Scriber, J. Mark, Mark H. Evans and Robert C. Lederhouse
1989. Hybridization of the Mexican tiger swallowtail, Papilio alexiares garcia (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) with other P. glaucus group species and survival of pure and hybrid larvae on potential host plants. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 27(3/4): 222-232, 6 figs., 4 tabs. (10 December)
Scriber, J. Mark, and Stuart H. Gage
1995. Pollution and global climatic change: Plant ecotones, butterfly hybrid zones and changes in biodiversity, pp. 319-344, 14 figs. In: Scriber, J. M., Y. Tsubaki and R. C. Lederhouse (Eds.), Swallowtail butterflies: Their ecology and evolutionary biology. Gainesville, Scientific Publishers. [general]
Scriber, J. Mark, and John H. Hainze
1987. Geographic invasion and abundance as facilitated by differential host plant utilization abilities, pp. 433-468, 14 figs., 2 tabs. In: Barbosa, P. & J. C. Schultz (Eds.), Insect outbreaks. San Diego, Academic Press. [Papilio; Mexico]
Scriber, J. Mark, and Robert C. Lederhouse
1989. Hand-pairing of Papilio glaucus glaucus and Papilio pilumnus (Papilionidae) and hybrid survival on various foodplants. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 27(2): 96-103, 5 figs., 2 tabs. (15 July) [Mexico]
1996. Illustrated field notes on Papilio astyalus pallas in Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Tropical Lepidoptera 7(2): 119-120, 9 figs. (30 December) [life history; host plant; behavior]
Scriber, J. Mark, Robert C. Lederhouse and Keith Spalding Brown, Jr.
1991. Hybridization of the Brazilian Papilio (Pyrrhosticta) (Section V) with the North American Papilio (Pterourus) (Section III). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 29(1/2): 21-32, 3 figs., 6 tabs. (31 December) [general]
Scriber, J. Mark, Robert C. Lederhouse and Robert V. Dowell
1995. Hybridization studies with North American swallowtails, pp. 269-281, 9 figs., 6 tabs. In: Scriber, J. M., Y. Tsubaki and R. C. Lederhouse (Eds.), Swallowtail butterflies: Their ecology and evolutionary biology. Gainesville, Scientific Publishers. [Mexico]
Scriber, J. Mark, Robert C. Lederhouse and Robert H. Hagen
1991. Foodplants and evolution within Papilio glaucus and Papilio troilus species groups, pp. 341-373, 7 figs., 3 tabs. In: Price, P. W., T. W. Lewinsohn, G. W. Fernandes & W. W. Benson (Eds.), Plant-animal interactions. Evolutionary Ecology in Tropical and Temperate Regions. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. [general]
Scudder, Samuel Hubbard [1837-1911]
1872. A systematic revision of some of the American butterflies, with brief notes on those known to occur in Essex County, Massachusetts. Report. Peabody Academy of Sciences 4: 24-83 (15 January-24 December) [separate, 62 pp., issued in April] [general; new taxa: Basilarchia, Speyeria, Charidryas, Limnaecia, Euphydryas, Callipareus, Mitoura, Erora, Glaucopsyche, Pyrrhopyga venezuelae, P. chalybea, Dysenius (new genus) cruentus, Erycides texana, E. sanguinea, Thymele vitreus, T. sumichrasti, T. domingo, T. montezuma, Epargyreus orizaba, Achalarus, Acolastus, Thorybes (new genus) nevada, Pholisora (new genus) azteca, Leucoscirtes (new genus) nivea, Hesperia tessellata, Callimormus juventus, Ancyloxypha brunnea, Oarisma, Potanthus (new genus) californica, Amblyscirtes (new genus) tolteca, Stomyles, Ocytes (new genus) seminole, Poanes, Phycanassa, Atrytone, Euthymus, Pamphila columbia, Atalopedes, Anthomaster, Polites, Ochlodes (new genus) sonora, Choranthus, Hedore (new genus) praeceps, H. orono, Limochores, Euphyes, Lerodea (new genus) inca, Prenes (new genus) hecebolus, Pansydia, Perichares (new genus) marmorata, Oligoria, Cymaenes, Lerema (new genus) pattenii, Megathymus; Neotropics]
