V.Tripadus, A Radulescu, J.Pieper, A. Buchsteiner, A.Podlesniak, S.Janssen, A. Serban
Elsevier “Chemical Physics” accepted 26 August (2005)
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Time sequence and time scale of intermediate mass fragment emission
E.De Filippo, A.Pagano, J.Wilczynski, F.Amorini, A.Anzalone, L.Auditore, V.Baran, I.Berceanu, J.Blicharska, J.Brzychczyk, A.Bonasera, B.Borderie, R.Bougault, M.Bruno, G.Cardella, S.Cavallaro, M.B.Chatterjee, A.Chbihi, J.Cibor, M.Colonna, M.D'Agostino, R.Dayras, M.Di Toro, J.Frankland, E.Galichet, W.Gawlikowicz, E.Geraci, F.Giustolisi, A.Grzeszczuk, P.Guazzoni, D.Guinet, M.Iacono-Manno, S.Kowalski, E.La Guidara, G.Lanzano, G.Lanzalone, N.Le Neindre, S.Li, C.Maiolino, Z.Majka, M.Papa, M.Petrovici, E.Piasecki, S.Pirrone, R.Planeta, G.Politi, A.Pop, F.Porto, M.F.Rivet, E.Rosato, F.Rizzo, S.Russo, P.Russotto, M.Sassi, K.Schmidt, K.Siwek-Wilczynska, I.Skwira, M.L.Sperduto, L.Swiderski, A.Trifiro, M.Trimarchi, G.Vannini, M.Vigilante, J.P.Wieleczko, H.Wu, Z.Xiao, L.Zetta, W.Zipper
Phys.Rev. C 71, 044602 (2005)
*1 Isoscaling in neck fragmentation, De Filippo E, Amorini F, Anzalone A, et al., ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B 37 (1): 199-205 JAN 2006 *2 Isospin transport at Fermi energies, Baran V, Colonna M, Di Toro M, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (6): Art. No. 064620 DEC 2005 *3 Early-reaction-phase energy transformation in heavy-ion reactions below 100 MeV/u, Novosel I, Basrak Z, Eudes P, et al., PHYSICS LETTERS B 625 (1-2): 26-32 OCT 6 2005 *4 Dynamical fission in Sn-124+Ni-64 collision at 35A MeV, De Filippo E, Pagano A, Piasecki E, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (6): Art. No. 064604 JUN 2005
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Gamma-ray spectroscopy of Hf-166:: X(5) in N > 90?
E.A. McCutchan, N.V. Zamfir, R.F. Casten, M.A. Caprio, H. Ai, H. Amro, C.W. Beausang, A.A. Hecht, D.A. Meyer, J.J. Ressler
PHYSICAL REVIEW C71 (2): Art. No. 024309 FEB 2005
*Caprio, MA PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 72 (5): Art. No. 054323 NOV 2005 *Garrett, PE; et al JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G31 (10): S1855-S1858 Sp. Iss. SI OCT 2005 *Caprio, MA COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 171 (2): 107-118 SEP 15 2005
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Charged pion production in Ru-96(44)+Ru-96(44) collisions at 400A and 1528A MeV
Hong B, Kim YJ, Herrmann N, Stockmeier MR, Andronic A, Barret V, Basrak Z, Bastid N, Benabderrahmane ML, Caplar R, Crochet P, Dupieux P, Dzelalija M, Fodor Z, Gobbi A, Grishkin Y, Hartmann ON, Hildenbrand KD, Kecskemeti J, Kirejczyk M, Koczon P, Korolija M, Kotte R, Kress T, Lebedev A, Leifels Y, Lopez X, Mangiarotti A, Merschmeyer M, Neubert W, Pelte D, Petrovici M, Rami F, Reisdorf W, Schuttauf A, Seres Z, Sikora B, Sim KS, Simion V, Siwek-Wilczynska K, Smolyankin V, Stoicea G, Tyminski Z, Wagner P, Wisniewski K, Wohlfarth D, Xiao ZG, Yushmanov I, Zhilin A
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (3): Art. No. 034902 MAR 2005
*1 Aspects of particle production in isospin-asymmetric matter, Ferini G, Colonna M, Gaitanos T, et al., NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 762 (1-2): 147-166 NOV 28 2005 *2 Application of the thermal model with longitudinal flow to charged pions in central Ru plus Ru collisions at 400A and 1528A MeV, Hong B, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 46 (5): 1083-1089 MAY 2005
