Grodnitsky, Dmitry L. [1962- ]
1999. Form and function of insect wings. The evolution of biological structures. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press. 280 pp., figs. [general]
Grodnitsky, Dmitry L., and Robert Dudley
1996. Vortex visualization during free flight of heliconiine butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Journal of the Kansas entomological Society 69(2): 199-203, 2 figs. (23 August) [Heliconius erato (Linnaeus)]
Grodnitsky, Dmitry L., Robert Dudley and Lawrence Edmund Gilbert
1994. Wing decoupling in hovering flight of swallowtail butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Tropical Lepidoptera 5(2): 85-86, 1 fig. ("30 November", [8 December]) [Papilio neophilus (Geyer); Trinidad]
Gronov, Lorenz Theodor [1730-1777]
1764. Zoophylacii Gronoviani fasciculus secundus exhibens enumerationem insectorum, quae in Museo suo adservat, examini subjecit, systematice disposuit atque descripsit. Lugduni Batavorum, Theodor Haak. 2: [2] + [i]-iv + 141-236, pls. 14-17 [general]
Grose-Smith, Henley [1833-1911]
1896. Description of a new species of Satyrid-butterfly from Costa Rica. Annals and Magazine of natural History (6)18(105): 241 (1 September) [Oxeoschistus cothonides; Costa Rica]
1898. Descriptions of new species of butterflies from South America. Annals and Magazine of natural History (7)2(7): 70-73 (1 July)[Heliconius molina, Adelpha juanna, A. nahua, Symmachia miron, Lucilla asterra, Aricoris buckleyi; Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador]
1899-1902. Rhopalocera exotica, being illustrations of new, rare, and unfigured species of butterflies. London, Gurney & Jackson. 3: (Papilio XVII): 41-42, 1 pl. (January 1899), (Pronophila I): 1-2 + 2-3, 1 pl. (April 1900), (Pedaliodes IV): 15-16 + 1, 1 pl. (April 1900), (Pedaliodes V): 17-20, 1 pl. (July 1900), (Papilio XXII): 51-52, 1 pl. (January 1902), (Papilio XXIII): 53-55, 1 pl. (April 1902), (Erycinidae I): 1-4, 1 pl. (April 1902), (Erycinidae II): 5-10, 1 pl. (July 1902), (title-page + preface + additions and corrections + alphabetical index + systematic index): [2] + [2] + [2] + 1-4 + 1-4 (July 1902) [general; new species: Papilio mazeppa, Pronophila mena, P. sagartia, Oxeoschistus chyprota, O. erebus, Pedaliodes plotinella, P. hopfferi P. phazania, P. polemon, Oxeoschistus phalsi, Pedaliodes phrasina, P. phrasiclea, P. phrasis, P. petronius, P. plautius, Papilio hippasonides, P. mithras, P. nymphas, P. hernando, Aricoris plagiaria, Pheles rufula, P. fenella, Xynias christalla, Ithomeis aerella, Esthemopsis saracena, Chamaelimnas splendens, Lepricornis macara; Costa Rica, South America]
Grose-Smith, Henley, and William Forsell Kirby
1888-92. Rhopalocera exotica, being illustrations of new, rare, and unfigured species of butterflies. London, Gurney & Jackson. 1: (Pieridae I): 1-3, 1 pl. (January 1888), (Morpho I): 1-2, 1 pl. (July 1890), (Heliconius I): 1-3, 1 pl. (April 1892), (title-page + preface + alphabetical index + systematic index): [2] + [2] + 1-3 + 5-7 (April 1892) [general; new species: Heliconius rubellius, H. amandus, H. phyllidis, H. anacreon; South America]
1893-97. Rhopalocera exotica... London, Gurney & Jackson. 2: (Pedaliodes I): 1-5, 1 pl. (October 1893), (Pedaliodes II): 5-9, 1 pl. (April 1894), (Pedaliodes III): 10-14, 1 pl. (July 1895), (Dismorphia I): 1-4, 1 pl. (October 1896), (Papilio XVI): 39-40, 1 pl. (January 1897), (Dismorphia II): 5-9, 1 pl. (April 1897), (Dismorphia III): 11-15, 1 pl. (April 1897), (title-page + preface + alphabetical index + systematic index): [2] + [2] + 1-4 + 5-8 (April 1897) [general; new species: Pedaliodes porima, P. pheretiades, P. obscura, P. phrasa, P. ornata, P. lora, P. subrufescens, P. subpunctata, P. cyrene, Dismorphia tricolor, D. proserpina, D. cretacea; Central and South America, West Indies]
