Management plans in place for major alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats or species.
I) National target: Has a national target been established corresponding to the global target above?
Yes, the same as the global target
Yes, one or more specific national targets have been established
Please provide details below.
See Targets 1.1 and 6.1 above.
II) National targets for specific programmes of work: If such national target(s) ha(s)(ve) been
established, please indicate here, and give further details in the box(es).
Programme of work
See Targets 1.1 and 6.1 above. However, target species are identified for management and response planning etc. Weeds in both agriculture and the environment are targeted under “Weeds of National Significance” (WoNS) and ‘weeds alert’ lists and management plans and 78 vertebrate and pathogens target pests to agriculture have recently been compiled for similar treatment. Time bound and/or quantitative targets are not set.
Inland water
See Targets 1.1 and 6.1 above. Also, future domestic work has been identified under the 2003-2005 Ramsar Work Plan Operational Objective 5 (Invasive Alien Species) and management plans apply to 6 wetlands and inland waters related WoNS. These are: Alternanthera philoxeroides, Hymenachne amplexicaulis, Mimosa pigra, Parthenium hysterophorus, Salvinia molesta, Salix spp. except S. babylonica
Marine and coastal
See Targets 1.1 and 6.1 above. Target species are identified (e.g.; ballast water borne incursions) and broad objectives are set. Time bound and/or quantitative targets are not set.
Dry and subhumid land
See Targets 1.1 and 6.1 and 6.2 (II) (a) above.
See Targets 1.1 and 6.1 above. Under the Government’s National Forest Health Committee a Generic Forest Incursion Plan for Pests and Diseases (2000) sets out a blueprint to evaluate the significance of new incursions, and for action to eradicate them if such action is justified.
See Targets 1.1 and 6.1 above.
III) Has the global or national target been incorporated into relevant plans, programmes and
Yes, into sectoral strategies, plans and programmes
X (see below)
Please provide details below.
See under Target 1.1, the National Objectives and Targets (NOTs, Target 4).
To address the significant environmental, economic, and social impacts caused by invasive vertebrate species, governments within Australia are currently developing a national strategy for the management of these species. It is intended the strategy will identify prevention, detection, intervention, eradication, and control processes required for invasive vertebrate species.
The EPBC Act provides for the development of threat abatement plans to address listed key threatening processes. Threat abatement plans have been developed to address the specific threats posed by the European red fox, feral cats, feral rabbits, feral goats, and Phytophthora cinnamomi. The actions and objectives of these plans continue to be implemented to ultimately reduce the impacts caused by these particular species. Further threat abatement plans are currently under development to address other significant invasive species, including feral pigs, amphibian chytrid fungus, Psittacine Circoviral (beak and feather) disease, and ‘tramp’ ants (such as the Red Imported Fire Ant).
IV) Please provide information on current status and trends in relation to this target.
V) Please provide information on indicators used in relation to this target.
The development and implementation of threat abatement plans to address key threatening processes listed under the EPBC Actis an indicator of the level of action to combat major alien species. On-ground indicators include changes in distribution and abundance of key threatening species and the changes in the impacts they cause, which may vary at the continental scale.
VI) Please provide information on challenges in implementation of this target.
VII) Please provide any other relevant information.