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Box 1671

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Interview with Sullivan, October 7, 1973, 10 pages.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Questions to be asked of Sullivan during his testimony before the Select Committee, undated, 6 pages (questions begin with “E. The Kissinger Taps”; others are missing).

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Memo to the Files by Wickens, regarding Weicker’s questions of Kehrli, May 25, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Elliff to Bill Wickens, regarding the FBI and Sullivan’s ideas for a more flexible intelligence service, May 16, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Sullivan to Weicker, regarding Sullivan’s repudiation of Dean’s testimony, June 29, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Richardson to Weicker, regarding a search of the files of the Intelligence Division of the FBI, June 25, 1973, 1 page

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Weicker to Cox, regarding Weicker’s renewed request for FBI files, June 5, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Weicker to Ruckelshaus, regarding Weicker’s request for “a list of all work done by the Bureau’s Division 5 during the period November 1, 1970 through June 1, 1972,” June 4, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Ruckelshaus to Weicker, regarding Ruckelshaus informing Weicker that his request for FBI files should be routed through Cox, June 5, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Telegram, Peter Irons to Weicker, regarding the leaking of FBI files on Alger Hiss, June 26, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Note, Dick to Senator Weicker, regarding Sullivan’s report to Dean concerning previous administrations use of wiretaps on the political opposition, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Weicker to Kelley, regarding a list of individuals and organizations for review by the FBI to ascertain whether they were investigated by Division 5, July 23, 1973, 1 page, with the list of individuals and organizations and a letter from Kelley to Weicker attached, July 23, 1973 and July 27, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Sullivan to the Editor of The New York Daily News, regarding Sullivan’s request for a retraction of an October 13, 1973 article appearing in the Daily News, October 16, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Sullivan to Weicker, regarding The New York Daily News article and Sullivan’s displeasure with the “vicious sniping” directed toward him, October 16, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Marion Sullivan to Weicker, regarding a correction to be made in Sullivan’s October 16, 1973 letter to Weicker, October 17, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Letter, Herrema to Sullivan, regarding the receipt of Sullivan’s October 16, 1973 letter and Herrema’s assurance that Weicker will review the letter, October 19, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Document entitled “Additional Cosponsors S. 1146,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “Potpourri,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: The Washington Post article, “Top FBI Official Forced Out In Policy Feud with Hoover,” undated, 3 pages.

1974 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: The Boston Globe article, “Former FBI man calls Dean a ‘liar’,” May 7-8, 1974, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Weicker handwritten notes regarding the FBI, Sullivan memo to Tolson and Hoover and Division 5, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Handwritten notes regarding “Interview with William Sullivan,” July 9, 1973, 5 pages, with an organizational chart of Division 5 and handwritten notes dated July 10, 1973 attached, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Handwritten note regarding a request to phone Hank Price, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Handwritten notes regarding Wickens talk with Sullivan in New Hampshire, undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Document entitled “Sullivan,” undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Handwritten notes regarding dividing the FBI into two agencies, criminal and security, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: Handwritten notes regarding “Ruckelshaus,” undated, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: The Washington Post article, “Tangling With Hoover,” October 28, 1971, 1 page.

1974 Folder 1. William C. Sullivan: The Washington Star-News article, “Haig Requested Taps, Ex-FBI Aide Says,” June 13, 1974, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. Summa Corp. Case: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Richard Danner, Chester C. Davis, Carol Dunkle, Walter Glaeser, Ralph Winte and Summa Corporation v. The Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, Summons for Lowell P. Weicker, Jr., November 27, 1973, 1 page, with a Complaint for Declaratory, Injunctive and Mandatory Relief attached, 8 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Summa Corp. Case: Exhibit A – Western Union Straight Wire, Davis to Ervin, regarding subpoenas to several of Davis’ clients to appear before the Select Committee, November 18, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Summa Corp. Case: Exhibit B – Telegram, Ervin to Davis, regarding contempt charges against Davis’ clients, November 21, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Summa Corp. Case: Exhibit C – Telegram, Lenzner to Dubin, regarding Davis’ request to appear before the Select Committee to object to subpoenas and Davis’ appearance before the Committee under subpoena or be prepared to be ruled in contempt of the Senate, November 23, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Summa Corp. Case: Exhibit D- Western Union Straight Wire, Davis to Ervin, regarding appearances before the Committee of Davis and/or his clients, November 23, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Summa Corp. Case: Exhibit E – Western Union Straight Wire, Davis to Ervin, regarding confusion and misunderstanding developing over the timing of appearances before the Committee, the matter of public hearings and the matter of contempt charges, November 24, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Super Spy Plan: Letter, Bennett to Ervin, regarding Ervin’s request for personal data “which may be stored in the OEP computer data banks,” June 7, 1973, 6 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Super Spy Plan: United States District Court, District of Massachusetts, Unitarian Universalist Association v. Joseph L. Tauro, “Opposition to Plaintiff’s Application for Temporary Restraining Order,” January 14, 1972, 11 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Super Spy Plan: United States District Court, District of Massachusetts, Unitarian Universalist Association v. Joseph L. Tauro, et al., “Answer to Complaint,” July 28, 1972, 8 pages.

1972 Folder 3. Super Spy Plan: “Excerpt from Testimony of Unitarian Universalist Association before Senator Proxmire’s Subcommittee on Financial Institutions, August 14, 1972,” 1 page.

1971-1972 Folder 3. Super Spy Plan: A chart depicting the Democratic Presidential candidates and the White House intelligence operations, February 1971–November 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 3. Super Spy Plan: The Washington Post article, “Nixon Aide Proposed Espionage, Burglaries,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Super Spy Plan: The Daily News article, “President’s Domestic Spying Bared,” May 30, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: White House Press Release, Statement by the President regarding intelligence operations in connection with Watergate, May 22, 1973, 8 pages.

1971 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Letter, Mardian to Edward Kennedy, regarding electronic surveillance, March 1, 1971, 4 pages.

1971 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Letter, Mardian to Ervin, regarding requested documents concerning the Interdivision Information Unit, July 8, 1971, 4 pages, with attachments:

1967 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Doar for the Attorney General, regarding the collection of intelligence data, September 27, 1967, 4 pages.

1967 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo to Kevin Maroney, et al. regarding the “Establishment of a departmental intelligence unit in reaction to civil disorders,” November 5, 1967, 2 pages.