Gross, Franz Josef [1928-1985]
1962. Der Einfluss der Oberflächengestalt der Erde auf die Ausbildung verschiedener Arten und Rassen im Tierreich. I. Allgemeines zue Makroevolution. Entomologische Zeitschrift 72(23): 253-259 (1 December), (24): 261-275, 8 figs. (15 December) [general]
1969. Bericht über die naturwissenschaftliche Sammlung des Wiesbadener Museums für das Jahr 1968. Jahrbücher des nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 100: 210-217 [on M. S. Merian's collection]
Gross, Rainer
1982. El cultivo y la utilización del tarwi (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet.). Estudio FAO: Producción y Protección vegetal (Roma) 36: xii + 236 pp., 18 figs., 25 tabs. [Colias sp., Leptotes callanga (Dyar); Peru]
Grossbeck, John Arthur [1883-1914]
1912. [Note on trip to Jamaica]. Journal of the New York entomo-logical Society 20(4): 297 (December) [Papilio homerus Fabricius; host plant]
1917. Insects of Florida. IV. Lepidoptera. Bulletin of the american Museum of natural History 37(1): 1-147 (2 January) [general; Neotropics]
Grossenbacher, Kurt
1993. See Güntert, M. et al., 1993.
Grote, Augustus Radcliffe [1841-1903]
1874. On the species of Helicopis inhabiting the Valley of the Amazon. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of natural Sciences 2(14): 106-108, pl. 2 (June) [general; new species: H. lindeni]
1875. Note on Papilio gundlachianus. Transactions of the ameri-can entomological Society 5(15): 118 (March) [new genus: Blakea; Cuba]
1895a. Systema Lepidopterorum Hildesiae juxta opera praelimi-naria, quae ediderunt Bates, Scudder, Guilielmus Mueller, Comstock, Dyar, Chapman, compositum. Mittheilungen aus dem Roemer-Museum Hildesheim 1: [4] pp. (15 August) [Riodina lysippus (Linnaeus)]
1895b. Sounds emitted by Lepidoptera. Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation 7(6): 149-150 (15 December) [Ageronia feronia (Linnaeus)]
1897. The changes in the structure of the wings of butterflies. Transactions of the City of London entomological and natural History Society 1897(4): 333-342 (16 December) [general]
1898a. The classification of the day butterflies. Natural Science 12(71): 15-26, pl. 1 (January), (72): 87-99, pl. 2, 1 fig. (February) [general; morphology]
1898b. Specializations of the lepidopterous wing: the Pieri-Nymphalidae. Proceedings of the american philosophical Society 37(157): 17-44, pls. 1-3 (17 May) [general]
1898c. Note on the diurnals. Canadian Entomologist 30(8): 201-203 (9 August) [general; new genus: Eumargareta]
1899a. Classification of butterflies. Natural Science 14(83): 79-80 (January) [general; morphology]
1899b. Specializations of the lepidopterous wing; Parnassi-Papilionidae. I. Proceedings of the american philosophical Society 38(159): 7-21 (17 June) [general]
1899c. Specializations of the lepidopterous wing; Parnassi-Papilionidae. II. Proceedings of the american philosophical Society 38(159): 25-48, pls. 3-5 (17 June) [general]
1900a. The descent of the pierids. Proceedings of the american philosophical Society 39(161): 4-32, 1 tab. (13 March), 33-48 (19 March), 49-64, 1 tab. (24 March), 65-67, pls. 1-4 (16 April) [general; mimicry; new genus: Cunizza]
1900b. Systema Lepidopterorum Hildesiae (Zweite Folge). Phylogenie und Begrenzung der Tagfalter-Familien, hierzu Stammbaum und Tafel. Mittheilungen aus dem Roemer-Museum Hildesheim 11: 1-10, 1 pl., 1 fig. (19 April) [general]
1900c. Diphyletism in the Lepidoptera. Entomologist 33(443): 120-123 (April) [general]
1900d. Die Verwandschaft unter den Tagfaltern. Insekten-Börse 17(31): 242-244 (2 August) [general; phylogeny]