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Collective excitations in the inner crust of neutron stars: supergiant resonances
E. Khan, N. Sandulescu, Nguyen Van Giai
Phys. Rev. C 71, 042801R
1. Effective mass of free neutrons in neutron star crust Nicolas Chamel nucl-th/0512034 2. Dynamical response of the nuclear pasta in neutron star crusts C. J. Horowitz, M.A. Pérez-García, D. K. Berry, J. Piekarewicz Phys.Rev. C72 (2005) 035801
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Measurement of the 2H(d,2He)2n reaction at Ed=171 MeV and implications for the neutron-neutron scattering length
C. Baumer, D. Frekers, D. De Frenne, E.-W. Grewe, P. Haefner, S. Hollstein, B.C. Junk, A. Korff, S. Rakers, R. Schmidt, A.M. van den Berg, B. Davids, M.N. Harakeh, M. Hunyadi, M.A. de Huu, H. J. Wörtche, N. Blasi,D. De Frenne, E. Jacobs, A. Negret, L. Popescu, R. De Leo, F. Hofmann, P. von Neumann-Cosel and A. Richter
Physical Review C71, 044003
1* Low-lying GT+ strength in 116In from a (d,2He) reaction experiment and its implications for 116Cd double decay, S. Rakers et al., Phys. Rev. C 71, 054313 (2005) 2* Isospin breaking in diagonal pion-nucleon coupling constant: QCD sum rule approach, Upadhyay A, Singh JP, Journal of Phys G 31, 987 (2005)
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Reaction mechanisms of fast neutrons on stable Mo isotopes below 21 MeV
Reimer P, Avrigeanu V, Chuvaev SV, Filatenkov AA, Glodariu T, Koning A, Plompen AJM, Qaim SM, Smith DL, Weigmann H
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (4): Art. No. 044617 APR 2005
*1 Pre-equilibrium reactions on the stable tungsten isotopes at low energy, Avrigeanu V, Chuvaev SV, Eichin R, Filatenkov AA, Forrest RA, Freiesleben H, Herman M, Koning AJ, Seidel K, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 765 (1-2): 1-28 JAN 23 (2006) *2 On temperature dependence of the optical potential for alpha-particles at low energies, Avrigeanu M, von Oertzen W, Avrigeanu V, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A 764: 246-260 JAN 9 (2006)
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Convergence of particle-hole expansions for the description of nuclear correlations
N. Pillet, N. Sandulescu, Nguyen Van Giai, J.F. Berger
Phys. Rev. C 71, 044306
1. Warda M, Pomorski K, Egido JL, et al. Multimodal fission of Cf-252 in the Gogny HFB model JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS 31 (10): S1555-S1558
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Determination of Gamow-Teller strength distribution from odd-odd nucleus 50V measured through 50V(d,2He)50Ti and astrophysical implications
C. Baumer, A. M. van den Berg, B. Davids, D. Frekers, D. De Frenne, E.-W. Grewe, P. Haefner, M.N. Harakeh, M. Hunyadi, M.A. de Huu, E. Jacobs, B.C. Junk, A. Korff, K. Langanke, G. Martinez-Pinedo, A. Negret, P. von Neumann-Cosel, L. Popescu, S. Rakers, A. Richter and H. J. Wörtche
Physical Review C71, 024603
1* Low-lying GT+ strength in 116In from a (d,2He) reaction experiment and its implications for 116Cd double decay, S. Rakers et al., Phys. Rev. C 71, 054313 (2005)
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Dynamical fission in Sn-124+Ni-64 collision at 35A MeV
