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Box 1650

Undated Folder 1. Morton Blackwell: Morton C. Blackwell Interview Digest, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Morton Blackwell: Memo from Morton C. Blackwell, regarding Blackwell’s suggestion of Mike McMinoway to do field work for C.R.P., June 26, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Morton Blackwell: Memo to Chisolm regarding Blackwell’s suggestion of Mike McMinoway to do field work for C.R.P., May 10, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Morton Blackwell: Document entitled “From Herbert Porter Interview, April 21, 1973, pages 13-16, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Morton Blackwell: Press clipping from The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, “Sedan Chair II Identified in GPO Spy Code,” June 21, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 2. Braniff Airways: Witness Summary, Harding L. Lawrence, Braniff Airways, Inc., Dallas, Texas, undated, 5 pages.

1972 Folder 2. Braniff Airways: Copies of checks from and made payable to Braniff, ledger sheets, check vouchers, cash accounting reports, cash receipt item distribution lists, and account analysis sheets, March 29, 1972, 33 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Braniff Airways: Document describing the distribution of the checks and vouchers in item number 2, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. Braniff Airways: Press Release – August 23, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 2. Braniff Airways: Supplemental Witness List, Camilo Fabrega, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Charles Brennan: Interview with Mr. Brennan (Chick), Wednesday, June 13, 1973, Lowell Weicker, ASF, Mr. Brennan, Room 342, OSOB, 12 pages, with a F.Y.I. handwritten note and a reassurance handwritten note attached, undated, 2 pages.

1972-1973 Folder 4. Congressman Garry Brown: Letter, Brown to Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, regarding Brown’s involvement in the Banking and Currency Committee’s meetings and requests to question Stans about possible foreign contributions to Nixon’s reelection campaign, undated, 12 pages, with attachments: Letter, Brown to Patman, August 31, 1972, 3 pages (Exhibit No. 1); Letter, Brown to Patman, September 5, 1972, 3 pages (Exhibit No. 2); Letter to Brown, June 29, 1972, 3 pages (Exhibit No. 7); Letter, Parkinson to Brown, June 29, 1973, 1 page; Letter, Brown to Ervin, July 9, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Congressman Garry Brown: Letter, Brown to Ervin, regarding Dean’s testimony in which allegations were made of a cover-up by Brown, June 26, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Republican advertisement against Muskie, “Wake Up Liberals,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Republican advertisement against Muskie, undated, 1 page.

1972 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: The Washington Post article, “Nixon’s Secret Politician,” March 12, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Statement of Patrick J. Buchanan Before the Senate Select Committee, September 26, 1973, 18 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Patrick J. Buchanan, A Biographical Profile, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: The New York Times article “Buchanan Sought to Block Muskie,” September 27, 1973, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “Sen. Muskie’s Disarmers,” February 1972, 1 page.

1971 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Memo, Khachigian for Buchanan, regarding a Democratic slush fund, December 7, 1971, 1 page, with a news article attached, “Nixon and Mrs. Gandhi,” November 12, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Memo, Buchanan to Dean, regarding “an extremely good idea,” December 14, 1971, 1 page, with attachments: Document entitled “Democratic Escrow Money,” December 22, 1971, 1 page; New York Times article, “Democrats Seek to Open Old Fund,” December 5, 1971, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Supplementary Analysis of Documents, Patrick J. Buchanan, undated, 5 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Letter, Buchanan to the Editor, Washington Post, regarding Buchanan’s opinions about Tom Braden’s article in which Braden suggests that Buchanan subverted the First Amendment, November 26, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: The Los Angeles Times article “Pat Buchanan’s Papers,” November 22, 1973, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Handwritten chronology containing Weicker’s handwritten notes, 4 pages, with handwritten list of questions about Ken Khachigian attached, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Document with heading “Probe Buchanan’s version of his knowledge and role,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Weicker handwritten notes concerning questioning for Buchanan, undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Memo, Sheketoff to Sanders, regarding “Buchanan,” August 8, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Witness Summary – Patrick J. Buchanan, undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Patrick Buchanan: Digest of Interview with Patrick J. Buchanan, September 24, 1973, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan to Magruder, regarding the Florida Primary, August 7, 1971, 1 page with attachments: Memo, Khachigian to Buchanan, July 22, 1971, 1 page; News article, “Nixon Foe May Face Florida Primary Bar,” July 21, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Magruder for the Attorney General, regarding “McCloskey and Florida Primary,” August 11, 1971, 1 page.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan to Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Colson, regarding Buchanan’s campaign strategy, September 13, 1972, 5 pages.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan for the President, regarding “The Muskie Watch,” March 24, 1971, 8 pages.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan for the President, regarding “The Resurrection of Hubert Humphrey,” April 19, 1971, 10 pages.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Strachan for Magruder, regarding Buchanan’s Muskie Watch and creating similar structures for Humphrey and Kennedy, May 4, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Handwritten notes regarding meeting with Pat Buchanan & JSM, March 5, 1971, 1 page.

