Banking wizard by pankaj gautam

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  1. Proscribe: (fml) state officially that (sth) is dangerous or forbidden; (formerly) place (sb) outside the protection of the law; out law (‘varjit’; ‘nishidh’)

The Bangladesh government has proscribed a book by controversial writer Taslima Nasreen and seized all its copies.

  1. Ambivalent: adj having or showing mixed feelings about a certain object ; person or situation .[ ambivalence; ambivalently-adv](úbhay-vriti-ta’)

Fernandes himself remained ambivalent on the Gujarat issue on the prospect of contesting polls there with BJP.

  1. De-facto: [latin] existing in actual fact; whether right or not. (‘vastavik’; ‘vastutah’)

Roshan singh, however remained the defacto prdahan.

  1. Platonic: (of love or friendship between two people) close and deep but not sexual (‘nish-kam’; áfla-tooni’)

If inded’her relationship with Gupta was purely platonic, then Sharda Jain appears to have bloodied her hands under a misunderstanding.

  1. Liaison: communication and cooperation between units of an organization; (often derog) person who liasis; (often derog) illicit sexual relationship.

She was happily minding her own business when out of the blue (án-apekshit roop se’; ápratyasit’), a murder accused named her liaison as the motive (maksad’, udeshya) for the crime.

  1. Catapult: (cause sb /sth to) be thrown suddenly and by force (‘gulel’; ‘phek dena’, ‘phik jana’)

She was a house wife and got catapulted into politics.

  1. Baton: [attrib] a baton charge, i.e one made by police, etc armed with batons to drive a crowd back; short thin stick used by the conductor of a band or orchestra; short stick that indicates a certain rank; short stick carried and handed on in a relay race; decorative stick held and twirled (‘mod’; ‘ghumao’) by drum majors, etc (‘laathi’; ‘danda’; çhadhi’)

In fact, the former film star picked up the baton, which was carried earlier by sharad pawar and P.A. Sangama of the NCP and Atal Behari Vajpayee of the BJP, and consciously hit out at the congress and its leader.

  1. Maverick: unbranded calf; person with independent or unorthodox (á-paramparagat’) views. (á-paramparagar’; ‘vidrohi’)

  2. Whim: sudden desire or ideas, esp an unusual or unreasonable one; caprice: sudden change in attitude or behavior with no obvious cause; (‘sanak’; ‘jhak’) tendency to such changes; short lively piece of music in an irregular style. (‘marzi’; ‘sanak’; ‘mauz’; úmang’; ‘lahar’)

Everyone knows that MS.Jayalalitha is a political maverick who can act or react as per her whims and fancies on a particular occasion.

  1. Adversary: opponent in a contest; enemy (‘virodhi’)

Ms. Gandhi poreign origin issue is being repeatedly used to to embarrass her and demoralize her by her adversaries.

  1. Hair-spliting: (baal ka khaal nikaalna)

  2. Wriggle: (cause sth to) make quick short, twisting and turning movements; molve or make (one’s way) in the specified direction with wriggling movements. (‘chath-patahat’; ‘kul-bul-agat’; ‘kas-mas-ahat’; ‘tedhe medhe chalna’)

“The statement by Jayalalitha is hypocritical (‘pakhandpurn) and an exercise of hair splitting. It is also a pathetic (‘dayniya’) attempt to wriggle of a situation prompted by her personal motives and compulsions,”a party spokesman said.

  1. Emissary: person sent to deliver a message (often an unpleasant or a secret one) or to conduct negotiations. (‘doot’)

  2. Trek: long hard journry, esp on foot, make such a journey. (‘lambi paidal yatra’)

Negotiating with veerappan is notr easy. First, there is no guarantee for the life of emissary. Next, only if there is unanimity between the governments of Tamilnadu and Karnataka can then trek into the forest be a purposeful exercise.

  1. Viper: any pf various types of poisonous snake found in Africa, Asia and Europe. (‘saanp’)

Veerappan’s men stamped and killed that poisonous viper.

  1. Porcupine: animal related to the squirrel (‘gilahari’), with a body and tail covered with long spines (‘ridh’) which it can stick out to protect itself when attacked.(‘saahi’)

  2. Quill: large feather from a wing or tail (‘pankh’ ‘saahi ka kaanta’)

Often we woke up in the morning with porcupine quills on our hair and bags.

  1. Bottleneck: narrow or restricted stretch of road which causes traffic to slow down or stop; anything that slows down productivity in a manufacturing process, etc. (á-wa-rodh’; ‘raaste ka sankirn bhag’)

But we also needed the cooperation of the top police officials to ensure there were no bottlenecks.