De Filippo E, Pagano A, Piasecki E, Amorini F, Anzalone A, Auditore L, Baran V, Berceanu I, Blicharska J, Brzychczyk J, Bonasera A, Borderie B, Bougault R, Bruno M, Cardella G, Cavallaro S, Chatterjee MB, Chbihi A, Colonna M, D'Agostino M, Dayras R, Di Toro M, Frankland J, Galichet E, Gawlikowicz W, Geraci E, Giustolisi F, Grzeszczuk A, Guazzoni P, Guinet D, Iacono-Manno M, Kowalski S, La Guidara E, Lanzano G, Lanzalone G, Neindre NL, Li S, Lo Nigro S, Maiolino C, Majka Z, Papa M, Petrovici M, Pirrone S, Planeta R, Politi G, Pop A, Porto F, Rivet MF, Rosato E, Rizzo F, Russo S, Russotto P, Sassi M, Schmidt K, Siwek-Wilczynska K, Skwira I, Sperduto ML, Steckmeyer JC, Swiderski L, Trifiro A, Trimarchi M, Vannini G, Vigilante M, Wieleczko JP, Wilczynski J, Wu H, Xiao Z, Zetta L, Zipper W
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71 (6): Art. No. 064604 (JUN 2005)
*1 V. Baran, M. Colonna, M. Di Toro, et al., PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (6): 064620 (2005)
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Expression for the number of J=0 pairs in even-even Ti isotopes
L. Zamick, A. Escuderos, S.J. Lee, A. L. Mekjan, E. Moya de Guerra, A. A. Raduta, P. Sarriguren
Physical Review C 71, 024307(2005)
J-pairing interaction, number of states, and nine-j sum rules of four identical particles,Zhao YM, Arima A PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (5): Art. No. 054307 NOV 2005
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First analysis of anisotropic flow with Lee-Yang zeros
Bastid N, Andronic A, Barret V, Basrak Z, Benabderrahmane ML, Caplar R, Cordier E, Crochet P, Dupieux P, Dzelalija M, Fodor Z, Gasparic I, Gobbi A, Grishkin Y, Hartmann ON, Herrmann N, Hildenbrand KD, Hong B, Kecskemeti J, Kim YJ, Kirejczyk M, Koczon P, Korolija M, Kotte R, Kress T, Lebedev A, Leifels Y, Lopez X, Mangiarotti A, Manko V, Merschmeyer M, Moisa D, Neubert W, Pelte D, Petrovici M, Rami F, Reisdorf W, Schuettauf A, Seres Z, Sikora B, Sim KS, Simion V, Siwek-Wilczynska K, Smolarkiewicz MM, Smolyankin V, Soliwoda IJ, Stockmeier MR, Stoicea G, Tyminski Z, Wisniewski K, Wohlfarth D, Xiao Z, Yushmanov I, Zhilin A, Ollitrault JY, Borghini N
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (1): Art. No. 011901 JUL 2005
*1 Elliptic flow analysis in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV: Fluctuations vs non-flow effects, Zhu XL, Bleicher M, Stocker H, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (6): Art. No. 064911 DEC 2005
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Gamma-ray spectroscopy of Te-132 through beta decay of a Sb-132 radioactive beam
R.O. Hughes, N.V. Zamfir, D.C. Radford, C.J. Barton, C. Baktash, M.A. Caprio, R.F. Casten, A. Galindo-Uribarri, C.J. Gross, P.A. Hausladen, E.A. McCutchan, J.J. Ressler, D. Shapira, D.W. Stracener, C.H. Yu
PHYSICAL REVIEW C71 (4): Art. No. 044311 APR 2005
* Hadinia B, et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (4): Art. No. 041303 OCT 2005
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Level widths of 14O states studied in the high-resolution 14N(3He,t)14O reaction
A. Negret, T. Adachi, G.P.A. Berg, P. von Brentano, H. Fraiquin, D. De Frenne, H. Fujita, K. Fujita, Y. Fujita, K. Hatanaka, E. Jacobs, K. Nakanishi, L. Popescu, Y. Sakemi, Y. Shimbara, Y. Shimizu, Y. Tameshige, A. Tamii, M. Uchida and M. Yosoi
Physical Review C71, 047303
1* High resolution study of the Gamow-Teller strength distribution starting from the ground state of N-14 in the beta(-) and beta(+) directions, Negret A, Adachi T, Baumer C, et al., Journal of Phys. G 31, S1931 (2005)
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Low-lying GT+ strength in 116In from a (d,2He) reaction experiment and its implications for the 116Cd double beta decay