Undated Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Handwritten notes to Pat Buchanan, date unreadable, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Magruder for the Attorney General regarding “Tracking Presidential Contenders,” July 28, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents I: Document regarding campaign strategy against Muskie, Jackson, Kennedy, Humphrey and McCloskey, July 28, 1971, 6 pages.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Magruder for the Attorney General, regarding the Democrats ’72 Sponsors Club, August 13, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan to Dean, with attached memo regarding a Democratic slush fund, December 14 and December 7, 1971, 2 pages; Press clipping “Democrats Seek to Open Old Fund” attached, December 5, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Document entitled “Democratic Escrow Money,” December 22, 1971, 1 page.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan to the Attorney General and Haldeman, regarding date change for the Tennessee Primary, February 4, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Sedam for Flemming, regarding “Tennessee Primary Change of Date Legislation,” February 18, 1972, 2 pages, with New York Times article “Jackson’s Strategists Seeking An Earlier Tennessee Primary, February 4, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, PJB and Khachigian for Mitchell, regarding “Attach Organization & Strategy,” March 14, 1972, 12 pages.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Magruder for Mitchell, regarding the plan of attack at the Democratic National Convention, April 12, 1972, 1 page, with attached attack plan, April 10, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Magruder for Mitchell, regarding contender tracking and strategy, April 14, 1972, 1 page, with attached memo outlining the tracking and strategy plan, April 12, 1972, 9 pages.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan for Mitchell and Haldeman, regarding campaign strategy against McGovern, April 27, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan for Haldeman and Mitchell, regarding campaign attack strategy, June 2, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Buchanan to Mitchell, regarding campaign attack strategy against McGovern, June 6, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo from PJB and KK regarding “Assault Strategy” and preparation of an Assault Book, June 8, 1972, 14 pages.

1972 Folder 6. Patrick Buchanan Documents 1: Memo, Colson for Dean, regarding investigations of key McGovern staffers, June 16, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Buchanan to MacGregor and Haldeman, regarding attacking McGovern through the press, July 14, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Buchanan to Haldeman, regarding the second edition of the McGovern Assault Book and Buchanan’s suggestion to coordinate an assault strategy, July 23, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Buchanan to MacGregor, Haldeman and Colson, regarding the Assault Book and Buchanan’s suggestions for further attacks on McGovern, August 1, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Buchanan to Nolan, regarding distribution of a letter, September 11, 1972, 1 page, with the letter attached, undated, 1 page.

1971 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Letter, McGovern to Ms. Gibson, regarding McGovern’s position on abortion, December 2, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Buchanan for Ehrlichman, regarding Project Ellsburg, July 8, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Buchanan for the President, regarding “EMK – Political Memorandum, June 9, 1971, 6 pages.

1971 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Buchanan for DeBolt et al., regarding a meeting to discuss campaign strategy, June 22, 1971, 1 page.

1973 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Statement of Patrick J. Buchanan before the Senate Select Committee, September 26, 1973, 18 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Handwritten document entitled “Status Report on P’s Requests,” undated, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Document beginning with page 4 with handwritten names of Haldeman, Ehrlichman and Colson on top right corner (in Weicker’s hand) regarding campaign attack strategy, September 13, 1972, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Odle for Timmons, regarding a Buchanan/Khachigian memorandum on dividing the Democrats, October 6, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, “Research” for the Attorney General and Haldeman regarding “Dividing the Democrats,” October 5, 1971, 7 pages.

