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Ellis Hyman Files
Box 691
1986-1987 1) AIDS in the Workplace-Congressional Research Information Pack
1985-1986 2) AIDS in the Workplace – Miscellaneous Materials
1987-1988 3) AIDS in the Workplace – Miscellaneous Materials
1987 4) Associations - Employee Benefit Research Institute
1987 5) Associations - Employers Council on Flexible Compensation
1987 6) Associations - Institute for Scrap Iron and Steel
1988 7) Associations - National Alliance of Business
1985-1987 8) Davis-Bacon Act – Congressional Research Service Information Pack
1985-1988 9) Hatch Act – Congressional Research Service Information Pack
1983-1988 10) High Technology Development
1982, 1988 11) Job Training and Partnership Act – Bills
1986-1988 12) Job Training and Partnership Act – Clippings

Box 692
1983-1988 1) Job Training and Partnership Act – Congressional Research Service Reports
1987 2) Job Training and Partnership Act – Correspondence
1988 3) Job Training and Partnership Act – Inspector General Audit
1987-1988 4) Job Training and Partnership Act – Miscellaneous Reports
1988 5) Job Training and Partnership Act – Testimony
1982, 1987 6) Joint Economic Committee – Competitiveness of Workforce
1988 7) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Amendments to S. 2086
1987 8) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Articles
1988 9) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Articles, January, April 1988
1988 10) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Articles, May-July 1988

Box 693
1988 1) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Associated General Contractors of America
1988 2) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Building and Construction Industry Letters
1987-1988 3) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Building and Construction Industry Materials
1988 4) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Congressional Research Service Reports
1988 5) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings –Dresser Industries, Inc.
1985 6) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings –“Estimates of the Effects of Occupational Safety Health Regulation, 1973-1983”
1980 7) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977
1988 8) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Governor’s Report
1978 9) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Hartford Civic Center Collapse
1988 10) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Hearing Report – Folder 1
1988 11) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Hearing Report – Folder 2
1987-1988 12) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Invitations
1970-1988 13) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Legal and Court Briefs

Box 694
1987-1988 1) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Letters Received
1988 2) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Memos and Outlines
1987-1988 3) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Memos and Statements on OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
1987 4) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – National Bureau of Standards
1986-1988 5) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration – Clippings and Press Releases

1987-1988 6) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration – Materials

1987 7) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration – Statistics
1988 8) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Press Releases
1987 9) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Rust Engineering
1988 10) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – S. 2086 – Copies of Bill
1988 11) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – S. 2518
1988 12) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – Michael E. Barbroody
1988 13) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – Mayor Thomas Bucci
1988 14) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – Citizens Nancy Daddonna and Beth Addona
1988 15) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – John Egan Jr.
1988 16) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony - William J. Gainer
1988 17) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – Robert Georgine
1988 18) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – Dr. John Lyons, Dr. Charles Culver, and Dr. Richard Wright
1987-1988 19) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – John Pendergrass
1988 20) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – Christopher Shays
1988 21) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Testimony – Mario Suarez
1982-1988 22) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Texstar Construction Corporation
1988 23) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Transcripts
1988 24) L’Ambiance Plaza Accident Hearings – Witness – William Varga
1988 25) Minimum Wage Restoration Act – Briefing Book

Box 695
1979-1980 1) NLRB vs. Yeshiva University – Clippings

1981-1982 2) NLRB vs. Yeshiva University – Clippings

1987-1988 3) Omnibus Trade Bill – Congressional Research Service Materials
1987-1988 4) Omnibus Trade Bill – U.S. Trade Policy
1988 5) Pension Reform – Bills
1988 6) Pension Reform – Clippings
1985-1988 7) Pension Reform – Congressional Research Service Materials
1987 8) Pension Reform – Letters
1987-1988 9) Pension Reform - Press Releases