  1. Schizophrenia: mental illness that causes the sufferer to act irrationally, have delusion (‘bhram’) , withdraw from social relationship, etc.

Samta schizophrenia.

I am sure she is suffering from schizophrenia.

  1. Doyen: senior member of a group, profession, etc.(‘varishth evam pratisthit sadasya)

  2. Repertoire: all the plays, songs, pieces, etc which a company , actor, musician, etc knows and is prepared to perform, (‘rang-mandli’; ‘khajana’; ‘rang-patal’)

Mr. karnarh was the doyen of Indian theatre whose rich repertoire included plays, films and music of extraordinary (ánokhi’; á-sadharan’) depth (‘gahanta’; ‘gahrapan’)

  1. Coot: type of water bird with a white spot on the forehead (‘paani ka pakshi’)

The sort of soft old coot who cries when he heras kids singing Iqbal’s lab pe aati hai dua ban ke tamanna meri.

  1. Wink: (st sb) close one eye very briefly, esp as a private signal to sb; shine with a light that flicker (‘tim’-tim-ahat) and flashes (çhamkna’) quickly on and off; act of winking, esp as a signal. (áankh jhukana’; áankh marna’; ‘palak jhapakna’)

Many observers of the region’s problem will also be wondering how long Pakistani backed terrorism in Kashmir will be winked at by America because of Pakistan’s support for the ‘war against terror’on its other frontier(‘seemant’; ‘sarhad’)

  1. Petite: adj (approv) (of a girl or a woman) having a small and dainty physique. (çhota sa’; ‘thingni’)

Salujja firodia motwani, 30, the petite Joint MD of kinetic Engineering, is a former state Badminton Champion.

  1. Venner: sth (with sth) put a veneer on (a surface); thin layer of decorative wood or plastic glued to the surface of cheaper wood (for furniture, etc); of sth (usu derog) superficial appearance (of politeness, etc) covering or disguising (‘roop badalna’; çhipana’) the true nature of sb/sth (‘sajawati parat’; ‘kharab lakdi ke upar achchi lakdi ki the’)

But Balbir K. Punj has gone a bit further and tried to give an intellectual veneer to his arguments in defence of the BJP.

  1. Bewail: (fml) express sorrow over sth; mourn for.

He bewails that the media is being unfair to the BJP.

  1. Masquerade: false show; pretence; formal dance at which masks and other disguise are worn; pretend to be sth one is not (‘swang rachana’)

In this very area there are about 20 plots allotted to the VHP, Bajrang Dal, ABVP, BM’s etc and not all in their names bjut masquerading under various names for acquiring plots.

  1. Decadence: (falling to a ) lower levels (in morals, art, literature, etc) esp aftrer a period at a high level; attitude or behavior that shows this. Adj –decadent. (áwnati’)

  2. Poignant: adj affecting one’s feelimgs deeply, making one sad, full of pity, etc. (‘marmik’; ‘hriday vidarak’) poignance: state or quality of being poignant. Adv-poignantly.

It’s a pity (‘khed ka vishay’; ‘taras aana’) that Sharatchandra experts are complaining that Devdas III is not the true picture of a decadent feudal (‘samanti’) Bengal, which the author so poignantly projected in his novel and Bimal Roy so powerfully depicted in his film.

  1. Plausible: adj (of a statement, an excuse, etc) seeming to be right or reasonable; believable; (derog) (of a person) skilled in producing convincing arguments, esp in order to deceive (‘sata bhasi’; ‘sachcha’; ‘vishwasniya lagne wala’)

A plausible reason why police raids conducted in nearly 400-500 farm houses in and around Delhi were unsuccessful.

  1. Espionage: practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret information (‘gupt-char rakhna’; ‘jasoosi’)

Airman (‘vayu-sainik jo afsar ke pad se neeche ho’) arrested for espionage

  1. Slaughter: the killing of animal esp for food; the killing of many people at once; massacre; (infml) complete defeat: the total slaughter of the home team.

Advani for ban on Cow slaughter

  1. Dogma: belief or set of beliefs put forward by some authority; esp a church, to be accepted as a matter of faith (‘sidhant/mat’; ‘dharm sidhant;’)

Dogmas and superstions (ándh-vishwas’) should not be taught in the name of religious education.

  1. Perverse: (of a person) deliberately continuing to behave in a way that is wrong, unreasonable or unacceptable. (‘ziddi’; ‘jaanbujh kar galat vyawhaar karne wala’)

Power elite (‘visisht/ abhijaat varg’) has its own perverse priorities (‘praathmiktayen’)

The greatest perversity here is that the government is persisting with its dogma-driven plans after the post Enrol global crisis of capital.