1969 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, The President to Haldeman, regarding a suggestion to have the press pave the way for a Lindsay victory in New York, October 28, 1969, 1 page.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Buchanan to the President, regarding Presidential direction “to give thought to how to combat the institutionalized power of the left concentrated in the foundations that succor the Democratic Party,” March 3, 1970, 6 pages.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Magruder for Haldeman, regarding a “national campus referendum question” of university students on Vietnam troop withdrawal, April 30, 1970, 1 page.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Haldeman for Magruder, regarding a Harris poll on students’ attitudes, July 9, 1970, 1 page.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Magruder for Haldeman, regarding support of student groups that do not want a Vietnam troop withdrawal, April 6, 1970, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: An advertisement advocating voting “no” to an immediate Vietnam troop withdrawal, undated, 1 page.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Reprint of an Associated Press article on the polling of university students on troop withdrawal from Vietnam, April 30, 1970, 1 page.

Undated Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: An advertisement advocating voting “no” to an immediate Vietnam troop withdrawal, undated, 1 page.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Haldeman for Colson, et al., regarding a student and young Americans referendum on Vietnam, March 12, 1970, 1 page.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Higby for Magruder, regarding “an attack on Huntley for his statements in Life,” July 16, 1970, 1 page.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Haldeman for Buchanan, et al., regarding use of Victor Laskey as an “in-House columnist,” December 1, 1970, 1 page.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Memo, Magruder for Haldeman, regarding a meeting that created a press strategy to counter a pre-press conference held “to set strategy to embarrass the President,” December 11, 1970, 2 pages.

1970 Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Letter, Buchanan to Kilpatrick, regarding the lack of Presidential press conferences, December 11, 1970, 1 page.

Undated Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Document addressed “To The Editor,” a sample letter to the editor on press treatment of the President, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 7. Patrick Buchanan Documents 2: Document addressed “To The Editor,” a sample letter to the editor on the number of Presidential press conferences, undated, 1 page.

1974 Folder 8. Senator Jim Buckley: Letter, Jim Buckley to Lowell Weicker, regarding Buckley’s statement on the resignation of President Nixon, March 18, 1974, 1 page, with Buckley’s statement attached, March 19, 1974, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 9. John Buckley: Witness Summary, John R. Buckley, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 9. John Buckley: “Elmer Wyatt on John Buckley,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Bob Buehler: Document describing a meeting between Bob Buehler and Bill Wickens, Buehler describes the creation of the people-to-party program and working with Haldeman, Chapin and Segretti on the program, March 15, 1973, 1 page, with handwritten notes on Buehler’s comments attached, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 11. Stephen Bull Interview: Memo, Sanders to Thompson, regarding interview, August 8, 1973, 4 pages.

1974 Folder 12. J. Frederick Buzhardt: United States Senate, Report of Proceedings, Hearing held before the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, April 10, 1974, 49 pages.

United States Senate, Report of Proceedings, Hearing held before the Select Committee on Presidential

1974 Folder 12. J. Frederick Buzhardt: Campaign Activities, Vol. I, May 7, 1974, 117 pages

Undated Folder 13. Judge Matt Byrne: Document entitled “Byrne,” undated, 1 page, with attached Associated Press wire story, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 14. Douglas Caddy: An article from unidentified newspaper, “Douglas Caddy,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 14. Douglas Caddy: Handwritten notes about Caddy, undated, 1 page, with attached handwritten notes about Caddy representing “all 7,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: The Washington Post article, “Election Fund Bill Would Bring Shift to Political Scene,” illegible date, 2 pages

Undated Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: Document in which an unknown individual (Weicker) introduces an amendment to S. 372, the Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments of 1973 (Possible Weicker amendment), undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: Handwritten notes with comments attributed to various individuals concerning campaign finance reform, undated, 33 pages.

