Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Advances by Lynda Moultry Belcher, Demand Media

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology Advances

by Lynda Moultry Belcher, Demand Media
In today's world, where just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to advances in technology across almost all sectors, it may seem as though it's a misnomer to even mention any disadvantages of technological advances. However, despite how far technology has taken humans and no matter how convenient it may make things, there are some disadvantages accompanying this level of access.

Advantage: Great Discoveries In All Industries

Technology advances show people a more efficient way to do things, and these processes get results. For example, education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale without ever leaving their classrooms. Agricultural processes that once required dozens upon dozens of human workers can now be automated, thanks to advances in technology, which means cost-efficiency for farmers. Medical discoveries occur at a much more rapid rate, thanks to machines and computers that aid in the research process and allow for more intense educational research into medical matters.

Disadvantage: Dependency

The more advanced society becomes technologically, the more people begin to depend on computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. This means that when a machine breaks or a computer crashes, humans become almost disabled until the problem is resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage, because they become less self-reliant.

Advantage: Cost Efficiency

Cost efficiency is an advantage in some ways and a disadvantage in others. As technology improves on existing processes and showcases new ways to accomplish tasks, machines are able to produce the same -- if not more -- output than humans in certain industries. This results in cost savings for business owners, allowing them to invest in growth in other areas of the business, which contributes on a positive level to the economy as a whole.

Disadvantage: Less Value In Human Workers

At the same time, human workers retain less value, which is a disadvantage of technological advances. Because machines automate processes and do the work of 10 people with one computer, companies find they don't need to employ as many people to get the job done. As machines and computers become even more advanced and efficient, this will continue to be a growing disadvantage of technology and an issue that has a global impact.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Computer Technology in Decision Making

by Crystal Vogt, Demand Media

With the advent of technology, computers can now make many well-informed decisions that managers or office workers may deem unnecessary for a human to make. These decisions may include crunching profit numbers to determine future layoffs or gauging whether certain global offices should remain open or not. If you are evaluating whether computerized decision making is right for your organization, there are advantages and disadvantages to implementing the technology into your corporate strategy.


While human brains can contain a high level of information to use in making a decision, a computer's "brain" can contain even more data and information, depending on the storage space it is connected to. With a higher capacity for more data, especially data that a human brain might not retain, such as complex equations, more information can be incorporated into the "brain" or algorithm of the computer in its decision making, leading to better results.

Speed and Accuracy

Computers can process information much faster than a human brain. One advantage to computers making decisions is that you will have decisions made faster and more accurately than a human brain, which may get hung up with different factors involving the decision, leading to slower overall results. Also, unlike people who can become tired or suffer from a lack of concentration and deliver inaccurate decisions, a well-tuned computer is always alert and can process reams of information without growing bored or tired, leading to more precise results.

High Cost

The high cost of purchasing the right computer equipment, including a high amount of computer memory and store, is one disadvantage to computer technology in decision making. Also, the cost of a computer professional to write the algorithm you'll need for your type of decision can come at a high price. By the time your equipment is purchased and your algorithm is written, it may also already be obsolete since technology is constantly advancing and building on what already works to make it better.

Employee Morale and Subjectivity

With a computer making decisions, certain managers may feel that their own decision-making skills aren't seen as important, which can diminish employee morale. Also, unlike people who can be subjective and rational, computers can only be rational. By eliminating subjectivity in the decision-making process, the result may lack certain elements you are concerned about.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Information & Communication Technology

by Andy Walton, Demand Media google

Information and communication technology is a vast field encompassing virtually all technologies that can store, receive or transmit signals electronically. With electronic devices so tightly wound into the fabric of modern society, the advantages and disadvantages of ICT use may not be immediately apparent. Taking a fresh look at these pros and cons helps to give perspective on the ways ICT affects you and your business.

New Communication Methods

ICT has opened up a wide range of new communication methods, allowing you to contact others for less money and over greater distances than ever before. Technologies such as texting, instant messaging and video conferencing allow users to communicate instantaneously with people across the world for a nominal fee, a concept which may have seemed ludicrous before the advent of computers. In addition, text-based computer communication can give those with speech or social problems a level playing field to communicate with their peers.

New Industries

As well as providing a boost to existing industries such as manufacturing and shipping, heavy adoption of ICT has spawned new industries all of its own. Programmers, systems analysts and Web designers all owe their jobs to ICT, as do the people involved in secondary industries such as technology training and recruitment. However, the increased efficiency and automation brought about by ICT can also cause job losses, especially in manual roles and the manufacturing sector.