  1. Audacious: adj showing a willingness to take risks; daring; fearless; impudent, recklessly bold (‘nidar’; ‘dusahsi’; ‘gustaakh’)

  2. Foolhardy: adj (ier iest)foolishly bold or rash (á-vivek-purn’) foolhardiness. (foolhardy= du-sah-si)

  3. King pin: (engineering) vertical bold used as a pivot; essential person or a thing (‘mukhya vyakti’; ‘mukhya stambh’)

The Sptember 11 attack was the most audacious and foolhardy of these desperate (‘hatash’) ventures to avenge (badla lena) past failures. It provoked (úttejit karna’; çhedhna’)the US and its allies to mount (áayojit karna’; çhadhna’; ‘badhna’) a major military operation against the King Pin of Islamic terrorism, Osama Bin Laden.

  1. Barge-pole: long pole used for guiding a barge (‘naav khene ke liye’) ‘; (idm) not touch sb/sth with a barge-pole (touch) (brit infml) not wish to have or be associated with sb/sth.

No producer wanted to touch him with a barge pole and that was what had prompted (‘prerit karna’; úksana’) him to resort to produce a film on his own.

  1. Payload: part of the oad of a ship, an aircraft, etc for which payment is received, eg passengers and cargo (‘jahaj me lada maal’), but not fuel; explosive power of a bomb or warhead (‘sphotak sirsh’) carried in an aircraft or a missile; equipment carried by a satellite (úpgrah’) or spacecraft (ántriksh yaan’) (ántariksh upkaran’)

The one day that really did change the world : when the Emola Gay dropped its nuclear payload on the city of Hiroshima.

  1. Confiscate: take possession of (sb’s property) by authority, without payment or compensation (‘jabt kar lena’)

Now, thanks to modern packaging and the NRI market, pickles be transported without mishap (‘durghatna’). But no longer, it seems without confiscation.

  1. Rummage: (among/in/through sth) (for sth)(about /around) turn things over or disarrange them while searching for sth; search of this kind. (‘khoj’; ‘phootkar saman’; ‘khoob talash karna’; úthal puthal karte hue khojna’)

Security officers rummages inside.

  1. Frenetic: (also phrenetic) adj very excited; frenzied; frantic (átyadhik uttejit)

  2. Parley: (esp formerly) meeting between enemies or opponents to discuss terms for peace , etc (‘sandhi vaarta karna’)

All that has resulted from this frenetic parleying is a short term solution to facilitate the presence of India’s mega stars.

  1. Lax: adj not sufficiently strict or severe; negligent (‘la-par-wah; ‘dheela’)

  2. Bid: price offered in order to buy sth, esp at an auction; (esp us) tender; effort to do, obtain; achieve, etc sth; attempt; (‘boli’; ‘daam’; ‘prayas’; ‘neelam ki boli’)

Statement of the number of tricks a player proposes to win in a card game.

Hijack bid exposes (prakat karna) lax security.

  1. Spate: sudden fast rush (of business, etc); (idm) in ‘spate (of a river, etc) flowing strongly at a much higher level than normal. (‘badi sankhya me’; ‘baadh’)

ADG (Patna Zone) Ashish Ranjan Sinha said the exact number of casualties was not known at night as the river was in full spate.

  1. Subterfuge:trick or excuse, esp one used to avoid difficulties, blame, failure, etc. (‘tikram’; çhal’; ‘bahana’)

The emand for postponement (‘sthagan’) could, of course, be a subterfuge to compel president’s rule, which some see as a pre-requisite (‘purva-apeksha’) for a fair poll.

  1. Amicus curiae: (friend of court)

  2. Cauldron: large deep pot for boiling things in (‘patila’)

  3. Shoddy: adj [ier iest] of poor quality or badly madly (‘ghatiya’; ‘galat’; ‘sasta’)

  4. Lascivious: adj feeling, expressing or causing sexual desire. (‘kaamuk’; ‘tharki’)

But this film, they have pointed out, is shoddy, vulgar (ásh-lil’) and lascivious.

  1. Foible: small, usu harmless, peculiarity or weakness in a person’s character (çhoti chari-trik durbaltayen’; ‘kamjori’)

Her past is used against her foibles.

  1. Mercenary: adj interested only in making money, etc; done from this motive (‘kiraye ka sainik’; ‘lobhi’)

We’re no mercenaries: Players.