1974 Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: The White House, Office of the White House Press Secretary, Press Release, “Fact Sheet, Campaign Reform,” March 8, 1974, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: Legislative Reference Service, “Public Campaign Financing,” August 21, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: The New Republic article, “Running for President,” June 9, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: The Washington Post article, “The Case for Private Financing of Campaigns,” October 6, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: Talking Paper, “Federal Campaign Financing,” Republican National Committee, October 9, 1973, 2 pages, with Talking Paper, “Housing Policy Recommendations,” Republican National Committee attached, October 9, 1973, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 15. 1972 Campaign Financing Act: Memorandum of Law, Legislation Concerning Campaign Contributions and Financing of Federal Elections, undated, 29 pages.

1973 Folder 16. John Caulfield: Memo, Shure to Weicker, regarding Caulfield’s testimony, May 21, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Biographical note on John J. Caulfield, undated, 2 pages, with Caulfield’s witness summary attached, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Untitled document, with Number A in upper right hand corner, regarding political use of the Internal Revenue Service, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: I.R.S. Talking Paper, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: “Interview with John Caulfield, May 17, beginning approximately 8:30 a.m, undated, 9 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Watergate chronological summary, undated 2 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Document entitled “Caulfield” regarding a quote by John Dean implicating Caulfield in Watergate and a handwritten question for Caulfield, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Handwritten questions and issues to address with Caulfield concerning Caulfield’s New York Police work, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Witness list, undated, 1 page.

1974 Folder 16. John Caulfield: Memo, Dash to Weicker, regarding Caulfield’s and Ulasewicz’s attached documents and summaries, March 29, 1974, 1 page.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Memorandum of Law, Admissibility of Hearsay Statements of a Co-conspirator, submitted by Sam Dash, undated, 8 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Document entitled “Areas of Inquiry Re Caulfield,” undated, 1 page, with handwritten notes of the same title attached, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Statement of John J. Caulfield Before the Senate Select Committee on the Watergate, undated, 26 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Handwritten notes “Re: ‘Modus Operendi’ and ‘Mentality’ of this operation,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 16. John Caulfield: Digest of Interview with James [sic] Caulfield on May 15, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: Handwritten notes regarding suggested questions for Caulfield, undated, 20 pages.

1973 Folder 16. John Caulfield: The Sunday Herald Advertiser article, “Nixon Told FBI Boss Gray to ‘Continue Watergate Probe’,” May 12, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 16. John Caulfield: The Sunday Herald Advertiser article, “Senate Seeking to Prove White House Organized Secret Policy Operation,” May 13, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 16. John Caulfield: The Seattle Post-Intelligencer article, “Spy, Pressure Linked to White House Aides,” undated, 1 page (article is incomplete).

1972 Folder 17. Century Plaza Hotel: Witness Summary, Fred Taugher, regarding the demonstration that took place outside the Century Plaza Hotel, September 27, 1972, undated, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 17. Century Plaza Hotel: H.R. Haldeman opening statement, Monday afternoon, July 30, 1973 regarding campaign pranks, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 17. Century Plaza Hotel: H.R. Haldeman testimony, Tuesday, July 31, 1973 regarding campaign pranks, 8 pages.

Undated Folder 17. Century Plaza Hotel: Witness Summary, Kenneth Hickman regarding the demonstration outside the Century Plaza Hotel and Mr. Hickman’s delivery of reports on the demonstration and the bombing of the Hollywood Democrats for Nixon headquarters in Los Angeles (Hickman was the Adjutant to Chief Edward Davis, Los Angeles Police Department), undated, 1 page.

1972 Folder 17. Century Plaza Hotel: LAPD Intra-Departmental Correspondence regarding “After-Action Report – President Nixon’s Visit – September 27, 1972,” October 5, 1972, 6 pages.

1972 Folder 17. Century Plaza Hotel: LAPD Intra-Departmental Correspondence regarding “1972 Presidential Visit to Century City,” October 5, 1972, 1 page, with an addendum, death reports, follow-up reports, property receipts, incident and evidence reports attached, September 27, 1972, 17 pages.

1973 Folder 17. Century Plaza Hotel: One page of Buchanan’s testimony, September 26, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: Document entitled, “Chapin – 5696” regarding O’Brien’s response to a question, undated, 1 page.

