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A Home for Pearl

Borneo Coast: Creatures Of The Mangrove

Colorado Wildlife

Glacier On My Mind

Hidden Congo: The Forest Primeval

Life At The Top - Wildlife Above Timberline

Okavango: Africa"s Wild Oasis

Panama Wild: Rain Forest Of Life

The Hellgate - Experience The History Of The Rogue River

The Search For Solutions

Virunga: The Heart Of Africa

Wild About Life

Yellowstone: Realm Of The Coyote

"A DEADLY PLAYGROUND"*9 min, 4th-5th grades/Teacher's Guide/materials related/dangers of trespassing/sand-gravel pits/rock quarries/need materials.
"ADVENTURES OF THE DISASTER DUDES"15 min, Fire/thunderstorms/electricity outages/ evacuation/disaster supply kit.
"AGGREGATE"13 min, Aggregate industry.
"A HOME FOR PEARL"70 min, Ages 6-12, Teacher Guide, "THE ROBIN" Wild animals near people/urban wildlife in cities/kind of home/animal's habitat provides 4 things: food, water, shelter, space. "HABITAT DIVERSITY" Different animals/different habitat needs/ complex habitat--more wildlife will live there/type-number regulated by limiting factors. "PREDATOORS" Exciting, important habitat/habitat improvements attract more wildlife, predators/habitat diversity. "THE RIGHT HOME FOR PEARL" Bald eagles/requirements/endangered species/habitat loss/pollution/eagles/endangered wildlife/ protected in refuges.
"ALL THAT GLITTERS"17 min, Gold most sought after mineral on Earth/early days/gravity methods/water/sediment/coarse gold/cyanide/economical/safe/very small particles of gold.
"ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES"29 min, Geothermal/wind/water.
"ALUMINUM RECYCLING: YOUR NEXT ASSIGNMENT"20 min, Student must remain after school/ he put off assignment/computer disc takes on life of its own/whisking him to locations to "see for himself"/landfill/park/highway/recycling locations/aluminum processing center/ can manufacturing plant/conserving energy/protecting environment/profitable enterprise for schools for special projects.
"AMERICA'S BURIED TREASURE"20 min, History of mining to present/early tools/hard work/ difficult conditions/silicosis/water use/old mine sites being reclaimed today.
"AMERICA'S FORESTS: A HISTORY OF RESILIENCY & RECOVERY"*23 min, Original forests covered almost ½ of land/in 1 year each of us uses wood equal to tree 100 feet high/17th Century 70% of wood used for heat/Indians cleared land by fire/white tailed deer/bison/ early settlers/needed crops/8,000 hand split rails to encircle 40 acre field/1850 enough fences to encircle earth 120 times/1870-1920 thousands killed in forest fires/1800's conservation movement/forests not inexhaustible/1st Chief Forester appointed by President Teddy Roosevelt/U.S. Forest planning/fire control/scientific management/growing more trees than harvested/agriculture production/wildlife management/old growth preservation.
"ARIZONA COPPER: WATCH IT EMERGING"*13 min, Arizona Copper industry/1980's decline/ comeback/restructuring/declining prices/worldwide competition/new technology/1989 $3.2 billion worth of non-fuel minerals led all other states/10,400 people employed as engineers/computer technicians/truck drivers/welders/office workers/flash smelting/air quality standards/economic contribution/Arizona minerals: coal/silver/gold/molybdenum.
"ASBESTOS IN OUR ENVIRONMENT, SEPARATING FACT FROM FICTION"*70 min, International Mineralogical Assoc meeting at Stanford University 7-18-86/Research challenges epidemiological studies warning of health hazard from asbestos/safe public health in mining/waste deposit areas/cleanup money.
"AT RISK: VOLCANO HAZARDS FROM MOUNT HOOD, OREGON"14 min, Volcanic activity swift & deadly/future events pose risks to people living nearby/river valleys/area by volcano.
"BEST BUILD I"20 min, Constructing a sound coastal home.
"BEST BUILD II"23 min, Constructing a home in a riverine floodplain.