1967 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Maroney, et al. to Clark, Attorney General, regarding a report on “the establishment of a Departmental Intelligence Unit,” December 6, 1967, 7 pages.

1967 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, the Attorney General to Doar, et al., regarding the “Creation of Interdivision Information Unit,” December 18, 1967, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Clark to Pellerzi, regarding the purpose of the Interdivision Intelligence Unit, undated, 1 page.

1971 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Mardian to All Personnel-Interdivision Information Unit (IDIU), regarding IDIU Guidelines, March 5, 1971, 3 pages.

1970 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: A report: “Demonstration and Dissent in the Nation’s Capital,” June 8, 1970, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: A report: “The National Intelligence Community,” Intelligence Branch, Education Center, Marine Corps Development and Education Command, Quantico, Virginia, undated, 14 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Document entitled “Espionage Squad” listing the members of the “Squad,” undated, 1 page, with references to the Espionage Squad and biographical information on the Offensive Security Force attached, undated, 7 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: A report regarding “the potential for violence during the weekend of November 13-15 in Washington, D.C. in connection with the activities planned by the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam,” undated, 11 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: “Pentagon Chronology of Domestic Intelligence,” undated, 14 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Document entitled “Surveillance,” undated, 1 page.

1968 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Muskett to Vinson, regarding the “Criminal Division Information Unit,” November 22, 1968, 1 page.

1971 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Letter, Ervin to Mitchell, regarding Ervin’s request for specific documents, April 8, 1971, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Document entitled “Krogh and Young 5533,” undated, regarding a covert operation to examine the medical files “held by Ellsberg’s psychoanalyst,” undated, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Dean for Haldeman, regarding “McGovern War Record,” June 16, 1972, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Note, Dick to Searle, regarding Mitchell obtaining a bugging device from Jim Burke, May 10, 1974, 1 page.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, X to X-1, regarding arms sales to countries in the Middle East, Rebozo and campaign contributions, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: A UPI wire story regarding the Supreme Court’s decision that Nixon must surrender subpoenaed Watergate tapes, July 24, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Handwritten notes regarding Hunt, Barker and the break-in, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Handwritten notes regarding Haldeman, Mardian, Mitchell, McCord, Odle, Kleindienst, LaRue, Liddy, Hunt, Andreas, Dean, Sloan, Porter, Sullivan, Ehrlichman and Nofziger, undated, 15 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The New York Times article, “Laird Acts to Tighten Rule Over Military Intelligence,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Baltimore Sun article, “Baker denies . . . Colson joined him in probe of CIA,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Taps in Leak Hunt Put on Reporters,” May 11, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “Bug Case Figures Used Covert Executive Phone,” December 8, 1972, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “E. Howard Hunt,” undated, 1 page.

1970 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Life Magazine article, “Tampering with Justice in San Diego,” March 24, 1970, 16 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “McGovern Undercover Work Limited,” October 27, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “GOP Plan to Monitor Bank Accounts Alleged,” October 31, 1972, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: An Associated Press article, “Krogh Admits Burglary Role,” undated, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Howard for Fielding, regarding checking the university and military records of McGovern, May 12, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “Wiretaps Put On Phones of 2 Reporters,” May 3, 1973, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “U.S. Censorship Plan Bared,” October 23, 1973, 2 pages.

1972 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Democrats Cite a New Bugging Attempt,” September 6, 1972, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “Watergate Called Part of Vast Plan,” April 18, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “JFK’s Doctor’s Files Rifled in 1960,” May 3, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “Chilean Break-ins Reflect Watergate,” March 8, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post articles, “Wiretap Files Were Kept From Hoover, Aide Says,” May 15, 1973 and “Other GOP Practices Linked To Defeat of Sen. Tydings,” May 9, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “Watergate Case Called Broad Plot,” January 7, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, ‘’Ruckelshaus’ Statement on Wiretaps,” May 15, 1973, 1 page.

1971 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “Boss of FBI Knows Who’s Boss,” June 2, 1971, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “J. Edgar Hoover’s Legacy: A Political Snakepit at the FBI,” January 10, 1973, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “Deterioration of the FBI,” October 11, 1971, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: The Washington Post article, “Kissinger Sought Security Leak Plug,” May 15, 1973, 2 pages.

1967 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: “The World Conference on Vietnam, Stockholm, July 6-9, 1967,” 2 pages.

1969 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Hanoi VNA International Service, “Premier Welcomes U.S. Antiwar ‘Offensive’,” October 14, 1969, 1 page.

1969 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Liberation Press Agency, “Nguyen Huu Tho Sends Letter to Americans,” November 4, 1969, 1 page.

1971 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Butler to SAC, Philadelphia, regarding the “Black Panther Party,” February 4, 1971, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Note regarding “Bertil Svahnstrom,” undated, 1 page.

1969 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Information Letter No. 5, the Stockholm Conference on Vietnam, October 5, 1969, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Biographical Information on the Offensive Security Force, undated, 6 pages.

1970 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: A report: “Demonstration and Dissent in the Nation’s Capital,” June 8, 1970, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Handwritten notes regarding a memo from Haldeman to the President that sets forth an administration plan for civil disturbance, undated, 1 page.

1975 Folder 4. Surveillance Documents: Memo, Office of the Chief of Legislative Liaison, Department of the Army to Members of Congress, regarding the Berlin Democratic Club, et al. v. Schlesinger, et al., 3 October 1975, 1 page, with Civil Action No. 310-74 attached, undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 5. Susquehanna Corporation: A report regarding the Susquehanna Corporation’s link to the Watergate bugging case, undated, 5 pages (the document is difficult to read).

Undated Folder 5. Susquehanna Corporation: A wire story regarding E. Howard Hunt’s connection to the Susquehanna Corporation, undated, 3 pages (the document is difficult to read).

