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Box 380

1972-1974 1) [Republican Party]—Polls and Questionnaires

1971 2) [Republican Party]—Pol-Senate Republican Policy Committee—January- August

1979 3) [Republican Party]—Presidential Bid

1979 4) [Republican Party]—Presidential Campaign—Old State House—Hartford, Connecticut Statement—March 12

1980 5) [Republican Party]—Republican and Democratic 1980 Platforms

1981-1982 6) [Republican Party]—Republican National Committee—Political Section

1981-1982 7) [Republican Party]—Republican Party Conference

1984 8) [Republican Party]—Republican Platform Hearing—July 30

1981-1982 9) [Republican Party]—Republican Policy Committee

1983-1984 10) [Republican Party]—Republican Senatorial Campaign—1984, Folder 1

1983-1984 11) [Republican Party]—Republican Senatorial Campaign—1984, Folder 2

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1972 1) [Republican Party]—Senate Campaign

1981 2) [Republican Party]—Senatorial Business Advisory Board

1971 3) [Republican Party]—Senatorial Campaign Committee

1982 4) [Republican Party]—Senatorial Trust Meeting

1983 5) [Republican Party]—State Connecticut Central Fundraiser—September 26

1981-1982 6) [Republican Party]—Weicker Allies and Support

1983-1984 7) [Republican Party]—Weicker Field Staff and Dallas Convention—1984 Republican National Convention Preparations

1979 8) [Republican Party]—Weicker for President – 1979

1984-1986 9) [Republican Party]—Weicker Political Action Committee

1974-1976 10) S. 1—Criminal Justice Codification, Revision and Reform Act of 1974

1977 11) S. 2—Sunset Act of 1977

1978-1979 12) S. 2—Sunset Act of 1979

1973-1976 13) S. 3—National Health Insurance—The Health Security Act, Folder 1

1973-1976 14) S. 3—National Health Insurance—The Health Security Act, Folder 2

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1973 1) S. 4 – Strengthen and Improve Protections and Interests – Employee Pension and Welfare Benefits Plan – Retirement Income Security for Employees Act

1971-1972 2) S. 5 – Full Opportunity and National Goals and Priorities Act

1975 3) S. 5 – Open Senate Committee Session – Government in the Sunshine Act

1977 4) S. 9 – Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1977

1978-1979 5) S. 10 – Constitutional Rights of Institutionalized Persons

1975-1976 6) S. 10 – Housatonic River Valley – Amend Section 5a of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act

1975-1976 7) S. 12 – Reforming the Judicial Survivors’ Annuities Program

1975 8) S. 13 – Food Stamp Bill – Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964

1977-1979 9) S. 14 – Reclamation Reform Act of 1974

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1973-1978 1) S. 16 – Presidential Primary Act – National Presidential Primary

1974-1976 2) S. 22 – General Revision of the Copyright Law, Title 17 of the United States Code

1973 3) S. 32 – Amend National Science Foundation Act of 1950 – Establish Framework of National Science Policy

1974-1975 4) S. 32 – National Priorities for Science

1971-1972 5) S. 32 – National Science Policy and Priorities Act of 1972

1971-1978 6) S. 39 – Termination of Public Financing of Presidential Campaigns

1979 7) S. 43 – To Promote Safety and Health in Skiing and Other Outdoor Winter Activities

1983 8) S. 44 – Products Liability

1969-1973 9) S. 44 – To Amend the Small Business Act to Increase the Availability of Management Counseling to Small Business

1973 10) S. 48 – Amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 – Availability of Funds for Military Assistance – Indochina

1973 11) S. 50 – To Strengthen and Improve the Older Americans Act of 1965

1975 12) S. 66 – Nurse Training and Health Revenue Sharing and Health Services Act of 1975

1977 13) S. 91 – Tomato Packaging – To Subject Imported Tomatoes to Restrictions Comparable to those Applicable to Domestic Tomatoes

