Air Force sbir 04. 1 Proposal Submission Instructions

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KEYWORDS: Entropy, Exergy, Second–Law, Availability, Work–potential, Turbulence, Optimization.

AF04-246 TITLE: Technology for Affordable Validation and Verification (V&V) Software Design Processes and Safe Flight-Critical Software

OBJECTIVE: Develop and demonstrate innovative run-time and design-time software safety assurance techniques.
DESCRIPTION: The rigorous safety requirements inherent in flight-critical software make V&V generally the most costly and time-consuming step in the development of flight-critical software. It also holds much of the risk. Traditional V&V is a process that occurs throughout system design (design-time techniques). As such, V&V research and development efforts have focused on improvement within this paradigm of design-time V&V. Alternatively, some efforts have utilized limited run-time assurance methods such as built-in-test (BIT) and integrity management. Run-time assurance methods may enable elimination of some design-time V&V tasks. The flight research community has also successfully utilized run-time assurance methods to monitor high-risk systems having expanded functionality and provided reversion to low-risk systems with limited functionality. Further investigation into integrated design-time and run-time assurance techniques is needed to systematically reduce complexity and cost for development of future flight and safety-critical software. The goal is to reduce cost and risk of software development as well as maintain or increase safety margins. This may require a paradigm shift of fielded safety-critical systems from design-time V&V-centric solutions to run-time assurance-centric solutions, or an integrated concept of both. Requirements will be needed to define the continuum of V&V where at one end of the spectrum complete design-time V&V exists, and at the other end of the spectrum complete run-time assurance exists. This would allow designers to appropriately trade run-time assurance with design-time V&V. Areas of interest in this topic are as follows:
· Integrated hierarchical abstract design and formalized run-time assurance

· Fault tolerant software architecture/middleware

· Validation of static and dynamic requirements

· Runtime execution assurance and checking

· Mixed criticality partitioning

· Integrated software/hardware fault detection and recovery

· Critical data dependency and timing issues.
PHASE I: Investigate innovative ideas and designs for safety assurance techniques that can be incorporated into an integrated run-time and design-time software development environment. This phase requires appropriate research, and then design and analysis of a software assurance technique. Modeling and simulation to prove a feasibility analysis are desirable to demonstrate technique for further development in Phase II.
PHASE II: develop the technique into a software assurance tool and demonstrate its performance in a relevant software environment. Development and demonstration should address an identified critical issue and its application to associated topic goals and objective. A degree of commercial viability should also be demonstrated. This phase requires development of a software tool that is consistent in form, function, and protocol requirements for application to aerospace vehicle control system software.
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: During Phase III, the small business will pursue commercial application or transition of the assurance technique developed in Phase II as applied to space platforms, commercial aviation, and other applicable safety-critical control systems. Space platforms include the AFRL space operations vehicle, the NASA orbital space plane, and the NASA-AF space maneuver vehicle. Commercial aviation includes advanced fly-by-wire systems (i.e., 777). Military vehicles include F-22, JSF, Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAV), and future Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) systems.
REFERENCES: 1. Zelkowitz, Marvin V. and Rus, Ioana, “The role of independent verification and validation in

maintaining a safety-critical evolutionary software in a complex environment: The NASA space shuttle program,” Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2001), Florence, Italy, Conference Date: 7 November – 9 November 2001 (

2. Hull, Jason; Ward, David; Zakrzewski, Radoslaw R., “Verification and Validation of Neural Networks for Safety - Critical Applications”, 2002 American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, United States, Conference Date: 8 May 2002-10 May 2002.
KEYWORDS: Verification, Validation, V&V, Flight-Critical Software, Software Development, Safety-Critical Software, Adaptive Control, Assurance, Requirements Trace Ability, Intelligent Control, Flight Control, Non-deterministic Software, Reconfigurable Flight Control, Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic, Expert Systems.