1967 Folder 6. Teamsters: United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, United States of America vs. James R. Hoffa, et al., Affidavit of Cartha D. Deloach, January 30, 1967, 8 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Teamsters: Memo regarding Hoffa and the Teamsters Pension Fund, undated, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Teamsters: Transcript of a telephone conversation between Egen and Partin regarding Teamsters issues, May 19, 1971, 12 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: Memo regarding a “Hoffa-Loeb chronology,” June 1, 1973, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Teamsters: Document entitled “Teamsters,” regarding Frank Fitzsimmons, Angelo DeCarlo and Harold Gibbons, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 6. Teamsters: Ramparts Magazine article, “Overlapping Conspiracies,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Teamsters: Handwritten notes regarding a conversation between Egen and Partin, cash contributions to CRP from Teamster casinos in Las Vegas and Hoffa’s conviction and release, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The New York Times article, “Hughes Power Bid on Nixon Charged,” September 27, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The New York Times article, “Tap on a Brother of Nixon Disputed,” September 7, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Early Contributors to Nixon Disclosed,” September 29, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “White House Approved Airline Sale,” September 27, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Senate Probes Hughes Contributions,” September 26, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Probe of Hughes Gift Reported,” September 26, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Aides to Nixon, Hughes Plotted Joint Las Vegas Burglary,” September 25, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Secret Service Silence Seen on Taps,” September 8, 1973, 1 page.

1972 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Nixon Wiretapped Brother,” September 6, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, ”Haldeman Arranged Hoffa’s Release,” May 3, 1973, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post articles, “Loeb Asks Investigation of Teamster Hoffa’s Case, 5/7/71, and “Judge in Hoffa Case Asks for Perjury Probe,” May 15, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Partin Denies He Offered to Aid Hoffa,” July 11, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Hoffa Wins Rehearing in His Bid for Parole,” July 8, 1971, 1 page.

1971 Folder 6. Teamsters: The Washington Post article, “Hoffa Said Quitting As Teamsters’ Chief,” June 3, 1971, 1 page.

Undated Folder 6. Teamsters: Audio cassette, unlabeled, undated.

1972 Folder 7. Time, Inc.: An untitled article regarding the Watergate break-in, the hiring of McCord, Al Wong and the events that occurred June 18, 1972, undated, 7 pages (the document is difficult to read).

Undated Folder 7. Time, Inc.: A report detailing Segretti’s, Hunt’s and Liddy’s work for CRP and a supposed slush fund, undated, 9 pages (the document is difficult to read).

Undated Folder 7. Time, Inc.: A report or article regarding the Mullen Company, proposed questions to be asked about the Mullen Company, CIA connections to the Mullen Company, Segretti’s, Hunt’s and Liddy’s work for CRP and conflicting testimony given before the Select Committee, undated, 11 pages (the document is difficult to read).

Undated Folder 8. William E. Timmons: William E. Timmons, biographical information, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. William E. Timmons: References to Timmons, undated, 1 page.

1972 Folder 8. William E. Timmons: The Washington Post article, “Bug Memo Sent to Nixon Aides,” 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. William E. Timmons: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “William E. Timmons,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 9. Clyde Tolson: Clyde Tolson interview, July 9, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Interview of Ulasewicz, May 8, 1973, 20 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Interview of Ulasewicz, undated, 9 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Summary of Tony Ulasewicz, “Eulasewicz’s [sic] contacts with McCord and Caulfield,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Supplemental, Summary of Interview – Tony Ulasewicz (“U” for short), undated, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Document entitled “Anthony T. Ulasewicz,” undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: United States Senate, Report of Proceedings, Hearing held before Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, Testimony of Anthony T. Ulasewicz, July 9, 1973, 13 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Memo, Liebengood to Thompson, regarding “Miscellaneous Areas of Inquiry, Re: Ulasewicz,” July 17, 1973, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Questions for Ulasewicz, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: References to Ulasewicz, undated, 7 pages.

1970 Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Memo, Huston for H. R. Haldeman, regarding “Domestic Intelligence Review,” August 7, 1970, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Handwritten notes regarding “Ulasewicz,” “Investigations undertaken by Anthony T. Ulasewicz, undated, 8 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Handwritten notes regarding two questions for Ulasewicz, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Handwritten notes regarding questions for Ulasewicz, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Handwritten notes pertaining to the activities of Ulasewicz, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Handwritten notes and questions pertaining to the activities of Ulasewicz, undated, 10 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Handwritten notes regarding Ulasewicz’s records and Mrs. Hunt, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Anthony T. Ulasewicz: Handwritten notes regarding the intelligence units attached to the Justice Department, undated, 1 page.

1971 Folder 11. Unfollowed Leads: Letter to “Fellow American” regarding an enclosed Preliminary Training Program for the Secret Army Organization, November 8, 1971, 1 page.

1972 Folder 11. Unfollowed Leads: A Secret Army Organization Underground Bulletin, April 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 11. Unfollowed Leads: “History of the Secret Army Organization,” undated, 1 page, with portions of a Preliminary Training Program and a mailing list attached, undated, 20 pages.

1973 Folder 11. Unfollowed Leads: Document entitled “Raw Intelligence Data,” July 28, 1973, 31 pages.

Undated Folder 11. Unfollowed Leads: An untitled document regarding the covert intelligence activities of the Nixon Administration and Lewis Tackwood’s Glasshouse Tapes, 23 pages.

Undated Folder 11. Unfollowed Leads: A Secret Army Organization poster, “Wanted for Treason: Nixon,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 11. Unfollowed Leads: Handwritten letter to Bill Ritter describing Ritter’s meeting Howard Godfrey, Godfrey’s meetings with Segretti and plans for the Republican National Convention in San Diego, California, July 5, 1973, 8 pages.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Handwritten notes regarding the cancellation of a June 29, 1972 meeting between the CIA and the FBI, undated, 1 page.

1972 Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Memo, Walters for the Acting Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, regarding “Everette Howard Hunt, Jr.,” July 7, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Witness Summary of Vernon A. Walters, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: “Summary of Patrick Gray Commentary on General Walters’ Account of CIA-FBI Contacts in June and July 1972,” undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Handwritten notes entitled “Gen. Walters,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Weicker handwritten notes regarding the CIA, the FBI and Watergate, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: “Cross References to Walters – Updated Through July 31, 1973,” undated, 1 page, with a chronology of CIA/FBI involvement in Watergate attached, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Handwritten notes regarding Haldeman’s request to “slow the investigation” into the Watergate break-in, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: The New York Times article, “Transcripts of Excerpts From the C.I.A. Memorandums About the Watergate Case,” June 3, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Handwritten notes regarding Haldeman, the CIA and the Watergate break-in, undated, 3 pages (notes are very similar to item number 8).

