Annual report & statement of accounts


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38 and Regulations. In addition, fifty-nine (59) checks of public entertainment events were conducted to ensure that promoters remitted the correct amount of VAT. At the Ogle International Airport, staff processed a total of one thousand, one hundred and nine (1,109) arriving aircrafts along with twenty-one thousand, eight hundred and forty-four (21,844) arriving passengers and one thousand, one hundred and eight (1,108) departing aircrafts with twenty thousand, two hundred and twenty-seven (20, 227) passengers. One thousand and seventy-five (1,075) incoming and one thousand, one hundred and four (1,104) outgoing aircraft files were also completed. The arrival and departure of passengers and vehicles via the Canawaima ferry service, operating between Guyana and Suriname at Moleson Creek, were also facilitated by staff. To this end, forty thousand, six hundred and sixteen (40,616) arriving passengers along with four thousand, five hundred and twelve
(4,512) arriving vehicles, comprising two thousand, six hundred and forty-five (2,645) with local registration and one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-seven (1,867) with foreign registration were processed. In addition, forty-one thousand, four hundred and nineteen (41,419) departing passengers were processed along with four thousand, four hundred and forty (4,440) departing vehicles, comprising two thousand, six hundred and fifty-six (2,656) with local registration and one thousand, seven hundred and eighty-four (1,784) with foreign registration. Staff at the Lethem Office also conducted verification activities of vehicles departing and entering Guyana via the Takatu Bridge. Verification was carried out on eighty-six thousand, two hundred and ninety-five
(86,295) departing vehicles, of which seventy-one thousand, one hundred and forty-eight (71,148) carried foreign registration, and eighty-six thousand, eight hundred and seventy-four (86,874) arriving vehicles, of which seventy-one thousand, seven hundred and twenty-seven (71,727) were foreign registered. In addition, staff at the various Offices processed a combined total of one thousand, nine hundred and ninety-five (1,995) Customs Declarations and completed eight hundred and twenty-eight (828) incoming and seven hundred and ninety-two (792) outgoing ships files. Revenue collected by the Integrated Regional Tax Offices during the year under review totaled four billion, three hundred and forty-two million, nine hundred and sixty-one thousand, one hundred and ninety-four dollars ($4.342,961,194.00) of which six hundred and forty-nine million dollars (M) was collected for Customs Operations, five hundred and sixty-two million dollars (M) for Value- Added and Excise Taxes and three billion, one hundred and thirty-one million dollars (B) for Internal Revenue related taxes. Revenue collected in 2013 amounted to three billion, two hundred and seventy- five million, eight hundred and fifty-two thousand, seven hundred and forty-five dollars
($3,275,852,745.00) resulting in the collection for 2014 exhibiting an increase of 32.5%. A comparison of revenue collected during 2013 and 2014 is shown in the table overleaf.

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