Anthropic Bias Observation Selection Effects in Science and Philosophy Nick Bostrom

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  • Generally speaking, e will fail to distinguish between h++ and h+ if, for those observer-moments that are in our reference class, both hypotheses imply a similar expected ratio between the number of ones compatible with e and the number of ones incompatible with e. This means that ceteris paribus there is no reason to prefer a hypothesis that implies a greater number of observer-moments, beyond what is required to make it likely that there should be at least one actual observer-moment that is compatible with e.

    Armed with these results, we can address (3). Let’s suppose for the moment that there are no freak observers.

    First, consider a single-universe theory hU on which our universe is fine-tuned, so that conditional on hU there was only a very small probability that an observer-containing universe should exist. If we compare hU with a multiverse theory hM, on which it was quite likely that an observer-containing universe should exist, we find that if hU and hM had similar prior probabilities, then there are prima facie grounds for thinking hM to be more probable than hU given the evidence we have. Whether these prima facie grounds hold up on closer scrutiny depends on the distributions of observer-moments that hU and hM make probable. Supposing that the nature of the observer-moments that would tend to exist on hU (if there were any observer-moments at all, which would improbable on hU) are similar to the observer-moments that (most likely) exist on hM, then we do in fact have such grounds.

    The precise sense of the proviso that our evidence e may favor hM over hU only if the observer-moments most likely to exist on either hypothesis are of a similar nature is specified by OE and the lessons we derived from it above. But we can say at least something in intuitive terms about what sorts of single-universe and multiverse theories for which this will be the case. For example, we can consider the case where there is a single relevant physical parameter, . Suppose the prior probability distribution over possible values of that a universe could have is smeared out over a broad interval (representing a priori ignorance about and absence of any general grounds such as considerations of simplicity or theoretical elegance for expecting that should have taken on a value within a more narrow range). In the archetypal case of fine-tuning, there is only a very small range of -values that give rise to a universe that contains observers. Then the conditional probability of e given hU is very small. By contrast, the conditional probability of e given hM can be quite large, since there will most likely be observers given hM and these observer-moments will all be living in universes where has a value within the small region of fine-tuned (observer-generating) values. In this situation, hM would be preferentially supported by e.

    Now consider a different case that doesn’t involve fine-tuning but merely “ad hoc” setting of a free parameter. This is the case when observers can exist over the whole range of possible values of (or a fairly large part thereof). The conditional probability of e given hU is the same as before (i.e. very small), but in this case the conditional probability of e given hM is about equally small. For although hM makes it likely that there should be some observers, and even that there should be some observers compatible with e, hM also makes it highly likely that there should be very many other observers who are not compatible with e. These are the observers who live in other universes in the multiverse, universes where takes a different value than the one we have observed (and hence incompatible with e). If these other observers are in the same reference class as us (and there is no clear reason why they shouldn’t be, at least if the sort of observers living in universes with different are not too dissimilar to ourselves), then this means that the conditional probability of e given hM is very small. If enough other- universes contain substantial quantities of observers who are in the same reference class as us, then hM will not get significant preferential support from e compared to hU.

    We see here the sense in which fine-tuning suggests a multiverse in a way that mere free parameters do not. In the former case, hM tends to be strongly supported by the evidence we have (given comparable priors); in the latter case, not.

    On this story, how does one fit in the scenario where we discover a simple single-universe theory hU* that accounts well for the evidence? Well, if hU* is elegant and simple, then we would assign it a relatively high prior probability. Since hU* by assumption implies or at least gives a rather high probability to e, the conditional probability of hU* given e would thus be high. This would be support for the single-universe hypothesis and against the multiverse hypothesis.

    One kind of candidate for such a single-universe theory are theories involving a creator who chose to create only one universe. If one assigned one such theory hC* a reasonably high prior probability, and if it could be shown to give a high probability to there being one universe precisely like the one we observe and no other universes, then one would have support for hC*. Creator-hypotheses on which the creator creates a whole ensemble of observer-containing universes would be less supported than hC*. However, if our universe is not of the sort that one might have suspected a creator to create if he created only one universe (if our universe is not the nicest possible one in any sense, for example), then the conditional probability of e on any creator-hypothesis involving the creation of only one universe might well so slim that even if one assigned such a creator-hypothesis a high prior probability it would still not be tenable in light of e if there were some plausible alternative theory giving a high conditional probability to e (e.g. a multiverse theory successfully riding on fine-tuning and its concomitant selection effects, or a still-to-be-discovered simple and elegant single-universe theory that fits the facts). If there were no such plausible alternative theory, then one may believe either a fine-tuned single-universe theory, a multiverse-theory not benefiting from observation selection effects, or a creator hypothesis (either of the single-universe or the multiverse kind) – these would be roughly on a par regarding how well they’d fit with the evidence (quite poorly for all of them) and the choice between them would be determined mainly by one’s prior probability function.