1973 Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Memo, Sheketoff to Thompson, regarding “Walters’ Testimony Before the Appropriations Committee; Purported Attempt to Involve the CIA in Watergate,” August 2, 1973, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Document entitled “Walters and Helms,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: An untitled document, a synopsis of Gray’s knowledge of “burn baskets” and Gray’s withdrawal of his nomination for Director of the FBI, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Handwritten notes regarding a June 23, 1972 meeting and Haldeman’s knowledge of a CIA operation, undated, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Handwritten notes entitled “The CIA Theory,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Affidavit of Vernon Walters, May 12, 1973, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: The Times-Herald article, “CIA Resisted Lengthy Cover-Up Effort By White House, Hill Account Reveals,” May 16, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: The Times-Herald article, “Memo by Walters Disclosed on Hill,” May 22, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 12. General Vernon A. Walters: Memo, Sheketoff to Liebengood, regarding the “Armed Services Committee Executive Session on CIA with Walters Testifying,” July 31, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: “Statement of Senator Lowell Weicker,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Letter, Cox to Ervin, Cox’s request to temporarily suspend the Select Committee hearings, June 4, 1973, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Memo, Wickens to Weicker, regarding Cox’s letter to Ervin (item number 2), undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Questions to Weicker regarding the Select Committee guidelines, undated, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Statement by Weicker regarding the 1972 Presidential Campaign and political integrity in the United States, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Statement by Senator Ervin in which Ervin states publicly that the Committee has received no evidence linking Haldeman “with illegal activities in connection with the Presidential Campaign of 1972,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Memo, Wickens to Weicker, regarding Wickens’ research on the question of releasing Grand Jury Minutes to “a duly authorized Senate Investigating Committee, undated, 13 pages.

1972 Folder 13. Watergate: Memo, Magruder for the Attorney General, regarding the Attorney General’s question concerning Weicker’s refusal to be “announced as a member of the Congressional Advisory Committee to the Young Voters Committee,” February 1972, 1 page, with a memo containing details of Weicker’s refusal attached, February 9, 1972, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Notes regarding a meeting between Ed deBolt, Bob Herrema and Weicker, March 26, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Notes regarding a meeting with Ed deBolt, March 29, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Transcript of a Face the Nation broadcast, interview of Weicker, April 1, 1973, 20 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Memo, Ervin to Members of the Committee, regarding “Proposed Amendments to the Rules of the Committee,” March 22, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Letter, Ervin to Weicker, regarding proposed Committee rule changes, March 21, 1973, 1 page, with the rule changes attached, February 21, 1973, 7 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Questions asked of Weicker, undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Weicker press release regarding the revelation of the memo detailing the reasons for Weicker “yanking the Connecticut youth effort out from under the auspices of the Committee . . . in January 1972,” June 17, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Three short remarks by Weicker regarding investigating Watergate related issues, June 14, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: An untitled document regarding the request for Weicker to become a member “of the Congressional Advisory Committee to the Young Voters Committee,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Questions asked of Weicker by an individual named “Sam” regarding Dean’s testimony, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: An untitled document regarding two Presidential announcements, witness invoking executive privilege and the purpose of the Select Committee, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: An untitled document regarding executive privilege and the Committee guidelines, April 17, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Letter, Wickens to the Office of the Clerk, Superior Court, San Francisco, California, regarding a request for a copy of a legal case decided in 1962, April 2, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Letter, Sirica to Weicker, regarding a proposed meeting between Sirica and McCord, March 30, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: “Weicker statement on postponement of hearings,” June 18, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding Weicker’s pending and subsequent withdrawal from his position on the Congressional Advisory Committee for young voters, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding Kleindienst, Dean’s papers and Segretti, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding Gray, FBI political investigations and Haldeman, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten note regarding Anderson and Chennault, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding L. Patrick Gray, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding questions for McCord, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding “Conn. Youth for Nixon removed from CREEP by Sen. Weicker, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding Watergate related issues and the hierarchy at the White House concerning Watergate, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding tracing funds received by Barker, the CIA and the FBI, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding Kleindienst’s and Peterson’s roles in Watergate, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding the Bob Grant Show request for Weicker to comment “on link bet. Watergate & Nixon,” undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: Handwritten notes regarding Hunt’s safe, Ehrlichman, Gray, Dean and Joe Kraft, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “Crime Law Revision Threatens News Flow,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: The Washington Post article, “Witness Can’t Recall Who Got Tapped Logs,” January 3, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: The New York Daily News article, “Nixon Drops Gray Bid to Head FBI,” April 6, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: The Washington Post article, “Watergate, ITT Scandals Entangled,” March 1, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: The New York Daily News article, “Nixon Forbids Quiz of Aides on Watergate,” March 13, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: Memo, Ervin to Members of the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, regarding a “Chronology of Events Related to Watergate Conspiracy,” April 16, 1973, 1 page, with the chronology attached, April 16, 1973, 10 pages.

1972 Folder 13. Watergate: The Baltimore Sun article, “Patman says panel has bug-buying proof,” October 16, 1972, 1 page.

1972 Folder 13. Watergate: The New York Daily News article, “Nixon’s Fund Used to Buy Bug: Patman,” October 16, 1972, 1 page.

Undated Folder 13. Watergate: The Washington Post article, “The GOP Kiddie Corps,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 13. Watergate: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Watergate,” April 25, 1973, 2 pages.

Box 1672

1974 Folder 1. Watergate Committee Recommendations: Memo, Dash to Members of the Select Committee, regarding “Recommendations in Campaign Financing,” June 17, 1974, 42 pages.

1974 Folder 1. Watergate Committee Recommendations: Memo, Dash to Senators, Senate Select Committee, regarding “Hughes-Rebozo recommendations,” June 24, 1974, 41 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Watergate Committee Recommendations: Document entitled “Watergate Recommendations,” undated, 27 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Watergate Committee Recommendations: Document entitled “Recommendations Submitted by Special Consultant Arthur Miller,” undated, 30 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Watergate Committee Recommendations: Document entitled “Legal Recommendations” (handwritten title), undated, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Watergate Committee Recommendations: Recommendations on “Campaign Practices” (handwritten title), undated, 21 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Watergate Committee Recommendations: Document entitled “Responsiveness Recommendations,” undated, 9 pages.

