Kistner, David H.
1989. See Ashe, J. S. & D. H. Kistner, 1989.
Kitajima, Elliot W.
1997. See Ribeiro, B. M. et al., 1997.
Kitching, B. M.
1973. See Kitching, R. L. and B. M. Kitching, 1973.
Kitching, Ian James [1958- ]
1983. South Floridian butterflies. Antenna 7(1): 8-9, 1 fig. (Janua-ry) [general; West Indies]
1984. The use of larval chaetotaxy in butterfly systematics, with special reference to the Danaini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Systematic Entomology 9(1): 49-61, 4 figs. (January) [general]
1985a. Early stages and the classification of the milkweed butterflies (Lepidpoptera: Danainae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 85(1): 1-97, 59 figs. ([5] September) [general; morphology; eggs, larvae, pupae]
1985b. See DeVries, P. J. et al., 1985.
1986a. See DeVries, P. J. et al., 1986.
1986b. Allozyme variation in the milkweed butterflies (Lepidoptera: Danainae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 86(4): 367-389, 1 fig., 2 tabs. ([14] April) [Danaus erippus (Cramer); biochemistry; Brazil]
1987. 'MONCON 2' - The second international conference on the Monarch butterfly. Antenna 11(1): 18-21 (January) [general; report on meeting]
Kitching, Ian James, Phillip Ronald Ackery and Richard Irwin Vane-Wright
1993. Systematic perspectives on the evolution of the Monarch butterfly. Science Series. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 38: 11-16, 2 figs. (18 February) [Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus)]
Kitching, Roger Laurence [1945- ]
1981. The geography of the Australian Papilionoidea, pp. 979-1005, 2 pls., 3 figs., 9 tabs. In: Keast, A. (Ed.), Ecological Biogeography of Australia. The Hague, Junk. [general; South America]
Kitching, Roger Laurence, and B. M. Kitching
1973. Notes on a collection of butterflies from western Mexico. Entomologist 106(1327): 269-276 (December) [general]
Kivirikko, Erkki
1936. Beobachtungen über die Tagfalterfauna (Lep., Diurna) des Territoriums Misiones (Rep. Argentina) in der Zeit 5.V.-20.VI.1928. Annales entomologici fennici 2(2): 49-63, 1 pl., 6 figs. (10 May) [general; new taxa: Taygetis ypthima aberration lineata, Precis lavinia aberration obscurata, Anaea stheno form coerulescens, Miltomiges obrepta, Lycas argenteus aberration albomarginata]
Kjeller, Andreas [1789-1835]
1833. Fauna cayenensis [Thesis]. Upsaliae, Palmblad et C. 12 pp. (4 June) [general]
Klasmer, P.
2002. See Botto, E. N. et al., 2002.
Kleemann, Christian Friederich Carl [1735-1789]
1761‑76. Beyträge zur Natur‑ oder Insecten‑Geschichte und mit Farben erleucheten Kupfertafeln, sammt deren Erklärung. Erster Theil. Nürnberg, Christian Friederich Carl Kleemann. 376 pp., 44 pls. [general]
1792. Beyträge zur Natur- und Insecten-Geschichte. Erster Theil, worinnen verschiedene Papilions mit ihren Ursprunge, Verwandlungen und allen wunderbaren Eigenschaften, aus eigener Erfahrung beschrieben, und in accuraten, sauber illuminirten Kupferstichen nach dem Leben abgebildet worden. Als ein Anhang zu den Röselischen Insecten-Belustigungen. Nürnberg, Gabriel Richard Raspe. 376 pp., 48 pls. [the title-page, pp. (iv) + 16, 377-404, and the frontispiece, were published by C. Schwarz in the second edition, 1793] [general]
Klein, Carlos, and Luciano E. Campos
1978. Biocenosis del tamarugo (Prosopis tamarugo Philippi) con especial referencia de los artrópodos fitófagos y sus enemigos naturales. Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomo-logie 85: 86-108, 7 figs., 3 tabs. [Leptotes trigemmatus Butler; life history, host plants, parasitoids, predators; Chile]
Klein, Carlos, and Douglas F. Waterhouse
2000. The distribution and importance of arthropods associated with agriculture and forestry in Chile. Canberra, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. 234 pp., 1 fig., 63 tabs. [general; host plants]
Klein, Michael W., and David K. Faulkner
2003. Hermes copper (Lycaena (Hermeycaena) hermes): An update on this unique species. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 43(5): 96-98, 2 figs. (1 October) [life history; host plant; Mexico]
Kleinschmidt, Otto [1870-1954]
1926. Die Formenkreislehre und das Weltwerden des Lebens. Halle, Gebauer-Schwetschke. ix + 188 pp., 16 pls., 50 figs. [English ed., 1930] [general; evolution; mimicry]
