SECTION D CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Section contents (a) Learning objectives b) Definition of Conflicts in Organisation c) Types of Conflict d) Development of Conflict e) Sources of Conflicts in an Organisation f) Outcomes of Conflicts g) Management of Organisational Conflict Learning Objectives After studying this section, the readers should be able to • Define conflict • Explain types, development and sources of conflict • Explain conflict outcomes and conflict management D.1 Definition of Conflicts in Organisation Wherever a group of people consisting of individuals from different backgrounds with varied experiences, expectations and personal ambitions come together, there are likely to be clashes and misunderstandings, which can degenerate into conflicts. A conflict, in the context of this text, refers to a situation of misunderstanding or lack of consensus. Stoner and Freeman (1989) define conflict as a disagreement between two or more organisation members or groups arising from the fact that they must engage in interdependent work activities and/or from the fact that they have different status, goals, values or perceptions. D.2 Types of Conflict In examining the source of a conflict, it's important to note that the different types of conflict reflect where the conflict originates (internally or externally) and the number of people involved personal or group. The prefix interrelates to external origination while the prefix intra- relates to internal origination. Conflict can beat individual, group or organisational levels as well as goal conflict. (a) Individual Level Conflict (i) Intra-individual Conflict: a disagreement between how a person feels about their behaviour versus how they really act. ii) Inter-individual Conflict: that involves two or more individuals rather than one. Experiences between individuals in the same location