S. Rakers, C. Baumer, A.M. van den Berg, B. Davids, D. Frekers, D. De Frenne, E.-W. Grewe, P. Haefner, M.N. Harakeh, S. Hollstein, M. Hunyadi, E. Jacobs, B. C. Junk, A. Korff, A. Negret, L. Popescu, and H.J. Wortche
Physical Review C71, 054313
1* Neutrinoless double -decay and neutrino mass hierarchies, S. M. Bilenky et al., Phys. Rev. D 72, 053015 (2005)
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Self Consistent Random Phase Approximation and the restoration of symmetries within the three level Lipkin model
D.S. Delion, P.Schuck, J. Dukelsky
Physical Review C72 (2005) 064305/1-18
*1. J. Flynn, et. al. e-print hep-lat/0509093 (2005)
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? decay of 95Ag
S.Harissopulos, J.Doring, M.La Commara, K.Schmidt, C.Mazzocchi, R.Borcea, S.Galanopoulos, M.Gorska, H.Grawe, M.Hellstrom, Z.Janas, R.Kirchner, E.Roeckl, I.P.Johnstone, R.Schwengner, L.D.Skouras
Phys.Rev. C 72, 024303
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Anomalous behavior of the first excited 0+ state in N=Z nuclei
K. Kaneko, R.F. Casten, M. Hasegawa, T. Mizusaki, J.Y. Zhang, E.A. McCutchan, N.V. Zamfir, and R. Kruecken
Physical Review C 71, 014319 (2005)
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Beta-decay of odd-A Ti-57 and V-59
Liddick, SN; Mantica, PF; Broda, R; Brown, BA; Carpenter, MP; Davies, AD; Fornal, B; Horoi, M; Janssens, RVF; Morton, AC; Mueller, WF; Pavan, J; Schatz, H; Stolz, A; Tabor, SL; Tomlin, BE; Wiedeking, M
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 72 (5): Art. No. 054321 NOV 2005
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Break-up fragments excitation and the freeze-out volume
Raduta AR, Bonnet E, Borderie B, Le Neindre N, Rivet MF
PHYSICAL REVIEW C 72 (5): Art. No. 057603 NOV 2005
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Bridging the gap between X(5) and the IBA
E.A. McCutchan, N.V. Zamfir, and R.F. Casten
Physical Review C 71, 034309 (2005)
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Complex shell model representation including antibound states
R.Id Betan, R.J.Liotta, N.Sandulescu, T.Vertse, R.Wys
Phys.Rev. C 72, 054322
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Correlations between the nuclear level density parameters
D. Bucurescu, T. von Egidy
Physical Review C72(2005)067304
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Description of light W, Os, and Pt nuclei in the Interacting Boson Model
E.A. McCutchan and N.V. Zamfir
Physical Review C71, 054306 (2005)
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Description of the two neutrino double beta decay in deformed nuclei with projected spherical single particle states
A.A. Raduta, C.M. Raduta, and A. Escuderos
Phys. Rev. C 71 (2005) 024307
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Evolution of the prompt dipole gamma-ray emission with incident energy in fusion reactions
Pierroutsakou, D; Martin, B; Inglima, G; Boiano, A; De Rosa, A; Di Pietro, M; La Commara, M; Mordente, R; Romoli, M; Sandoli, M; Trotta, M; Vardaci, E; Glodariu, T; Mazzocco, M; Signorini, C; Stroe, L; Baran, V; Colonna, M; Toro, MD; Pellegriti, N
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 71 (5): Art. No. 054605 MAY 2005
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Experimental overview of Ni plus Ni collisions at 32 MeV/nucleon: Discriminant analysis and duality in the decay modes of a fusionlike system