1875a. Remarks on the old genus Callidryas. Proceedings of the Boston Society of natural History 17(2): 206-209 ([16 March]) [general; new species: Aphrissa butleri; Mexico]
1875b. Historical sketch of the generic names proposed for butterflies. Proceedings of the american Academy of Arts and Sciences 10: 91-293 (31 March) [general]
1875c. The structure and transformations of Eumaeus atala. Memoirs of the Boston Society of natural History 2: 413-419, pl. 14 (13 October) [Cuba, Central America]
1875d-76a. Synonymic list of the butterflies of North America, north of Mexico. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of natural Sciences 2: 233-269 ("February" [31 May] 1875); 3: 98-104 (April 1876), 105-129 ("May" [8 June] 1876) [general; new genus: Thessalia; Mexico]
1876b. Guadalupe Orthoptera and butterflies. Psyche (Cambridge) 1(25): 168 (21 July) [Vanessa carye (Hübner); Mexico]
1876c. A cosmopolitan butterfly. I. Its birthplace. American Naturalist 10(7): 392-396 (July) [Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus)]
1876d. Mimicry in butterflies explained by Natural Seletion. American Naturalist 10(9): 534-536 (September) [general; Brazil]
1876e. A cosmopolitan butterfly. II. Its history. American Naturalist 10(10): 602-611 (October) [Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus); egg, larva, pupa, imago; host plants; behavior; parasitoids]
1877. Antigeny, or sexual dimorphism in butterflies. Proceedings of the american Academy of Arts and Sciences 12: 150-158. [general]
1878. An account of some insects of unusual interest from the Tertiary rocks of Colorado and Wyoming. Bulletin of the United States geological and geographical Survey of the Territories 4(2): 519-543 (6 May) [Hypanartia]
1887. Note on the group Eumaeidi, pp. 110-112. In: Godman, F. D. & O. Salvin, 1879-1901, Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera. London, Dulau & Co., Bernard Quaritch. 2. (December) [general; morphology]
1888 89a. The butterflies of the Eastern United States and Canada with special reference to New England. Cambridge, Author. 1: xxvi + 766 pp., frontisp.; 2: xii + 767 1774, frontisp., figs.; 3: viii + 1775 1958, frontisp., pls. 1 89, 3 maps. [published in 12 parts from November 1888 to October 1889] [general; Neotropics]
1889b. Cosmopolitan butterflies. Psyche (Cambridge) 5(156): 190 192 (15 April) [general]
1895. Frail children of the air. Excursions into the world of butterflies. Boston and New York, Houghton, Mifflin and Company. [viii] + 279 pp., 9 pls. [general; morphology; behavior; mimicry]
Seba, Albertus [1665 1736]
1765. Locupletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio et iconibus artificiosissimis expressio per universam physices historiam. Opus, cui, in hoc rerum genere, nullum par exstitit. Ex toto terrarum orbo collegit, digessit, descripsit, et depingendum curavit. Amstelaedami, H. C. Arkstee & H. Merkus, and Petrus Schouten. 4: [4] + i viii, 9 42, 1 226, pls. 1 108. [published simultaneously in Latin/Dutch and Latin/French editions; the plates were reissued in June 1831 by F. E. Guérin Méneville (Ed.), in the "Planches de Seba"] [general]
Seeberan, G. S. B.
1979. See Bacon, P. R. et al., 1979.
Sefer, Elias
[1963]a. Pragas da bananeira que ocorrem na Amazônia e seu combate. Boletim técnico do Instituto agronômico do Norte (Belém) 43: 3 8, 4 pls. ("1961", [1963]) [Caligo beltrao (Illiger); Brazil]
[1963]b. Catálogo dos insetos que atacam as plantas cultivadas da Amazônia. Boletim técnico do Instituto agronômico do Norte (Belém) 43: 23 53 ("1961", [1963]) [general; host plants; Brazil]
Sefton, Nancy
1976. See Andresen, J. et al., 1976.
Segade, G.
