B. C. Disability White Paper Consultation

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The rates are way to low.

The average person works 173 hour per month and min wage is $10. per hr. or $1,730. per month, yet the disability rates is only $900.

We should get a rate equal to minumim wage not 50% less. In fact we need a high rate to cover all the extra costs we have.

I would like it to be a pension and not part of welfare.


This is a comment by a group made up of day program participants and the staff who support them.

One of the difficulties we frequently face is the ability to obtain the various technology based tools to allow us to explore and meaningfully support using these tools in our daily activities. We do receive some valuable support, particularly from CAYA for our communication devices. However there are other tools we would like to use, such as accessible software and computer interfaces, that we do not have support for under our current funding formula. Consequently, we have very limited opportunity to use and expand our experience with technology.

Given that technology is such a large part of daily life and has so much potential to enhance the lives of persons with disabilities, we urge funding agencies to review funding models to include provision for the use and development of technology based tools.

Technology, and the required funding, is a large part of a school based experience, but is notably less available in programs or situations for adults with disabilities.


I totally agree with you!


the BC government needs to live like a single person on pwd for three months and see how it to live. Without the help of family or friends where can they find to rent for $325-$375? Then try budget needed meds, food and utilities on $531.41 It's impossible. Every time I tell my friends, family and coworkers how much is allotted for rent and how much I'm given for living expenses they are shocked. Why can't BC be more like Ireland? They pay for all meds, medical visits, there is even regular houses to rent so people aren't living in dumps and not segregated as different. People on disability need help to feel a part of their community not to giving so little they feel like their whole world is falling apart.


I can certainly identify as being part of that 80 percent that will never have sustainable employment or the ability to even work a full time job due to my disabilities. What are people like myself supposed to do for the rest of our lives. I have a brain injury, PTSD, and Chronic Depression on top of what physical health impairments that I have developed from living like I am trying to survive in a 3rd world country. I am 55 years old. I just finished checking out the college here to see what my options could be as a disabled person with a learning disability. This was an experience I wouldn't wish on any disabled person with any kind of learning disability. Even if I try, which I am struggling to do, to take a program at the college it would be 2 years before it would be completed before I could even begin a program for a career. That is of course if I am able to attain that 70 percent overall score. I have extreme difficulty with short term memory and even long term is mostly fragmented and random at best. I would be extremely lucky to make it through one of these college and career prep programs that are 4 semesters long. Not until I complete and pass this would I be able to enter another program that is career orientated. The shortest of those being another 2 years. That leaves me at 59 years old before I can even pass out an application and only if I am able to make that passing grade of 70 percent. Just going through all the process to even get assessed and all the other medical documentation the school requires it will take months before I can even apply for anything. It is overwhelming, stressful and I don't feel very optimistic or hopeful of even making it through the application processes. Way to many obstacles in the way on top of the deficits I am left with because of my disability. I am trying and doing the best I can and doing what ever work I can but it isn't enough. I still can't make nearly as much as the average person can make working full time at a minimum wage job.

All the innovations and supports are not going to make a difference in my abilities as a disabled person. So what am I left with? A life of extreme poverty. Struggling to eat and make it through each day. The stress and anxiety of dealing and coping with the deficits my disability has left me with. It is really hard to find anything that I might be good at that could be turned into an employment opportunity where I could be paid enough money to live on even at minimum wage. Just that alone is a dream and a pretty hopeless one at that. If all I have to count on for security in my life is that $906 a month then where is the hope in even wanting to live or think about any kind of future. There is no future. I can honestly say with the challenges I face day to day with my disabilities that I hope my life is short because I have no desire to continue living a life condemned to this dark lifestyle of poverty and living life with no dignity hope or purpose. Suicide has been a reality in my life with several attempts all due to hopelessness and feeling less than human when it comes to how the Ministry and the Government treat us and the constant desperate challenge of coping with all the limitations of my disabilities. We are constantly ignored and swept under the rug with a band aid approach to what they consider helping us. I think it is great we can talk about our struggles and identify barriers but I don't believe that this government will ever do anything that will honestly make a difference in all our lives. I have promoted this paper to many disabled people in hopes they would take part in the conversation but most believe there isn't any point and call this the White Wash Paper. I know for myself that changes to PWD amounts have to be severely increased and they have to be done now and not months or years from now otherwise, really what is the point of going on with life? No wonder so many disabled people that I am surrounded by turn to drugs and alcohol out of sheer hopelessness. That is what PWD is for us now.


