Analysis Of Algorithms University of Bridgeport Analysis of Algorithms

Solving Homogenous Linear Recurrence Relations Using Method of Characteristic Roots (Another Method To Solve Recurrence Equations)

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Solving Homogenous Linear Recurrence Relations Using Method of Characteristic Roots (Another Method To Solve Recurrence Equations)
Homogenous Linear Recurrence Relation:

The term linear means that each term of the sequence is defined as a linear function of the preceding terms. The coefficients and the constants may depend on n, even non-linearly. Homogeneous means that the constant term of the relation is zero.

Example 1:
Recurrence Relation:

General form:


Substituting this in original recurrence relation, we have

Dividing by rn-2 gives us,

or, (r – 2) (r – 3) = 0

=> r1 = 2 r2 = 3

=> an = 2n or, an = 3n; both work

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