Body Language

Communication through voice chat or instant messaging does not take body language into account. Non-verbal cues are a vital part of the way humans communicate, with researcher Albert Mehrabian calculating that 55 percent of the message pertaining to feelings and attitudes portrayed by people is in facial expression alone. As such, there is an increased chance that your message will be misunderstood if you are not engaged in face-to-face dialog with the person you are talking to.

Security Issues

ICT provides a range of ways for fraudsters to gain access to your personal details, which could result in you or your business losing money and reputation. Technologies such as online banking mean that with the right security information a third party could impersonate you and gain access to your finances remotely. This is in stark contrast to the pre-ICT era, when frauds would have needed to convince another person (for example, a bank teller or phone operator) that they were you in order to access your money.

The Disadvantages of Technology on Communication

by Contributing Writer, Laurel Storm
As modern technology grows and advances by leaps and bounds, so too does its effect on our life and society. The impact of technological improvements on communication, in particular, has been extensive and largely positive, helping people keep in touch with each other more effectively and efficiently. However, you need only look at the nearest gaggle of teenagers glued to their cell phones to realize that there are also plenty of downsides from technology's impact on communication.

The Lost Art of Conversation

Technology such as text messages and email allows us to communicate in short, carefully-edited sentences that lack immediacy and completely remove the contextual information provided by tone of voice and body language. As a result, people who connect with others primarily through technology might find it difficult to engage in normal conversation, since they may have issues understanding non-verbal cues due to lack of practice with face-to-face interaction that can't be paused, edited or filtered.

Deteriorating Language

Books, dictionaries and treatises have been written on the vocabulary and peculiarities of online and text messaging slang. This slang can prove extremely confusing for people who are not native English speakers, making it harder to discern the meaning of a sentence; people who regularly text or chat online may end up using it, out of sheer habit, even in situations where it is inappropriate or out of place, such as in business messages or school essays.

Enabling Rudeness

Because communicating through technology creates a barrier between people that isn't there when speaking face to face, some may find it easier to be rude and aggressive. Insulting or threatening messages from anonymous commenters are par for the course for anybody who regularly publishes online content, and even lack of anonymity doesn't alleviate the issue -- Facebook arguments and the like are also relatively common. Sherry Turkle, professor of the social studies of science and technology at MIT, suggests that this happens because technology keeps us from having to see the reaction of the person on the receiving end of the message, making it harder to empathize with him.

Constant Disruption

Technology allows us to always be reachable if we want to be, no matter where we are or what we're doing. Although this can be beneficial, it may also lead to a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety in which people feel pressured to immediately check and answer any incoming messages, emails or phone calls regardless of whether it is appropriate, for fear of being seen as inadequate or inattentive. In turn, this can potentially cause the breakdown of the very same relationships the person is trying to maintain.


  • CNN: We Never Talk Anymore -- The Problem With Text Messaging

  • The Wall Street Journal: Why Gen-Y Johnny Can't Read Nonverbal Cues

  • The Wall Street Journal: Why We Are So Rude Online

  • Sleeping With Your Smartphone; Leslie Perlow

Modern Technology Advantages and Disadvantages

Posted by: Karehka Ramey in Techucation November 6, 2012

Modern technology is simply an advancement of old technology, the impact of technology in modern life is unmeasurable, we use technology in different ways and sometimes the way we implement various technologies ends up harming our lives or the society we leave in. What we call modern technology is technically not so new in most cases. For example, mobile phone technology has evolved with years, now days we use smart phones which have been an advancement of an ordinary mobile phone.
Technology is applied to the roles each individual fulfills during life. We use technology on a daily basis to accomplish specific tasks or interests. Modern Technology increases human capabilities and this technology has evolved with years. What used to work before, might not be working now, it must have got old or got replaced by modern technology. Let’s look at a simple example in Transportation technology, this technology has evolved with years, we used to use steam powered trains now those have been replaced by electronic trains which move faster than steam trains.

Modern technology simplifies life in so many ways and every one defines technology in their own way. To some people it means complicated electronic devices. To others, it means the source of the radical changes that are happening in all phases of life. Others define technology as science applied to practical purposes. Some people fear to use technology while others see it as the source of longer and more complete lives.  Below I have listed detailed points on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology:


  • Easy Access to information: It has become very easy to get access to relevant information at any time anywhere. This has been possible because of modern technologies like broadband internet.  Lots of data is being published and indexed online, sites like Wikipedia and Youtube have great original content which can be used in research or entertainment.  Information is power, and those who find information and use it well always succeed.  With smart gadgets like the ipad, iphone, galaxy tablet, users can easily have access to information through these smart gadgets because they use internet. So a user on a train can easily read breaking news while traveling, they can also buy and sell stocks while in the bedroom using the internet. These smart gadgets make it easy to access internet and this simplifies the way we get information.


