar: to mend

remesa: remittance

remisión: remission

remiso: reluctant

remitir: to send, remit

remitente: sender

remo: oar, paddle

remodelar: to remodel

remojar: to soak

remolacha: beet

remolcar: to tow

remolino: whirlwind

remolque: tow

remontar: to overcome

remordimiento: remorse

remoto: remote

remunerar: to remunerate

renacer: to be reborn

renacimiento: rebirth

renacuajo: tadpole

rencilla: quarrel

rencor: rancour

rencoroso: resentful

rendición: surrender

rendido: submissive, exhausted

rendir: to render, to yield

rendirse: to surrender

rendimiento: yield, performance

renegar: to deny, grumble

renegado: renegade

renglón: line

reno: reindeer

renombre: reputation, renown

renombrado: famous, renowned

renovar: to renew

renovación: renewal, renovation

rentar: to rent

renunciar: to resign, renounce

renuncia: renunciation

reo: accused

reorganizar: to reorganize

reparar: to repair

reparación: reparation

reparo: objection

repartir: to distribute

repartición: distribution

repartidor: delivery person, distributor

reparto: delivery, distribution

repasar: to review

repeler: to repel

repertorio: repertoire

repetir: to repeat

repleto: replete, full

replicar: to reply

réplica: reply

repollo: cabbage

reponer: to replace

reportar: to report

reportaje: article

reporte: report

reposar: to rest

reposado: rested, calm

reposición: replacement

representar: to represent

representación: representation

representativo: representative

represión: repression

reprimir: to repress

reprobar: to reprove

reproducir: to reproduce

reproducción: reproduction

reproductor: reproductive

república: republic

repuesto: spare part

repugnar: to disgust

repulsivo: repulsive

reputar: to consider, deem

requerir: to require

requesón: cottage cheese

requisito: requirement

res: beef

resaca: undertow

resbalar: to slip

resbaladizo: slippery

resbalón: slip

resbaloso: slippery

rescatar: to rescue

rescate: rescue

rescisión: cancellation

resecar: to dry

resecarse: to dry up

reseco: dry

resentirse: to suffer

resentimiento: resentment

reserva: reserve

reserva: reservation

reservación: reservation

reservado: reserved

resfriar: to cool

residencia: residence

residuo: remainder

resignar: to resign

resignación: resignation

resina: resin

resistir: to resist

resistencia: resistance

resolver: to solve

resolución: resolution

resonancia: resonance

resorte: spring

respectivo: respective

respetar: to respect

respeto: respect

respetuoso: respectful

respirar: to breathe

respiración: breathing, respiration

respiratorio: respiratory

respiro: breath

resplandecer: to shine

resplandeciente: shining

resplandor: brilliance

responder: to answer

responsable: responsible

responsabilidad: responsibility

respuesta: answer

resta: subtraction

restablecer: to restore

restablecerse: to recover

restablecimiento: restoration

restar: to reduce, subtract

restante: rest, remaining

restauración: restoration

restaurante: restaurant

restaurar: to recover

restituir: to restore

restitución: restitution

resto: rest

restringir: to restrict

restricción: restriction

resucitar: to resuscitate, revive

resuelto: determined, resolved

resumir: to summarize

resumen: summary

resurgir: to reappear

resurgiomiento: resurgence

resurrección: resurrection

retardar: to delay

retazo: piece, scrap

retener: to keep

retención: retention

retina: retina

retirar: to remove

