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On another occasion an Indian clairvoyant named Krishnamurti

came to the base to try to communicate with the alien . Neither one was successful at getting the alien to communicate anything. I was personally notable to communicate telepathically with either of these people either, although I did think that Mr. Krishnamurti was a very kind and intelligent gentleman. Finally, it was decided that I should be left with the alien by myself to see if I could get any answers"

Chapter Two
My Second Interview "In the next interview I was told to ask the alien only one question" OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW) TOP SECRET
Official Transcript of the US. Army Air Force
Roswell Army Air Field, 509th Bomb Group
SUBJECT ALIEN INTERVIEW, 10. 7. 1947 QUESTION - "Why have you stopped communicating" ANSWER - NO STOP. OTHERS. HIDDEN / COVERED. SECRET FEAR. The alien cannot communicate with them because they were afraid of her, or do not trust her. And, it is clear tome that the alien is very aware that some people have secret intentions toward her and are hiding their real thoughts. It is equally obvious tome that the alien does not have even a tiny bit of fear of us, or anything else, for that matter" MATILDA O'DONNELL MACELROY PERSONAL NOTE) I pondered the words I chose to convey the meaning of the aliens thoughts very carefully before reporting to the stenographer and the people who were waiting anxiously in the other room. Personally, I never suffered any fear or misapprehension about the alien whatsoever. I was very, very curious and excited to learn anything and everything I could about her and from her. However, like the alien, I did not have much trust or confidence in the agents or "authorities" who were controlling my interviews. I had no idea what their intentions toward her might be. However, I am sure that the military officers were very, very nervous about having an alien spacecraft and pilot on their hands

At that moment, my greatest worry was how to more clearly understand the thoughts and ideas of the alien. I think that I was doing pretty well as a telepathic "receiver, but not as good as telepathic "sender. I wanted desperately to figure out abetter way to communicate with the alien in away that would enable the growing legion of government officials to understand her more directly, without having to rely on my interpretation of her thoughts. I did not feel very well qualified to act as an interpreter, yet I was the only person with whom the alien would communicate, so it was up tome to get the job done. I was also becoming acutely aware that this was probably the biggest "news event" in the history of Earth, and that I should be proud to have any part in it. Of course by that time the entire incident had been officially denied in the press and a cover-up of immense proportions by the military and the "powers that be"

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