AF04-247 TITLE: Constraint Estimation for Aerospace Vehicle Trajectory Retargeting

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Air Platform, Information Systems, Space Platforms, Weapons
OBJECTIVE: Develop creative methods and algorithms for the application of trajectory retargeting for air vehicles.
DESCRIPTION: Reconfiguration capabilities are essential to the success of autonomous aerospace reusable launch vehicles (RLVs). Vehicles equipped with such systems will be capable of recovering from control effector failures or vehicle damage when physically possible, thus increasing vehicle safety and reliability. A vehicle employing a reconfigurable control and guidance system will consist of three main components: control reconfiguration, guidance reconfiguration, and trajectory reshaping. The objective of control reconfiguration is to maintain inner-loop stability and recover as much maneuverability as possible when faced with modified vehicle dynamics. RLVs typically have a minimal control effector suite, and therefore recovering nominal inner-loop vehicle performance after a catastrophic event, such as a control surface failure, may not be possible. In this case, guidance reconfiguration can be utilized to maintain flight stability by modifying the commands to the degraded inner-loop attitude control system. Even with these capabilities, the desired end mission segments may be unachievable with the nominal trajectory commands. To circumvent this situation, the trajectories can be reshaped online so that the degraded vehicle can achieve the best possible end mission conditions. Therefore, it is pertinent to have either the ability to generate feasible reference trajectories or to be able to select feasible precomputed reference trajectories online in response to failures or damage. To do so requires the identification of critical parameters or constraints based on knowledge of the failure and prediction of the failure’s future effects on vehicle performance.
PHASE I: Innovative ideas are sought for the design of an online trajectory retargeting algorithm that takes into account the effects of a failure or damage on future vehicle performance. Demonstrate a new and creative research and design approach for the application of online trajectory retargeting. This would be accomplished through appropriate research and then the design and analysis of a trajectory retargeting algorithm. A simplified simulation to demonstrate the capabilities is desirable.

PHASE II: Develop and expand the trajectory retargeting algorithm for an air vehicle and refine the analysis and synthesis tools. Demonstrate the concept on a detailed simulation.

DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: The methods and tools developed under this effort will be applicable to a wide variety of air vehicles, including current and future RLVs, civilian space access vehicles, and other autonomous air and ground vehicles.
REFERENCES: 1. Eric N. Johnson, Anthony J. Calise, and J. Eric Corban, “Reusable Launch Vehicle Adaptive Guidance and Control Using Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the 2001 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 2001. (
2. J. Schierman, J. Hull, and D. Ward, “Adaptive Guidance with Trajectory Reshaping for Reusable Launch Vehicles,” Proceedings of the 2002 AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, Monterey, California, August 2002. (
KEYWORDS: Trajectory Generation, Adaptive Guidance, Adaptive Control, Variational Calculus, Two Point Boundary Value Problem, Aerodynamic Constraints

AF04-248 TITLE: Innovative Weight Efficient Combined Structural/Thermal Protection System (TPS) Concepts

OBJECTIVE: Explore the feasibility and establish the weight benefits of structural/TPS concepts that not only carry local thermal and aerodynamic loads, but also carry vehicle body loads.
DESCRIPTION: Traditional TPS approaches are largely parasitic in nature in that a separate TPS transmits the local aerodynamic loads to an underlying, highly efficient, primary structure. Hot structure requires no separate TPS in that the structure itself sustains the thermal loading. This approach, however, suffers from having to use generally less structurally efficient, high-temperature materials to sustain the thermal environment. The approach proposed by this topic is to investigate more unitized designs in which a highly efficient structure can be given an integral, load sharing, heat resistant, outer surface. Such structure is applicable to a future, all-rocket, two-stage-to-orbit (TSTO) Space Operations Vehicle that will provide reusable access to low Earth orbit (LEO). Other future vehicles that can also benefit from this structural approach include air-breathing hypersonic accelerators and cruisers that will operate in the range of Mach 6 to 8. An accelerator might be the first stage of a more advanced TSTO military space plane system that would deliver payloads to and return them from LEO. An air-breathing cruiser, unlike an accelerator, would operate hypersonically for extended periods of time within the atmosphere.
PHASE I: Develop analytical methodologies and concepts applicable to integrated TPS. A representative vehicle component should be selected upon which to base design development. Candidate approaches will be conceptualized and subjected to thermal structural analyses to assess weight and thermal compatibility. For those approaches deemed feasible, coupon and small panel specimens will be designed, fabricated and tested in to assess feasibility.