Undated Folder 2. Watergate Correspondence: Handwritten notes regarding FBI raw files, Dean, Ehrlichman, Kleindienst, Petersen and the June 28, 1972 meeting, undated, 13 pages.

Undated Folder 2. Watergate Correspondence: Letter, Ervin to Weicker, regarding Weicker’s suggestion that William Sullivan “be called as a witness before the Select Committee,” October 19, 1973, 1 page, with a memo dated October 11, 1973 attached, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 2. Watergate Correspondence: An untitled document regarding proposed questions to asked about the destruction of the Hunt files, with Weicker handwritten notes at the bottom and on the back of the page, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. Watergate Correspondence: Letter, Thompson to Weicker, regarding a leak of Committee information to Seymour Hersh, June 19, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. Watergate Correspondence: Letter, Brooke to Weicker, regarding Augustus T. Bazin, June 4, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. Watergate Correspondence: An untitled document regarding Weicker’s meeting with John Dean, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Watergate Crimes: Document entitled “Watergate Crimes”; “Partial list of possible crimes, prepared by the Congressional Research Service, American Law Division, according to the instructions of the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities,” undated, 1 page, with witness lists, statements, biographical information, witness summaries and areas of inquiry attached, August 1, 1973, 59 pages.

1974 Folder 3. Watergate Crimes: A UPI wire story on the further investigation of Watergate crimes after Nixon’s pardon, September 10, 1974, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Miscellaneous Intra-Office: Memo, Dash to Staff, regarding office procedures, April 12, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Miscellaneous Intra-Office: Memo, Sanders to Thompson, regarding the May hearings – “Investigative Assignments and Scheduling,” April 18, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Miscellaneous Intra-Office: Memo, Cole to the Minority Staff, regarding the folders to be prepared for each minority member of the Committee, May 7, 1973, 1 page, with attached list of witnesses for hearings beginning May 15, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Watergate Miscellaneous Intra-Office: Memo, Sanders to Thompson, regarding “Proposals for Division of Minority Labor and Organization of Paper Work in Preparation for Hearings,” May 2, 1973, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 4. Watergate Miscellaneous Intra-Office: The Committee staff as of April 20, 1973, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 4. Watergate Miscellaneous Intra-Office: The Committee staff as of April 30, 1973, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 5. Watergate Notes: Handwritten notes regarding Weicker’s statements before the press, April 30, 1973, 16 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Watergate Notes: Weicker “Press Conference – Radio and Television,” April 30, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Watergate Polls: “Report on Watergate Opinion in Westport/Weston, Conn., August 21-22, 1973,” 8 pages.

1973 Folder 6. Watergate Polls: The Washington Post article, “Watergate Senators Gain Favor,” September 13, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Watergate Polls: Poll data in a wire story form, August 20, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Watergate Polls: The Fairfield Fair Press article, “Inflation is bigger worry than Watergate,” August 29, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 7. Bob Conrad, William F. Buckley, Muriel Dobbin: The New York Times article, “Weicker Cools Hot GOP Critics,” September 27, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 7. Bob Conrad, William F. Buckley, Muriel Dobbin: William F. Buckley, Jr. article, “The Awe-Full Sen. Weicker,” August 19, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 7. Bob Conrad, William F. Buckley, Muriel Dobbin: The Baltimore Sun article, “Weicker reveals White House memos on attacking press,” November 1, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Letter, Gurney to Ervin, regarding the scheduling of witnesses and the increase of hearing days per week, May 31, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Memo, Wickens to Weicker, regarding the “Agenda for Watergate Committee Meeting on May 2, 1973,” May 1, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Document entitled “Rules of Procedure – Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities,” undated, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Document entitled “Proposed Rules” of the Select Committee, undated, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Memo, Wickens to Weicker, regarding the “Proposed Rules for the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities,” March 20, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Memo, Weicker to Members of the Committee, regarding “Proposed Amendments to the Rules of the Committee,” March 26, 1973, 3 pages, with “Guidelines of the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities” attached, undated, 5 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: United States District Court for the District of Columbia, National Citizens’ Committee for Fairness to the Presidency, Inc., et al. v. the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiffs’ Motion for Preliminary Injunction and in Support of Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss, September 21, 1973, 18 pages, with the Order and the Motion to Dismiss attached, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Memo, Beach to All Republicans Senators, regarding the review of 1964 Bobby Baker investigation votes and the distribution of copies to all Republican Senators, 25 September 1973, 1 page, with “Senate Floor Voting on Bobby Baker Question, 1964” attached, undated, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Memorandum for the files regarding a security problem in the Committee offices, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: A press release regarding the announcement that “Wickens to Assist Watergate Probe,” March 26, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Note, Hamilton to Weicker, regarding the dismissal of a lawsuit, September 21, 1973, 1 page (see item number 7).

Undated Folder 8. Watergate Rules: A list of “dirty tricks,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Handwritten notes regarding an unknown individual’s opening statement, Segretti and the various possible crimes committed by White House staff, undated, 5 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Handwritten notes summarizing a telephone conversation between Weicker and MacGregor, April 4, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Handwritten notes regarding Hunt in executive session, Diem assassination, executive clemency, Ulasewicz’s activities, use of the CIA and comments between staff and members of the Committee, undated, 7 pages.

Undated Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Memo, Wickens to Weicker, regarding the question: “Is it a Proper Exercise of Judicial Discretion for a United States District Court to Make Grand Jury Minutes Available to a Duly Authorized Senate Investigating Committee?,” undated, 13 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Letter, Weicker to Ervin, regarding Weicker’s concern that the provision for full Select Committee participation in the hearings is being disregarded, April 13, 1973, 3 pages.

1964 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: The Congressional Record, “Inquiry into Financial or Business Interests of Members and Employees of the Senate,” May 14, 1964, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Watergate Rules: Memo, Wickens to Weicker, regarding the “Issuance of Subpenas Duces Tecum by the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities for the Production of FBI files,” March 26, 1973, 11 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Letter, Ervin to Weicker, regarding the release of raw FBI data to the Senate Select Committee, March 20, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Letter from Weicker regarding Weicker’s position on the release of raw FBI data, March 20, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Letter, Montoya to Weicker, regarding the agreement for the release of raw FBI data, March 26, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Statement by Senator Weicker on “access to FBI files for all members of the Senate Committee investigating Watergate,” March 20, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Weicker press release regarding the agreement for the release of raw FBI data, March 20, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Memo, Wickens to Weicker, regarding the “issuance of subpoenas Duces Tecum by the Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities for the production of FBI files,” March 26, 1973, 1 page, with “The Case for the Issuance of Subpoenas Duces Tecum” attached, undated, 10 pages.