Lautesse, P; Maskay, AM; Gerlic, E; Desesquelles, P; Laville, JL; Lopez, O; Borderie, B; Dayras, R; Demeyer, A; Durand, D; Frankland, JD; Galichet, E; Guinet, D; Guiot, B; Le Neindre, N; Marie, J; Nalpas, L; Parlog, M; Pichon, M; Rivet, MF; Rosato, E; Roy, R; Schmitt, C; Tamain, B; Vient, E; Vigilante, M; Volant, C; Wieleczko, JP
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 71 (3): Art. No. 034602 MAR 2005
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G factor of the 2+1 state of 160Er
A. Wolf, Z. Berant, N.V. Zamfir, E.A. McCutchan, A. Heinz, R.F. Casten, C. Plettner, N. Pietralla, H. Ai, K. Dusling, D.A. Meyer, J. Qian, J. Vinsen, R. Winkler, D. Swanson, E. Williams, and P.H. Reagan
Physical Review C 72, 027301 (2005)
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High spin structure of 34S and the proton-neutron coupling of intruder states
P.Mason, N.Marginean, S.M.Lenzi, M.Ionescu-Bujor, F.Della Vedova, D.R.Napoli, T.Otsuka, Y.Utsuno, F.Nowacki, M.Axiotis, D.Bazzacco, P.G.Bizzeti, A.Bizzeti-Sona, F.Brandolini, M.Cardona, G.de Angelis, E.Farnea, A.Gadea, D.Hojman, A.Iordachescu, C.Kalfas, Th.Kroll, S.Lunardi, T.Martinez, C.M.Petrache, B.Quintana, R.V.Ribas, C.Rossi Alvarez, C.A.Ur, R.Vlastou, S.Zilio
Phys.Rev. C 71, 014316 (2005)
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High-energy two-neutron removal from Be-10
Ashwood, NI; Freer, M; Millener, DJ; Orr, NA; Carstoiu, F; Ahmed, S; Angelique, JC; Bouchat, V; Catford, WN; Clarke, NM; Curtis, N; Hanappe, F; Horoi, M; Kerckx, Y; Lecouey, JL; Marques, FM; Materna, T; Normand, G; Pain, S; Soic, N; Timis, C; Unshakova, A; Ziman, VA
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 72 (2): Art. No. 024314 AUG 2005
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High-spin states in 92-96Zr nuclei
D. Pantelica, I. Gh. Stefan, N. Nica, M.-G. Porquet, G. Duchêne, A. Astier, S. Courtin, I. Deloncle, F. Hoellinger, A. Bauchet, N. Buforn, L. Donadille, O. Dorvaux, J. Duprat, B. J. P. Gall, C. Gautherin, T. Kutsarova, S. Lalkovski, R. Lucas, M. Meyer, A. Minkova, A. Prévost, N. Redon, N. Schulz, H. Sergolle, O. Stézowski, Ts. Venkova, A. Wilson
Physical Review C72,024304-1-17(2005)
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High-spin states in the nuclei Y-91 and Nb-95
Bucurescu, D; Podolyak, Z; Rusu, C; de Angelis, G; Zhang, YH; Cata-Danil, G; Cata-Danil, I; Ivascu, M; Marginean, N; Marginean, R; Mihailescu, LC; Suliman, GA; Regan, PH; Gelletly, W; Langdown, SD; Dobon, JJV; Bazzacco, D; Lunardi, S; Ur, CA; Axiotis, M; Gadea, A; Farnea, E; Ionescu-Bujor, M; Iordachescu, A; Kroll, T; Martinez, T; Bizzetti, PG; Broda, R; Medina, NH; Quintana, B; Rubio, B
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 71 (3): Art. No. 034315 MAR 2005
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Identification of excited states and shell model description of the N=Z+1 nucleus Rh-91 ]
Marginean, N; Rusu, C; Bucurescu, D; Alvarez, CR; Ur, CA; Bazzacco, D; Lunardi, S; Pavan, P; de Angelis, G; Axiotis, M; Farnea, E; Gadea, A; Ionescu-Bujor, M; Iordachescu, A; Krolas, W; Kroll, T; Lenzi, SM; Martinez, T; Menegazzo, R; Napoli, DR; Quintana, B; Spolaore, P; Zhang, YH; Wrzesinski, J
PHYSICAL REVIEW C, 72 (3): Art. No. 039903 SEP 2005 pg 014302, 2005
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Isomeris Decay of 208Ra
J.J. Ressler, C.W. Beasang, H. Ai, H. Amro, M. Babilon, J.A. Caggiano, R.F. Casten, G. Gurdal, A. Heinz, R.O. Hughes, E.A. McCutchan, D.A. Meyer, C. Plettner, J. Qian,M.J.S. Sciacchitano, N.J. Thomas, E. Williams, and N.V. Zamfir
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