1972 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The Washington Post article, “Key Nixon Aide Named as ‘Sabotage’ Contact,” October 15, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The Baltimore Sun article, “Nixon aide calls sabotage-link to Chapin hearsay,” October 16, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The New York Times article, “Lawyer for Nixon told F.B.I. he gave funds to Segretti,” March 8, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: A chronology of Chapin’s involvement in Watergate based on various sources of information, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: Biographical information on Dwight Chapin, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Chapin, a Close Nixon Aide, Quitting White House Soon,” January 29, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The Washington Post article, “Magazine says Nixon Aide Admits Disruption Effort,” October 30, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The Washington Post article, “Chapin Tells Jury of Segretti Reports,” April 24, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The New York Times article, “Chapin Said to Have Told Nixon Aide to Pay Segretti,” February 8, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The Baltimore Sun article, “Paper says Segretti called Chapin’s home,” November 1, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: The Washington Post article, “Dwight Chapin: ‘Mr. Nice Guy’,” January 19, 1972, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: Article from an unknown newspaper entitled “Dwight L. Chapin,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: Handwritten note regarding a question for Chapin written on a photocopied note card, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 18. Dwight Chapin: An article from an unidentified newspaper entitled “Dwight CHAPIN,” undated, 1 page.

Box 1651

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on surveillance of the Muskiecampaign, March 23, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Muskie campaign, April 6, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Muskie campaign, April 7, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports re: Ted Kennedy,” April 13, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports re: Senator Humphrey,” April 13, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Teamsters meeting in Washington, April 19, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Senator Mansfield’s comment about Muskie and the various Democrats contending for the Presidential nomination, April 19, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the Kennedy campaign talk with political consultant David Garth, April 19, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Teamsters meeting in Washington, April 21, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on comments by Dick Stewart, Muskie’s press aide, April 21, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the possible Democratic candidates for President, April 26, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding John Kerry’s comments, April 26, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Larry O’Brien’s meeting with the Democratic “front runners,” April 30, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Senators Jackson and Fulbright, and on Muskie’s family, May 5, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friends Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on interviews conducted about Ted Kennedy, May 7, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Ted Kennedy, May 12, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on talks with Berl Bernhard and Larry O’Brien, May 14, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on press comments about Democratic candidates for President, May 18, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the possibility of McGovern’s candidacy being a front for Kennedy, Wilbur Mills and Mansfield’s comments about Nixon’s foreign policy, May 21, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Proxmire, Ted Kennedy and Birch Bayh, May 28, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on impressions of Democratic candidates for President, June 2, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on various Democratic candidates for President, June 8, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Lyndon Johnson’s interview with Ken Crawford of Newsweek, June 21, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Democratic Candidate’s reactions to the publication of the Pentagon Papers in The New York Times, July 1, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on opinions about Nixon and Reagan, July 1, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Joe Rauth’s opinions on the Democratic candidates, July 1, 1971, 3 pages (it appears that page 3 is not a part of this document, however, page 3 left in place).

