Annual report & statement of accounts

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The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) which is apart of this Section continued to play an important role in facilitating the research needs of users. Staff throughout the organisation were able to use the resources within the LRC to conduct research in various areas of interest. In excess of two hundred magazines and books were procured to aid research while several novels were donated to the LRC by staff members of the Guyana Revenue Authority. These additions to the collection were all catalogued and the necessary barcode labels inserted and scanned into the KOHA database. All issues of the Official Gazette were acquired and stored appropriately while one thousand, three hundred and seventy-two (1,372) newspaper articles covering issues related to the Authority were extracted and filed. Staff of the Section continued to ensure that Acts and Regulations administered by the Authority were updated and provided copies of Amendments to Legislation when requested by staff. To this end fourteen
(14) Amendments to Acts/Regulations were obtained. Also, whenever necessary, Acts and/or Regulations were printed internally for distribution to staff thus resulting in a total of one hundred and eighty-seven
(187) copies being printed and distributed during 2014. The preparation of new and adjustment to existing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) were also undertaken with a total of one hundred and forty (140)
SOPs being prepared and/or amended. These SOPs were related to Tax Exemption Processing and Verification, Tax Returns Review, VAT Operations, Licence Revenue Office, Customs and Trade Administration and Communication and Tax Advisory Services. The flowcharts related to those SOPs were also adjusted. In addition, fifty-three (53) positions were created in the Human Resource/Salaries PeopleNet software to facilitate the payment of salaries and organisational charts were adjusted as the need arose. Three hundred and three (303) job descriptions were prepared or adjusted to reflect ongoing changes undertaken to increase efficiency within the Authority. Articles were also prepared for publication in Newsletters published by the Inter-American Center of Tax Administrators.

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