(64)2.A.1 Priority Axis
ID of Priority Axis
Title of the Priority Axis
Enhancing biodiversity and the natural and cultural assets
The entire Priority Axis will be implemented solely through financial instruments
The entire Priority Axis will be implemented solely though financial instruments set up at Union level
The entire Priority Axis will be implemented through community- led local development
| (65)2.A.2 Justification for the establishment of a Priority Axis covering more than one thematic objective
Not applicable
(66)2.A.3 Fund and calculation basis for the Union support
Calculation basis (total eligible expenditure or eligible public expenditure)
Total eligible expenditure
| (67)2.A.4/6d - Investment Priority 6d
Investment Priority 6d
Protecting and restoring biodiversity, soil protection and restoration and promoting ecosystem services including NATURA 2000 and green infrastructures
| (68)2.A.5/6d - Specific Objectives corresponding to the investment priority 6d and expected results
Specific Objective 4.1
Specific Objective
Improving the protection of biodiversity and enhancing ecosystem services
Results sought
The main change sought will be the attainment of a better-protected and preserved biodiversity while enhancing environmental resources through improved cooperation able to better coordinate environmental management systems. As a result, measures adopted in the various Atlantic Area territories will be made more compatible. Cooperation will therefore contribute to improved management capacities in the territories both as concerns the environmental protection and the preservation of biodiversity and the enhancement of ecosystem services.
The impact of the current expanding and increasingly diversified human activities on similar or shared natural ecosystems, in particular marine and coastal ones, and the evolution of physical conditions in a climate change context, which constitutes the reference situation, justify the development of common methodologies for surveillance, monitoring, learning and management adapted to the preservation of this common natural asset.
The Programme will contribute to achieve this objective of promoting and protecting the biodiversity and the sustainable management of ecosystems through more intensive cooperation. This will support the improvement of the state of conservation of natural habitats and terrestrial, aquatic and marine species, contributing to stopping the extinction of endangered species, develop, and valorise ecosystem services, including those of the marine environment. It will also help to improve the acquisition, organisation and dissemination of knowledge on biodiversity: support to research, facilitation, management, training and awareness raising schemes.
As a result of transnational cooperation, the Atlantic Area Programme 2014-2020 seeks to contribute to a long-term sustainable development by improving the preservation and the compatibility with human use of natural ecosystems, in particular regarding marine, coastal and river basin areas through strengthening and/or enlargement of protected areas. The development of initiatives within this transnational framework will help to achieve a more integrated environmental approach, considering economic and social issues in the management of resources and natural spaces.
Table 3 – SO4.1: Programme specific result indicators for specific objective 4.1
Source of
of reporting
Degree of coverage of regional policies in relation to most relevant EU recommendations for the improvement of biodiversity and ecosystems services.
Index 0100
To be defined
100% regions show an improvement
2019, 2021 and 2023
(69)2.A.6/6d - Actions to be supported under the investment priority 6d (70)2.A.6.1 Description of the type and examples of actions to be supported and their expected contribution to the specific objectives, including, where appropriate, identification of the main target groups, specific territories targeted and types of beneficiaries
The actions implemented under this specific objective could help develop ecosystem protection and biodiversity preservation actions aimed at providing a better knowledge of habitats and species and defining of better-adapted management rules and procedures. The planned actions have to (as appropriate) contribute to the Biodiversity Strategy (target 2 on ecosystems) and Natura 2000 network implementation including the establishment of transnational exchanges and links.
Examples of actions to be supported include the following:
Actions to identify, assess and develop ecosystem services and green infrastructures
Development of coordinated initiatives to better understand the conservation status of ecosystems or species in geographical areas that are beyond the competence of a single country
Harmonisation and coordination of environmental management strategies in the Atlantic (e.g. implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework, Natura2000 networks, Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems-FAO International Guidelines, Marine Protected Area-OSPAR, Ecologically or Biologically significant areas-CBD, etc.) to protect natural and deep-sea ecosystems.
Development of initiatives to preserve and protect the Atlantic natural species, landscapes and sites of major natural interest of Atlantic Area regions
Development of concerted management procedures concerning emblematic species or species with strong economic interest (fisheries resources, migratory species) and combating invasive species
Development of pilot actions to test new solutions and methods concerning the preservation and restoration of biodiversity
Development of initiatives aiming at mapping natural species habitats and the seabed
Promote marine biotechnology and biomaterials derived from the sustainable exploitation of the seabed and the assessment of their genetic structure, and strengthening links between research and industry in the area of the Atlantic, in order to develop biobanks and identify innovative marine bioproducts markets.