Box 696
1987-1988 1) Pension Reform – Small Business Council of America – Testimony and Report
1980s 2) Railroad Retirement Act – Petition
1983-1988 3) Railroad Retirement Board
1987-1988 4) Retirement Income for the Aging
1987 5) S. 79 – High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act – Bills
1988 6) S. 79 – High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act – Clippings
1987 7) S. 79 – High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act – Coalition on Occupational Disease Notification
1987-1988 8) S. 79 – High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act – Letters
1987 9) S. 79 – High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act – Reports
1987 10) S. 79 – High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act – Small Business Administration
1987 11) S. 79 – High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act – Summary
1988 12) S. 79 – High Risk Occupational Disease Notification and Prevention Act – Testimony – Fred W. Alvarez
1987-1988 13) S. 552 – Federal Employee Equity Study Commission Act
1988 14) S. 1523 – Amendment to Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, RICO

Box 697
1981-1987 1) Unions – Congressional Research Services Materials
1987 2) Women in Non-Traditional Work – Hearings – November 17, 1987
1987-1988 3) Youth Employment Services Act, YES

Thomas Laskey Files
Box 698
1987-1988 1) Bank of New York/Irving Bank Corporation - Takeover Bid
1986 2) Banking – Miscellaneous, Fall 1986
1987 3) Banking – Miscellaneous, 1987
1982 4) Banking Deregulation – Bank Holding Companies – Testimony of John S.R. Shad
1981-1982 5) Banking Deregulation – Consumer Protection
1981-1982 6) Banking Deregulation – Depository Institutions Regulation Committee – Joint Resolution
1977 7) Banking Deregulation – Equal Credit Opportunity
1979-1982 8) Banking Deregulation – Glass-Steagall Act
1979-1982 9) Banking Deregulation – Municipal Bond Registration Requirements
1985 10) Banking Deregulation – S. 716 – Financial Services Clarification Act

Box 699
1981-1982 1) Banking Deregulation – S. 1720 – Financial Institutions Restructuring and Services Act – Miscellaneous
1981 2) Banking Deregulation – S. 1720 – Financial Institutions Restructuring and Services Act Bill
1980-1982 3) Banking Deregulation – S. 1720 – Financial Institutions Restructuring and Services Act – Congressional Research Service Materials
1981 4) Banking Deregulation – S. 1720 – Financial Institutions Restructuring and Services Act – Testimony
1984 5) Banking Deregulation – S. 2851 – Financial Services Competitive Equity Act – Bills
1984-1985 6) Banking Deregulation – S. 2851 – Financial Services Competitive Equity Act – Clippings
1984-1985 7) Banking Deregulation – S. 2851 – Financial Services Competitive Equity Act – Congressional Research Service Materials
1984-1985 8) Banking Deregulation – S. 2851 – Financial Services Competitive Equity Act – Correspondence
1984 9) Banking Deregulation – S. 2851 – Financial Services Competitive Equity Act – Notes
1984-1985 10) Banking Deregulation – S. 2851 – Financial Services Competitive Equity Act – Reports
1985 11) Banking Deregulation – S. 2851 – Financial Services Competitive Equity Act – Testimony
1986-1987 12) Banking, Housing, Mortgages – Notes
1988 13) Briefing Book – Miscellaneous Issues

Box 700
1983-1984 1) Brokered Deposits – “Sledgehammer Rule”
1983 2) Committee on Developing American Capitalism
1987 3) Competitive Equality Banking Act – Savings Bank Provisions
1987 4) Connecticut Bankers Association
1987-1988 5) Connecticut Banking
1987-1988 6) Connecticut Community Banker Association
1987 7) Connecticut Housing
1987 8) Connecticut Liquidity Investment Fund, Incorporated
1988 9) Council of Economic Advisors
1987 10) Credit Union National Association, Incorporated
1987 11) Economic Development Association – Governor O’Neill’s Office
1987-1988 12) Export-Import Bank
1986-1987 13) Federal Accounting Standards Board – Accounting Rules Since Tax Reform Act of 1986
1987 14) Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Recapitalization
1987-1988 15) Foreign Investments in United States
1981-1982 16) Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982
1987-1988 17) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Bills

Box 701
1987-1988 1) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Clippings
1987-1988 2) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Correspondence
1988 3) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Notes
1987-1988 4) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Reports
1987 5) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Testimony, July, November
1988 6) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Testimony, December 1-2
1987 7) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Testimony, December 3
1987 8) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Testimony, December 8
1987 9) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Testimony, December 8
1987 10) Glass-Steagall Act Legislation – Testimony, December 9-10
1987 11) Greenspan, Alan
1985 12) Grove City vs. Bell – Congressional Research Service Legal Analysis

