Ansi c63. 19 -2a -2007 Revision of

C.5Calibration of hearing aid probe coil

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C.5Calibration of hearing aid probe coil

The Helmholtz coil, built in accordance with IEEE Std 1027 (see D.9), is required to calibrate the hearing aid probe coil. The calibration procedure, from Clause 5 of IEEE Std 1027-1996 is contained in D.9.
Metal parts, including fixtures for holding the probe coil, should not be near the Helmholtz coils during calibration. Connection to the probe coil should only be made by twisted leads or a thin shielded wire. The Helmholtz coils should not be located near sources of H-fields such as transformers.
To calibrate, establish a known H-field at the center of the Helmholtz coils. A constant current should be maintained to the Helmholtz coils at all frequencies of measurement. Insert the probe coil in the field and align its main axis with the field by adjusting its position for maximum output. The coil sensitivity can then be determined at any frequency by using the following equation:
P(f) = 20 log [ Vp(f) / Hc ]

P(f) is the probe coil sensitivity versus frequency in dB V/(A/m)

Vp(f) is the output voltage of the probe coil in volts

Hc is the H-field strength generated by the Helmholtz coils in amperes per meter (A/m) P(1000), the probe coil sensitivity at 1000 Hz, should be measured first
The probe coil sensitivity ideally increases at a rate of 6 dB per octave with increasing frequency as follows:
P(f) = P(1000) – 20 log (f / 1000 Hz)

P(1000) is the probe sensitivity at 1000 Hz in dB V / (A/m)

f is frequency in hertz
The sensitivity shall not deviate from this characteristic by more than 0.5 dB, as illustrated in Figure 5 of IEEE Std 1027-1996 and shown in Figure C.4.

Figure C.9—Probe coil sensitivity

Source: IEEE Std 1027-1996.


Check the system for amplitude linearity, vary the current through the Helmholtz coil to establish fields from –50 dB to 0 dB relative to 1 A/m in 10 dB steps. Check that the output varies in corresponding 10 dB steps (± 0.5 dB).

C.5.2Signal to noise ratio of the calibration system

Set the current in the Helmholtz coils to create a field of –50 dB relative to 1 A/m. Note the output reading of the probe coil. Turn off the current to the Helmholtz coils and ensure the output drops at least 10 dB.

C.5.3Coil sensitivity

C.5.3.1Coil sensitivity—calculation method

It is possible to calculate the probe coil sensitivity from the following series of equations as described in Annex B of IEEE Std 1027-1996:
For an H-field strength of H amperes per meter, the magnetic flux density is given in Equation (C.1) as follows:
B = μH [Wb/m2] (C.1)(C.1)


μ = 4π 10−7 H/m = permeability of free space
For a coil of area S, the magnetic flux through the coil is given in Equation (C.2) as follows:
 = BS [Wb] (C.2)(C.2)

Faraday’s Law, given in Equation (C.3) as follows, states that the electrical output from a coil placed perpendicularly to a varying field is:

v = N d / dt [volts] (C.3)(C.3)


N is the number of turns on the coil
The combining of Equation (C.1), Equation (C.2), and Equation (C.3) for a coil placed perpendicular to the field is given in Equation (C.4) as follows:
v = N μS dH /dt [volts] (C.4)(C.4)
For a sinusoidally varying H-field, the H-field strength is:
H = Hsin(ωt), [A/m]

H is the peak amplitude of the field
dH / dt = Hωcos (ωt) (C.5)(C.5)
Therefore, the electrical output from a coil placed perpendicular to a sinusoidal field of H amperes per meter is shown in Equation (C.6) as follows:

v = N μSω Hcos (ωt), [volts] (C.6)(C.6)
Equation (C.6) shows that the output is proportional to ω, that is, proportional to frequency as evident in Figure C.4.

C.5.3.2Coil sensitivity—laboratory calibration

However, for practical multi-layer coils, and certainly for coils with magnetic material cores, better accuracy can be expected by inserting the coil in a known H-field and measuring the output.
One method of establishing a known H-field is to use a pair of Helmholtz calibration coils as shown in D.9. A set of Helmholtz coils consists of two circular coils of equal diameter and equal number of turns parallel to each other along an axis through the center of the coils, separated by a distance equal to the radius of the coils. Thus the two coils of the Helmholtz coil have equal radii and their centers lie on a common axis. For multiple turn coils, the diameter of the winding on each coil is much smaller than the diameter of the coil. The two coils are connected in series aiding in order to produce a nearly uniform H-field in a region surrounding the center point of the axis between the two coils. (The coils can be connected in parallel aiding, but the current in the coils shall be kept equal.)
The use of Helmholtz coils for probe or sensor calibration is summarized as follows:

  1. Helmholtz coils may be used to volumes with dimensions of 0.6 r (r is the radius of the coil) for highly accurate probe or sensor calibration.

  2. Helmholtz coils should be used in series-aiding connection, but may be used in parallel-aiding connection if necessary-with extra current controls and precautions.

  3. Balance the products NI in the two coils for maximum accuracy; (N = number of turns on each coil; I = current in the coils, in amperes).

  4. Consider Helmholtz coils a primary standard; they can be calibrated by a ruler.

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