Table 21: Outcome 2—Stronger Communities
Budgeta 2002–03 $’000
Actual 2002–03 $’000
Variation (column B minus column A) $’000
Budgetb 2003-04 $’000
Administered Expenses (including third party outputs)
2.1 Housing Support
1 200 323
1 199 936
1 106 168
2.2 Community Support
230 329
-48 810
300 118
Items Applicable Across Outcome 2
National Secretariats (part component see also Outcomes 1 and 3)
Total Administered Expenses
1 480 144
1 430 615
-49 530
1 406 980
Price of Departmental Outputs
Output Group 2.1 Housing Support
6 550
10 155
3 605
9 850
Output Group 2.2 Community Support
53 341
54 814
1 473
45 120
Revenue from Government (Appropriation) for Departmental Output Groups
59 891
64 969
5 078
54 970
Revenue from other Sources
1 140
Total Price of Output Groups (Departmental)
60 643
66 109
5 466
55 383
FaCS Componentc
45 931
51 269
5 338
39 748
Centrelink Component
13 960
13 700
15 222
Non-appropriated expensesd
59 891
64 969
5 078
54 970
TOTAL FOR OUTCOME 2 (Total Price of Outputs and Administered Expenses)
1 540 787
1 496 724
-44 064
1 462 363
Staffing Years (Number)
FaCS (including the Social Security Appeals Tribunal)
a. Final estimates have been used for special appropriations while additional estimates have been used for annual appropriations.
b. Budget prior to additional estimates.
c. FaCS includes the Social Security Appeals Tribunal.
d. Non-appropriated expenses are expenses from sources other than annual or special appropriation (non-appropriated revenue). For example, monies paid into the Child Support Trust Fund by non-custodial parents are non-appropriated revenue, while disbursements of those monies to custodial parents and allowances for bad debts are a non-appropriated expense. In Outcome 2, these include the National Housing Research Trust Fund.
Key strategies and activities
The key strategies for strengthening communities are:
building the capacity of communities to find local solutions to local problems
administering a number of community-based programs, particularly for disadvantaged communities and families
providing funding for housing and supported accommodation assistance
providing financial assistance for individuals and families in the private rental market.
Key activities that underpin the strategies are:
implementing a number of community-based programs including the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy
administering programs that address the barriers to participation, particularly for disadvantaged groups
ensuring initiatives improve the living standards and self-help capacity of Indigenous and other culturally and linguistically diverse communities
providing a range of other community support services, including emergency relief, concessions and allowances, and support for volunteering
promoting increased positive engagement between business, community and government
providing assistance to people affected by homelessness or needing other crisis support, through the Supported Accommodation Assistance Program (SAAP) and other mechanisms
providing housing funding to state and territory governments through the Commonwealth State Housing Agreement (CSHA)
providing housing assistance to Indigenous people, particularly those living in rural and remote areas
providing Rent Assistance
providing direct deduction services to clients to help them manage their finances
developing a national response to address problem gambling
conducting/commissioning relevant research to inform policy advice to government.
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