Klimaitis, Cristian
2003. See Klimaitis, J. F. & C. Klimaitis, 2003.
Klimaitis, Juan Francisco
2000. Cien mariposas argentinas. Buenos Aires, Editorial Albatros. 128 pp., figs. (April) [general; host plants; behavior; distribution; Argentina]
Klimaitis, Juan Francisco, and Cristian Klimaitis
2003. Del escritorio al campo. 7. Mariposas del litoral. Vida Silvestre (Buenos Aires) 85: 4 pp., figs. [general; Argentina]
Klitzke, Clécio F.
1990a. See Brown, K. S., Jr., J. R. Trigo, P. C. Motta et al., 1990.
1990b. See Brown, K. S., Jr., J. R. Trigo, R. B. Francini et al., 1990.
1991. See Brown, K. S., Jr. et al., 1991.
1995. See Brown, K. S., Jr. et al., 1995.
Klitzke, Clécio F., and Keith Spalding Brown, Jr.
2000. The occurrence of aristolochic acids in neotropical troidine swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Chemoecology 10(2): 99-102, 1 fig., 1 tab. [general]
Klots, Alexander Barrett [1903-1989]
1923. A new race of Eurema proterpia (Fabricius) (Lepid.: Pieridae). Entomological News 34(10): 301 (15 December) [E. p. watsonia; Ecuador]
1928a. A revision of the genus Eurema (Lep. Pieridae). Part I. New World species, morphology and phylogeny. Journal of the New York entomological Society 36(1): 61-79, pls. 2-4 (11 May) [general]
1928b. A phylogenetic study of the genus Teriocolias Roeber (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 36(2): 113-116, pl. 5 (2 August) [general]
1929a. A revision of the genus Eurema Hübner (Lepidoptera, Pieri-dae). Part II. New World species, taxonomy and synonymy. Entomologica americana 9(3): 99-163, 4 pls. (28 May) [general; new taxa: E. pseudomorpha, E. priddyi forbesi, E. jucunda female form pallidula, E. arbela elsia, E. xantho-chlora pomponia female form marjoria, E. mexicana aberration recta; Neotropics]
1929b. The genus Anteos Hübner (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Bulletin of the Brooklyn entomological Society 24(3): 134-142, pl. 20 (6 September) [general]
1929c. The generic status of Catopsilia Hübner and Phoebis Hübner, with a discussion of the relationship of the species and the homologies of the male genitalia (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Bulletin of the Brooklyn entomological Society 24(4): 203-214, pls. 22-23 (26 October) [general]
1929d. Further notes on Eurema Hübner (Pieridae). Bulletin of the Brooklyn entomological Society 24(4): 214-216 (26 October) [general]
1930a. A new subspecies of Ascia monuste (L.) from Lower California (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 6(4): 145-147, 1 pl. (3 May) [A. m. raza; Mexico]
1930b. A generic revision of the Euchloini. Bulletin of the Brooklyn entomological Society 25(2): 80-95, pl. 6 (10 May) [general]
1930c. On the naming of individual variants in Lepidoptera. Entomological News 41(9): 298-302 (7 November), (10): 324-328 (26 December) [Heliconius melpomene (Linnaeus)]
1933. A generic revision of the Pieridae (Lepidoptera). Together with a study of the male genitalia. Entomologica americana 12(3): 139-204 (8 February), (4): 205-242, pls. 5-13 (8 February) [general; new subgenera: Patia, Glennia, Pieri-ballia; Neotropics]
1936. The interrelationships of the species of the genus Lycaena Fabricius (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Bulletin of the Brooklyn entomological Society 31(4): 154-171, pls. 8-9 (8 October) [general]
1937. Costal vein in Pieridae. Canadian Entomologist 69(2): 48 (6 March) [general]
1948. Notes on the genus Eurema (Pieridae) in the United States. Lepidopterists' News 2(5): 51-53 (30 June) [Mexico, Central America, West Indies]
1951. A field guide to the butterflies of North America, east of the Great Plains. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company. xvi + 349 pp., 40 pls., 9 figs., 1 map. [general]
1957. Vie et moeurs des papillons. Paris, Horizons France. 205 pp., 24 + 64 pls. [other editions in English, German and Spanish] [general; morphology; classification; host plants; eggs, larvae, pupae, imagines; behavior; ecology; parasi-toids and predators; mimicry; Neotropics]
1958. A monograph of the Ithomiidae (Lepidoptera), Part 1. By Richard M. Fox. 1956. Quarterly Review of Biology 33(1): 76-77 (March) [general; book review]
1963. On the character of color. Natural History (New York) 72(6): 30‑39, figs. (June‑July) [general; anatomy; Neotropics]