1975 14) S. 95 – Overseas – Citizens Voting Rights Act of 1975

1977 15) S. 106 – Land and Water Resources Conservation Act of 1977

1979 16) S. 110 – Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 – Accelerated and Simplified Depreciation for Small Business

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1971-1980 1) S. 114 – Death Penalty – Court Cases

1979-1980 2) S. 114 – Federal Death Penalty Act

1977 3) S. 122 – Electric Utility Rate – Reform and Regulatory Improvement Act

1976-1977 4) S. 143 – Medicare-Medicaid Anti-Fraud and Abuse Amendments

1973-1975 5) S. 144 – Mr. McClure – To Prohibit the Banning of Lead Shot for Hunting

1977 6) S. 146 – Repeal Means Test on Social Security Benefits for Workers 65 and Older

1975 7) S. 156 – Earth Resources Satellite Program

1973-1974 8) S. 156 – Require Termination by July 1, 1975 of all Naval Weapons Range Activities on the Puerto Rican Island of Culebra

1977 9) S. 174 – Restoration of U.S. Compliance with International Economic Sanctions Against Rhodesia

1975 10) S. 200 – Consumer Protection Act of 1975

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1970-1971 1) S. 209 – Legislation to Insure the Humane Treatment of Animals During Air Transport

1979 2) S. 210 – To Establish a Department of Education

1983 3) S. 215 – Bail Reform Act of 1983

1975 4) S. 229 – To Amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973

1977 5) S. 256 – Natural Gas Deregulation

1977-1978 6) S. 258 – Youth Camp Safety Act

1972-1973 7) S. 260 – Provide that Meetings of Government Agencies and Congressional Committees are Open to the Public – Government in the Sunshine Act

1977 8) S. 293 – Authorization and Oversight for the Office of Management and Budget

1977 9) S. 297 – Meat Inspection – Require Inspection of Imported Meat and Dairy Products

1979 10) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – Background Materials S. 1874

1979 11) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – Danforth Compromise

1979 12) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – Hearings Before Committee on the Judiciary

1979 13) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – Hearings Before Subcommittee on Antitrust – 96th Congress, 1st Session on S. 390

1979 14) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – Memo Concerning the Law of Pass-On

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1979 1) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – Overview, Copies of the Bill, Clippings, Folder 1

1979 2) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – Overview, Copies of the Bill, Clippings, Folder 2

1979 3) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – Report of the Committee on the Judiciary – To Accompany S. 300

1979 4) S. 300 – Antitrust Enforcement Act of 1979 – The Illinois Brick Issue

1977 5) S. 311 – The College Tuition Tax Relief Act of 1977

1974-1976 6) S. 317/S. 4019 – Establishment of a Joint Committee on Intelligence Oversight, Folder 1

1971-1976 7) S. 317/S. 4019 – Establishment of a Joint Committee on Intelligence Oversight, Folder 2

1974-1975 8) S. 317/S. 4019 – Establishment of a Joint Committee on Intelligence Oversight, Folder 3

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1971-1976 1) S. 317/S. 4019 – Establishment of a Joint Committee on Intelligence Oversight, Folder 4

1972-1976 2) S. 317/S. 4019 – Establishment of a Joint Committee on Intelligence Oversight, Folder 5

1960-1973 3) S. 318 – News Media Source Protection Act

1973 4) S. 319 – Oil Import Program – New England States Fuel Oil Act of 1973

1979 5) S. 325 – Establish a Program to Develop Marine Artificial Reefs in Waters of Unites States Jurisdiction

1975 6) S. 332 – Maritime Authorization

1979 7) S. 336 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954

1979 8) S. 346 – Physical Handicap Anti-Discrimination in Employment Act of 1979 – Amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964

1973 9) S. 352 – Voter Registration Act

1973 10) S. 372 – Amendment No. 301 – To Amend the Communications Act of 1934 and the Campaign Communications Reform Act