  1. Quiver: (cause sth to ) tremble (‘kampan’; ‘thar-thara-hat’) slightly or vibrate; quivering (‘kampan’; çhanchal’; ‘kaapta hua’) sound or movement; case used by archers (‘dhanu’; ‘dhanur-dhar’) for carrying arrows.

Nuclear (‘nabhikiya’; ‘parmanu’) black mail had emerged (úbharna’; ‘prakat hona’) as a new arrow (‘teer’) in the quiver of state sponsored (‘praa-yojit’) terrorism.

  1. Meddle: (derog) (in sth) interfere (in sth that is not one’s concern); (with sth) handle sth that one ought (çhahiye’; ‘kar-tavya’) not to, or about which one has no specialized knowledge.(‘panga lena’; ‘dakhal dena’)

  2. Infringe: break (a rule, an agreement, etc); interfere with (sth); violate (úllanghan karna’); on/upon sth affect sth so as to limit or restrict. (úllanghan karna’; áti-kraman karna’; ‘dakhalandazi karna’)

Such meddling in another country’s affairs would rightly be looked upon as an infringement of the other’s sovereign (prabhutva sampan) status.

  1. Apartheid: racial discrimination (‘rang bhed niti’)

  2. Liquidate: pay or settle (a debt); close down (a business) and divide up the proceeds (‘laabh’; ‘fayda’; ‘munafa’; áay’) to pay its debts (‘karz’; údhaar’); get rid (‘mukt karna’; çhuthkara paana’) of (sb) , esp by killing. (‘karz chukana’; ‘’bech dalna’; ‘samapt kar dena’; ‘hisab chukta karna’)

  3. (Idm) go into liquidation: (of a business) be closed down, esp because of bankruptcy

We no longer accept apartheid attempts to liquidate religious or social minorities.

  1. Abrocide: tree killing

  2. Hegemony: (fml) leadership, esp by one state in a group of states (áadhi-patya’; ‘netritva’)

  3. Metaphor: (example of the) use of word or phrase to indicate sth different from (though related in some way) to the liberal (udar) meaning, as in I’ll make him eat his words (shabdon ko wapas lena) or she has a heart of stone (patthar dil) (álankar’; ‘roop-ka-alankar’)

  4. Suffuse: [esp passive] sth (with sth) (esp of color or moisture) spread all over sth (‘bhar dena’)

  5. Fore-boding: strong feeling that danger or trouble is coming (‘purvsabhas’; ápshakuni’)

Nine-eleven has become something of a metaphor.

A number of articles from ,eading American publications are suffused with the sense of tragedy, and also some foreboding.

  1. Itinerary: plan for, or record of, a journey; route. (ýatra-vivran’)

It is for the ICC to take a look at the tight itineraries.

  1. Treadmill: tiring or monotonous routine work; drudgery (hard boring work) (çhakki ya pav chakki’)

“we just get on the treadmill and get on with the game”said hussain.

  1. Moan: long low mournful sound, usu expressing regret, pain or suffering; similar sound as made by eg the wind; grumble (‘shikayat’; ‘garjan’; ‘gargarahat’) or complaint (‘karahna’; ‘shikayat karna’shok karna’)

  2. Groan: (at sb/sth) (with sth) make a dep sad sound when in pain, or to express despair, disapproval or distress (‘vippati-janak-sthiti’; ‘kathinai’) (áah’; ‘karahna’)

“we are not moaning and groaning about the tight international schedule at all”, said Hussain.

  1. Niggle: (abput/over sth) give too much time and attention to unimportant details; criticize in a petty way; irritate (sb) in a minor way. (‘nukta chini karna’’tees’; ‘baal ki khaal nikalna’)

  2. Niggling: adj too unimportant to give time or attention to; trifling (‘tuchch’; çhoti’) annoying (‘khhej dilane wala’) in a minor but persistent (‘laga-taar’; ‘niran-tar’) way. Trivial (‘mamuli’; ‘sadharan’) unimportant.(‘rah rah kar uthne wala’; ‘mahatva-hin’)

It was a bit (‘thoda’) unfortunate that many youngsters have picked up injuries but they were more stress (‘tanav’; ‘dabav’) related niggles.

  1. Minnows: any of several types of very small fresh water of the carp family. (çhoti machli’)

The third team in the pool is minnows Bangladesh.