1969. See Dos Passos, C. F. & A. B. Klots, 1969.
1976. Butterflies of the World. New York, The Ridge Press, Inc. 159 pp., figs. [general; host plants; eggs, larvae, pupae, imagines; behavior; ecology; mimicry; Neotropics]
Klots, Alexander Barrett, and Cyril Franklin Dos Passos
1982. Studies of North American Erora (Scudder) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Journal of the New York entomological Society 89(4): 295‑331, 34 figs. (19 February) [Mexico, Costa Rica]
Klots, Alexander Barrett, and Bernard Heineman
1957. The identity of Papilio nise Cramer, 1775 (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and a neotype designation for this nominal species. Proceedings of the royal entomological Society of London (B) 26(11/12): 206‑214, 1 pl. (31 December) [Jamaica]
Klug, Johann Christoph Friedrich [1775‑1856]
1829. Preiss‑Verzeichniss vorräthige Insectendoubletten des königl. zoologischen Museums der Universität Berlin. Berlin. 18 pp. [general]
1836. Neue Schmetterlinge der Insekten‑Sammlung des königl. zoologischen Musei der Universität zu Berlin. Berlin. 1: 8 pp., 5 pls. [Argynnis euryale, Nymphalis harmonia; Mexico]
1851. [A note]. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachtung geeigneten Verhandlungen der königlichen preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1850: 426. [Catagramma spp., Eucheira socialis Westwood]
Kluge, Arnold F.
1971. See Eisner, T. et al., 1971.
Kluge, Robert L.
1993. See Caldwell, P. M. & R. L. Kluge, 1993.
2002. See Zachariades, C. et al., 2002.
Kluk, Krzysztof [1739‑1796]
1780. Zwierzat domowych i dzikich, osobliwie kraiowych, Historyi Naturalney poczatki, i gospodarstwo. Potrzebnych i pozytecznych domowych chowanie, rozmnozenie, chorob leczenie, dzikich lowienie, oswoienie, Zazycie; szkodliwych zas wygubienie. Tom IV. Owadzie i Robakach. Warszawa, J. K. Mosci. [4] + 500 pp., 9 pls. [Ed. 2, 1802] [general; new genera: Heliconius, Danaus, Nymphalis, Plebejus]
Knab, Frederick [1865‑1918]
1909. Migrations of Athena chiron Fabricius. Entomological News 20(4): 154 (April) [Mexico]
Knapp, Sandra [1956- ]
1999. Footsteps in the forest. Alfred Russel Wallace in the Amazon. London, The Natural History Museum. [vi] + 90 pp., figs. [general; history; Brazil]
Knapp, Sandra, and James Louis Borlase Mallet
1985. Two new species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) from Panama, with comments on their natural history. Annals of the Missouri botanical Garden 71(4): 1068‑1074, 3 figs. ([14 May]) [Eueides lineata Salvin & Godman; host plant; Costa Rica]
1998. A new species of Passiflora (Passifloraceae) from Ecuador with notes on the natural history of its herbivore, Heliconius (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiiti). Novon 8(2): 162-166, 3 figs. (15 July) [H. telesiphe (Doubleday)]
Knapp, Sandra, Viveca Persson and Stephen Blackmore
1997. A phylogenetic conspectus of the tribe Juanulloeae (Solanaceae). Annals of he Missouri boranical Garden 84(1): 67-89, 12 figs., 4 tabs. [Olyras, Eutresis, Melinaea; host plants]
Knight, Kenneth Lee [1915‑ ]
1941. A migratory flight of Phoebis agarithe Bd. (Lepid.: Pieridae). Entomological News 52(10): 274‑275 ([30] December) [Mexico]
Knight, Paul [1899‑ ]
1944. Pestes que afectan algunos cultivos alimenticios. Inform-aciones técnicas. Servicio cooperativo interamericano de Producción de Alimentos. Ministerio de Agricultura (Lima) 5: 1‑15 (April) [general; Peru]
Knop, Theodor
1925. Castnia amazona nov. spec. und Papilio androgeus (Cr.) nov. var. fassli. Entomologische Zeitschrift 39(11): 42‑43 (20 June) [Colombia, Brazil]
Knopp, M. C. N., and Harald W. Krenn