BEST BUILD III” 30 min, Flood prone home.
"BLACK SANDS" Sifting through black sands for gold/surefire panning methods.
"BORNEO COAST: CREATURES OF THE MANGROVE"60 min, Siarau Island on N coast, Borneo/tidal mangrove forest/creatures adapted/daily flooding/tree roots above ground/ mudskipper fish/gill chambers allow living out of water/proboscis monkey.
"BORON: LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT"28 min, Boron cleans fabrics/retard fire/conduct electricity/grind steel/fertilize crops/kill insects, weeds/strengthen glass/fiberglass/ plastics/ Europe 13th century/Marco Polo/flux for melting, fusing metals/dusty prospectors/20-mule teams/1925 sodium borate deposit/U.S. world's largest supplier/modern mining-refining/diverse applications/very little in world does not involve some boron.
"BULLETS AND GREED", Hunting tips from Oregon State Police.
BUSINESS SURVIVAL KIT FOR EARTHQUAKES & OTHER DISASTERS, 27 min, Earthquakes/terrorist attacks/fires/floods/storms/power outages can affect & permanently alter your business. Identify hazards/reduce impact/protect employees, facilities, contents/insurance & supplies/evacuation & communication/resume business/prevent loss. CD includes disaster planning toolkit.
"CALL ME CAN"19 min, Can, aluminum can calls out in grocery store to Dan/Dan buys Can/ takes him home/drinks the soda/plays game of catch with Can & Domino, Dan's dog/Dan hurls Can into street just as steamroller passes/Can is flat as a pancake/Dan tells him goodbye/ puts him in trash container near street/Dan hears Can calling for help/couple collecting cans picked him up/carred him away/later Dan hears Can calling for help again/older boys kicking him around in grass/Dan rescues Can/Can tells about how he has been recycled/Can lost again falling into stream/disappearing over waterfall/yelling, "I'll be baaaaack..." /Dan looks everywhere/finds him in soft drink machine/Can sings song/he can be recycled over & over/Dan & Domino rescue Can from landfill/take him to recycling center.
"CAREERS FOR GEOSCIENTISTS"40 min, Careers in geosciences/atmosphere/oceans/solid Earth/high school/college/earth sciences description of real-life jobs/focus in studies/exploration/discovery/stewardship/11 geoscientists/travel/technology/outdoors.
"CHIMNEY CREEK"*28 min, Uses of gold, drilling/blasting ore/heap leaching process.
"CHROMIUM"25 min, Supreme additive/chrome/decorative/long lasting/disappeared from automobile bumpers/coffee pots/toasters/replaced with less expensive materials/aluminum/ plastics/makes stainless steel stainless/corrosion proof/heat resistant/stainless steel in flatware/cutlery/pots/pans/super alloy components of jet engines/Clean Food Bill/stainless steel in dairies/commercial kitchens/chromium salts make dyes/pigments color almost everything/name from "croma," Greek for color/in lumber used for picnic tables/decks/ porches/highway sound barriers/protecting wood against insect/weather damage.
"CITIZENS PROTECTING AMERICA'S PARKS"12 min, Initiatives to fight threats to America's national parks/NPCA, nonprofit, citizen organization protecting, preserving National Park System, promoting public understanding of national parks.
"COAL: CLEAN POWER FOR A BETTER LIFE"10 min, Technologies/indispensability/ inevitability of coal use/producers, users of coal, conscious of environment/ compatibility of industry, science, nature.
"COAL: FUEL FOR THE FUTURE"8 min, Importance of coal/footage from several countries/ coal largest fuel for generation of world's electricity--nearly ½ of all electricity in world supplied by coal, a cheap reliable source.
"COAL MINING, A MULTIPLE USE ENVIRONMENT"*22 min, Coal, one of most important energy sources/one billion tons annually, 60% of electrical power in U.S./low sulfur coal for electricity production/almost all Utah coal mining done underground/reclamation.
"COLORADO DEER HUNTING"30 min, Tactics that will make successful hunter/where to concentrate efforts to get trophy/how to react to hunting pressure/how to determine where deer are during different seasons.
"COLORADO ELK HUNTING"30 min, Improve chances to bag elk/techniques for archery, muzzle loading, rifle hunting/where to find elk in seasons, habitats/weather affects elk movements/how to single-handedly field dress an elk.
"COLORADO FISHING HOT SPOTS"30 min, Floating Rio Grande during salmon fly hatch/ challenge of high-altitude golden trout/plains reservoirs/Colorado's high lakes exotics.
"COLORADO TROUT FISHING"30 min, Techniques for catching trout/best lakes, rivers.
"COLORADO WILDLIFE"6 min, Colorado covers 100,000 square miles/1897 Division of Wildlife established, all funds come from hunting, fishing licenses/tourist attractions are beautiful scenery, wildlife: 200,000 elk; 600,000 deer; 15 fish hatcheries producing fish; 5,000,000 rainbow trout stocked each year; 700 non-game species.
"COMMON GROUND"*26 min, Teacher Guides for grades 3-12, Importance of mineral products in everyday lives/new methods of mineral exploration/modern mining techniques/reclamation/ historical Stone Age, Copper Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age.
"COMMUNITY WARNING SYSTEM, CANNON BEACH"17 min, Visitors don't know about tsunamis/

If there is a tsunami, Cannon Beach has capability to warn all citizens/6 loudspeaker units located throughout area/8 minutes to give alert, instructions/before 1988 it took 1½ hours to alert everyone/each month units are tested with sound of cow mooing.