  1. Idyll: short piece of poetry (‘kavita’; ‘shayari’; ‘kavya’) or prose (‘gadya’) that describes a happy and peaceful scene or event, esp of a country life; simple pleasant scene or event (‘ramaniya anubhav/kavya’)

  2. Fallacy: false or mistaken belief; false reasoning or argument (‘dosh’; ‘bhranti’)

  3. Boisterous: (of people or behavior) noisy, lively and cheerful; (of the wind or sea) stormy; rough(‘hullar-baaz’; úpadravi’)

It involved four boisterous cousins, one dog, and a variable (á-sthir’; ‘pari-vartit’) number of friends to play the game.

  1. Convoluted: adj coiled, twisted; comolicated and difficult to follow (‘ghumao-daar’; ‘pechida’)

The convoluted journey.

  1. Conundrum: question, usu with a pun in its answer, that is asked for fun; riddle; (paheli) puzzling problem. (‘paheli’; ‘samasya’)

US since 9/11: lessons and conundrums.

  1. Bipartisan: adj or ov involving two political parties.(‘dwi-daliya’)

  2. Recrimination: (act of making an) accusation (ílzam’; ‘dosha-ropan’) in response to an accusation for sb else; countercharge. (ulta-dosh; pratya rop’)

Administration and opposition united in a completely bipartisan manner. There were no recriminations.

  1. Yearn: (for sb/sth) desire strongly or with compassion (‘daya’; ánu-kampa’) or tenderness; (‘peeda’; ‘lomalta’; ‘sneh-shilta’)befilled with longing (‘lalak’; íkscha’; çhah’)

Sadam Hussein has used chemical weapons, and he yearns to impress an Arab World that despises (‘ghrina karna’; ‘tiraskar karna’) him by building a deliverable nuclear bomb.

I yearned for peace whereas she secretly yearned for…..

  1. Maritime: adj of the sea, sailing or shipping; situated or found near the sea (‘samundra ke nikat sthit’; ‘tat-varti’)

America and British planes enforce no-flight Zones over 40 percent of his country and a maritime force prevents weapons from reaching Iraq by sea.

  1. Obliterate: (fml) remove all signs of (sth); rub or blot out; destry sth completely. (‘mita/dhundha kar/bujha/nasht kar dena)

And he must surely be aware that if he ever again tries to attack another country he will be obliterated.

  1. Hinge: piece of metal, etc on which a lid, door or gate turns or swings as it opens and closes; (phrase) hinge on (par nirbhar karna) sth depends on sth (‘darwaje ka kabja’;

The wisdom (gyaan, buddhimata) of that policy , however, will ultimately (ant-tah) hinge on when he chooses to act.

  1. Blond: (also esp of a woman blonde) adj (person) having golden or pale (peela panda) colored hair. (‘sunahra bhura’; ‘sunahre balon wali’)

Who was that blonde I saw you with last night?

  1. Placard: written or printed notice (designed to be) publicly displayed, esp by b eing fixed to a wall carried on a stick. (‘suchna patrak’; ‘vigyapan’; ístehaar’)

  2. Repress: restrain or suppress. (‘kuchalna’; ‘dabana’) an impulse (áaweg umang’)

  3. Repression: repress or being repressed ; (psychology) action of forcing desires and urges, esp those in conflict with accepted standards of conduct, into the unconscious (áchetan man’; ánjaan’) mind often resulting in abnormal behavior (rok, daman)

Outside the meeting venue, some protestors, apparently Pakistani; held placaerds and shouted slogans (naara) asking India to end its “repression”in Kashmir.

  1. Caucus: (sometimes derog) (meeting of the ) parliamemtary members of a political party or any other legislature; (us) (meeting of the ) members or leaders of a particular political party to choose candidates, decide policy, etc; local organizing committee of a political party, which ecides policy, etc. (‘dal’; ‘baithak’)

He complimented the work of the Indian caucus on the hill (çhoti pahadi’; ‘tilla’)

  1. Gravity: force that attracts objects in space towards each other, and on the earth pulls them towards the centre of the planet, so that things fall to the ground when dropped; importance (of a worrying kind); seriousness; solemnity (‘gambhirta’; áupcharikta’) (‘gurutwa-karshan’; ‘gurutva’; ‘gambhirta’)

  2. Solemn: adj not happy or smiling, looking very serious, done, said, etc in a serious and committed way, after deep thought; performed with religious or other ceremony; formal (solemnly –adv)

Delhi police commissioner R.S.Gupta has seen the cfrime graph in his fiefdom (‘jagir’) defy gravity.

  1. Deluge: great flood or rush of water; heavy fall of rains; great quantity of something that comes all at once.(‘jal-pralay’; ‘baadh’; ‘musladhar varsha’)

By Thursday evening , the first day of the two-day long deluge, all aspects (pahlu) of the normal life had been disrupted

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