retirarse: to retreat

retirada: withdrawal

retirado: retired, secluded

reto: challenge

retocar: to touch up

retorcer: to twist

retorcimiento: twisting

retornar: to return

retractarse: to withdraw

retraer: to retract

retraído: withdrawn, dissuaded

retrasar: to delay

retrasado: delayed

retraso: delay

retratar: to portray

retrato: picture

retribuir: to pay

retribución: payment

retroactivo: retroactive

retroceder: to go back

reumatismo: rheumatism

reunir: to unite, join

reunión: meeting

revancha: revenge

revelar: to reveal

revelación: revelation

revelado: revealed, developing

revelador: developer

reventar: to burst, blow up

reventarse: to burst

reverenciar: to revere

reverencia: reverence, bow

reverendo: reverend

reverente: reverent

reversa: reverse

revertir: to revert

revés: back

revisar: to review

revisión: revision

revisor: inspector

revista: magazine

revivir: to revive

revocar: to revoke

revolcar: to knock over

revolcarse: to roll around

revoltijo: jumble

revoltoso: rebellious

revolución: revolution

revolucionar: to revolutionize

revolucionario: revolutionary

revolver: to mix

revólver: revolver

rey: king

rezar: to pray

riachuelo: brook

rico: rich

ridiculizar: to ridicule

riel: rail

rienda: rein

riesgo: risk

rifa: raffle

rifar: to raffle

rifarse: to fight over

rifle: rifle

rígido: rigid

rigor: rigor

rima: rhyme

rímel: mascara

rincón: corner

rinoceronte: rhinoceros

riña: fight

riñón: kidney

río: river

riqueza: wealth

risa: laughter

risco: crag

risueño: cheerful, smiling

ritmo: rhythm

rítmico: rhythmical

rito: rite

ritual: ritual

rival: rival

rivalidad: rivalry

rivalizar: to compete with

rizar: to curl

rizarse: to curl

rizado: curled

rizo: curl

robar: to rob, steal

robo: robbery, theft

robot: robot

robótica: robotics

roca: rock

rociar: to spray, sprinkle

rocoso: rocky

rodaja: slice

rodar: to roll

rodilla: knee

rodillo: roller

rogar: to request

rojo: red

rojizo: reddish

rollizo: plump

rollo: roll

romance: romance

romano: roman

romántico: romantic

romanticismo: romanticism

romero: rosemary

rompecabezas: puzzle

romper: to break

romperse: to break

ron: rum

ronquera: hoarseness

ronquido: snore

ronronear: to purr

ropa: clothes

ropaje: robes

ropero: closet, wardrobe

rosa: rose

rosado: pink

rosal: rosebush

rosario: rosary

rosbif: roast beef

roseta: rosette

rosquilla: doughnut

rostro: face

rotación: rotation

rotativo: rotary

roto: broken

rotonda: traffic circle

rotura: break

rubí: ruby

rubio: blonde

rubor: flesh, bush

ruborizarse: to blush

rudeza: roughness

rudimientos: rudiments

rudimentario: rudimentary

rudo: rough

rueda: wheel

ruego: request

rugir: to roar

rugido: roar

ruido: noise

ruidoso: noisy

ruina: ruin

ruinoso: run-down

ruiseñor: nightingale

ruleta: roulette

rulo: roller, curler

rumano: Romanian

rumba: rumba

rumbo: course

rumiar: to mull over

rumiante: ruminant

rumor: rumour

rumoroso: murmuring

ruptura: rupture

rural: rural

ruso: Russian

rústico: rural, rustic

ruta: route

rutina: routine

sábado: Saturday

sábana: sheet

sabandija: insect, bug

saber: to know

sabor: flavour

saborear: to savour

sabotaje: sabotage

saboteador: saboteur

sabotear: to sabotage

sabroso: delicious, tasty

sabueso: bloodhound

sacacorchos: corkscrew

sacapuntas: pencil sharpener

sacar: to remove, take out

sacarina: saccharin

"priest" },: 6754: { "en"