Box 702
1987 1) H.R. 28 – Expedited Funds Availability Act
1987 2) H.R. 50 – Financial Services Competitive Services Act of 1987
1987-1988 3) H.R. 176 – Truth in Savings Act
1987-1988 4) H.R. 2631 – Mint Reauthorization – Fiscal Year 1988
1984-1989 5) Home Equity Loans
1987 6) Hostile Foreign Takeover Moratorium Act
1987-1988 7) International Debt
1987-1988 8) Interstate Banking – Connecticut
1983-1985 9) Interstate Banking Laws
1983-1986 10) Junk Bonds
1987-1988 11) Junk Bonds
1986-1988 12) Letter to World Bank – Signed by Weicker
1987-1988 13) Letters Sent – Banking

Box 703
1987-1988 1) Letters Sent – Bork/Federal Court System, Judiciary, Court Cases
1988 2) Letters Sent – Budget
1987 3) Letters Sent – Census
1987-1988 4) Letters Sent – Constitutional Issues
1988 5) Letters Sent – Consumer Affairs
1987-1988 6) Letters Sent – Credit Services
1988 7) Letters Sent – Customs/Immigration
1987-1988 8) Letters Sent – Foreign Affairs – Foreign Investment, World Bank, Distribution of Weapons
1987-1988 9) Letters Sent – Health
1987 10) Letters Sent – Home Loans/Housing
1987-1988 11) Letters Sent – Internal Affairs – Drunk Driving, Schools, Crime, Cost of Living
1987-1988 12) Letters Sent – Investment
1987 13) Letters Sent – Internal Revenue Service
1988 14) Letters Sent – Edwin Meese
1987 15) Letters Sent – Treasury
1987 16) McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945
1988 17) Mexican Debt Plan
1987-1988 18) Miscellaneous – Lieberman Speech, Intern Quiz, History Letters, Stock Market Plunge, Census, Computer
1983 19) Monetary Control Act
1987 20) National Association of Casualty and Surety Agents
1987-1988 21) New York Stock Exchange – Clippings
ca. 1987-1988 22) Northeast Bancorp/Bank of New York – Merger
1987 23) Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
1986-1988 24) Program Trading
1988 25) Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, RESPA
1985 26) S. 206 – Banking Convenience Act of 1985
1987 27) S. 430 – Retail Competition Enforcement Act

Box 704

1987 1) S. 616 and H.R. 515 – Full Credit Card Cost Disclosure Act

1987 2) S. 790 – Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 – Bills
1986-1987 3) S. 790 – Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 – Clippings
1987 4) S. 790 – Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 – Correspondence
1987 5) S. 790 – Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 – Notes
1987 6) S. 790 – Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 – Reports
1987 7) S. 1201 and H.R. 458 – Credit Reporting Reform Act
1987 8) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Bills
1987-1988 9) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Clippings

Box 705
1984, 1986 1) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Congressional Research Service Materials
1987 2) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Congressional Research Service Materials, March-August
1987 3) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Congressional Research Service Materials, September-December
1988 4) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Congressional Research Service Materials
1988 5) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Correspondence, February, May
1988 6) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Correspondence, June
1988 7) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Correspondence, July-August
1987-1988 8) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Dear Colleagues Letters
1987-1988 9) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Notes
1987-1988 10) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Press Releases
1987-1988 11) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Reports

Box 706
1987-1988 1) S. 1323 – Anti-Takeover Legislation – Testimony
1987 2) S. 1380 – Insider Trading Proscriptions Act of 1987
1987 3) S. 1665 – Farm Credit Act Amendments of 1987
1987 4) S. 1742 – Coinage Reform Act
1988 5) S. 1776 – Modernized Coin Designs – Commission of Fine Arts
1988 6) S. 2073 – Thrift Charter Enhancement Act of 1988
1987 7) Savings and Loan League of Connecticut
1987-1987 8) Securities and Exchange Commission Reauthorization – Fiscal Year 1988
1987 9) Stollar, Abe – Immigration Case
1987 10) Subcommittee on Securities – Oversight Hearing of Corporate Takeovers
1984 11) The Banking Center – Lakeside Apartments, Wollcot, Connecticut
Ca. 1987-1988 12) Treasury Direct
1987 13) U.S. Foreign Loans to Eastern Bloc Nations
1987 14) United States Conference of Mayors – Baker Suit
1987 15) Volcker, Paul A. – Testimony
1979 16) Weicker Amendment to Internal Revenue Code of 1954 – Small Saver – Contains Letter Signed by Bob Dole
1987-1988 17) World Bank Appropriation