PHASE II: Methodologies and concepts developed in Phase I will be validated by experimentation. Phase II will involve the scale-up, design, fabrication, and testing of larger size components typical of the vehicle's outer moldline structure.

PHASE III DUAL USE APPLICATION: The development of structures using advanced materials can be transferred into the commercial market in both the aircraft and automotive industries. The development of these new structures will result in stronger, lighter more efficient commercial aircraft and automobiles.

1. The Composites Material Handbook—Mil-17, CRC Press, 1999.

2. Mackerle, Jaroslav, Ceramics and Ceramic Matrix Composites: Finite Element and Boundary Element Analyses, A Bibliography (1998-2000), Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 38, pp. 567-577.

3. Holmquist, T.J. and Johnson, G.R. “Response of Silicon Carbide to High Velocity Impact,” J. Appl Phys. Vol. 91, No. 9, pp. 5858-5866, 2002.

KEYWORDS: hypervelocity vehicles, military space plane, space operations vehicle, integrated thermal protection systems, hot structures, cryogenic tanks, ceramic matrix composites

AF04-249 TITLE: Demonstration of Multiple Fiber Pre-forms for Local Property Tailoring

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes
OBJECTIVE: Locally tailor and control engineering properties of interest in composite structures by precisely integrating local fibers and or resins different from “field” resins and fibers.
DESCRIPTION: Current composite structures rely on relatively continuous fibers and resins as constituent materials. A wing skin, for instance, is generally one resin system and one fiber type. In some instances, in order to achieve some particular performance objective, fibers may be mixed within a resin system. This is generally achieved through local inclusions of laminations from the desired fiber, or in some specific instances cloth is woven using two different fiber tows. Due to the orthogonality of the weave, benefits of such an approach are limited. And there are manufacturing problems involved in the location and placement of such specific separate laminations. To achieve performance that requires a resin variation, separate parts must be manufactured and then joined. Such joints have associated manufacturing costs, increases in structural weight, and may initiate structural failures. The Structures Division of the Air Vehicles Directorate is interested in developing concepts for more integrated composite structures that would rely on fabrication and manufacturing processes that would allow a gradual, local change in resin and fiber properties that does not require the inclusion of separate laminations.
PHASE I: Identify in current Air Force service, or envision a structural airframe application requiring multiple composite material forms for reasons generated from local requirements. Such an application may be, but is certainly not limited to, a local skin temperature markedly higher than found nearby, a local load increase commonly reacted through pad-ups or stiffeners, and a requirement for a window within a structure, or an area known to be locally subject to impact. Propose a local structural design that would meet requirements and result in a lower cost, lighter weight, or increased performance and is the result of a fabrication/manufacturing process that allows local insertion of fiber or resin forms different from the general structural composite. Demonstrate proof of concept sufficient to progress to Phase II through manufacture and test of characteristic structural test elements.
PHASE II: Develop the conceptual design for the component identified or envisioned in Phase I. Demonstrate features of the design concept and maturity of the manufacturing processes involved through the design, development, manufacture and eventual full-scale test of the component. (Final testing will be conducted by the Air Force – developmental will be conducted by the successful offeror.)
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: Demonstration of a successful process or technique that will allow manufacture of composite structure from locally varying materials, for local control of properties, structural response or function, and without the need for discrete mechanical joints, will enable a new generation of structure. Imagined uses include local heat shielding, fully integral antennas or windows, electrical or other energy transport, and selective control of mechanical response. Numerous commercial applications are expected to result from such generally enabling technology.
REFERENCES: 1. S.Suresh and A. Mortensen, Fundamentals of Functionally Graded Materials: Processing and Thermomechanical Behavior of Graded Metals and Metal-Ceramic Composites, London: IOM Communications Ltd, 1998.
2. Terry Richardson, Composites: A Design Guide, NY, NY Industrial Press, 1987.
3. J.E. Mark, C.Y, C. Lee, P.A. Bianconi, “Hybrid organic – inorganic composites,” eds.