    In chapter 2 we also touched on the case where our universe is discovered to have some “special feature” F. One example of this is if we were to find inscriptions saying “God created this universe and it’s the only one he created.” in places where it seems only a divine being would have made them (and we thought that there was a significant chance that the creator was being honest). Another example is if we find specific evidence that favors on ordinary (non-anthropic) grounds some physical theory that either implies a single-universe world or a multiverse. Such new evidence e’ would be conjoined with the evidence e we already have. What we should believe in the light of this depends on what conditional probability various hypotheses give to e&e’ and on the prior probabilities we give to these hypotheses. With e’ involving special features, e&e’ might well be such as to preferentially favor hypotheses that specifically accounts for the special features, and this favoring may be strong enough to dominate any of the considerations mentioned above. For example, if we find all those inscriptions, that would make the creator-hypothesis seem very attractive even if one assigned it a low prior probability and even if the conditional probability of there being a single universe with F given the creator-hypotheses would be small; for other plausible hypotheses would presumably give very much smaller conditional probabilities to our finding that our universe has F. (On hU, it would be extremely unlikely that there would be any universe with F. On hM, it might be likely that there should be some universe with F, but it would nonetheless be extremely unlikely that we should be in that universe, since on any plausible multiverse theory not involving a creator it would seem that if it were likely that there should be one universe with F then it would also be most likely that there are a great many other universes not having F and in which the observers, although many of them would be in the same reference class as us, would thus not be compatible with the evidence we have.) Similar considerations hold if F is not divine-looking inscriptions but something more of the nature of ordinary physical evidence for some particular physical theory.

    Finally, we have to tackle the question of how the existence of freak observers affects the story. The answer is: hardly at all. Although once we take account of freak observers there will presumably be a broad class of single-universe theories that make probable that some observers compatible with e should exist, this doesn’t help the case for such theories. For freak observers are random. Whether they are generated by Hawking radiation or by thermal fluctuations or some other phenomena of a similar kind, these freak observers would not be preferentially generated to be compatible with e. Only an extremely minute fraction of all freak observers would be compatible with e. The case would therefore be essentially the same as if we have a multiverse where many universes contain observers (that are in our reference class) but only a tiny fraction of them contain observers who are compatible with e. Just as e didn’t especially favor such multiverse-theories over ad hoc single-universe theories, so likewise e is not given a sufficiently high probability by the there-is-a-single-universe-sufficiently-big-to-contain-all-kinds-of-freak observers theory (hF) to make such a theory supported by our evidence. In fact, the case for hF is much worse than the case for such a multiverse theory. For the multiverse theory, even if not getting any assistance from fine-tuning, would at least have a bias towards observers who have evolved (i.e. most observers would be of that kind). Evolved observers would tend to be in epistemic states that to some degree reflect the nature of the universe they are living in. Thus if not every logically possible universe is instantiated (with equal frequency) in the multiverse but instead the universes it contains tend to share at least some basic features with our actual universe, then a much greater fraction of the observers existing in the multiverse would be compatible with e than of the observers existing given hF. On hF the observers would be distributed roughly evenly over all logically possible epistemic states (of a given complexity)93 whereas on the multiverse theory they’d be distributed over the smaller space of epistemic states that are likely to be instantiated in observers evolving in universes that share at least some basic features (maybe physical laws, or some physical laws, depending on the particular multiverse theory) with our universe. So hF is strongly disfavored by e.

    Freak observers, therefore, cannot rescue an otherwise flawed theory. At the same time, the existence of freak observers would not prevent a theory that is otherwise supported by our evidence from still being supported once the freak observers are taken into account – provided that the freak observers make up a small fraction of all the observers who the theory says exist. In the universe we are actually living in, for example, it seems that there may well be vast numbers of freak observers (if only it is sufficiently big). Yet these freak observers would be in an astronomically small minority94 compared to the regular observers who trace their origin to life that evolved by normal pathways on some planet. For every observer that pops out of a black hole, there are countless civilizations of regular observers. Freak observers can thus, on our observation theory, be ignored for all practical purposes.

    We saw in chapter 10 that in order to solve the freak-observer problem, we must use a reference class definition that puts some subjectively distinguishable observer-moments in the same reference class. It is worth pointing out, however, that for the purpose of dealing with freak observers, it suffices select a reference class definition that is only marginally more inclusive than . The reason for this is illustrated in figure 11.

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