Annual Compliance Arrangements with Large Corporate Taxpayers

Recording of ACA information and documents

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ANAO Report 2014-2015 05
Recording of ACA information and documents
4.61 It is an ATO corporate requirement for officers to store all information relating to ACAs on the enterprise wide case management system. Despite this, some compliance teams are using local drives to store documents. The
ANAO identified many instances where key documents had not been stored on the case management system. Inmost instances ATO officers were able to provide these documents from their local and share drives, however, there were instances where the ATO was notable to produce key documentation relating to ACAs, and in particular disclosures and annual review.
4.62 ATO officers commented negatively about the suitability of the case management system for managing ACAs. This was because of the vast amount of documents and records needed to manage the relationship and the frequency of communication. The case management requirements can be administratively burdensome for officers because of the number of activities, tasks, procedures, templates and reporting activities that need to be undertaken, particularly where there is duplication. The ATO has also recognised problems with its electronic case management system as a document management system in a recent quality assurance review. For this review, paper copies of files were created to allow reviewers to undertake their assessment. There is a need for the ATO to monitor the recording of information and documents related to ACAs.

ANAO Report No 2014–15 Annual Compliance Arrangements with Large Corporate Taxpayers
4.59 As discussed previously, the ATO’s 2020 vision states that the level of intensity of compliance activity (high touch to no touch) will be tailored according to the level of risk associated with different taxpayers. This suggests that the intensity of the voluntary ACA administrative processes would be lighter than other compliance activities in which taxpayers are compelled to participate, as ACA taxpayers are considered to be more transparent about their tax affairs.
4.60 The ATO has recognised that ACAs fit well with its 2020 vision, and the views from taxpayers indicate that administrative processes relating to ACAs could be reduced overtime where taxpayers demonstrate an increased level of transparency. It would be prudent for the annual review process to be used to determine the level of risk associated with, and the extent of future compliance activity for, each ACA taxpayer. This approach would need to be supported by the ATO developing guidance about the nature of, and basis for, any lighter touch.

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