Development of management and enhancement methods concerning natural Atlantic Areas (including the assessment of the ecosystem services provided)
Development of methods for quality monitoring and enhancement of the coastal and inland waters
Development of collecting and disseminating natural environmental data (environmental observatory network), modeling aimed at improving forecasts and environmental management
Development of joint or comparative methodologies for defining and managing environmental natural protected areas (considering economic activities)
Assessment of marine/coastal areas management modalities and of the impact of new maritime economic activities
Development of concerted strategies to combat macro waste
Development of technological, legal, educational/training, financial and organisational solutions in the field of ecosystem and biodiversity protection and conservation, including economic appraisals and business cases to quantify social, community and evirononmental benefits and value
Practical 'on-the-ground' demonstrations of new techniques and processes and best practices
Supporting process innovation to promote a more sustainable use of the natural resource, i.e. traditional farming and land management practices
Development of education and awareness-raising tools related to protection of biodiversity
Development of cooperation procedures and protocols with existing initiatives such as the OSPAR Convention (Protection of the Marine Environment for the North-East Atlantic.)
The above operations will contribute to the specific objective by developing and improving joint environmental management systems and solutions to protect and preserve the Atlantic biodiversity and natural ecosystems.
Training and awareness raising activities in this direction as well as the coordinated participation of the key relevant stakeholders will also contribute to the protection of the biodiversity and natural ecosystems of the region by promoting a more integrated and sustainable environmental approach which considers economic and social issues in the management of resources and natural spaces.
The actions undertaken will also ensure that these common practices are integrated in regional policies and actions contributing to improving the implementation of regional development policies and programmes in this field. Furthermore, the outcomes and the priorities identified through the New Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process for the Atlantic region and the conclusion of the Marine biogeographical seminar will be taken into account for the identification of actions under this specific objective.
Any new seabed exploitation will need to undergo appropriate Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment that shall take full account of the need to achieve Good Ecological Status (GES) under the MSFD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). The latter would need an assessment of the cumulative impacts of all activities, including bottom fishing, per MSFD habitat type (predominant, special) in the subregion (or a subdivision of this). Such assessments would determine whether further impacts to a particular habitat type could be permitted and still achieve GES.
The main types of beneficiaries will be:
National, regional and local public authorities responsible for environmental biodiversity protection
Transnational, regional and local development agencies and organisations
Regional and local energy agencies
Regional and local environmental agencies
Research institutes and innovation centres
Science and technology parks
Local communities
Civil society associations promoting environmental protection
Economic sector actors related to the sustainable exploitation of natural resources and ecosystem services.
Target groups will comprise the direct beneficiaries as well as the visitors and the civil society as a whole, which will benefit from a better-protected and concerted environmental ecosystem.
(71)2.A.6.2 Guiding principles for the selection of operations
Please see, 2.A.6.2 from Priority 1 – Investment Priority 1b Section
(72)2.A.6.3 Planned use of financial instruments
Not applicable
(73)2.A.6.4 Planned use of major projects
Not applicable
(74)2.A.6.5 Output indicators for investment priority 6d
Table 4 – 6d: Common and programme specific output indicators for investment priority 6d
Indicator (name of indicator)
Measurement unit
Target value (2023)
Source of data
Frequency of reporting
Total surface area of rehabilitated land
Programme monitoring
Surface area of habitats supported in order to attain a better conservation status
Programme monitoring
Number of case studies and pilot actions implemented
Programme monitoring
Number of technical and scientific publications produced
Programme monitoring
Number of policy, strategy and operational instruments produced
Programme monitoring
Number of actions for the dissemination and capitalisation of results
Programme monitoring
Number of participants in actions for the dissemination and capitalisation of results
Programme monitoring
| (75)2.A.4/6c - Investment Priority 6c
Investment Priority 6c
Conserving, protecting, promoting and developing natural and cultural heritage
| (76)2.A.5/6c - Specific Objectives corresponding to the investment priority 6c and expected results
Specific Objective 4.2
Specific Objective
Enhancing natural and cultural assets to stimulate economic development
Results sought
The main change sought is an improved cooperation in view of a better exploitation and preservation of the Atlantic natural and cultural assets leading to an enhanced attractiveness of the Area allowing the region to attract new visitors and to generate new products and services contributing to develop economic activities, create new local jobs, fix and attract people and create synergies contributing to the improvement of the social well-being of populations.