1974 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: The Congressional Record , ”Watergate Questions for the President,” February 7, 1974, 7 pages.

Undated Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: “Memorandum Re Possible and Apparent Violations of Law Occurring in 1972 Elections,” In the Matter of the Appointment of a Special Prosecutor and his Undertaking of Investigations, Before the Attorney General of the United States, undated, 30 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: “Petition of Center on Corporate Responsibility,” In the Matter of the Appointment of a Special Prosecutor and his Undertaking of Investigations, Before the Attorney General of the United States, May 7, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Press release regarding the “Petition of Center on Corporate Responsibility for Proposed Special Watergate Prosecutor to Have Broad Mandate to Investigate all 1972 Political Corruption Scandals,” May 8, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Document entitled “Supplement: Summary of Political Corruption Scandals,” undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: “Statement of Richard G. Kleindienst, Attorney General, on S. 858 and S. J. Res. 72, Executive Privilege, before the Separation of Powers Subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations,” April 10, 1973, 24 pages.

1880 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: United States Supreme Court, Kilbourn v. Thompson; lawsuit filed by Hallett Kilbourn against John G. Thompson, Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives, for being held in contempt and held in the District of Columbia jail for 45 days, October, 1880, 38 pages.

1950 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: United States Supreme Court, Touhy v. Ragen; lawsuit filed by Roger Touhy, an inmate of the Illinois State penitentiary, filed against the warden, Ragen et al., for being restrained in violation of the Due Process Clause of the Federal Constitution. A subpoena duces tecum was served to produce Justice Department files. A Justice Department employee refused to release the requested files. Decision was reached that the Attorney General did have the authority to deny the release of Justice Department records, October 1950, 12 pages.

1956 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: United States Supreme Court, Roviaro v. United States, Albert Roviaro convicted of possessing, trafficking and selling heroin filed suit against the government to learn the identity of the informer who assisted the government in Roviaro’s arrest. Decision reached that the government had the authority to withhold the identity of the informant, October 1956, 19 pages.

1958 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: United States Supreme Court, Greene v. McElroy et al.; Greene, an aeronautical engineer, lost his security clearances and was released from a corporation that contracted with the Federal Government. Greene did not have the opportunity to confront his accusers. Decision reached that Greene should have the right to confront and cross examine those individuals making accusations against him, October 1958, 51 pages.

1954 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: “Congressional Power of Investigation,” A study prepared at the Request of Senator William Langer, Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary by the Legislative Reference Service of the Library of Congress relative to Congressional Power of Investigation,” February 9, 1954, 34 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: S. Res. 60: To establish a select committee to conduct an investigation of the illegal activities in the presidential election of 1972, February 7, 1973, 15 pages.

Undated Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: Handwritten notes regarding the Select Committee hearings, litigation, campaign reform issues and the investigative process, undated, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: The New York Times article, “Why Executive Privilege Won’t Kill You,” March 23, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: The New York Times article, “Executive Privilege – Devious Doctrine,” April 13, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: An article from an unidentified newspaper, “Kleindienst defends Nixon’s ‘muzzling’ powers,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: The Baltimore Sun article, “Immunity claimed for 2.5 million,” April 11, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 9. Watergate Subpoena: The Washington Post article, “Once Doubtful Executive Privilege Expanded in Scope,” March 25, 1973, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten notes regarding the Hughes-Rebozo investigation, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten notes taken in the Select Committee Executive Session of November 6, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten notes regarding testimony of Haldeman, Dean, Colson and a list of witnesses to be called before the Select Committee, May 7, 1973, 5 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten notes regarding Weicker’s “secret” meetings with proposed witnesses, how to handle that before the Committee, obstruction of justice and Weicker’s knowledge of Dean’s desire to talk, undated, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Memo, Buchanan for Ehrlichman, regarding “Project Ellsberg” and a proposed “public attack on the Brookings Institution,” July 8, 1971, 3 pages.

1974 Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Telegram, John Sutter to Weicker, regarding Anthony Ulasewicz, April 8, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Telegram, William Frates to Weicker, regarding leaks of the “Davis Matter” and the harm to Rebozo’s reputation, and Rebozo’s “petition to quash the subpoenas and terminate the investigation be set for argument before the full committee,” May 16, 1974, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten notes regarding the legality of the Watergate break-in, what Ehrlichman told the FBI and the Ellsberg break-in, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Weicker handwritten notes regarding Robert Odle’s testimony, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Weicker’s comments to the revelation that his name appears in the White House tape transcripts, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten note from Dick regarding the need for a statement on the closeout of the Watergate Committee and resume of what the Committee accomplished for Newsweek, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten note regarding a tercentennial celebration, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten notes regarding an unknown individual’s demeanor, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Typewritten note (originally on an index card) regarding the “bright young guys brought in by Mardian,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten notes regarding “Finance,” undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten reminder note, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Typewritten note, Dick to the Senator, regarding Cox, Colson, Logs and Dean, undated, 1 page.

1971 Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Document entitled “Members of the White House Staff,” April 1971, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Handwritten notes regarding ITT interview, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 10. Weicker Briefings – H. William Shure: Weicker handwritten notes regarding an unknown individual, pattern setting and the “1st time enforced?,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 11. Weicker Interviews: Face the Nation, CBS Television Network, Interview of Senator Weicker, August 12, 1973, 18 pages.

1973 Folder 11. Weicker Interviews: The Today Show, National Broadcasting Company, “An Interview with Senators Weicker and Montoya,” June 27, 1973, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 11. Weicker Interviews: The Today Show, National Broadcasting Company, “An Interview with Senator Lowell Weicker,” July 24, 1973, 7 pages.

1969 Folder 12. Weicker Interviews on Individuals Implicated: Memo, Ehrlichman for the President, regarding the “Federal Response to Civil Disturbances,” May 19, 1969, 1 page.