– Amer Chem Soc. Meeting ( 207th, 1994 San Diego), Washington D.C. ASC, 1995.

4. Jyongsik Jang; Cholho Lee, Dept. of Chemical. Technology., Seoul Nationak. University, South Korea, “Fabrication and Mechanical Properties of Glass Fibre-Carbon Fibre Polypropylene Functionally Gradient Materials,” Journal of Materials Science , vol.33, no.22 , Page: 5445-5450, Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers , 15 November 1998.
KEYWORDS: Thermal Protection Systems (TPS), Weight Minimization, Integrated TPS, Extreme Environment, Thermal/Acoustic

AF04-255 TITLE: Next Generation, High Temperature Chip Based UV and IR Sensors

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes
OBJECTIVE: Increase reliability and systems capability in monitoring Ultra Violet signature for detecting jet engine fire.
DESCRIPTION: The current system for detecting engine fire on fighter engines is a 1970s technology using a gas filled, glass tube to detect Ultra Violet signature for detecting engine fire. This system is expensive, rather bulky and heavy. Due to the high cost of this item (about $4,700.00 per unit), the U.S. Air Force is forced to purchase repair kits, and maintain repair procedures and trained personnel in order to support this system. This proposal will develop high temperature lightweight chip based sensing technology with additional secondary capabilities that will be significantly less expensive, with unmatched reliability. The reduction in unit cost will make this item an expendable part allowing the Air Force to perform needed maintenance at field level effectively eliminating the need to cycle engines in for this particular part replacement procedure. This will reduce the inherent expense of accompany repair procedures, freeing valuable maintenance personnel for other essential tasks. The material Indium Antimonide (InSb) is commonly used as a photo-voltaic detector with a peak response at 5.5 mm. Photo-conductors are slabs of semiconductor materials with a voltage applied to sense the change in resistance with flux. Perhaps the most common thermal infrared photoconductor material is HgCdTe (Mercury Cadmium Teluride, or MCT) with a response peak at about 11 mm. It turns out that a combination of InSb and HgCdTe detectors can be configured to cover the entire thermal infrared range.
PHASE I: Provide a proof of concept/design and technology capability for developing high temperature microcircuit system.
PHASE II: Build the prototype device for testing on a static engine test bed and proofing the reliability of the system.
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: With extreme temperature capabilities it would be easy to adapt this technology for applications in spacecraft, search and rescue operations, monitoring systems in harsh forbidding conditions and possible use of this technology in Home Land Defense. Application of this technology is viable across all weapons systems.
REFERENCES: 1. "Diamond Microcircuitry", Dr. Gisela A. Dreschhoff and Dr. Edward J. Zeller, Radiation Physics Laboratory of the Space Technology Center at the University of Kansas, in Lawrence.
KEYWORDS: High temperature, chip-based sensing, high reliability.
AF04-256 TITLE: Streamlined Site Investigation Procedures
TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes
OBJECTIVE: Develop new technologies for enabling efficient well locations.
DESCRIPTION: New technologies are needed for testing subsurface soils and groundwater, sampling, well completion techniques, sampling technologies enabling more efficient well location, minimizing the need for numerous wells.
A recommended phased approach would first develop a streamlined method for DNAPL contaminated site clean up. Typically, the path to site closure is a very long and indirect one. The accepted methodology of drilling and sampling monitor wells one year and, based on the sample results, going out again to drill infill monitor wells and take more samples is neither efficient nor cost effective. Site delineation can often take up to 3 years just to delineate the contaminant plume and often the appropriate data for a specific remedial technology will still not be obtained. By using the results of the technologies proposed for this project, along with additional new technologies, the result will be a streamlined site investigation flow-chart.
Next phase of this project is intended to test new field technologies that could be included as a part of this flow chart, but more importantly, be used for actual site investigation and remediation in a streamlined manner. There are many remediation technologies available for these types of contaminants, however, no remediation will be successful until the source of the contaminant plume is located. Also, more precise vertical and horizontal contaminant distribution is needed prior to remedial design. Due to the need to delineate the source area more completely, both horizontally and vertically, for effective remediation, more cost effective and technically efficient methods for site description and remediation are needed.
PHASE I: Perform a research that includes site data review, site investigation, source identification, field confirmation and recommendations. The research report should include a concept demonstration of the decision tree streamlined methodology.
PHASE II: The development of a complete Decision Tree Streamlined Methodology with validation on several sites that confirm the results of the source identification and site investigation technologies. This will consist of placing sample points in recommended locations to ensure that the results of the source identification can be reproduced.
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: This technology and developed product could be used by all of the AirForce centers as well as many industrial commercial centers. A commercial application could be developed in that the streamline methodology would serve as a sort of 'road map' for remediation of any site contaminated with any chemical. The user would determine basic site characteristics and, using the methodology, be able to take only the appropriate and necessary steps towards site remediation thus minimizing unnecessary site investigation and remediation costs.
REFERENCES: 1. Assessing Contractor Capabilities for Stream Site Investigation, EPA 542-R-00-0001.
KEYWORDS: Site investigation, well locations, subsurface soils

