Annual Report 2003-04 I volume 1

Appendix 6 Discretionary grants

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Appendix 6 Discretionary grants

Table 91: Discretionary grants, 2003–04

Program name

Program description

Expenditure ($)

‘Can Do’ Communities

Community development initiative under the Stronger Families and Communities Strategy

64 025

Community Business Partnership program

Funding to promote increased positive engagement between business, community and government

56 000

‘Creating Common Wealth’ Youth Enterprise Development Forum

Grants to assist with administrative arrangements for the ‘Creating Common Wealth’ Youth Enterprise Development Forum

10 000

Employment Assistance and Other Services

Provision of employment, assistance and other services for people with disabilities

37 500

Family and Community Network Initiative

Grants to develop the capacity of families and communities to respond effectively to personal and local issues

2 046 950

Labour Market Assistance

An initiative under the Australians Working Together package; aims to support individuals of working age through the provision of income support to seek work or other activities such as training, community work (voluntary work) or caring for children

2 361 150

National Housing Priorities

Grants for a range of housing projects, and support for organisations involved in the development of community housing infrastructure


National Housing Research

Support for housing policy research. Funds also used for housing- related research, development, demonstration and evaluation

840 000

National Secretariat program

Funding to a number of national community peak bodies to contribute to government policy and service delivery

3 326 872

National Skills program

Funding to a range of volunteer and community service groups for training and skill development

60 000

Step to the Future

Funding for placements for senior students at a national forum for youth

25 000

Stronger Families and Communities Strategy (Outcome 1)

Funding for a range of initiatives designed to contribute to family strength and resilience through early intervention and prevention approaches

20 412 979

Stronger Families and Communities Strategy (Outcome 2)

Funding for a range of initiatives designed to build community capacity through developing partnerships with government, community and business, including supporting volunteers

17 207 643

Support for People with Disabilities

Funding to promote independence and self-reliance through support for the provision of rehabilitation services, specialist employment services and other services for people with disabilities, and to support people with disabilities with limited means through the provision of income support

155 010

Young Australian of the Year Awards

Showcases the achievements of young Australians who, through initiative, hard work and persistence, achieve extraordinary results; the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs sponsors the Career Achievement category of these awards

165 000

Youth Affairs Grants and Publicity

Working together with young people and other partners to enable young people to reach their potential and encourage them to contribute to their families and communities

206 500


47 332 117

Note: Details of individual grants paid may be requested from the Assistant Secretary Financial Services Branch, FaCS.

Appendix 7 I Freedom of information

Freedom of Information practices and procedures

FaCS handles all freedom of information (FOI) requests in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 1982. FaCS’ protocols with Centrelink and other agencies delivering services on FaCS’ behalf also ensures that all requests are handled in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

In 2003-04, the Child Support Agency (CSA) continued to develop protocols and procedures to ensure it complied with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 when responding to requests. CSA also provides informal access in relation to requests for customers’ personal information.

Freedom of information requests

Table 92: FaCS and CSA—freedom of information: number of requests, 2003–04


Number of requests received

Number of requests finalised (including withdrawn)

Number of requests transferred to another agency

Number of requests outstanding






Child Support Agency





Table 93: FaCS and CSA—freedom of information: timeliness of response to requests, 2003-04


Requests answered in less than 30 days

Requests answered in

30 to 60 days

Requests answered in 60 to 90 days

Requests answered in more than 90 days






Child Support Agency





Procedures for gaining access to documents

Contact officers at both FaCS and CSA can advise on FOI matters and discuss the nature and scope of an intended request.

Formal applications for access to documents under FOI must be made by letter or statement or, where available, by completing a form. The application must be submitted to the offices listed in Table 94.

CSA follows informal access guidelines in cases where individuals seek access to documents that contain their own information, eliminating the need to lodge a formal FOI application.

Table 94: FaCS and CSA—freedom of information: facilities and procedures for accessing documents, 2003-04

Facilities for access to documents and general inquiries

Formal request

Informal request


Director, FOI Team FaCS National Office Box 7788

Canberra Mail Centre ACT 2610

General inquiries:

Freedom of Information Officer FaCS

Box 7788

Canberra Mail Centre ACT 2610

Telephone: 02 6244 5529

Fax: 02 6244 5744

FaCS state and territory offices FaCS National Office

Freedom of Information Officer

Box 7788

Canberra Mail Centre ACT 2610

Telephone: 02 6244 5529

Fax: 02 6244 5744

FaCS state and territory offices FaCS National Office

Freedom of Information Officer

Box 7788

Canberra Mail Centre

ACT 2610

Telephone: 02 6244 5529 Fax: 02 6244 5744


CSA officesa, in person Documents can be mailed For forms and information, phone 131 272

Lodge request or mail to CSA officesa

Electronically at the CSA

web site:

Telephone 131 272

Speak to FOI contact officer

Write to FOI contact officer

a. CSA offices and addresses



PO Box 9815 Albury 2640


GPO Bax 9815 Sydney 2001


GPO Bax 9815 Sydney 2001


GPO Bax 9815 Sydney 2001


GPO Bax 9815 Sydney 2001


GPO Bax 9815 Sydney 2001


Box Hill

PO Box 9815 Box Hill 3128


PO Box 9815 Dandenong 3175


PO Box 9815 Geelong 3220

Moo nee Ponds

PO Box 9815 Moonee Ponds 3039



GPO Box 9815 Brisbane 4001


PO Bax 9815 Townsville 4810



GPO Bax 1867 Adelaide 5001



PO Bax 9815 Perth 6848



GPO Bax 9815 Hobart 7001



GPO Bax 9815 Sydney 2001

Table 95: FaCS and CSA—freedom of information: categories of documents maintained, 2003–04


Child Support Agency

Documents FaCS holds are:

separate records such as agenda and minutes of decision-making bodies

separate records of Cabinet matters, including Cabinet submissions and Cabinet minutes

separate records prepared for the Executive Council

general correspondence and associated documents according to subject matter

documents maintained separately that relate to FaCS’ specific functions—for example, finance

documents containing personal information of individuals accessing payments and services of the portfolio.

None of these documents are:

open to the public as part of the public register or otherwise, in accordance with an enactment other than the Freedom of Information Act 1982, where that access is subject to a fee or other charge

available for purchase by the public in accordance with arrangements made by FaCS except manuals, instructions or guidelines

customarily made available to the public other than under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, free of charge on request.

Forms and leaflets relating to FaCS payments delivered by Centrelink are freely available to the public.

Documents CSA holds are:

agendas for, and minutes of, meetings of senior officers within CSA

ministerial, interdepartmental and general correspondence

internal administration papers and records

CSA legislation, policy and procedural documents

reports relating to CSA statistics, research and projects

proposals for legislation, drafting instructions and draft legislation

copies of instruments of delegation, given to, or by, the Child Support Registrar

requests for legal advice and copies of notes of advice given

briefing papers prepared for, and submissions to, the Minister or the Government

answers to parliamentary questions

correspondence, reports and other documents relating to CSA structure and the number, size and location of offices

correspondence, reports and other documents concerning the CSA’s human resources management

documents that relate to CSA specific functions, containing personal information of individuals accessing CSA.

CSA makes child support forms, brochures and booklets freely available to the public. People can also access many of these documents and the CSA guide to policy, rulings and determinations through CSA’s web site,

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