1973 11) S. 373 – Assure Separation of Federal Powers – President to Notify Congress on Impoundment of Funds and Procedure

1978-1979 12) S. 378 – Authorize Funds for the Robert A. Taft Institute of Government

1973 13) S. 380 – Establish a Fishery Zone to Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf Beyond the Territorial Sea of the United States

1979 14) S. 388 – To Promote the Ownerships of Small Businesses by Their Employees

1980-1982 15) S. 391 – CIA Identities Bill

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1975 1) S. 410 – Repeal Earnings Limitations of the Social Security Act – Workers Age Sixty-five and Over

1974 2) S. 411 – Postal Rates Increase – Extending Postal Rate Adjustments

1979 3) S. 414 – Establish a Uniform Federal Patent Procedure for Small Businesses – Amend Title 35 of the United States Code

1973-1976 4) S. 422 – Children and Youth Camp Safety Act

1974 5) S. 424 – National Resource Lands Management Act

1975 6) S. 425 – Foreign Investment Act of 1975 – Williams

1979 7) S. 425 – To End the Use of Steel-Jaw Leghold Traps

1975 8) S. 426 – Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1975

1977 9) S. 431 – Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977

1971-1973 10) S. 440 – Make Rules Governing the Use of Armed Forces of the United States in Absence of a Declaration of War by Congress

1979 11) S. 446 – To Amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to Prohibit Discrimination Against Handicapped Individuals

1979 12) S. 451 – Diabetes Research and Training Amendments – Amend the Health Services Act

1979 13) S. 462 – To Exempt the Price of Natural Gas Imported from Mexico from Regulation Under any Federal or State Law

1979 14) S. 493 – To Promote the Orderly Development of Hard Mineral Resources in the Deep Seabed

1973 15) S. 502 – Require the Secretary of Transportation to not Approve Any Project Affecting the Highway System Without State Approval – Oyster Bay Bridge – Amendment Numbers 29, 32

1980 16) S. 503 – To Amend the Privacy Act of 1974 – Confidentiality of Medical Records, Amend Number 2343 – Confidentiality of Commercial Credit Reports

1979-1980 17) S. 506 – To Amend Title VIII of the Act Commonly Called the Civil Rights Act of 1968 – Revise Procedures for the Enforcement of Fair Housing

1975-1976 18) S. 510 – Medical Device Amendments of 1975

1976 19) S. 522 – Indian Health Care Improvement Act – Conference Report

1977 20) S. 528 – Require an Employer Which Assumes Ownership of a Business to Honor the Terms of a Collective Bargaining Contract

1979 21) S. 543 – Commercial Fisheries Development Act

1973 22) S. 547 – Permit the Mailing of Lottery Tickets – Broadcasting/Televising Lottery Information

1977 23) S. 555 – Public Official Integrity Act of 1977

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1977 1) S. 562 – Facilitate the Implementation of Section 703 of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 – Union Station Improvement Act of 1977

1973 2) S. 578 – Requiring Congressional Authorization for the Reinvolvement of American Forces in Further Hostilities in Indochina – Assistance to North Vietnam

1974-1979 3) S. 583 – Children and Youth Camp Safety Act

1975 4) S. 586 – Coastal Zone Management – Coastal Zone Environment Act of 1975 (Hollings)

1973-1979 5) S. 598 – Bayh-Cochran Bill – Soft Drink Interbrand Competition Act

1977 6) S. 603 – Commercial Fisheries Development Act

1975-1976 7) S. 626 – Child and Family Services Act of 1975

1973 8) S. 650 – Extend to All Unmarried Individuals the Full Tax Benefits of Income Splitting Now Enjoyed by Married Individuals Filing Joint Returns

1977 9) S. 650 – Special Emergency Wheat Bill Program

1979 10) S. 653 – Small Business Capital Preservation Act of 1979

1979 11) S. 655 – Small Business Investment Incentive Act

1977 12) S. 672 – Solar Energy Government Building Act

1979 13) S. 673 – Department of Energy National Security and Military Applications of Nuclear Energy Authorization Act of 1980

