Answer of assignment 5 r 3 Minimum cut: Vs={s, V1}, Vt = {v2, v3, v4, v5, t} r 7

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Employ and modify the Dijkstra algorithm.
Algorithm ModifiedDijkstra_largest_augment_residual_capacity (G, s, t)

Input: A flow net work G, source s and sink t.

Output: The augment path with the largest residual capacity

for all u Î G.vertices()

if u s

D[u] ¥;


D[u] 0;

P[u] = null;

Let Q be a priority queue that contains all the vertex of G using D labels as keys.

while ØQ.isEmpty()

u ¬ Q.removeMax()

for each vertex z such that there is an edged between u and z and z is in Q

if D[z] min(D[u], ) then // where is the residual capacity on the edge from u to z
D[z] ß min(D[u], )

P[z] = “u”;

Change to D[z] the key of z in Q

If (D[t] = =0)

output=“There is no augmenting path”


c=”t”; // where t is the sink




Return Output
The time complex the same as that of Dijstra’s algorithm, which is O((n+m)logn).

This problem can be translated to a minimum-cost maximum flow problem:

Let X be a set of nodes with each representing a taxi, Y be a set of nodes with each representing a location. Put a directed edge between each pair of {taxi, location} such that the direction is from taxi to location and the cost of the edge is the distance between them.
Add a source node s and a sink node t. For each taxi, add a directed edge from s to it. For each location, add a directed edge from it to t.
Each edge is given a capacity of 1.
Find a minimum-cost maximum flow on this network. In the resulting flow, if the edge between taxi xi and location yj has a flow value of 1, then send xi to yj.
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