Kathy C. MIller Files
Box 707
1986 1) Correspondence – Anniversary Greetings 1986, January-December
1987 2) Correspondence – Anniversary Greetings 1987, January-October
1988 3) Correspondence – Anniversary Greetings 1988, March-December
1986 4) Correspondence – Auction Items 1986, March-December
1987 5) Correspondence – Auction Items 1987, February-November
1988 6) Correspondence – Auction Items 1988, January-October
1986 7) Correspondence – Birthday Greetings 1986, January-May
1986 8) Correspondence – Birthday Greetings 1986, June-December
1987 9) Correspondence – Birthday Greetings 1987, January-November
1988 10) Correspondence – Birthday Greetings 1988, February-November

Box 708
1982 1) Correspondence – Campaign/Political Thank You 1982, January-February
1982 2) Correspondence – Campaign/Political Thank You 1982, March-April
1982 3) Correspondence – Campaign/Political Thank You 1982, May-June
1982 4) Correspondence – Campaign/Political Thank You 1982, July-August
1982 5) Correspondence – Campaign/Political Thank You 1982, September-October
1982 6) Correspondence – Campaign/Political Thank You 1982, November-December
1986 7) Correspondence – Condolences 1986, January-November
1987 8) Correspondence – Condolences 1987, January-September
1988 9) Correspondence – Condolences 1988, January-December

Box 709
1986 1) Correspondence – Congratulatory Notes 1986, January-October
1988 2) Correspondence – Congratulatory Notes 1988, January-April
1988 3) Correspondence – Congratulatory Notes 1988, May
1988 4) Correspondence – Congratulatory Notes 1988, June
1988 5) Correspondence – Congratulatory Notes 1988, July-December
1986 6) Correspondence – Eagle Scout 1986, January-May
1986 7) Correspondence – Eagle Scout 1986, June-December
1987 8) Correspondence – Eagle Scout 1987, January-April

Box 710
1987 1) Correspondence – Eagle Scout 1987, May-July
1987 2) Correspondence – Eagle Scout 1987, August-December
1988 3) Correspondence – Eagle Scout 1988, January-May
1988 4) Correspondence – Eagle Scout 1988, June-August
1988 5) Correspondence – Eagle Scout 1988, September-December
1987 6) Correspondence – General Family Correspondence
1987 7) Correspondence – Gifts Received 1987, January-June
1987 8) Correspondence – Gifts Received 1987, July-December
1988 9) Correspondence – Gifts Received 1988, January-September
1983 10) Correspondence – Honorary Service-1983, January-April

Box 711
1983 1) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1983, May-November
1984 2) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1984-Acceptances, January-June
1984 3) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1984-Acceptances, July-December
1985 4) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1985-Acceptances
1986 5) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1986-Acceptances, January-June
1986 6) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1986-Acceptances, July-December
1987 7) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1987-Acceptances, January-June

Box 712

1987 1) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1987-Acceptances, July-December

1988 2) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1988-Acceptances, January-June
1988 3) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1988-Acceptances, July-September
1983 4) Correspondence – Honorary Service Declines 1983, January-May
1983 5) Correspondence – Honorary Service Declines 1983, July-November
1984 6) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1984-Declines, January-June
1984 7) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1984-Declines, July-December
1985 8) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1985-Declines
1986 9) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1986-Declines, January-June

Box 713
1986 1) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1986-Declines, July-December
1987 2) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1987-Declines, February-September
1988 3) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1988-Declines, January-June
1988 4) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1988-Declines, July-August
1979-1980 5) Correspondence – Honorary Service-Honorary Memberships, 1979-1980
1981 6) Correspondence – Honorary Service-Honorary Memberships, 1981
1982 7) Correspondence – Honorary Service-Honorary Memberships, 1982
1981-1982 8) Correspondence – Honorary Service 1981,1982-Honorary Membership Declines
1988 9) Correspondence – Incoming, October 1988
1988 10) Correspondence – Incoming, undated, November 1-8, 1988
1988 11) Correspondence – Incoming, November 9, 1988, Folder 1