1903. Note on the generic name Trifurcula. Canadian Ento-mologist 35(5): 139 (2 May) [new genus: Piercolias]
Grote, Augustus Radcliffe, and Coleman Townsend Robinson
1869. On the American butterflies referred to the genus Charis by Doubleday. Transactions of the american entomological Society 2(3): 310-311 ("April", [8 November]) [general]
Grum-Grshimailo, Grigorii Efimovich [1860-1936]
1890. Le Pamir et sa faune lépidoptérologique. Mémoires sur les Lépidoptères (Romanoff) 4: xvii + 577 pp., 22 pls., 1 map [Colias; Neotropics]
1907. Lepidoptera, pp. 343-432. In: Opisane putesestvija vsc Zapadnyi Kitaj. Vokrug Kuku-Nora, cerzce Nanse-Shjany, Bij-Shjany i vdoly Vostoknago Tjan-Shjan'ja obratno na Rodiny. [A description of a journey to West-China. Round Kuku-noor, via Nan-Shan, Bej-Shan and along Eastern Tien-Schan back to the motherland (in Russian)]. Izdanie imperatorskago russkago geograficheskago Obshchestva (St. Petersburg) 3: vi + 531 pp., 54 figs., 1 map. [general; Neotropics]
Gruner, L., and J. Riom
1977. Insectes et Papillons des Antilles. Papeete, Les Editions du Pacifique. 132 pp., figs. (July) [general; host plants; Lesser Antilles]
Guadagnuolo, Roberto
2004. See Gallusser, S. et al., 2004.
Guagliumi, Pietro
1953. See Box, H. E. & P. Guagliumi, 1953.
1958. Los insectos de la caña de azúcar en el valle del Río Turbo. III. Plagas menores. Boletín. Estación experimental de Caña de Azúcar de Occidente. Ministerio de Agricultura y Cría (Yaritagua) 68: 1-26 (December) [Panoquina sylvicola (Herrich-Schäffer), Perichares philetes (Gmelin); Venezuela]
1960. Actual situation of entomology of sugar cane in Venezuela. Proceedings of the Congress of the international Society of Sugarcane Technologists 10: 1000-1011 [Hesperiidae]
1962. Plagas de la caña de azúcar en Venezuela. Monografía. Centro de Investigaciones agronómicas. Ministerio de Agricultura y Cría (Maracay) 2(1): ix + 482 pp., 150 figs., (2): ix + 487-850 + [4] pp., 14 pls., figs. 151-212, 2 graphs, 21 maps (October) [general; life histories; parasitoids, predators]
1965. Contributo alla conoscenza dell'entomofauna nociva del Venezuela. Rivista di Agricoltura subtropicale e tropicale 59(7/9): 376-408 (July-September), (10/12): 447-472 (October-December) [general]
1967. Insetti e aracnidi dele piante comuni del Venezuela segnalati nel periodo 1938-1963. Relazioni e Monografie agrarie subtropicale e tropicale (N.S.) 86: xiv + 391 pp. (May) [general; host plants]
1971. Entomofauna della canna da zucchero nel nord-est del Brasile. Rivista di Agricoltura subtropicale e tropicale 65(1/3): 49-66, 3 maps (January-March), (4/6): 95-127, 9 figs., 3 maps (April-June) [general; distribution; parasitoids, predators]
1973. Pragas da Cana-de-açúcar. Nordeste do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Instituto do Açúcar e do Alcool (Coleção Canavieira, nE 10). 622 pp., 8 pls., 109 figs. [general; host plants; eggs, larvae, pupae, imagines; behavior; parasitoids; distribution]
1975. Plagas de la caña de azúcar. Boletín fitosanitario de la FAO (Roma) 23(5): 161 (October) [Eurybia misellivestis Stichel; Brazil]
Guagliumi, Pietro, and A. Castro Mendes
1974. Três novas pragas da cana de açúcar no Estado de São Paulo. Eurybia misellivestis Stich (Lep., Riodinidae). Hypo-neuma taltula Schaus (Lep., Noctuidae). Automeris irene Cramer (Lep. Hemileucidae). Brasil açucareiro (Rio de Janeiro) 83(2): 80-81, 1 pl. (February) [Brazil]
Guallart, José María [1915-2002]
1969. Nomenclatura jíbaro-aguaruna de la fauna del Alto Marañón (Invertebrados). Biota (Lima) 7(56): 195-209 ("September 1968", 10 April 1969) [general; ethnology; Peru]
Guédès, Michel [1942-1985]