Undated Folder 12. Weicker Interviews on Individuals Implicated: Interview of Frederick LaRue, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 12. Weicker Interviews on Individuals Implicated: An untitled document concerning the “Domestic Intelligence Division” of the FBI, undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 12. Weicker Interviews on Individuals Implicated: Interview with Alan May, May 30, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 12. Weicker Interviews on Individuals Implicated: Interview with John Doherty, undated, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 12. Weicker Interviews on Individuals Implicated: Handwritten notes regarding Kevin Maroney, John Martin, Leo Pellerzi and surveillance data, undated, 7 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Weicker Interviews, WCBS/WTIC: Letter, Kramer to Weicker, regarding Kramer’s appreciation for Weicker’s appearance on “Newsmakers,” July 19, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 13. Weicker Interviews, WCBS/WTIC: Weicker interview on “Newsmakers,” July 15, 1973, 18 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Weicker Interviews, WCBS/WTIC: WTIC interview of Weicker, August 23, 1973, 10 pages.

1973 Folder 13. Weicker Interviews, WCBS/WTIC: Weicker interview on “Issues and Answers,” April 29, 1973, 21 pages.

Box 1673

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “At Last,” April 19, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Dean: I Won’t Be Scapegoat,” April 19, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The Evening Star and Daily News article, “Secreting of Files Revealed,” April 19, 1973, 2 pages.

1969 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Nation’s Business article, “At the President’s Elbow,” August 1969, 2 pages.

1969 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: U.S. News & World Report article, “Key Men Around Nixon: Who’s Calling the Signals,” May 12, 1969, 4 pages.

1969 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: U.S. News & World Report article, “Key Men at White House Now,” November 17, 1969, 3 pages.

1970 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: U.S. News & World Report article, “How Nixon Handles World’s Biggest Job,” September 14, 1970, 7 pages.

1970 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Business Week article, “The men who decide what Nixon sees,” January 31, 1970, 2 pages.

1970 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: U.S. News & World Report article, “The White House Staff Keeps Growing – Including Regulars and “Phantoms”,” February 23, 1970, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Newsweek article, “White House: The Man Who is in,” September 6, 1971, 2 pages.

1971 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The Atlantic article, “The President’s Vault,” February 1971, 6 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: WCBS-TV Editorial, “Truth on the Installment Plan,” May 24, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The New York Times article, “A White House Response,” June 11, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: King Features Syndicate, Marianne Means’ Washington, “What Dean’s Watergate Documents Show,” May 31, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: King Features Syndicate, Marianne Means’ Washington, “Ron Ziegler Must Go!,” May 24, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: King Features Syndicate, Marianne Means’ Washington, “Why Nixon Will Not Resign,” May 29, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: King Features Syndicate, Marianne Means’ Washington, “What the Watergaters Sought,” June 3, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The Boston Phoenix article, “Flight 553 – Midway to Watergate,” May 15, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The New York Times article, “Comeback Time,” April 19, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The New York Daily News article, “New Swat at Nixon on Bug,” May 14, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The Charlotte Observer article, “The Responsibility is Nixon’s,” April 29, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: The Chicago Tribune article, “Comments on bug case, Probe hindered: Weicker,” May 19, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Speech by Weicker, Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, May 20, 1973, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Press Conference Statement by Weicker, October 20, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Comments made by Weicker when questioned by reporters about “the President’s statement that he will not make his aides available to appear before the special Watergate Committee and would welcome a court test on his privilege to do so,” March 15, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Weicker press release regarding Gray’s nomination to be permanent FBI Director, February 28, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Speech by Weicker, Sales Association of Pulp and Paper Industry, Waldorf, New York City, March 12, 1973, 8 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Weicker press release regarding Gordon Strachan’s testimony before the Select Committee concerning Democratic candidates in the 1972 Election, July 24, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Weicker press release regarding a portion of Gordon Strachan’s testimony before the Select Committee, July 23, 1973, 3 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Weicker press release regarding the Watergate cover-up, undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Telegrams, letters and statistics, pro and con, regarding Weicker’s participation in the Committee hearings, June, August, October 1973, 17 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Letter, Davies to McGowan, regarding Davies’ forthcoming book concerning Terry Norman, June 18, 1973, 1 page, with letters, excerpts from Davies’ book, an essay by Davies and a news article attached, undated, 11 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Letter, Bush to “Dear Republican Leader,” 1 page with a Watergate question and answer sheet and “Administration Achievements in 1973” attached, June 12, 1973, 4 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: “Federal Grand Jury Witnesses Who were Given Immunity and Jailed in the Past Three Years,” undated, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: Letter, Solowey to Weicker’s office, regarding the founding of the national Coalition to End Grand Jury Abuse, August 30, 1973, 1 page with the Coalition’s founding letter attached, undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 1. Weicker Statements & Reactions: “Grand Jury ‘Horror’ Stories,” undated, 1 page with ”Basis of Grand Jury Investigation,” questions and answers, “Subpoena,” “Grand Jury Composition,” “Due Process – Notice & Hearing,” “Electronic Surveillance,” “Right to Counsel,” “Contempt Confinement,” “Government Face-Saving,” and “Miscellaneous” attached, undated, 20 pages.

Undated Folder 2. Weicker Statements/Radio Tapes: Weicker radio tape to Connecticut regarding the President’s announcement of cooperation, April 18, 1973, 1 page, with two drafts attached, undated, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Weicker Statements/Radio Tapes: Weicker’s statement at the opening of the Senate Select Committee hearings, May 17, 1973, 1 page.

Undated Folder 2. Weicker Statements/Radio Tapes: Weicker radio tape, Excerpt from the Kent School speech, May 31, 1973, 1 page, with a draft attached, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 2. Weicker Statements/Radio Tapes: Weicker radio tape, statement relative to Acting Director of the FBI, L. Patrick Gray, April 27, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 2. Weicker Statements/Radio Tapes: Weicker’s statement on the break-in of his office and his Watergate file, April 19, 1973, 1 page.

1974 Folder 2. Weicker Statements/Radio Tapes: The Congressional Record, Weicker statement, “Watergate Reform: Where do we Stand?,” August 16, 1974, 5 pages.

1974 Folder 2. Weicker Statements/Radio Tapes: “Statement of Senator Lowell Weicker, Jr. on the Floor of the United States Senate on Thursday, August 16, 1974,” “Secret Investigations of Confidential Bank Records,” 23 pages.