1971 14) S. 680 – General Revenue Sharing Act of 1971

1979 15) S. 694 – To Conform the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to Rule XLII of the Standing Rules of the Senate

1973 16) S. 717 – Bill to Repeal the Bread Tax on the 1972 Wheat Crop

1979 17) S. 730 – To Establish a Northeast Energy Corporation

1971-1972 18) S. 731 – War Powers – To Make Rules Respecting Military Hostilities in the Absence of a Declaration of War

1980 19) S. 734 – Federal Power Marketing Revolving Fund Act

1973 20) S. 738 – To Establish and Support State Inspection Programs for Auto Emission Control Systems

1973 21) S. 739 – Allow Use of Highway Funds for Transportation Improvements to Avoid Air Pollution and to Prohibit Highway Projects Which May Create Air Pollution

1979 22) S. 753 – Tax Credit for the Elderly – Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954

1975 23) S. 765 – National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life Act – (Percy)

1972-1973 24) S. 768 – Provide Improved Highspeed Rail Service Between Boston, New York, and Washington by 1976

1977-1979 25) S. 771 – Energy Stamp Act of 1979

1973-1974 26) S. 791 – Amend Export Administration Act of 1969 – Exclusion of Agricultural Commodities from Export Controls

1979 27) S. 793 – Small Business Loan Reform Act of 1979

1977 28) S. 801 – Community Development Block Grant – Hold Harmless for Small Cities

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1983 1) S. 804 – Undercover Operations Act

1975-1976 2) S. 820 – Merchant Marine Authorizations

1979 3) S. 825 – Unemployment Compensation Reform Act of 1979 – Unemployment Insurance System Revitalization Act of 1979

1970-1973 4) S. 847 – Amend National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 – Standards for School Buses – Investigation of School Bus Accidents

1975 5) S. 850 – National School Lunch and Child Nutrition Act Amendments of 1975 (McGovern)

1975 6) S. 863 – Improve Rail Lines with Respect to Abandonments and Terminations – Local Rail Services Act of 1975 – (Pearson)

1971 7) S. 869 – Single Person’s Tax – Equalization of the Tax Structure for Single Taxpayers – Correspondence

1972-1973 8) S. 874 – Amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 – Provide a Program for Gifted and Talented Children

1979 9) S. 885 – Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, Folder 1

1979 10) S. 885 – Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act, Folder 2

1977 11) S. 911 – For the Relief of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Logan

1975 12) S. 911 – Require Windows that Open in Federal Buildings– Open Windows Act of 1975

1979 13) S. 918 – To Amend the Small Business Act and Small Business Investment Act of 1958

1975 14) S. 920 – Amendment Number 529 – F-18 and F-16 Fighters – (Weicker-Chiles)

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1971 1) S. 922 – Youth Camp Safety Act

1977 2) S. 946 – Whale Preservation Act

1971 3) S. 958 – Amendment Number 219 – Recycling Amendment/Atomic Energy Commission Appropriations

1974-1975 4) S. 961 – 200 Mile Limit – (Magnuson) – Emergency Marine Fisheries Protection Act of 1975

1977 5) S. 962 – To Provide for the Disposition of Excess Campaign Contributions

1979 6) S. 967 – Railroad Reorganization Energy Impact Reductions Act of 1979

1972-1973 7) S. 968 – Authorize Federal Savings and Loan Associations and National Banks to Own Stock and Invest in Loans to State Housing Corporations

1979 8) S. 968 – Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act

1973 9) S. 980 – Permit Payment of Extended Unemployment Compensation Benefits to Additional Workers

1977-1978 10) S. 987 – Amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to Remove All Restrictions on the Adoption by United States Citizens of More Than Two Children

1976-1977 11) S. 991 – Department of Education Act of 1977

1977 12) S. 995 – Amend Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to Prohibit Sex Discrimination on the Basis of Pregnancy