"COPPER"27 min, Story begins in Egypt/replaced stone, bone in tools, early weapons/museum pieces in Bronze Age/made possible Age of Electricity/properties/ductility/malleability/ conductivity/natural beauty/can be shaped, formed, many uses/bringing light, heat, water, information into our lives/winning copper from today's low-grade ores/less than 1% metal to cathode slabs 99.99% pure/complex chemical/milling physical processes shown.
"DEBRIS FLOW DYNAMICS"*23 min, Low quality but rare Japanese, Chinese footage of debris flows, landslides/terms, vocabulary useful for earth science educators.
"DINOSAUR!"50 min each, Join Walter Cronkite piecing together clues of great detective story/animation, special effects/visual encyclopedia insight into creatures that continue to intrigue us/how they lived, died, efforts to discover their secrets.




"DRY SITE MINE RECLAMATION, A PROGRESS REPORT"*12 min, Montana mines/affordable techniques for mining arid climates/reclamation/protection of plants/all plants now growing there in dry climate/soil examined, annually studied for five years.
"EARTH AID: RECYCLING"20 min, Earth-saving steps taken in home/no change in lifestyle, positive impact on environment/recycling/aluminum/glass/paper/motor oils/tires/grass/milk cartons/plastic/cardboard/magazines/phone books/food scraps.
"EARTH NECTAR"55 min, Vineyards in Napa Valley/topography/rich soils/diverse micro-climates/geology/wines that characterize this area.
"EARTHQUAKE & TSUNAMI DRILL"3 min, When there is an earthquake duck, cover, hold/after shaking stops, get to high ground.
"EARTHQUAKES IN OREGON: CAN IT HAPPEN HERE?"* Seismic Hazard Geologist explains how earthquakes, volcanoes formed by plate tectonics.
"EARTH REVEALED"30 min each

"DOWN TO EARTH" Geology/uniqueness of Earth in its ability to support life.

"THE RESTLESS PLANET" Solar system/Earth's structure.

"EARTH'S INTERIOR" Seismic waves/gravity/heat flow/earth magnetism/Earth's interior.

"THE SEA FLOOR" Sea-floor/mid-oceanic ridge/oceanic trenches/fracture zones/evidence of mobile crust of earth.

"THE BIRTH OF A THEORY" Continental drift/sea floor/plate tectonics theory.

"PLATE DYNAMICS" Movements of Earth's plates/plate boundaries/geologic features.

"MOUNTAIN BUILDING" Mountain belts/continents are created, evolve, wear away.

EARTH'S STRUCTURES” Bedrock responds to tectonic forces within Earth/studied by structural geologists.

"EARTHQUAKES" Nature, consequences of earthquakes/factors that cause quakes/location, characteristics.

"GEOLOGIC TIME" Geologic time scale/world-wide basis for correlation of geologic events/rock formation/fossils.

"EVOLUTION THROUGH TIME" Evolutionary journey of Earth over past 4½ billion years.

"MINERALS, THE MATERIALS OF EARTH" Origins/classifications/uses of minerals.

"VOLCANISM" How volcanoes are formed/volcanic activity, Earth's geology & climate.

"INTRUSIVE IGNEOUS ROCKS" Magmas do not reach Earth's surface, solidify underground.

"WEATHERING AND SOILS" Minerals, rocks change when subjected to physical, chemical conditions that exist at Earth's surface.

"MASS WASTING" Gravity on rapid moving landslides/slow creep/humans causing or controlling mass wasting.

"SEDIMENTARY ROCKS: THE KEY TO PAST ENVIRONMENTS" Sedimentary rocks/Earth's surface /environmental conditions of the past.

"METAMORPHIC ROCKS" Metamorphism/kinds of rocks produced.

"RUNNING WATER I: RIVERS, EROSION AND DEPOSITION" Running water sculpting Earth's surface/tectonic, hydrologic cycles/shaping the land.

"RUNNING WATER II: LANDFORM EVOLUTION" Intensifying or reducing flood danger/

Process by which streams, valleys are shaped, landscapes formed.

"GROUNDWATER" Critical resource distributed, recycled.