The main challenge, due to a reference situation where key assets of the area -a well preserved and quality natural landscapes, rich biodiversity and important cultural heritage, with around 30 UNESCO world heritage sites, are confronted to natural, climate change, demographic, economic and urban pressures, and pollutions , will be to enhance the Atlantic Area identity and improve its attractiveness.
The Programme will provide the framework for the exchange and interaction of local communities and authorities and organisations involved in the protection and promotion of the natural and cultural heritage in order to develop adapted and joint strategies and measures, tools and models. Joint sustainable actions should be designed in view of promoting and developing the Atlantic territories and natural landscapes (marine and coastal environments, geoparks, forestry resources, green areas, inland waterways, cycle tracks and footpaths, etc.) as well as the cultural heritage (tradition, history, gastronomy, cultural industries, etc.) and identity with a sought economic and social impact on local communities. Common strategies will be promoted in order to direct the sustainaible exploitation of the cultural and natural heritage towards higher added value products and services, including sutainaible tourism. The Programme will also facilitate the valorisation of local traditional economic and productive activities, services and sectors, and increase the economic return of cultural and environmental based economic activities.
As a result of transnational cooperation, the Atlantic Area 2014-2020 seeks to achieve an enhancement and sustainable capitalisation of its vast natural and cultural assets to create new sources of wealth. Improving the attractiveness of the territories will contribute to generate more visits and tourists coming to the Atlantic Area, develop new local economic activity and jobs and increase the well-being of citizens.
Table 3 – SO4.2: Programme specific result indicators for specific objective 4.2
Source of
of reporting
Degree of coverage of regional policies in relation to most relevant EU recommendations for cultural and natural assets as factor of local economic development.
Index 0100
To be defined
100% regions show an improvement
2019, 2021 and 2023
(77)2.A.6/6c - Actions to be supported under the investment priority 6c (78)2.A.6.1 Description of the type and examples of actions to be supported and their expected contribution to the specific objectives, including, where appropriate, identification of the main target groups, specific territories targeted and types of beneficiaries
The actions to be implemented under this priority will aim at a better exploitation of the natural and cultural heritage of the Atlantic Area in order to improve the attractiveness of the area and contribute to attract new visitors, to develop new products and services and develop new local jobs and economic activity. Examples of actions to be supported are:
Development of strategies, policies and initiatives capitalising on the Atlantic cultural and natural heritage by public institutions, enterprises, NGOs and local population. The objective is to convert natural resources and the cultural heritage into a territorial marketing asset of the Atlantic Area, with a view to generate specific new products, services and tools having an economic impact at local and regional level
Development of joint actions to preserve the cultural and natural heritage
Development of cultural activities and events
Development of cultural tourism and industries
Enhance the competitiveness of small and medium sized cultural enterprises
Development of marketing and promotion strategies for cultural activities
Value the existing cultural and sustainable heritage tourist attractions
Initiatives to value cultural creation in other sectors
Development of joint initiatives to promote a transnational identity of the Atlantic cultural heritage Development of the creative and craft industries sector in the Atlantic Area
Enhancement of the attractiveness of traditional economic and productive activities, jobs and services
Development of subsectors and sustainable touristic products: coastal activities and sports, nautical activities, cruises; coastal, rural and farm products; gastronomy, wellness, cultural products, pilgrimage and religious events and business tourism
Development of nautical activities, marine leisure (integrated development of a nautical sector, promoting the growth of economic activities in coastal areas, job creation, social integration and coastal zone preservation)
Development of management tools and exchange of know-how on the economic enhancement of protected site/areas
Development of training and up-skilling in the tourism sector to help coastal community representatives to become ambassadors and champions for their areas
Improving Information and Communication Technologies and Digital Skills to promote accessible online content on areas of heritage and culture in tourism
Practical on-the-ground demonstrations of new techniques and processes and of best practices
Establishment of common indicators and analysis systems to measure the impact of tourism on growth of Atlantic territories
Development of education and awareness-raising related-tools
Development of ecotourism projects
Development of management tools for protected sites allowing for the reconciliation of conservation objectives and economic activities.