I can certainly identify as being part of that 80 percent that will never have sustainable employment or the ability to even work a full time job due to my disabilities. What are people like myself supposed to do for the rest of our lives. I have a brain injury, PTSD, and Chronic Depression on top of what physical health impairments that I have developed from living like I am trying to survive in a 3rd world country. I am 55 years old. I just finished checking out the college here to see what my options could be as a disabled person with a learning disability. This was an experience I wouldn’t wish on any disabled person with any kind of learning disability. Even if I try, which I am struggling to do, to take a program at the college it would be 2 years before it would be completed before I could even begin a program for a career. That is of course if I am able to attain that 70 percent overall score. I have extreme difficulty with short term memory and even long term is mostly fragmented and random at best. I would be extremely lucky to make it through one of these college and career prep programs that are 4 semesters long. Not until I complete and pass this would I be able to enter another program that is career orientated. The shortest of those being another 2 years. That leaves me at 59 years old before I can even pass out an application and only if I am able to make that passing grade of 70 percent. Just going through all the process to even get assessed and all the other medical documentation the school requires it will take months before I can even apply for anything. It is overwhelming, stressful and I don’t feel very optimistic or hopeful of even making it through the application processes. Way to many obstacles in the way on top of the deficits I am left with because of my disability. I am trying and doing the best I can and doing what ever work I can but it isn’t enough. I still can’t make nearly as much as the average person can make working full time at a minimum wage job.

All the innovations and supports are not going to make a difference in my abilities as a disabled person. So what am I left with? A life of extreme poverty. Struggling to eat and make it through each day. The stress and anxiety of dealing and coping with the deficits my disability has left me with. It is really hard to find anything that I might be good at that could be turned into an employment opportunity where I could be paid enough money to live on even at minimum wage. Just that alone is a dream and a pretty hopeless one at that. If all I have to count on for security in my life is that $906 a month then where is the hope in even wanting to live or think about any kind of future. There is no future. I can honestly say with the challenges I face day to day with my disabilities that I hope my life is short because I have no desire to continue living a life condemned to this dark lifestyle of poverty and living life with no dignity hope or purpose. Suicide has been a reality in my life with several attempts all due to hopelessness and feeling less than human when it comes to how the Ministry and the Government treat us and the constant desperate challenge of coping with all the limitations of my disabilities. We are constantly ignored and swept under the rug with a band aid approach to what they consider helping us. I think it is great we can talk about our struggles and identify barriers but I don’t believe that this government will ever do anything that will honestly make a difference in all our lives. I have promoted this paper to many disabled people in hopes they would take part in the conversation but most believe there isn’t any point and call this the White Wash Paper. I know for myself that changes to PWD amounts have to be severely increased and they have to be done now and not months or years from now otherwise, really what is the point of going on with life? No wonder so many disabled people that I am surrounded by turn to drugs and alcohol out of sheer hopelessness. That is what PWD is for us now.


I can certainly identify as being part of that 80 percent that will never have sustainable employment or the ability to even work a full time job due to my disabilities. What are people like myself supposed to do for the rest of our lives. I have a brain injury, PTSD, and Chronic Depression on top of what physical health impairments that I have developed from living like I am trying to survive in a 3rd world country. I am trying and doing the best I can and doing what ever work I can but it isn’t enough. I still can’t make nearly as much as the average person can make working full time at a minimum wage job.