1983. See Richard, D. & M. Guédès, 1983.
Guedes, Raul Narciso Carvalho
1996. See Picanço, M. C. et al., 1996.
2003. See Estrela, J. L. V. et al., 2003.
2004. See Moreira, M. D. et al., 2004.
Guenée, Achille [1809-1880]
1859. Note monographique et rectificative sur un groupe du genre Morpho Latr. Où l'on décrit une espèce nouvelle. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (3)7(2): 365-368 (24 August), (3): 369-374 (9 November) [general; larvae, pupae; M. corydon, M. montezuma; Mexico, South America]
1865. Annexe F. Lépidoptères de Madagascar, pp. 25-48, pls. 4-7. In: Vinson, A., Voyage à Madagascar au couronnement de Radama II. Paris, Roret. [new species: Hesperia mango; from Neotropics, not Madagascar]
1867. Note sur deux espèces linnéenes du genre Papilio. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (4)7(2): 305-310 (15 October) [general; synonymy; Surinam, Guyana]
1868. Une visite aux lépidoptères de l'Exposition Universelle de 1867. Annales de la Société entomologique de France (4)8(1): 5-10 (24 June) [general]
1872a. [Notes]. Petites Nouvelles entomologiques 1(61): 244 (1 October) [Papilio spp., Nymphalidae]
1872b. Notice sur divers lépidoptères du Musée de Genève. Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire naturelle de Genève 21(2): 369-424, 1 pl. [general; new species: Papilio chlorodamas, P. hypodamas, P. damocrates, P. hermolaus, Callicore elinda, C. aurelia, C. bourcieri, C. seropa, C, dodone, C. granatensis, C. nystographa, C. pavira, C. coelinula, C. brevipalpis, C. carmen, C. equatorialis, C. picteti, C. jurinei, C. saussurei, C. tringa, C. (?) laxis, Catagramma dulima, C. cajetani, C. mellyi, C. oculata; Neotropics]
Güntert, Marcel, Kurt Grossenbacher, Charles Huber, Agathon Aerni and Hans Ulrich Morgenthaler
1993. The E. A. Goeldi zoological collection in the Natural History Museum Bern: Comments on an inventory. Jahrbuch des naturhistorischen Museums Bern 11: 147-161, 1 fig., 1 tab. [general; Brazil]
Guenther, Konrad [1874-1955]
1925. Untersuchungen an landwirtschaftlich schädlichen Insekten in Brasilien. Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie 11(3): 400-414 (December) [Brassolis astyra Godart]
1931. A naturalist in Brazil. The record of a year's observation of her flora, her fauna an her people. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company. 400 pp., 32 pls., 40 figs. [first German ed., 1927] [general]
Guérin-Méneville, Félix Edouard [1799-1874]
1828. Crustacés, arachnides et insectes, pp. 1-142. In: Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la Nature. In: Encyclopédie méthodique. Paris, veuve Agasse. Livraison 100 ([13 December]) [general]
1830-31a. Lépidoptères. Pls. 13-19, 14 bis. In: Crustacés, Arach-nides et Insectes. In: Duperrey, L. J., 1828-1839, Voyage autour du monde exécuté par ordre du Roi sur la Corvette de sa Majesté, la Coquille, pendant les années 1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825, sous le ministère et conformément aux instructions de S. E. M. le Marquis de Clermont-Tonnerre, Ministre de la Marine; et publiée sous les auspices de son excellence Mgr le Cte de Chabrol, Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies. Zoologie. Paris, Arthus Bertrand. 2(2)(1): pls. 13-14 (26 May 1830), 14 bis (29 May 1831), 15-16 (1 September 1830), 17 (25 November 1830), 18 (15 June 1831) [general; new species: Colias vauthierii, Argynnis tristis, Satyrus chiliensis; Chile]