2003. Efficiency of fruit juice feeding in Morpho peleides Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera). Journal of Insect Behavior 16(1): 67-77, 3 figs., 2 tabs. (January) [host plant; behavior]
Knorr, Georg Wolfgang [1705‑1761]
1754‑66. Deliciae naturae selectae, oder auserlesenes Naturalien‑Cabinet, welches aus den drey Reichen der Natur zeiget was von curiosen Liebhabern aufbehalten und gesammelt zu werden verdienet. Nürnberg, Knorrs Erben. 1: [28] + viii + 132 pp., 38 pls. [Ed. 2, 1778; also editions in Dutch, 1771, and French, 1779] [general]
Knoth, Max Friedrich August [1863-1937]
1918. [A note]. Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift 12(1): 7-8 (6 April) [Papilionidae; South America]
Knowles, Dennis O'Keeffe, and David Spencer Smith
1995. First records of Parachoranthus magdalia (Hesperiidae) from the Bahamas, and extension of the Bahamian range of Battus devilliers (Papilionidae). Journal of the Lepidop-terists' Society 49(1): 91-94, 2 figs. (2 March)
1996. Two new butterfly sightings. Bahamas Journal of Science 3(2): 30-32, 2 figs. (June) [reprinted from Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 49(1): 91-94; 1995] [Paracho-ranthus magdalia (Herrich-Schäffer), Battus devilliers (Godart)]
Knudsen, Helle, and Jens M. Olesen
[1998]. Butterfly communities of a Costa Rican moist forest. Brenesia 45/46: 189-194, 2 figs., 4 tabs. ("March-September 1996" [1998]) [general]
Knudson, Edward C.
1976. See Bennett, R. & E. C. Knudson, 1976.
2000. See Bordelon, C., Jr. & E. C. Knudson, 2000.
2002. See Bordelon, C., Jr. & E. C. Knudson, 2002.
2003a. See Bordelon, C., Jr. & E. C. Knudson, 2003.
2003b. See Hanson, D. J. et al., 2003.
2003c. See Warren, A. D. et al., 2003.
Knudson, Edward C., Charles Bordelon, Jr. and Andrew D. Warren
2004. Antigonus erosus Hübner (Hesperiidae, Pyrginae), a new US record from South Texas. News of the Lepidopterists' Society 46(4): 111-113, 6 figs. (15 November) [Mexico]
Koçak, Ahmet Ömer
1980. Changes in the generic names of some West‑Palaearctic Lepidoptera (Part 1). Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université d'Ankara (C) 24(3): 27‑41. [Synchloe autodice Hübner, Papilio claudia Cramer; nomenclature]
1981. On the status of the family names Nymphalidae and Heliconiidae described by Swainson in 1827 (Lepidoptera). Priamus 1(2): 93‑96 (9 December) [nomenclature]
1983a. More notes on the homonymy of the specific names of Lepidoptera. Priamus 2(4): 164‑166 (10 January) [new name: Papilio cacicus nesrinae; Colombia]
1983b. More notes on the homonymy of the specific names of Lepidoptera. Priamus 3(1): 38‑39 (12 July) [Papilio arcas Cramer, Parides eurimedes (Cramer)]
1984. Notes on the names published in "A catalogue/checklist of the butterflies of America north of Mexico" by L. D. Miller & F. M. Brown in 1981. Priamus 3(3): 93‑97 (25 January) [general; nomenclature]
Koch, Gabriel [1807‑1881]
1854. Die geographische Verbreitung der europäischen Schmetterlinge in anderen Welttheilen. Leipzig, Hermann Costenoble. iv + 154 pp. [Ed. 2, 1857] [general]
1860a. Entwurf einer Aenderung des Systems der Lepidopteren. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 21(4/6): 226‑235 (April-June) [general]
1860b. Berichtigung. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 21(10/12): 420 (October‑December) [general]
1865. Die indo‑australische Lepidopteren‑Fauna in ihrem Zusammenhang mit der europäischen nebst den drei Hauptfaunen der Erde. Leipzig, Ludwig Denicke. xii + 119 + [1] pp., frontisp. [Ed. 2, 1873] [general]
1869‑70. Die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge uber die Erde. Petermann's geographische Mitteilungen 16(1): 20‑25, pl. 2 (21 December 1869), (2): 52‑57 (17 January 1870) [general]
1871. Ueber die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge und die drei Hauptfaunen der Erde. Ausland 44: 31‑37. [general]