2002. See Botto, E. N. et al., 2002.
Segall, H. J.
1987. See Kelley, R. B. et al., 1987.
Segarra, Alejandro
1994. See Medina, S. et al., 1994.
Segura, Consuelo Bazán de, and Pedro Sánchez
1973. Manual de enfermedades y plagas de hortalizas. Manual. Estación experimental agrícola de La Molina. Ministerio de Agricultura (Lima) 36: 1-22 (March) [general; host plants; Peru]
Segura, Gerardo
1992. See Espejo, A. et al., 1992.
Segura, Ricardo
1995. See Harley, K. et al., 1995.
Sehnal, Peter
1996. Esquinas-Nationalpark, "Regenwald der Österreicher". Gebietsbeschreibung - Regenwaldbiologie - Naturbeo-bachtungen, pp. 80-111, figs. 108-195. In: Sehnal, P. & H. Zettel, Esquinas-Nationalpark. Der Regenwald der Österreicher in Costa Rica. Wien, Naturhistorisches Museum. [general]
Seiber, James N.
1984. See Brower, L. P. et al., 1984.
1987. See Kelley, R. B. et al., 1987.
1988. See Brower, L. P. et al., 1988.
Seiber, James N., Lincoln Pierson Brower, S. M. Lee, M. M. McChesney, H. T. A. Cheung, Carolyn J. Nelson and T. R. Watson
1986. Cardenolide connection between overwintering monarch butterflies from Mexico and their larval food plant, Asclepias syriaca. Journal of chemical Ecology 12(5): 1157-1170, 4 figs., 1 tab. (May) [Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus)]
Seibt, Uta
1969. See Schneider, D. & U. Seibt, 1969.
Seifert, Richard P.
1981. Biogeographic patterns among mlkweed insects, pp. 207-220, 4 figs., 8 tabs. In: Denno, R. F. & H. Dingle (Eds.), Insect life history patterns: Habitat and geographic variation. New York, Springer Verlag [Danaidae, Lycaenidae; Venezuela]
1982. Neotropical Heliconia insect communities. Quarterly Review of Biology 57(1): 1-28, 5 figs., 2 tabs. (March) [Brassolinae]
Seín, Francisco [1898- ]
1929. Una invasión de mariposas. Revista de Agricultura de Puerto Rico 22(10): 169-170 (April) [Anosia plexippus (Linnaeus); migration; Puerto Rico]
Seitz, Adalbert [1860-1938]
1889a. Ueber Schmetterlingseier. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Systematik) 4(2): 485-492, 6 figs. (5 April) [general; host plants; Brazil]
1889b. Lepidopterologische Studien in Ausland. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Systematik) 4(3): 771-779 (10 August), (4): 905-924, 3 figs. (25 October) [general; Brazil]
1890a. Die Schmetterlingswelt des Monte Corcovado. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 50(10/12): 325-329, 351-355 (January); 51(1/3): 2-5, 28-35 (after 29 March) [general; ecology; behavior; Brazil]
1890b. Allgemeine Biologie der Schmetterlinge. I. Theil. Die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge und ihre Abhängigkeit von klimatischen Einflüssen. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Systematik) 5(2): 281-343 (19 July) [general; Neotropics]
1890c-91a. Die Schmetterlingswelt des Monte Corcovado. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 51(4/6): 89-99 (July 1890), (7/12): 258-266 (January 1891) [general; ecology; behavior; mimicry; Brazil]
1891b. Mittheilungen über Mimicry. Verhandlungen der deutschen zologischen Gesellschaft 1: 49-54. [general]
1892a. E. Haase, Zum System der Tagfalter. Stettiner entomo-logische Zeitung 53(4/6): 157-159 (April-June) [review]
1892b. Dr. Erich Haase, Untersuchungen über die Mimicry auf Grundlage eines natürlichen Systems der Papilioniden (Bibliotheca Zoologica, herausgeg. von Leuckart und Chun.). Cassel, Theodor Fischer. 1892. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 53(10/12): 332-349 (October-December) [review]
1893a. Über "Mimicry". Jahrbücher des nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 46: ix-xiv. [general]
1893b. Eine lepidopterologische Reise um die Welt. Jahrbücher des nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 46: 41-80. [general; Neotropics]