"WIND, DUST AND DESERTS" Deserts cover 1/3 of all land masses/polar, equatorial regions/form, major features.

"GLACIERS" Alps, Yosemite Valley/important sculptor of earth's surface.

"WAVES, BEACHES AND COASTS" Beach/sand in constant motion/sensitive to variations in waves, winds, tides, currents, human intervention.

"LIVING WITH EARTH, PART I" Destructive forces of earthquakes, landslides.

"LIVING WITH EARTH, PART II" impact of human activity on Earth/ways which people can shape their actions to benefit Earth.
"EXOTIC TERRANE"*, Plate Tectonics of Hells Canyon.
"FROM THE FIELD TO THE TABLE"60 min, Bring home best big game meat/field dressing/

Skinning/quartering bull elk/cape trophy/butchering/cook meat to perfection.

"GEMS, METALS, & MINERALS"30 min, Erosion/different kinds of rocks/coal/alloy/mining/ chalk/birthstones/precious gem.

"GEMSTONES OF AMERICA"60 min, How Earth's crystals formed & why so rare/richest mines in U.S./ gems are mining/jewelry/crystal deposits/gem cutters/coarse crystals into gems/rarest gems in Smithsonian Institute.
"GEOLOGIC MAPS"20 min, Ridges/valleys/panoramic views/layers of rock/formation groups/

Conglomerates/strike/dip/symbols/boundary lines/exposure/faults/cross section/erosion crust/schist/deposition.

"GLACIER ON MY MIND"30 min, Unrivalled peaks, lush forests, crystalline streams, awesome wildlife of Glacier National Park in Montana, Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta/Crown of the Continent/sunsets are incredible!
"GOLD"17 min, Gold, measure of wealth, beauty, usefulness/Placer Dome has several mines around world/professionals moving mountains, returning them to nature/Australian mine produces 2 million ounces gold per year/Canadian mine operating for 80 years/modern methods of searching for gold/space satellites/$300,000,000 cost to start mine production

/reclamation important.

"GOLD IN MODERN TECHNOLOGY"28 min, Gold in hi-tech developments/medicine/clinical team monitors heart function using radioactive isotope of gold, no risk to patient/Space/gold coatings, shields reflect 98% of high intensity solar radiation/protecting equipment/ astronauts/most reflective material on earth/without gold exploration, use of space might still be a dream/architecture/gold-coated glass panels add beauty to modern buildings/ savings in energy consumption/micro-thin coatings of gold on glass allow visibility but deflect sun's heat in summer, conserve heat in winter/electronics/excellent, reliable conductor will not corrode, even in space/microcircuits wired at high speed with gold thread finer than human hair.
"GPS INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO" 40 min, using satellite navigator/hiking//multi-leg route/ landmark coordinates.

"BRYCE CANYON AND ZION NATIONAL PARKS"64 min, Intricately shaped, vibrantly colored rock formations/Bryce Amphitheater/into canyon on trail ride/"hoodoos" the park's famous towers, eerie statues of stone/Zion Canyon/switchback trails/Checkerboard Mesa/Zion-Mt. Carmel Tunnel/Kolob Arch/Great Arch of Zion.

"GRAND TETON AND GLACIER NATIONAL PARKS"71 min, How earth thrust up Teton Range/ how 19th century trappers penetrated wilderness/Jackson Hole/Glacier National Park/impact of weather, wind water on park's wildlife/Going-to-the-Sun Road/waterfalls, wildflowers, majestic mountains, refreshing lakes, hiking trails.