1872. Beiträge zur geographischen Verbreitung der Schmetter-linge im Allgemeinen und der australischen Fauna Insbesondere. Ausland 45(29): 680‑682 (15 July), (30): 705 709 (22 July) [general]
Koch, Manfred [1901‑1972]
[1955]. Prächtige Falter vom Amazonas. Leipzig, Neumann Verlag. 40 pp., figs. [Das Kleine Farbbildbuch, 5] [general]
Koch‑Grünberg, Theodor [1872-1924]
1906. Die Maskentanze der Indianer des oberen Rio Negro und Yapura. Archiv für Anthropologie (N.F.) 4(4): 293‑298, 5 figs. [Morpho sp.; ethnology; Brazil]
Kochalka, John A., Delia Torres, Bolívar Garcete and Carlos Aguilar
1996. Lista de invertebrados de Paraguay pertenecientes a las colecciones del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay, pp. 69-283. In: Romero, M. (Ed.), Colecciones de flora y fauna del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay. San Lorenzo, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay (February) [general]
Köhler, Franz
1900. Die Duftschuppen der Gattung Lycaena, auf ihre Phylogenie hin untersucht. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Systematik) 13(2): 105‑124, pls. 12‑14 (12 March) [general]
Köhler, Paul Emil [1894‑1981]
1923. Fauna argentina. Lepidoptera e collectione Alberto Breyer. I. Teil. Rhopalocera. Systematischer Katalog und Studien, Berichtigungen u. Neubeschreibungen. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie 18(12)(Sonderbeilage): 1‑34, 3 pls., 6 maps (15 December) [general; new taxa: Tatochila volxemi female variety fulva, Pieris guarani, Terias thymetus form cordobensis, Catopsilia eubule form giacomellii, Colias lesbia form obscura, C. l. female form flaveola, C. l. female form maculata, C. l. female form micans, Hirsutis virginalis, Hypanartia bella form montana, Anartia jatrophae variety pallida, Haematera pyramus form decolorata, Nelone incoides form privata, Hamearis notialis form guayapensis, H. guayapensis]
1926a. Los pigmentos alares. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 1(2): 45‑49 (31 December) [Dione vanillae (Linnaeus)]
1926b. Sobre mimetismo en lepidópteros. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 1(2): 49‑54 (31 December) [general]
1927a. Biología de Chlosyne saundersi Dbl. & Hew. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 1(5): 3‑4, pl. 2 (1 November) [Argentina]
1927b. Biología de Cobalus cannae Her. Sch. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 1(5): 11‑12, pl. 4, 1 fig. (1 November) [Argentina]
1927c. Biología de Calpodes ethlius Cr. Papil Exot 4. Tab. 392. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 1(5): 17‑ 18, pl. 3, 2 figs. (1 November) [Argentina]
1927d. La oruga de Phyciodes claudia. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 1(5): 21 (1 November) [Argentina]
1928. El género Hamearis. Sus especies argentinas. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 2(1): 21‑26, pls. 2‑3 (31 July) [general]
1929a. Las mariposas argentinas. Danaidae. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 2(1): 303-332, pls. 1-6 (15 December) [general; new taxa: Calloleria nise tucu-mana, Leucothyris iguazuensis, Episcada clausina argen-tina, E. c. posadensis, E. burmeisteri, Velamysta breyeri, Danais erippus aberration larensis; host plants; life histories]
1929b. Adición al catálogo de los lepidópteros argentinos. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 2(6): 339-340 (15 December) [general]
1930a. Notas sobre Satyridae chilenos. Revista chilena de Historia natural 33: 375-376 ("1928", 27 February 1930) [general]
1930b. Apuntes biológicos. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 3(1): 63-66 (31 July) [Colias lesbia (Fabricius); host plant; Argentina]