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Democratic Candidate’s opinions on the “leak” of the Pentagon Papers, July 2, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the AFL/CIO reactions to Nixon’s 1971 economic package, July 6, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the Democratic candidates analyses of each other, July 7, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Scoop Jackson’s opinions on the Democratic candidacies, July 23, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on comments about “Texas Democrats,” July 23, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Larry O’Brien’s meeting “to set limits of spending for Democratic candidates,” July 27, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Wilbur Mills’ opinions on issues, July 27, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Scoop Jackson, July 28, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Eugene McCarthy and John Lindsay, July 28, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the Democratic Candidate’s use of the national economy as a political tool, August 2, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the Democratic Candidate’s opinions of conservative reaction to Nixon’s upcoming China trip, August 3, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the Democratic Candidate’s use of the Congressional recess, August 6, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on the Democratic Candidate’s comments on Nixon’s economic program, August 10, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on presentation of Democratic candidates at a picnic in Hollis, New Hampshire, August 11, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend reports” on Reagan and the various Democratic candidates, August 13, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on the AFL/CIO and George Meany’s comments about Nixon, August 23, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on John Lindsay and David Garth Associates, August 25, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Nixon’s China trip and economic program and Democratic candidate’s reactions, August 30, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on George Meany’s opinions on Nixon’s economic program, September 2, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on George Meany’s comments on Nixon’s economic program, September 7, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on the Democratic Candidate’s opinions on each other, September 15, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on the Democratic Candidate’s opinions on Muskie, September 17, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on the Democratic Candidate’s direction for their own economic programs, September 22, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Democratic economic programs, September 24, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Fred Harris’ entry into the Presidential race, October 4, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Bill Buckley and George Meany’s comments, October 4, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Muskie, Kennedy, O’Brien, Lindsay, McGovern and Proxmire, October 18, 1971, 6 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on the progress of the Democratic Candidates campaigns, October 18, 1971, 6 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Mac Kilduff’s comments on Birch Bayh and Democratic reaction to Nixon’s Supreme Court nominees, October 26, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Muskie’s and Humphrey’s campaigns, October 27, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Taiwan and Nixon’s China trip, November 1, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Scoop Jackson, November 2, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding Senator Jackson’s decision to enter the New Hampshire primary, November 2, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on McGovern, Harris and McCarthy comments on other candidates, November 8, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Humphrey, November 8, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on the New Hampshire primary, November 15, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Daniel Schorr controversy, November 22, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Lindsay’s campaign and Jackson and McCloskey, November 22, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Jackson’s candidacy, November 29, 1971, 3 pages.

1971 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on Muskie’s campaign, December 22, 1971, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding George Meany’s illness, January 11, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding Muskie, Jackson, Lindsay, Humphrey, Kennedy and the AFL/CIO, January 14, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Muskie vs. Loeb Explosion,” February 29, 1972, 3 pages,

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell and Haldeman, regarding Kennedy’s candidacy and O’Brien’s schedule, May 3, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, B. H. for M. C., regarding “Chapman’s friend Reports on HHH Schedule,” May 25, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on California polling on Democratic candidates, June 2, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports” on the California primary, June 6, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding McGovern’s infiltration of campaign headquarters at 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, June 9, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 2. Chapman’s Friend Reports 2: Memo to MMC regarding “Chapman’s Friend Report” on McGovern’s schedule, June 15, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for MacGregor and Haldeman, regarding “Chapman’s Friend Reports on Demoatic Convention,” undated, 9 pages.

Undated Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: “Random Observations of Chapman’s Friend in California Re HHH – McGovern,” undated, 15 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Mitchell, regarding Chapman’s Friend “activities in California 11 days prior to the primary on June 6,” June 12, 1972, 8 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chapman’s Friend for M.M.C., regarding McGovern’s schedule and the surveillance of McGovern’s campaign activities, June 23, 1972, 5 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman, regarding “McGovern via Chapman’s Friend,” June 30, 1972, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, B.E.H. for M.M.C., regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign activities, July 13, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding McGovern’s campaign schedule, August 6, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding McGovern’s campaign schedule in the northeast, August 22, 1972, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding McGovern’s campaign schedule in the Midwest, August, 23, 1972, 5 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, August 26, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding McGovern’s campaign schedule, August 28, 1972, 3 pages, with a copy of McGovern’s schedule attached, August 20, 1972, 8 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding “The McGovern for President Headquarters,” August 29, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding McGovern’s campaign schedule, August 29, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner to Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding Nixon v. McGovern on economic issues, August 29, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner to Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding “McGovern’s address to the New York Security Analysts on Wall Street and further surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, August 30, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner to Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding McGovern’s schedule and a Washington Hilton party hosted by Joe Robbie, August 31, 1972, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner to Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding McGovern’s campaign staff, September 1, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner for Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding members of the press travelling with McGovern and McGovern’s schedule, September 7-9, September 5, 1972, 8 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Memo, Chotiner to Haldeman and MacGregor, regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 6, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 8, 1972, 5 pages (last page is dated October 5, 1972).