AF04-257 TITLE: Next Generation Confined Space Monitoring & Inspection System

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Materials/Processes
OBJECTIVE: Reduce the requirement for physical inspection in hazardous confined spaces.
DESCRIPTION: Many aircraft inspections during depot overhaul are labor intensive and some are very dangerous and/or hazardous such as the Fuel Tank inspections. Improved inspections with the latest technology of remote cameras, new 3-D viewing technology, Fuel Tank bladder damage/leak detection, and Virtual Reality projector systems need to be researched and potential use analyzed. Monitoring systems need to be enhanced to track and monitor actual persons entering and inspecting these hazardous confines spaces. These same devices could potentially be used to monitor, track and locate remote sensors or cameras.
This research effort needs to investigate the latest Virtual Reality capabilities and projection systems for improving many of the labor intensive inspections and reducing the hazardous inspections such as the Fuel Tank areas as well as development of possible NonDestructive Inspection (NDI) for Fuel Tank damage detection in fuel vapor environment.
PHASE I: Provide a proof of concept demonstration of utilizing new confined space monitoring technology for protecting mechanic in hazardous spaces. Demonstrate total replacement of the need for mechanic to inter space with utilization of Virtual Reality remote system that can be used in hazardous environments.
PHASE II: Based on the success of the prototype concept demonstration, implement a production model for use aircraft line.
DUAL USE COMMERCIALIZATION: This technology can be applied to other DoD aircraft depot lines as well as commercial aircraft inspections.
REFERENCES: 1. NASA Example of 4-D Viewing Technology:

KEYWORDS: Detection technology, Inspection Technology, Virtual Reality

AF04-258 TITLE: Chemical/Biological Decontamination

TECHNOLOGY AREAS: Chemical/Bio Defense, Biomedical
OBJECTIVE: Develop and test a novel, spray-applied, water-based, two-part liquid formulation capable of decontaminating, through micro-encapsulation.

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