  • Encourages innovation and creativity – Since technology is challenging, it sparks the brain to workt o its full potential.  In the past, it used to be very difficult to start a business, one had to have lots of capital and they even had limited access to business information. Today, it is very easy to start a business while at home. Let’s look at companies like which enable creative people sell their works online, this encourages creativity. Another good example is which helps creative people get funds for their projects through crowd funding. On this platform, creative developers post projects seeking for funding from the community, this helps them generate lots of cash for their good ideas which latter leads to creation of new Jobs.  The other creative works which have been facilitated by modern technology include Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.


  • Improved communication:   Communication is like water to life. We cannot develop without communication.  Modern technology has blessed us with advanced communication technology tools. These can include e-fax machines, electronic mail, mobile phones, videoconferencing, instant text messaging applications, social networking applications. All these modern communication technology tools have simplified the way humans and businesses communicate.  I can easily talk to my relative oversees using a mobile phone or video chatting services like Skype.


  • Convenience of Traveling:  Modern transportation technology makes it very easy to travel long distances.  Transport is a very important both in our lives and in the business world.  Transportation technology has evolved with years. In the past it used to be slow and expensive to move long distances. Now days, I can cover a 10 miles distance within a few minutes or hours using electric trains or airplanes.


  • Improved housing and lifestyle: This is another great way how modern technology has simplified our lives. If you compare the type of housing we used to have in 1900 and the architecture of houses today, the difference is very big. New architectural technology has improved the types of housed we build now days.   People with money can afford town floating housed   and glass homes. Most of the items in our house are now automated, for example, doors use finger prints which guarantee security.  Remote webcams which you can use to monitor what goes on at your home.


  • Improved Entertainment: Modern technology has played a big role in changing the entertainment industry.  Home entertainment has improved with the invention of video games and advance music and visual systems like smart televisions which can connect live to internet so that a user can share what they’re watching with friends. Easy access and storage of music, services like iTunes allow users to purchase and download music on their ipods at a small cost, this is a win – win situation for both musicians and the users. Because musicians can easily sell their music via iTunes and the user can also have a wide selection of which music to buy without having troubles of going to a physical music store.


  • Efficiency and Productivity: Modern technology has helped businesses increase production. Humans are slow and sometimes they fail to deliver on time. So many businesses have integrated modern technology in their production line, most of the hard work has become so simple and the results are better than those of humans. Let’s look at a farmer who uses modern technology right from the day of preparing the farm land to the day of harvesting. They save a lot of time and money during this process.


  • Convenience in Education:  Learning is a process and it is part of our daily lives. Modern technology has made it simple for students to learn from anywhere through online education and mobile education.  Also students now use modern technology in classrooms to learn better. For example, students use ipads to share visual lessons and examples with peers in the classroom. This has made learning more convenient and fan. Also new modern educational technologies support individual learning which gives a chance to students to learn on their own with no need of tutors.


  • Social Networking:   Modern technology has made it simple to discover our old friends and also discover new people to network with. This is a benefit to both individuals and businesses. Many businesses have embraced the social networking technology to interact with their customers.  Users of social networks can share information with friends, live chat with them and interact in all sorts of ways.


  • Changed the health industry: Now days most hospitals have implemented modern technology in surgical rooms, this has reduced on mistakes made by doctors. Humans can easily make mistakes because of work overload and stress factors. Also the business community has developed health applications which can enable us monitor our health and weight. These applications can be used on mobile phones, so users can have them at any time of the day.



  • Increased loneliness – Social Isolation is on the increase, people are spending more time playing video games, learning how to use new modern technologies, using social networks and they neglect their real life. Technology has replaced our old way of interacting. If a user can easily interact with 100 friends online, they will feel no need to going out to make real friends which at a later stage leads to loneliness.

  • Job Loss: Modern technology has replaced many humans; robots are doing of the jobs which used to be done by humans. Many packing firms have employed robots on production lines to increase on production and efficiency, this is good news for businesses because it helps them make more money and serve customers in time, but it is bad news to employees because they get replaced by a robot.

  • Competency – Increased dependency on modern tools like calculators has reduced on our creativity. You can find a student when they can solve a very simple mathematical equation without using a calculator. This affects the way this student uses their brains and reduces on the level of creativity.

  • World destruction weapons: Modern technology has been the main aid in the increasing and endless wars. It aids the manufacturing of modern war weapons which will require testing. So when these weapons get into the hands of criminals, they will use them for their selfish reasons.

 In conclusion:

Now that we have seen some of the impacts of technology in modern life, it is our responsibility to use technology to improve our lives but we also have to make sure that we preserve our society and environment, if we don’t control the usage of technology, we shall end up harming both the society and environment.

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