Table 7. Gross margin (ha) from use of chemical and biological inputs in the AEZs. Item Pooled (n =300) DS (n = 60) NGS (n = 60) SGS (n = 60) Sudan (n = 60) Sahel* (n = 60) Total revenue (ha) 355.4 413.8 422.3 432.8 376.7 121.8 Costs (ha Inorganic fertilizer 49.2 55.4 60.2 60.6 49.6 20 Organic matter 5.2 0.0 7.9 3.2 9.1 2.8 Pesticide 5.1 14.4 4.2 4.7 2.0 0 Labour 68.1 84.5 85.6 88.2 60.4 19.4 Seed 9.3 8.9 12.2 15.6 6.9 3.8 Other emerging inputs 1.4 0.6 0 6.3 0.0 0 Total variable cost 138.2 163.9 170.1 178.6 128.0 46 GM (ha) 217.2 250.0 252.2 254.2 248.7 75.8 Labour % TVC 49.3 51.6 50.3 49.4 47.2 42.2 Fertilizer % TVC 35.6 33.8 35.4 33.9 38.7 43.5 Seed % TVC 6.7 5.4 7.3 8.7 5.4 5.0 US = 150 NGN NUS 458.095CFA; Data analysis, 2011. production of seed and seedlings, as well as, support out- growers mobilization will further reduce seed costs and enhance crop productivity. This will create opportunities for the adoption of new technologies like the emerging products in the AEZs. It is also important to note that the total variable cost accounted for more than 30% of revenue generated in all the AEZs, suggesting the need to look into the appropriateness of the cost structure of farms, particularly, on the items of labour and fertilizer. In general, all the chemical products (both conventional inputs-organic matter, NPK, urea and non-conventional emerging inputs-Agrolizer, Boost Extra and Apron Plus) used by the households enhanced crop productivity and improved their farm income. The additional use of the emerging chemical products however, further enhanced the income generating potentials of users, particularly, with respect to the SGS where a relatively higher amount of expenditure was committed to these products. The relatively high gross margin per hectare from the use of emerging chemical products in the SGS therefore calls for the need to encourage its use among other farming households within and out of the Compro project locations.