sacerdocio: priesthood

sacerdotal: priestly

saciar: to satisfy

saco: coat, bag

sacramento: sacrament

sacramental: sacramental

sacrificar: to sacrifice

sacrificarse: to sacrifice oneself

sacrificio: sacrifice

sacrilegio: sacrilege

sacrílego: sacrilegious

sacro: sacred

sacrosanto: sacrosanct

sacudir: to shake

sacudirse: to shake off

sacudida: shock, shaking

sádico: sadistic

sadismo: sadism

saeta: arrow

safari: safari

sagrado: sacred, holy

sal: salt

sala: room, living room

salar: to salt

salado: salty

salario: salary

salchicha: sausage

salchichón: salami

salero: saltshaker

salir: to leave, go out

saliva: saliva

salmo: psalm

salmón: salmon

salón: hall, room

salpicar: to splash

salpicadera: fender

salpicadura: splash

salsa: sauce

saltamontes: grasshopper

saltar: to jump

saltear: to skip

salto: jump

salud: health

saludable: healthful

saludar: to greet, salute

saludo: greeting

salvación: salvation

salvado: bran

salvador: saviour, rescuer

salvadoreño: Salvadoran

salvaguardar: to safeguard

salvaje: savage, wild

salvar: to save, rescue

salvavidas: life-guard

salvo: safe, save

samba: samba

sanar: to heal, cure

sanatorio: sanatorium

sanción: sanction

sancionar: to sanction

sandalia: sandal

sandía: watermelon

sandwich: sandwich

saneamiento: sanitation

sangrar: to bleed

sangrante: bleeding

sangre: blood

sangriento: bloody

sanguinario: bloodthirsty

sanguíneo: sanguineous

sano: healthy

sanidad: health

sanitario: toilet

santo: holy

sapo: toad

saque: serve (tennis), throw-in (soccer)

saquear: to sack

sarampión: measles

sarcasmo: sarcasm

sarcástico: sarcastic

sardina: sardine

sargento: sergeant

sarpullido: rash

sartén: frying pan

sastre: tailor

sastrería: tailoring

satanás: Satan

satánico: satanic

satélite: satellite

sátira: satire

satírico: satirical, satirist

satisfacer: to satisfy

satisfacción: satisfaction

satisfactorio: satisfactory

satisfecho: satisfied

saturar: to saturate

saturno: Saturn

sauna: sauna

saxofón: saxophone

sazón: seasoning

sazonar: to season

se: himself, herself, itself, oneself, yourself, yourselves, themselves

sebo: tallow, fat

secar: to dry

secador: hair dryer

secadora: dryer

sección: section

seco: dry

secretar: to secrete

secreción: secretion

secretario: secretary

secretaría: secretariat

secreto: secret

secta: sect

sector: sector

secuaz: partisan, henchman

secuela: sequel

secuencia: sequence

secuestrar: to kidnap

secuestrador: kidnapper

secuestro: kidnapping

secular: secular

secundar: to second, endorse

secundario: secondary

sed: thirst

seda: silk

sedal: fishing line

sedar: to sedate

sede: seat

sedentario: sedentary

sedicioso: seditious

sedimento: sediment

sedoso: silky

seducir: to seduce

seducción: seduction

seductor: seductive

segmento: segment

segregar: to segregate

segregación: segregation

seguir: to follow

seguido: continuous, consecutive

seguidor: follower

según: according to

segundo: second

seguro: safe

seguramente: surely

seguridad: security

seis: six

seiscientos: six hundred

selección: selection

seleccionar: to select

selectivo: selective

selecto: select

sellar: to seal

selva: forest, jungle

semáforo: traffic light

semana: week

semanal: weekly

semanario: weekly

semántica: semantics

semántico: semantic

semblante: countenance, look

sembrar: to sow

semen: semen

semental: stud, stallion

semestre: semester

semifinal: semi-final

semilla: seed

seminario: seminary

sémola: semolina

senado: senate

senador: senator

sencillo: simple

sencillez: simplicity

senda: path, way

senil: senile

seno: breast, sinus

sensación: sensation, feeling

sensacional: sensational

sensacionalista: sensationalistic

sensato: sensible

sensatez: good sense

sensible: sensitive

sensibilidad: sensitivity

sensitivo: sense

sensual: sensual

sensualidad: sensuality

sentar: to seat, sit

sentarse: to sit (down)

sentado: seated, sitting

sentencia: sentence

sentido: heartfelt,sense

sentimiento: feeling

sentimental: sentimental

sentimentalismo: sentimentality

sentir: to feel

seña: sign

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