"MOUNT RAINIER AND OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARKS"66 min, Mount Rainier National Park/ fire-&-ice gave mountain its character/jökulhlaups/flash floods//Rainier's peak/vistas/valleys/ waterfalls/meadows/bobcats/cougars/raccoons/Olympic National Park/Hoh Rain Forest/"Iron Man of Hoh", carved homestead/mountains/Marymere Falls/Soleduck Falls/Mount Olympus/ wilderness coast/tide pools.
"HARD ROCK AND PLACER MINING IN ALASKA: THE SEARCHER"28 min, 300 mines in Alaska/ less than 1% of Alaska has been mined/silver/copper/gold/lead/zinc/coal/molybdenum shown being mined/coal mine won award for reclamation.
"HARDROCK SHOWCASE, HUMBOLDT NATIONAL FOREST"*17 min, Nevada mines/panning for gold, silver in boom towns of 1800's/blast done at open pit gold mine/50,000-70,000 oz of gold per year/employment for 125/reclamation so mining doesn't interfere with other habitats.
"HAWAII"35 min, Islands of paradise/lava fields/vents of sulfur steam in Volcanoes National Park/Oahu at Waikiki/snorkeling/scuba diving/surfing/Pearl Harbor/Arizona Memorial/Maui's Haleakala volcano/Iao Needle/pineapples/macadamia nuts/kona coffee/ humpback whales/Kauai/Waimea Canyon/Na Pali coastline.
"HEADJAM"108 min, GO FIGURE 22 min, Math in real world/problem solving. THE TRUTH ABOUT H2O 22 min, Hydrologic cycle/water audits/micro-organisms/students hook up with environment. SLINKY SCIENCE 20 min, Gravity/inertia/centrifugal force/Slinky engineering concepts. THINK SMART 22 min, Making decisions/analyzing situations using science-based skills/strategic thinking. CRUDE ENERGY 22 min, Petroleum/science/energy.
"HIDDEN CONGO: THE FOREST PRIMEVAL"60 min, Central African Rain Forest/wildlife/ untouched, unseen by Westerners/bubble-blowing elephants/2-headed snake.
"HUBBARD GLACIER-RUSSELL FIORD"*25 min, Mountains/glaciers of Hubbard Glacier area of Alaska/Glacial Lake Russell/Russell Fiord.
"HURRICANE: PREPARE TO SURVIVE!" Preparations to survive a hurricane.
"I AM GOLD"10 min, How gold formed/geology where gold found/gold mine to gold pour.
"I DIG FOSSILS"22 min, 65 million year old dinosaur/find fossils older than dinosaurs /Scott & dad go on adventure to find 300 million year old fossils/how fossils formed/how to hunt for treasures only paleontologists could find.
"IF TREES COULD TALK..."20 min, Jacksonville, Oregon's effort to preserve 300+ acres of woodlands/history of town, from glory of Gold Rush Days to present National Historic Landmark Community/Giant Sequoia, planted in 1862 by photographer, Peter Britt.
"IN HARMONY WITH THE RANGE" Rangeland managers improve biological diversity, promote wise use of natural resources, meet needs of all who share the range/Gunnison National Forest, Colorado/Tonto National Forest, Arizona/Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri/Buffalo Gap National Grassland, South Dakota/Payette National Forest, Idaho.
"LAND OF THE ROGUE - A MOVING EXPERIENCE"*12 min, Beautiful scenery/life in Rogue Valley/different outstanding citizens.
"LEARNING FROM EARTHQUAKES"44 min, Effects of earthquakes, tsunamis/countermeasures to be prepared/build town to withstand damage/evacuation centers/earthquake prediction, public awareness/if underground (shopping malls), on freeways, in high-rise buildings/ lifelines (gas, water, electricity, telephone) going out/workplace safety.
"LET'S DO MINERAL SCIENCE"30 min, Teacher Guide, Health/beauty products/minerals that go into making them/6 hands-on classroom activities/inside earth/pet rock/plate tectonics/ sedimentary rocks/mineral exploration with cupcakes/cookie mining.
"LET'S PUT AMERICA BACK IN THE BLACK"30 min, Coal began in prehistoric plants/types of coal give off different amounts of heat/lignite, least amount/subituminous/bituminous/ anthracite, most amount/Alabama, most coal used for energy in U.S./1830's/1920's coal nation's energy source/1929 Great Depression/layoffs/industry concerned with health, safety of workers/supplies should last for next 300 years.
"LIFE AT THE TOP--WILDLIFE ABOVE TIMBERLINE"30 min, Colorado's several wildlife above timberline/geology there/biologist shares knowledge of animal behavior.

"LIME AND THE EARTH--A NATURAL BALANCE"27 min, Protection, strength in hostile environment/life forms secrete calcium carbonate, chemical hardened into shell-like substances/lived, died by billions/filled ancient sea beds/used against pollution/ limestone calcined, roasted at more than 2,000°F, produces lime/4 million tons used every year to preserve, protect environment/lime cleans industrial wastes, toxic materials in air, water, soil/purify drinking water, industrial waste water/neutralize acid rain.
"LOMA PRIETA EARTHQUAKE: VIDEO IMAGES"*53 min, Actually occurring in San Francisco Bay Area, 1989/seismographs, survivor interviews, media, politicians, scientists in field.
"METAMORPHIC ROCKS"21 min, Recrystalization/folds are changed by pressure, fluid, heat/

shale becomes slate/thermal dynamic metamorphism/schist/gneiss/lenses/weathering.

"MINERALS: BUILDING BLOCKS OF THE EARTH"19 min, How minerals are composed.

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