1934a. Dos lepidópteros argentinos nuevos. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 6(1): 39-40, 2 figs. (30 May) [Itylos grata]
1934b. Catálogo preliminar de los lepidópteros argentinos dañinos. Boletín del Ministerio de Agricultura de la Nación (Buenos Aires) 36(1): 25-46. [general; host plants]
1935. Prodromus Satyridae (Lep.) argentinos. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 7: 209-217, pls. 17-19 (14 November) [general; new taxa: Euptychia celmis aberration inocellata, E. phares aberration subclara, E. p. aberration coeca, E. euphares, Cosmosatyrus tandilensis, Epinephele coctei variety confusa]
1939. Especies [sic] nuevas de Satyridae y complemento a mi "Prodromus". Physis (Buenos Aires) 17(49): 443-447 (31 May) [general; new taxa: Pseudomaniola salomonis, Epinephele nycteropus andensis, E. yacantoensis, E. euptychioides; Argentina]
1945. Melanismos naturales en lepidópteros argentinos. Revista de la Sociedad entomológica argentina 12(4): 253-256, pl. 20 (28 February) [new aberrations: Pyrameis carye aberration bruchi, P. huntera aberration dallasi, Phyciodes janthe aberration schaeferi]
1958. Bases para la lucha en gran escala contra las orugas en los campos de lino y alfalfa en la Argentina. Proceedings of the 10th international Congress of Entomology (Montreal) 3: 363-365 (December) [Colias lesbia (Fabricius)]
Köhler, Paul Emil, and Emilio Victorio Gemignani
1932. Los lepidópteros del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural "Bernardino Rivadavia". Revista de la Sociedad entomo-lógica argentina 5(1): 67-72 (31 July) [general; Papilionidae; Neotropics]
Köhler, Paul Emil, and Ricardo Strassberger
1928. Catálogo de lepidópteros argentinos. Enumeración sistemática de lepidópteros diurnos y parte de nocturnos (de Sphingidae hasta Noctuidae (Heliothinae)). Buenos Aires, Publicaciones Breyer. 12 pp. (December) [general]
Koehn, R. K.
1979. See Eanes, W. F. & R. K. Koehn, 1979.
König, Fritz
1960. Die Morphos von Chanchamayo (Peru). Entomologische Zeitschrift 70(9): 98-101, 2 figs. (1 May) [general; ecology; behavior; life histories]
1972. Lebensraum und Lebensweise der Catasticta in Mittelperu. (Lep., Pieridae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 82(12): 129-133, 3 figs. (15 June) [general]
1977. See Baumann, H. et al., 1977.
1983a. Über das bislang unbekannte Weibchen von Morpho absoloni May (Lep.: Morphidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 93(10): 140-141, 1 fig. (16 May) [Peru]
1983b. Das wenig bekannte Weibchen von P. warscewiczi mercedes R. & J. und eine neue Männchen‑Form von P. cacicus Luc. (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft österreichischer Entomologen 34(3/4): 120‑122, 8 figs. (May) [Peru]
1984. Die Papilionidae Perus, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Chanchamayogebietes (Lep.: Papilionidae). Atalanta 15(1/2): 124‑146, 10 figs. (June) [general]
1986. Ein Heliconius erato himera-Hybrid aus Nord-Peru (Lepidoptera, Heliconiinae). Zeitschrift der Arbeitsge-meinschaft österreichischer Entomologen 38(1/2): 49-50, 2 figs. (November)
1990. Neue Freiland-Papilio-Hybriden aus Nord-Peru. Atalanta 21(1/2): 83-85, 4 figs. (October) [P. cacicus Lucas, P. warscewiczi jelski Oebrthür, P. euterpinus Salvin & Godman]
2004a. Einige interessante Tagfalter aus Nord-Peru (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). Neue entomologische Nachrichten 57: 209-210, pls. 15-18a (July) [general]
2004b. Ein Heliconius-Freilandhybrid und das bislang unbekannte ♀ von Catasticta anaitis felicitas Eitschberger & Racheli, 1998 (Lepidoptera, Heliconidae [sic] et Pieridae). Neue entomologische Nachrichten 57: 211, pl. 18b (July) [H. telesiphe Doubleday; Peru]
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