1894a. Allgemeine Biologie der Schmetterlinge. II. Theil. Die Ernährung. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Systematik) 7(1): 131-186 (20 May) [general]
1894b. Allgemeine Biologie der Schmetterlinge. IIi. Theil. Fortpflanzung. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Systematik) 7(5): 823-851 (31 May) [general]
1895. Reiseskizzen. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung 56(7/9): 228-235 (November) [general; behavior; ecology; Brazil]
1896. Ueber den gestaltenden Einfluss der Schmetterlinge auf das Antlitz der Erde. Versammlung der Gesellschaft deutsche Naturforscher und Ärzte 68(1)(1): 189-196. [general; behavior; ecology; Brazil]
1897. Auf der südlichen Halbkugel. Societas entomologica 12(10): 73-75 (15 August), (11): 82-84 (1 September) [general; Argentina, Brazil]
[1907]. Einleitung. Die Gross-Schmetterlinge des Amerikanischen Faunengebietes. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 1-8 ([4 June]) [general; Neotropics]
1913a. Unterfamilie: Heliconiinae. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 375-402 (5 June), pls. 72-80, 84. [general; ecology; behavior; life histories; new taxa: Heliconius narcaea aberration connexa, H. n. aberration physcoa, H. cydno submarginalis, H. melpomene eulalia form fascinatrix, H. xanthocles form cethosia, H. hydara form adana, H. phyllis androdaixa, H. p. confluens, H. clysonymus form micra, Eueides isabella form imitans, E. aliphera aberration cillenula; Neotropics]
1913b. 2. Subfamilie: Clothildinae. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 402 (5 June), pl. 83. [general; Mexico, Central America, West Indies]
1913c. 3. Subfamilie: Nymphalinae. A. Gruppe: Argynnidi. 1. Gattung: Euptoieta Dbl. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 403-404 (5 June), pl. 85. [general; ecology; behavior; life histories; Neotropics]
1913d. 3. Gattung: Melitaea F. - 34. Gattung: Bolboneura Salv. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 429-432, pl. 88 (10 June) [general; ecology; behavior; life histories; Mexico]
1913e. 7. Familie: Nymphalidae. Allgemeines. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 357-358 ([1 July]) [morphology; ecology; behavior]
1913f. On the sense of vision in insects. Transactions of the II international Congress of Entomology (Oxford), pp. 198-204 (October) [general; South America]
1913g-14. 3. Gattung: Melitaea F. - 34. Gattung: Bolboneura Salv. [continued]. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 433-434 (10 December 1913), 454-456 ([before 28 February 1914]), 457-464 (14 April 1914), 465-472 (3 June 1914), 473-477 (19 June 1914), pls. 93-97, 104, 115. [general; ecology; behavior; life histories; Neotropics]
1915a. 39. Gattung: Cybdelis Bsd. - 41. Gattung: Eunica Hbn. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 483-488 (17 May), 489-490 (23 June), pls. 97, 99, 100A, 100B, 102B. [general; ecology; behavior; new forms: E. monima form habanae, E. margarita form ingens, E. sophonisba form agele; Neotropics]
1915b. 47. Gattung: Cyclogramma Dbl. - Gruppe Limenitidi. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 508-510 (13 September), pls. 102B, 103A. [general; ecology; behavior; Neotropics]
1915c-16a. 50. Gattung: Limenitis F. - 53. Gattung: Batesia Fldr. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 533-536 (29 November 1915), 537 (14 March 1916), pls. 103, 109. [general; ecology; behavior; mimicry; life histories; Mexico, Central and South America]
1916b. Nachtrag zu den Amerikanischen Nymphaliden. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 593-598, 600, 601-608 (15 May) [general; new taxa: Heliconius euphone aberration nephele, H. weymeri gustavi aberration flavomaculata; Neotropics]
