
Victims would handover their valuables, which became property of the German

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Victims would handover their valuables, which became property of the German
Reichsbank. They then undressed, and their clothes were searched for jewelry and
other valuables. Victims were then marched into the gas chamber and packed tightly
to minimize the available fresh air. An engine created carbon monoxide gas which
was then discharged through gas pipes, killing the occupants. Their corpses were
cremated after any gold dental fillings were removed. The mass murder was care-
fully tracked and documented.
For example, the intercepted Höfle Telegram sent by SS-Sturmbannführer Hermann Höfle on January 11, 1943 to SS-Obersturmbannführer Adolf Eichmann in Berlin listed
1,274,166 total arrivals to the four camps of Aktion Reinhard through the end of
1942, as well as the total arrivals by camp for the last two weeks of 1942. The structure of all camps was nearly identical. From the reception area with ramp and undressing barracks, the Jews entered a narrow, camouflaged path (called sluice or tube) to the extermination area with gas chambers, pits and cremation grids. The SS and
Trawnikis stayed in a separate area. Barbed wire fences, partially camouflaged with pine branches, surrounded the camp and separated the different parts. Unlike Auschwitz, no electric fences were used. Wooden watchtowers guarded the camp. Approximately 2 million Jews lost their lives in Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka and Majdanek in the course of Operation Reinhard. Approximately 178,045,960 German Reichsmark worth of Jewish property (today's value around 700,000,000 US or 550,000,000 Euros) was stolen. This money went not only to German authorities, but also to single individuals (SS and policemen, camp guards, non-Jewish inhabitants of towns and villages with ghettos or adjacent camps" -- Reference back to 123)

124 "... the "Old Empire, whose headquarters located near one of the "tail stars" in

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