1971 13) S. 1011 – To Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

1971-1972 14) S. 1012 – Amendment Number 220 – Recycled Materials – Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

1971 15) S. 1013 – Amendment Number 221 – Amend Section 8 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act – Recycling

1971 16) S. 1014 – To Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act

1971 17) S. 1015 – To Establish an Environmental Financing Authority to Assist in the Financing of Waste Treatment Facilities

1971 18) S. 1016 – Noise Pollution – Correspondence

1979 19) S. 1018 – Repeal of Certain Provisions Relating to the Republic of Uganda

1979 20) S. 1019 – To Amend the International Development and Food Assistance Act of 1978 and the Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1979 – Uganda

1973 21) S. 1019 – To Terminate the Oil Import Control Program

1979 22) S. 1029 – Authorize the Small Business Administration to Guarantee the Payment of Principal and Interest on State and Local Development Company Debentures

1977 23) S. 1043 – Provides for Development of Aquaculture in the United States – National Aquaculture Organic Act of 1977

1979 24) S. 1050 – The College Tuition Tax Relief Act of 1979

1977 25) S. 1051 – Federal Grain Inspection and Weighing Program Improvements

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1981 1) S. 1080 – The Regulatory Reform Act, Folder 1

1978-1982 2) S. 1080 – The Regulatory Reform Act, Folder 2

1978-1982 3) S. 1080 – The Regulatory Reform Act, Folder 3

1973 4) S. 1081 – Rights-of-Way Across Federal Lands Where the Use of Such is in the Public Interest and which will Protect the Environment

1972-1973 5) S. 1082 – To Repeal the Bread Tax

1973 6) S. 1098 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Provide Income Tax Simplification, Reform, and Relief for Small Business

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1977 1) S. 1099 – To Provide for Agricultural Resources

1970-1972 2) S. 1116 – Mustangs – Control of Wild Horses and Burros on Public Lands

1975 3) S. 1119 – Tax Relief to Small Business

1981-1984 4) S. 1128 – Agriculture Productivity Act

1975 5) S. 1136 – Antitrust Enforcement Authorization Act of 1975

1985 6) S. 1142 – Domestic Food Assistance Act

1975 7) S. 1143 – Railroad Revenue Act of 1975

1975 8) S. 1144 – Rail Network – Interstate Railroad Act of 1974

1973 9) S. 1146 – Provide for Repayment of Certain Sums Advanced to Providers of Services Under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act

1977 10) S. 1171 – Relating to Collective Bargaining Representation of Postal Employees

1971 11) S. 1182 – Expansion of Health Maintenance Organizations

1971 12) S. 1183 – Aid to Health Personnel Education – Health Manpower Assistance Act of 1971

1975 13) S. 1183 – Disability Insurance for the Blind

1967-1976 14) S. 1189 – Federal Election Campaign Reform Act

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1975 1) S. 1192 – To Provide One Additional Judgeship for the District of Connecticut

1985 2) S. 1200 – Immigration Reform Act

1979 3) S. 1204 – Improved Medicaid Services for Low Income Children and Pregnant Women

1981-1982 4) S. 1215 – Malt Beverage Interbrand Competition Act – To Continue Competition in Brewing Industry

1971 5) S. 1238 – Dumping – Marine Protection Act of 1971

1979 6) S. 1246 – Energy Antimonopoly Act of 1979

1975 7) S. 1259 – Small Business Emergency Relief Act

1975 8) S. 1260 – General Services Administration Multiyear Leases

1977-1980 9) S. 1280 – Energy Management Partnership Act of 1979, Folder 1

1977-1980 10) S. 1280 – Energy Management Partnership Act of 1979, Folder 2

1977-1980 11) S. 1280 – Energy Management Partnership Act of 1979, Folder 3

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1976 1) S. 1284 – The Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, Folder 1