1916c. Betrachtungen über die Eryciniden. Entomologische Rundschau 33(7): 33 (7 July), (8): 37-39 (4 August), (9): 45-46 (1 September), (10): 49-50 (29 September) [general; ecology; mimicry]
1916d. Nachtrag zu den Amerikanischen Nymphaliden [continued]. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 609-615 (7 October) [general]
1916e. 8. Familie Erycinidae. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 617-624 (7 October) [general; morphology; ecology; behavior; mimicry; life histories; biogeography; new taxa: Euselasia eucritus form catapoecila, E. euriteus form gration, E. eutychus form dyrrachius; Neotropics]
1916f. Betrachtungen über die Eryciniden. Entomologische Rundschau 33(11): 52-53 (27 October) [general; new subspecies: Barbicornis mona cinaropsis; ecology; mimicry]
1916g. 8. Familie Erycinidae [continued]. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 625-640 (23 November) [general; new taxa: Euselasia ella, E. eustachius form rhodon, E. placidus, E. arbas form attrita, E. a. form proavia, E. crotopus male form ater, E. c. male form mutator, E. c. male form psammathe, E. c. male form venezolana, E. eusepus eupatra, E. authe aberration flava, E. gyda aberration tetra, E. teleclus archelaus, Methonella cecilia form magnarea, M. c. form amithrata, M. c. aberration vitellia, Helicopis cupido form erotica, H. c. form trinitatis, H. c. divergens, H. c. aberration stupenda, H. endymion form latmicus, Eurybia dardus fassli, Mesosemia putli, M. eumene form attalus, M. maenades bacche, M. marsena form semivitrea, M. phelina analoga, M. p. minima, M. telegone amanda; Neotropics]
1916h. Betrachtungen über die Eryciniden. Entomologische Rundschau 33(12): 59-60 (24 November) [general; ecology; mimicry]
1916i. 8. Familie Erycinidae [continued]. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 641-648 (30 November) [general; new taxa: Mesosemia metuana form fassli, Diophthalma philemon form subalbata; Neotropics]
1916j. Betrachtungen über die Eryciniden. Entomologische Rundschau 33(13): 62-64 (22 December) [general; ecology; mimicry]
1916k-18a. 8. Familie Erycinidae [continued]. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 649-656 (31 December 1916), 657-664 ([3 May 1917]), 665-672 (30 March 1917), 673-680 (17 April 1917), 681-688 (1 May 1917), 689-696 (13 May 1917), 697-704 (16 June 1917), 705-712 (5 July 1917), 713-720 (16 July 1917), 729-736 ([13 May 1918]), 737-738 ([7 October 1918]), pls. 121-143. [general; new taxa: Eunogyra satyrus form picus, Mimocastnia (new genus) rothschildi, Panara thisbe form ovifera, P. t. form eclypsis, Riodina lysippus form negrita, R. l. form erratica, R. lysippoides form crioeus, Lymnas pixe form sexpunctata, L. cephise form nigretta, L. araguaya, L. aegates form nigrapex, L. a. leucophlegmoides, L. cratippa, L. epijarbas form echidna, Barbicornis melanops aberration cuneifera, B. m. aberration fusus, B. m. aberration aterrima, B. basilis aberration alcyoneus, B. b. form polyplaga, B. marginata, Ancyluris aulestes olivencia, Necyria bellona form enyo, Monethe albertus form carens, Paraphthonia cteatus, Colaciticus johnstoni form jordani, C. j. form banghaasi, Mesene phareus form colombica, M. epaphus form speculum, M. e. form albiplaga, Symmachia probetor form astiama, Baeotis felix aberration citrina, B. orthotaenia, B. johannae form cearaica, Amarynthis meneria form superior, A. m. form coccitincta, Emesis lucinda aberration albida, Siseme alectryo form megala, S. a. form transiens, S. aristoteles form ochrotaenia, S. a. form leucodesma, S. pallas form angustior, S. pseudopallas form hyperion, Hamearis erostratus form antaeus, H. cisandina, Nymphidium maravalica, N. enimanga, N. agle form menalcidas, N. menalcus form leucidiodes, N. ninias form undimargo, Thisbe lycorias form incarum, Anatole glaphyra form campicola, Tharops hebrus form ergines, T. h. form gemma, Stalachtis phlegia form irion, S. p. form nocticoelum, S. p. form venezolana, S. calliope form terpsichore, S. phaedusa form exul; Neotropics]
