An alphabetised list of vocabulary references

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Clark, H.H. and Gerrig, R.J. (1983) Understanding old words with new meanings. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 22: 591-608. [3.3]

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Clifford, G.J. (1978) Words for schools: the applications in education of the vocabulary researches of Edward L Thorndike. In P. Suppes (ed) Impact of Research on Education: Some Case Studies: 107-198. [1.2]

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Corson, D.J. (1997) The learning and use of academic English words. Language Learning 47, 4: 671-718. [6.6]

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Cowan, J.R. (1974) Lexical and syntactic research for the design of EFL reading materials. TESOL Quarterly 8, 4: 389-400. [10.2]

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