1976 2) S. 1284 – The Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, Folder 2

1976 3) S. 1284 – The Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, Folder 3

1979 4) S. 1308 – Energy Supply Act – Priority Energy Project Act of 1979

1975 5) S. 1326 – Assist the Unemployed – Emergency Special Public Service Employment and Railroad Improvement Act of 1975

1973 6) S. 1326 – Hemophiliac Act of 1973

1979 7) S. 1335 – To Require Efficiency Improvements in Residential Heating Units

1979 8) S. 1336 – To Require Residential Energy Audits

1979-1980 9) S. 1337 – To Amend Title 23 of the U.S. Code to Provide Greater Compliance with the National Maximum Speed Limit

1979 10) S. 1338 – To Establish Energy Efficiency Standards for Industrial Equipment

1974-1975 11) S. 1358 – For the Relief of Simeon and Paca Zivkov

1974 12) S. 1361 – Copyright Law Revision Bill

1979 13) S. 1398 – Industrial Equipment Efficiency Act of 1979

1979 14) S. 1408 – To Provide for the Development of Aquaculture in the U.S. – National Aquaculture Organic Act of 1979

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1919-1977 1) S. 1428 – Stamford Harbor, Connecticut Navigation Project

1971 2) S. 1430 – Department of Community Development Act

1971 3) S. 1431 – Department of Natural Resources Act

1971 4) S. 1432 – Department of Human Resources Act

1971 5) S. 1433 – Department of Economic Affairs Act

1973 6) S. 1435 – Home Rule District of Columbia – Amendment Proposal

1979-1980 7) S. 1435 – The Capital Cost Recovery Act of 1979

1975 8) S. 1437 – Federal Procurement Relations – Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1975

1979 9) S. 1449 – Mandatory Gasoline Coupon Rationing

1979 10) S. 1455 – Pete Domenici Bill for New Mexico Coal Lease Exchange

1977 11) S. 1462 – Erosion and Runoff – Emergency Runoff Retardation and Soil Erosion Prevention Program

1981 12) S. 1467 – Capitol Hill Employee Rights

1979-1980 13) S. 1481 – Amend the IRS Code of 1954 to Provide a Credit Against Tax for Investment in Small Business Participating Debentures

1975 14) S. 1483 – Weicker Amendment to the Emergency Housing Act of 1975

1975 15) S. 1485 – State Lotteries – State Lottery Exemption Act of 1975

1975-1976 16) S. 1487 – Coast Guard Authorization Fiscal Year 1976

1975 17) S. 1502 – Five Year Moratorium on Unemployment Tax

1972-1974 18) S. 1527 – Lobster Conservation and Control Act of 1973

1971 19) S. 1531 – Authorize Construction at Military Installations – Amendment Number 222 – Recycled Materials

1979-1980 20) S. 1533 – To Amend the Investment Company Act of 1940 to Provide an Exemption for Qualified Venture Capital Companies

1977 21) S. 1554 – Rail Rehabilitation Act of 1977

1973 22) S. 1560 – EEA [Emergency Employment Act] Bill of 1973

1979 23) S. 1597 – To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Provide for the Economic Stimulation of the Economy Through Increased Savings and Investment

1977 24) S. 1598 – To Amend the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 – Eliminate Matching Requirements in Funding of Station and Fencing Improvements in the Northeast Corridor

1973 25) S. 1610 – Amend the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to Require Installation of Airborne Collision Avoidance Systems – Civilian and Military Aircraft

1979 26) S. 1630 – United States Olympic Development Fund Checkoff Act of 1979

1983 27) S. 1644 – Sentencing Improvement Act

1977 28) S. 1644 – Tax Equity for Parents Without Partners (Finance)

1979-1980 29) S. 1656 – Provide for a National Program of Fisheries Research and Development

1975 30) S. 1662 – Amendment Number 429 – To Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964

1975-1976 31) S. 1666 – Electric Utilities Rate Reform Act of 1975

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