1918b. 9. Familie: Lycaenidae. Allgemeines. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 739-744 ([7 October]) [morphology; ecology; behavior; life histories; biogeography]
1920. 8. Familie Erycinidae [continued]. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 721-728 (28 October) [general; new taxa: Aricoris fassli, Theope eurygonina form sisemina, Tmetoglene trichroma, Emesis samius; Mexico, Central and South America]
1921a. B. Grypocera, breitköpfige Tagfalter. 1. Familie: Hesperidae. Dickköpfe. Allgemeines. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 833-836 (17 March) [morphology; ecology; behavior; life histories; biogeography]
1921b. Lepidopterologisches aus J. Gistels "Naturgeschichte des Tierreichs". Senckenbergiana 3(6): 165-169 (31 December) [general; nomenclature]
1924a. Nachträge: Papilionidae. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 1012-1014 (21 January) [general; life histories; South America, Trinidad]
1924b. Nachträge: Danaidae - Gattung Melitaea. In: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge der Erde. Stuttgart, Alfred Kernen. 5: 1026-1030 (26 March) [general; life histories; new genus: Eucorma; Mexico, Central and South America]
1925a. Ueber den Umfang der Sammel-Ausbeuten. Entomologische Rundschau 42(4): 13-14 (15 April) [general]
1925b. Das System der Schmetterlinge. Entomologische Rundschau 42(5): 18-20 (15 May), (6): 21-23 (15 June), (7): 26-27 (15 July), (8): 29-31 (15 August), (9): 35-36 (15 September), (10): 38-40 (15 October), (11): 43-44 (15 November), (12): 46-48 (15 December) [general; Papilionidae]
1926. Das System der Schmetterlinge. II. Die Pieriden. Entomologische Rundschau 43(4): 15-16 (15 April), (5): 19-20 (15 May), (6): 21-22 (15 June), (7): 27-28 (15 July), (8): 29-30 (15 August), (9): 35-36 (15 September), (10): 38-39 (15 October), (11): 42-43 (15 November) [general]
1927a. Stalachtis. Entomologische Rundschau 44(4): 13-14 (15 April), (5): 19-20 (15 May) [general; life history; mimicry; South America]
1927b. Itatiaya. Entomologische Rundschau 44(8): 29-31 (15 August) [general; Brazil]
1927c. Das System der Schmetterlinge. III. Die Danaiden. Entomologische Rundschau 44(8): 32 (15 August) [general]
1927d. Itatiaya. Entomologische Rundschau 44(9): 33-35 (15 September) [general; Brazil]
1927e. Das System der Schmetterlinge. III. Die Danaiden. Entomologische Rundschau 44(9): 35-36 (15 September) [general]
1927f. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 57(9): 428-433, 3 figs. (September) [general; Brazil]
1927g. Itatiaya. Entomologische Rundschau 44(10): 37-38 (15 October) [general; Brazil]
1927h. Das System der Schmetterlinge. III. Die Danaiden. Entomologische Rundschau 44(10): 39-40 (15 October) [general]
1927i. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 57(10): 484-487, figs. 4-5 (October) [general; Brazil]
1927j. Itatiaya. Entomologische Rundschau 44(11): 42-43 (15 November) [general; Brazil]
1927k. Das System der Schmetterlinge. III. Die Danaiden. Entomologische Rundschau 44(11): 44 (15 November) [general]
1927l. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 57(11): 536-542, 1 pl., figs. 1-2 (November) [general; Brazil]
1927m. Itatiaya. Entomologische Rundschau 44(12): 45-46 (15 December) [general; Brazil]
1927n. Das System der Schmetterlinge. III. Die Danaiden. Entomologische Rundschau 44(12): 47-48 (15 December) [general]
1927o. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 57(12): 591-594 (December) [general; Brazil]