The contribution to the specific objective will result from the implementation of operations aiming at preserving and valorising the rich cultural and natural heritage of the Atlantic Area in order to enhance the attractiveness of the region to attract new visitors and develop new local jobs and economic activity.
With this purpose, operations to preserve capitalise and improve the management of the natural landscapes and cultural identity will be promoted. The Programme will also contribute to the specific objective of enhancing the attractiveness of the Atlantic region through actions to enhance traditional economic and productive activities in order to increase its economic return. Finally, projects developing niche tourist attractions and products will also contribute to the capitalisation of the Atlantic natural and cultural heritage and the enhancement of the attractiveness of the area.
The actions undertaken will also ensure that these common practices are integrated in regional policies and actions contributing to improving the implementation of regional development policies and programmes in this field.
The main target groups and types of beneficiaries will be:
National, regional and local public authorities responsible for the management, exploitation and promotion of natural areas and/or cultural heritage
Transnational, regional and local development agencies and organisations
Regional and local environmental agencies
Regional and local tourism agencies
Business networks and associations
Chambers of commerce
Local communities
Civil society associations promoting natural and cultural heritage
The target groups will comprise the direct beneficiaries as well as the visitors and the civil society as a whole, which will benefit from a more attractive and better positioned Atlantic territory to attract visitors and develop new local jobs and economic activity.
(79)2.A.6.2 Guiding principles for the selection of operations
Please see, 2.A.6.2 from Priority 1 – Investment Priority 1b Section
(80)2.A.6.3 Planned use of financial instruments
Not applicable
(81)2.A.6.4 Planned use of major projects
Not applicable
(82)2.A.6.5 Output indicators for investment priority 6c
Table 4 – 6c: Common and programme specific output indicators for investment priority 6c
Indicator (name of indicator)
Measurement unit
Target value (2023)
Source of data
Frequency of reporting
Increase in expected number of visits to supported sites of cultural and natural heritage and attractions
Programme monitoring
Number of case studies and pilot actions implemented
Programme monitoring
Number of technical and scientific publications produced
Programme monitoring
Number of policy, strategy and operational instruments produced
Programme monitoring
Number of actions for the dissemination and capitalisation of results
Programme monitoring
Number of participants in actions for the dissemination and capitalisation of results
Programme monitoring
| (83)2.A.7 Performance framework for Priority Axis 4
Table 5 – PA4: Performance framework of the Priority Axis 4
Indicator type
Indicator of key implementation step
Measurement unit, where appropriate
Milestone for 2018
Final target (2023)
Source of data
Explanation of relevance of indicator, where appropriate
Output indicator
Number of case studies and pilot actions implemented
Programme monitoring
Output indicator
Number of policy, strategy and operational instruments produced
Programme monitoring
Financial indicator
Total eligible expenditure certified and submitted to EC
3 983 889
52 644 961
Programme monitoring
Additional qualitative information on the establishment the performance framework
Details are provided in Annex “Output and Results indicators – conceptual framework”
(84)2.A.8 Categories of intervention for Priority Axis 4
Table 6 – PA4: Dimension 1 - Intervention field for Priority Axis 4
Priority Axis
€ amount
Priority Axis 4
074 - Development and promotion of tourism assets in SMEs
075 - Development and promotion of tourism services in or for SMEs
076 - Development and promotion of cultural and creative assets in SMEs
077 - Development and promotion of cultural and creative services in or for SMEs
083 - Air quality measures
084 - Integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC)
085 - Protection and enhancement of biodiversity, nature protection and green infrastructure
086 - Protection, restoration and sustainable use of Natura 2000 sites
090 - Cycle tracks and footpaths
091 - Development and promotion of the tourism potential of natural areas
092 - Protection, development and promotion of public tourism assets
093 - Development and promotion of public tourism services
094 - Protection, development and promotion of public cultural and heritage assets
095 - Development and promotion of public cultural and heritage services
Table 7 – PA4: Dimension 2 - Form of finance for Priority Axis 4
Priority Axis
€ amount
Priority Axis 4
01 - Non-repayable grant
Table 8 – PA4: Dimension 3 - Territory type for Priority Axis 4
Priority Axis
€ amount
Priority Axis 4
07 - Not applicable
Table 9 – PA4: Dimension 6 - Territorial delivery mechanism for Priority Axis 4
Priority Axis
€ amount
Priority Axis 4
07 - Not applicable
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