1974 Folder 2. Weicker Statements/Radio Tapes: Letter, Weicker to “Dear Colleague,” regarding Executive access to confidential IRS material, August 6, 1974, 2 pages, with two Weicker statements enclosed, August 1974, 9 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Weicker Media: Letter, Groobert to Weicker, regarding a request for a guest column by Weicker for The Meriden Record, June 27, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Weicker Media: Letter, Weicker to Groobert, thanking Groobert for his invitation to write a guest column, July 10, 1973, 1 page

Undated Folder 3. Weicker Media: Weicker’s guest column for The Meriden Record, undated, 5 pages.

1973 Folder 3. Weicker Media: The Republican State Central Meeting, questions for Weicker concerning Watergate, September 25, 1973, 19 pages.

Undated Folder 3. Weicker Media: “Statement of Senator Lowell Weicker” regarding an answer to Mr. Cox, undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 3. Weicker Media: Weicker New York Times OP-ED piece regarding Watergate, 5 pages, with The New York Times article attached, April 16, 1973, 1 page.

1974 Folder 3. Weicker Media: Transcript of a “Face the Nation” broadcast, July 14, 1974, 19 pages.

1974 Folder 3. Weicker Media: “The Today Show,” National Broadcasting Company, “An Interview with Senators and Congressmen,” January 21, 1974, 20 pages.

Undated Folder 3. Weicker Media: “Watergate: Lowell Weicker’s Outstanding Moments,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: Weicker press release regarding Watergate, September 27, 1973, 3 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: Weicker speech before the Michigan State Bar Association, September 13, 1973, 5 pages.

1973 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: Weicker statement at a press conference in Bridgeport, Connecticut, October 20, 1973, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: Letter, Weicker to Cannon, regarding the need for campaign financing reform, June 6, 1973, 1 page, with a draft of the letter attached, undated, 1 page.

Undated Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: Major provisions of Weicker’s “Federal Election Campaign Reform Act,” undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: The Congressional Record, S. 1189 – “To promote fair. . .regulations for nominations and election to Federal office, by limiting the collection and expenditure of funds,” March 13, 1973, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: The New York Times article, “Protecting Tax Returns,” September 1, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: The National Observer article, “Watergate: Really Behind Us?,” August 31, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: Time Magazine article, “Uncertainties of Watergate Reform,” September 9, 1974, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: The Congressional Quarterly, “Tax Issue Snags White House Staff Bill,” August 31, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: The Wall Street Journal article, “Politics and People,” August 22, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: The New York Daily News article, “Weicker Boils in a Pot of Post-Watergate Stew,” August 2, 1974, 1 page.

Undated Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: “Statement by Senator Weicker” on tax reform, undated, 1 page.

1974 Folder 4. Weicker Press Release/Campaign Reform: The Christian Science Monitor article, “How reform amendment got scuttled,” August 2, 1974, 1 page.

1973 Folder 5. Weicker’s Appearances: Letter, Weicker to Sirica, regarding Sirica’s handling of the Watergate case, March 23, 1973, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 5. Weicker’s Appearances: “Statement of Senator Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. on the Floor of the U.S. Senate” regarding the examination of FBI files by the Select Committee, March 20, 1973, 3 pages.

1973-1974 Folder 5. Weicker’s Appearances: Appearances by Weicker in January, June, September 1973 and January 1974; mostly appearances in Connecticut, 20 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Claude C. Wild, Jr.: Witness Summary, Claude C. Wild, Jr., undated, 6 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Claude C. Wild, Jr.: Supplementary Witness Summary, Claude C. Wild, Jr., undated, 2 pages.

Undated Folder 6. Claude C. Wild, Jr.: Biography, Claude C. Wilde [sic], Jr., undated, 1 page.

1973 Folder 6. Claude C. Wild, Jr.: Letter, Parkinson to Wild, regarding a $100,000 contribution the Finance Committee to Re-Elect the President, July 9, 1973, 1 page, with two letters dated July 26, 1973, a reimbursement check to Gulf Oil Corporation, a Gulf Oil Corporation news release and UPI and AP wire stories concerning Gulf Oil’s contribution attached, July 26, 1973, 9 pages.

Undated Folder 7. David Wilson Interview: Handwritten notes of an interview with David Wilson, undated, 4 pages.

1973 Folder 8. Witnesses for 1973 Hearings: “Suggested List and Order of Witnesses for Hearings Beginning May 15, 1973,” 4 pages.

1973 Folder 9. Joseph Woods: Interview with Joseph I. Woods, July 7, 1973, 11 pages.

1974 Folder 10. Rose Mary Woods: Letter, Ervin to Rhyne, regarding the withdrawal of the subpoena for the appearance of Rose Mary Woods before the Select Committee, March 14, 1974, 2 pages.

1973 Folder 10. Rose Mary Woods: Letter, Rhyne to Weicker, regarding Rhyne’s request to withdraw the subpoena for Woods’ appearance before the Select Committee, March 14, 1973, 2 pages.

1974 Folder 10. Rose Mary Woods: Note regarding a court order not to discuss Watergate and related matters, February 20, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 10. Rose Mary Woods: The Little Rock Gazette article, “Dispute Arises Over Subpoena to Miss Woods, February 14, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 10. Rose Mary Woods: The Fort Lauderdale News article, “Nixon’s Secretary Faces Subpoena,” February 14, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 10. Rose Mary Woods: The Beaumont Enterprise article, “Rose Mary Woods Due Subpoena From Senate,” February 14, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 10. Rose Mary Woods: The Philadelphia Inquirer article, “Miss Woods to be Subpenaed,” February 14, 1974, 1 page.

1974 Folder 10. Rose Mary Woods: Affidavit of Rose Mary Woods, March 14, 1974, 83 pages.

1972 Folder 11. David R. Young: A section of The National Journal entitled “People,” portion blocked off concerning the Interagency Classification Review Committee and Eisenhower’s and Young’s appointment to that Committee, May 27, 1972, 1 page.

1971 Folder 11. David R. Young: Memo, Young for Ehrlichman, regarding the “Status of Information Which can be Fed into Congressional Investigation on Pentagon Papers Affair,” August 26, 1971, 6 pages.

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