All the innovations and supports are not going to make a difference in my abilities as a disabled person. So what am I left with? A life of extreme poverty. Struggling to eat and make it through each day. The stress and anxiety of dealing and coping with the deficits my disability has left me with. It is really hard to find anything that I might be good at that could be turned into an employment opportunity where I could be paid enough money to live on even at minimum wage. Just that alone is a dream and a pretty hopeless one at that. If all I have to count on for security in my life is that $906 a month then where is the hope in even wanting to live or think about any kind of future. There is no future. I can honestly say with the challenges I face day to day with my disabilities that I hope my life is short because I have no desire to continue living a life condemned to this dark lifestyle of poverty and living life with no dignity hope or purpose. Suicide has been a reality in my life with several attempts all due to hopelessness and feeling less than human when it comes to how the Ministry and the Government treat us and the constant desperate challenge of coping with all the limitations of my disabilities. We are constantly ignored and swept under the rug with a band aid approach to what they consider helping us. I think it is great we can talk about our struggles and identify barriers but I know for myself that changes to PWD amounts have to be severely increased and they have to be done now and not months or years from now otherwise, really what is the point of going on with life?


Starving the sick just shortens life!

To bad I can not say what I really think, due to censorship.

It is so nice that I'm allowed to earn $800 extra, it is big carrot that most of us will never be able to have.

I live in a paid off house and all the bills, tax/ins/heat/light/etc are over $500. month, yet $375 is the max shelter allowance.

I can not afford a free house, this is insane!!!! Welfare clients can not have the BC rent subsidy. Harper and Clark took away the RAPP program that repaired houses. I take 20 R/X per day and more drugs are now not being covered.

BC is turning into a 3rd world state.

This whole project will be another multi million dollar waste of money where our leaders discover more things to cut.

Corprate welfare cost 400% more than social welfare.

PS: The disabled are not invited to these meetings, but if we tell our keepers what they want to hear then maybe yes.

I love how all government meetings are food events....


I wrote you a note last night and it was removed, boy is that ever sad!

These guys have my e-mail address and could contact me about editing but again that is far to simple.

I do hope the moderators collect all the rejected comments and review all of them, so they can learn what it is like to be PWD.

our keepers do not love us!

It would be nice to see what welfare really thinks about us, I think I know the answer and so do most of us!!!

Take care.


from Vancouver island First a raise in the monthly income giving the PWD's enough to follow the Dietians of Canada recommended diet requirements. That would provide them with better basic health and keep them out of the hospitals and Doctors office as often. The return of home care for those that need it and remove the limits of what the homecare workers is allowed to do.

It would be helpful of the PWD,s or anyone on IA could have the hydro bill paid by the Ministry and not have it taken off the monthly income As it is its just a claw back.

Return the volunteer supplement and all the medical supplements that have be cut off or refused

A raise of $400 - $500 per month would help the PWD have a more reasonable life


CSIL Program - there is the maximum monthly client contribution people that are employed. The maximum should be applied overall because contrary to popular belief, management of basic life needs for a person with a disability is more costly; Simplify the process to allow family members to be remunerated for some of the assistance that they provide, and in doing so reduce their ability to pursue employment outside the home

Self-assessment and self- management - of personal needs. In most cases the individual with a disability has expertise to identify their own needs. Should be included on every step of the way.


I was contacted and asked to change my comments, after thinking about that I must say no thanks, my opinions are valid.

I have been a member of a support group for the disabled for years now and I know what you are saying, your friends calling this a white washed paper is a valid point of view, we will see.

As for increasing rates it will not happen, here is why!

Across canada in every province there is welfare and from the very beggining no one province wanted to have a higher rate, the fear being that it would cause an influx of poor people to the highest rates. BC feared it the most due to Vancouvers mild climate and a higher welfare rate would attack the poor and disabled from all across the country, this is just an unspoken fact.

This is why shelter rates are only $375. because in other provinces housing is so much cheaper. Even within the province shelter rates vary, my house is about $200,000. but in Vancouver it is over $2 million yet my house in Sask could be $65,000. or less and lower again outside the cities.

Our leaders have not looked at the real cost of housing using a made in BC rate system, (in my opinion).

Like I have said before, that I live in a paid off house that costs over $500 per month yet $375 per month is the max. shelter rate. I can not afford a paid off house!