1831b-32. Pls. 76-82. In: Iconographie du Règne Animal de G. Cuvier, ou représentation d'après nature de l'une des espèces les plus rémarquables et souvent non encore figurées de chaque genre d'animaux. Avec un texte descriptif mis au courant de la science. Ouvrage pouvant servir d'atlas a tous les traités de zoologie. Insectes. Paris, J. B. Baillière. Pl. 76 (5 November 1831), pls. 77-82 (21 January 1832) [general]
1838. Lépidoptères. Pp. 271-286. In: Crustacés, Arachnides et Insectes. In: Duperrey, L. J., 1828-1839, Voyage autour du monde... La Coquille... Zoologie. Paris, Arthus Bertrand. 2(2)(1) (10 December) [general; new species: Satyrus coctei, S. lefebvrii; Chile]
1839. Insectes, pl. 11. Magasin de Zoologie, d'Anatomie com-parée et de Palaentologie (2)1(Insectes): 1-2, pl. 11 (after 15 July) [Satyrus coctei Guérin; Chile]
[1844]. Dixième ordre.- Les lépidoptères, pp. 466-530. In: Icono-graphie du Règne Animal de G. Cuvier... Paris, J. B. Baillière ([12 August 1844]) [general; new species: Pieris marchalii, Heliconia hortense, H. zelie, H. annette, H. victorina, H. cotytto, H. sylphis, H. cornelie, H. elisa, H. bomplandii, Nerias lineata, Cethosia judith, Nymphalis (Prepona) chromus, N. (Thymetes ?) aidea, Catagramma hesperis, Nymphalis (Catagramma) fabricii, Catagramma astala, C. anna, C. marchalii, C. consobrina, C. humboldtii, C. bomplandii, C. dorbignyi, C. lebasii, C. discoidalis, Morpho godartii; South America, Mexico, Cuba]
1866a. [A note]. Revue et Magazin de Zoologie pure et appliquée (2)18(3): 122-125 (March) [Eucheira socialis Westwood; host plant; Mexico]
1866b. Tissu soyeux ourdi par des vers d'une espèce particulière qui vivent sur l'arbousier. Revue de Sériciculture comparée 1866: 76-79 [Eucheira socialis Westwood; host plant; Mexico]
Guérin-Méneville, Félix Edouard, and Achille Rémi Percheron
1835. Genera des Insectes, ou exposition detaillée de tous les caractères propres a chacun des genres de cette classe d'animaux. Paris, Mequignon-Marvis Père et Fils. [6] + 198 pp., 50 pls. [new species: Papilio agesilaus; Colombia]
Guerra, Maricela
1999. See Pérez, B. et al., 1999.
Guerra, Maricela, Ricardo Rodríguez, Estrella Velázquez, Rosario Acosta, Eduardo Suárez and Humberto Sóñora
1993. Listado preliminar de las mariposas diurnas (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) de Camagüey. Monteverdia 1(1): 10-13, 1 tab. [general; Cuba]
Guerra, Tânia M.
2005. See Lenzi, M. et al., 2005.
2006. See Nardi, C. et al., 2006.
Guerrero, Kelvin A., Denia Veloz, Sarah Lyn Boyce and Brian D. Farrell
2004. First New World documentation of an Old World citrus pest, the lime swallowtail Papilio demoleus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae), in the Dominican Republic (Hispaniola). American Entomologist 50(4): 227-229, 2 figs. (December)
Guevara, Eunice
2007. See Bertorelli, M. et al., 2007.
Guilbot, Robert
1982. Élevage des papillons de leurs oeufs, chenilles et chrysalides (indigènes et exotiques). Paris, Société Nouvelle des Éditions Boubée. 167 pp., 16 pls., 146 figs. (10 December) [general; host plants]
Guilbot, Robert, and A. Plantrou
1981. Quelques notes sur la biologie des Morphos et tentative d'élevage de M. achillaena anakreon (Lep. Morphidae). Bulletin de la Société Sciences Nat 28: 1-9, 1 pl., 1 fig., 2 tabs. (16 March) [general; host plants; El Salvador, Costa Rica, Brazil]
Guilding, Lansdown [1797-1831]
1827. Observations on the zoology of the Caribaean Islands. Zoological Journal 3(11): 403-408, pl. 10 (September-31 December) [Colias sp.; migration]
1834. Observations on the work of Maria Sibilla Merian on the insects, &c., of Surinam. Magazine of natural History 7(40): 355-375 (July) [general]
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