Box 714
1988 1) Correspondence – Incoming, November 9, 1988, Folder 2

1988 2) Correspondence – Incoming, November 10, 1988, Folder 1

1988 3) Correspondence – Incoming, November 10, 1988, Folder 2
1988 4) Correspondence – Incoming, November 11, 1988
1988 5) Correspondence – Incoming, November 12, 1988
1988 6) Correspondence – Incoming, November 13, 1988

Box 715
1988 1) Correspondence – Incoming, November 14 , 1988, Folder 1
1988 2) Correspondence – Incoming, November 14, 1988, Folder 2
1988 3) Correspondence – Incoming, November 15, 1988, Folder 1
1988 4) Correspondence – Incoming, November 15, 1988, Folder 2
1988 5) Correspondence – Incoming, November 16, 1988
1988 6) Correspondence – Incoming, November 17, 1988
1988 7) Correspondence – Incoming, November 18-20, 1988

Box 716
1988 1) Correspondence – Incoming, November 21, 1988
1988 2) Correspondence – Incoming, November 22-24, 1988
1988 3) Correspondence – Incoming, November 25-27, 1988
1988 4) Correspondence – Incoming, November 28, 1988
1988 5) Correspondence – Incoming, November 29-30, 1988
1988 6) Correspondence – Incoming, December
1988 7) Correspondence – Issue Mail, Thank You, January-April, 1988
1988 8) Correspondence – Issue Mail, Thank You, May-October, 1988
1986 9) Correspondence – Mailgrams, January-November, 1986
Box 717
1987 1) Correspondence – Mailgrams, January-October, 1987
1988 2) Correspondence – Mailgrams, January-October, 1988
1987 3) Correspondence – Members of Congress, January-February, May, October-December, 1987
1988 4) Correspondence – Members of Congress, February, May, December, 1988
1986 5) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, January-March, 1986
1986 6) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, April-May, 1986
1986 7) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, June, 1986
1986 8) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, July-September, 1986
1986 9) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, October-December, 1986]
1987 10) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, January-February, 1987
1987 11) Correspondence – Personal ,General Thank You, March, 1987]

Box 718
1987 1) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, April, 1987
1987 2) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, May, 1987
1987 3) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, June 2-12, 1987
1987 4) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, June 15-26, 1987
1987 5) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, July, 1987
1987 6) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, August-September, 1987
1987 7) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, October 2-8, 1987
1987 8) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, October 9-28, 1987
1987 9) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, November-December, 1987
1988 10) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, January-February, 1987
Box 719
1988 1) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, March-April, 1988
1988 2) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, May, 1988
1988 3) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, June-July, 1988
1988 4) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, August, 1988
1988 5) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, September, 1988
1988 6) Correspondence – Personal, General Thank You, October, 1988
1986 7) Correspondence – 1987 Personal Correspondence, 1986
1985-1986 8) Correspondence – Recipes, June, July, 1985; January, February, August, 1986
1987 9) Correspondence – Recipes, February-June, August, November, 1987
1988 10) Correspondence – Recipes, February-March, June, September, October, 1988
1986 11) Correspondence – Special Requests, February-May, 1986
1987 12) Correspondence – Special Requests, January-December, 1987
1988 13) Correspondence – Special Requestsk, January-November, 1988

Box 720
1982 1) Telephone Log, January-June, 1982, Spiral Notebook
1982-1983 2) Telephone Log, June 1982-July 1983, Spiral Notebook
1983 3) Telephone Log, July-November, 1983, Spiral Notebook
1984 4) Telephone Log, January-May, 1984, Spiral Notebook
1984 5) Telephone Log, June 1984, Spiral Notebook
1985 6) Telephone Log, January 1985,Spiral Notebook
1986 7) Telephone Log, June-September, 1986, Spiral Notebook
1987 8) Telephone Log, 1987, Spiral Notebook
1987 9) Telephone Log, August-December, 1987 Spiral Notebook

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