I just can not see BC stepping up and adjusting welfare rates first before other provinces, and Harper could request all provinces to increase their welfare rates, sorry but Harper spends all his time supporting corparate welfare not social welfare, (in my opinion).


My son has a mental disabitlity. He requires help with activities of daily living. I am his only support. I have tried for over 10 years to get some help for him with no luck. His mental health team is of NO HELP at all. My son eats out of garbage cans because he can not handle his money, or cook for himself. I have tried every avenue to get him some assistance but I feel like I am hitting my head against the wall. I know there are supports out there but none of the professionals that are assigned to my son are guiding me to get any help.


Cross posted from Asset Accummulation

from Thompson Okanagan said on January 27, 2014 at 11:54 pm:

I notice the frustration in the words of the previous commentators on this question. I believe that BC should lead Canada in implementing a very aggressive IDA policy. I found out about Individual Development Accounts when I attended the TASH AGM in Seattle in 2007. This is the Association for the Severely Handicapped.

Every person with special needs requires and is entitled to 2 bank accounts. One for daily living income support, and the other for development of their personality, health, education, business involvement, etc. We need to completely scrap the evil and destructive and unnecessary idea that any money that a person is able to raise needs to be clawed back just so a person is able to maintain a bare treading water way of living. This is a garbage policy, and BC’s special needs population needs to be recognized as having a right to development. Canada signed at the UN the convenant on this right in 1966, and since has treated it as a state secret that dare not be spoken.

Washington State, and SEED Winnipeg are offering IDAs. I suggest that we could put together a really aggressive and effective program of this kind in this province. I am holding a meeting at the second floor study room on Thursday Jan 30 at 5 to 7 PM. I am inviting everyone who is wanting to bounce their ideas off each other, so when we meet on February 6 we are oriented on what each person is wanting.

said on January 28, 2014 at 12:08 am:

The study room for the preliminary Kelowna meeting is on the second floor of the Ellis Street Public Library in Kelowna. This meeting will be held from 5 to 7 PM this Thursday, Jan 30. 2014.


I tried to view new comments and I could only get this leave a reply The government does not want anyone to know the suffering the poor - disabled - or seniors go threw because of the failure to provide enough money each month

I am ashamed of people who would think this is OK. Its bad when someone must choose between eating and another needed item - ie trip to the doctors office or a medicatiom


EATI - Equipment and Assistive Technology Initiative

UBC’s Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy and School of Social Work released the evaluation report on the Equipment and Assistive Technology Initiative (EATI) program, to the BC Personal Supports Network and the Ministry of Social Development.

In partnership with the Ministry of Housing and Social Development, the BC Personal Supports Network is responsible for delivering the EATI program.

Through this program I met my tiny goals of volunteerism, and two years later I have a small 6 week employment contract that I had to leave behind in 2005. More important, EATI provided the tools by which I was able to remain updated in various areas, and through volunteering extended and honed my skill level. Even though, everything I try to do is a functionality test reminding me of what I can and cannot do physically, this program, without any exaggeration, saved my sanity, moved me from despair and misery into hope, and allowed me access to the internet and knowledge I would not otherwise have. Put simply, I would have become redundant, faced with a huge upfront re-training period in order just to contemplate volunteerism or employment. While I pay for my internet in order to do all this, the financial hardship of paying for the internet is mitigated by the volunteering, accessing knowledge, and now the long slog to a wee small employment contract.

A critical component of the assistive technology I received was a chair, which an occupational therapist help design and choose, and it allows me to sit and work for sometimes 3 times longer than I normally might because of my disability, and I can also recline and lay in it.

I came across the EATI program quite by accident in 2011: a scribbled note pinned to a bulletin board. It was not something I was informed about.

Furthermore, I would not be able to do this wee small contract without the equipment received because the contract work expects contractors to have all the equipment I have. And this would not have been possible in my financial disability circumstance since 2004-2007.

Read the report available at:

I conclude that this EATI program is the single most innovative program for Persons with Disability.

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