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding McGovern’s campaign stops and surveillance of what occurred at each, September 8, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding McGovern’s schedule, September 11, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 11, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 11, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 11, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 12, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 13, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 13, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding McGovern’s economic speech delivered in Portland, Maine, September 15, 1972, September 14, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 14, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 15, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Chapman’s Friend Reports 3: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 15, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 18, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 19, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 19, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding the release of a pool report, September 19, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 19, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign and pool reports from Columbus and Newark, September 20, 1972, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding an argument with an assembly line worker at a Western Electric plant in North Bergen, N.J. and a campaign stop in Newark, September 20, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 21, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 21, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 22, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 23, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 26, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 26, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 26, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 27, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 28, 1972, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, September 30, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 2, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 2, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 3, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding a pool report for October 2, describing the rally in Post Office Square, New York City, October 3, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 4, 1972, 6 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding a pool report on a McGovern meeting with “the All-American Council of the Democratic National Committee” and what occurred after, October 5, 1972, 4 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 5, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 6, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, Kansas City, Mo., October 6, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 7, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 9, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 11, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding a pool report for Tuesday, October 10, October 11, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 12, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 12, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 13, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 17, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign and a pool report for Fort Worth, October 17, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 18, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 19, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 20, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 21, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 23, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 24, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 24, 1972, 3 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 25, 1972, 5 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, October 27, 1972, 5 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding a pool report from the Sheraton Plaza, New Haven, October 30, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding the Mankiewicz Statement and pool report for November 1, November 2, 1972, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Chapman’s Friend Reports: Document entitled “Chapman’s Friend Reports” regarding surveillance of McGovern’s campaign, November 7, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: Handwritten notes regarding the Watergate investigation and amendments to the United States Constitution, undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: Summons in a Civil Action for Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., National Citizens’ Committee for Fairness to the Presidency, Inc., et al. v. the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., September 14, 1973, 1 page, with attached Petition for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, undated, 16 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: National Citizens’ Committee for Fairness to the Presidency, Inc v. the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, Motion for Preliminary Injunction and for Early Hearing on the Merits, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: National Citizens’ Committee for Fairness to the Presidency, Inc. v. the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Practices, Memorandum in Support of Motion of Petitioners for a Preliminary Injunction, undated, 12 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: S. Res. 60 – To establish a select committee of the Senate to conduct an investigation of illegal activities were engaged in by any persons in the presidential election of 1972, February 7, 1973, 15 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: Document entitled “Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California” from William Marlin, queries from the press and Marlin’s answers, undated, 3 pages.

1962 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: Mailing from the Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California, October, 1962, 2 pages, with attachments: Letter, Secretary of State of the State of California undated, 1 page; Nixon for Governor Finance Committee, 1962 General Campaign Statement, undated, 1 page; Notes on expenses for candidates to offices in the State of California, undated, 1 page; Committee’s Campaign Statement of Receipts and Expenditures from the Treasurer of the Committee for the election Richard M. Nixon, Office of the Governor, November 6, 1962, 5 pages.

1962 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: Copy of a check, no. 3837, Nixon for Governor, $35,000, October 22, 1962, 1 page, with a ledger page from the same checking account, 2 pages.

1962 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: Letter, Marlin to Dear fellow American, Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California, October 15, 1962, 1 page.

1964 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: Democratic State Central Committee, et al. v. Committee for the Preservation of the Democratic Party in California, et al., October 20, 1964, 20 pages.

1972 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: State of Connecticut v. Carl D. Larson, Superior Court Fairfield County, Brief in Support of Defendant Carl D. Larson’s Notice to take Deposition, May 26, 1972, 6 pages.

1972 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: United State District Court for the District of Columbia, John Briggs, et al. vs. Guy Goodwin, et al., Jury Trial Requested, Complaint, May 1974, 13 pages, with Exhibits A and B attached, July 12 and 13, 1972, 10 pages.

1974 Folder 5. Miscellaneous Civil Suits: United State District Court for the District of Columbia, John Briggs, et al, v. Guy Goodwin, et al., Plaintiffs’ Brief in Opposition to Defendant Goodwin’s Motion to Dismiss, August 16, 1974, 28 pages.

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