1927p. Ein Bild aus unserer Schmetterlings-Schaussamlung. Natur und Museum 57(12): 594-595, 1 fig. (December) [Papilionidae]
1928a. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(1): 3-4 (15 January) [general]
1928b. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 58(1): 31-37, figs. 6-7 (January) [general; Brazil]
1928c. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(2): 8 (15 February) [general]
1928d. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 58(2): 75-79 (February) [general; Brazil]
1928e. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(3): 9-10 (15 March) [general]
1928f. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 58(3): 131-137 (March) [general; Brazil]
1928g. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(4): 14-16 (15 April) [general]
1928h. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 58(4): 177-181, 2 figs. (April) [general; Brazil]
1928i. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(5): 20 (15 May) [general]
1928j. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 58(5): 224-231, 5 figs. (May) [general; Brazil]
1928k. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(6): 23-24 (15 June) [general]
1928l. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 58(6): 263-277, 8 figs. (June) [general; Brazil]
1928m. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(7): 27 (15 July) [general]
1928n. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 58(7): 318-326, 4 figs. (July) [general; Brazil]
1928o. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(8): 31 (15 August) [general]
1928p. Reisebericht. Natur und Museum 58(8): 367-371, 1 fig. (August) [general; Brazil]
1928q. Das System der Schmetterlinge. IV. Die Satyromorphen. Entomologische Rundschau 45(9): 34-35 (15 September) [general]
1928r. Glossen zu vorstehenden Artikel: Die Falterfauna des Itatiaya. Entomologische Rundschau 45(12): 46-47 (15 December) [general; Brazil]
1929a. Weitere Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen über die Gattung Stalachtis und ihre Verwandten. Entomologische Rundschau 46(3): 9-12 (15 March), (4): 14-16 (15 April), (5): 19-20 (15 May), (6): 23 (15 June), (8): 30-31 (15 August) [general; South America]
1929b. Zu Stichels Kritik über meine Eryciniden-Arbeiten. I. (Lep. Rhopal.). Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift 1929(3): 209-235, 3 figs. (1 October) [general; life histories; classification]
1929c. Weitere Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen über die Gattung Stalachtis und ihre Verwandten. Entomologische Rundschau 46(11): 42 (15 November), (12): 45-46 (15 December) [general; South America]
1930a. Wir wollen klar sehen. Entomologische Rundschau 47(2): 7-8 (15 February), (3): 9-12, 3 figs. (15 March) [general; Brazil]
1930b-31a. Goyaz-Reise. Entomologische Rundschau 47(8): 29-32, fig. 1 (15 August 1930), (9): 35-36, fig. 2 (15 September 1930), (10): 37-38 (15 October 1930), (11): 43-44 (15 November 1930), (12): 45-48, figs. 1-2 (15 December 1930); 48(1): 1-6, figs. 3-4 + [1] (1 January 1931), (4): 36-39, fig. 5 (15 February 1931), (5): 48-51, fig. 6 (1 March 1931), (7): 74-76, fig. 7 (1 April 1931), (8): 81-83, fig. 8 (15 April 1931), (10): 105-109, fig. 9 (15 May 1931) [general; Brazil]
1931b. Schmetterlings-Schwärme in Brasilien. Natur und Museum 61(6): 258-259, 2 figs. (1 June) [Catopsilia sp., Terias sp.; behavior]
1931c. Goyaz-Reise. Entomologische Rundschau 48(13): 137-140, fig. 10 (1 July), (14): 143-146 (15 July), (18): 184-189 (15 September), (19): 197-202, figs. 11-12 (1 October), (20): 205-213, fig. 13 (15 October), (21): 224-228, fig. 14 (1 November), (22): 236-242 (15 November), (23): 245-248 (1 December) [general; Brazil]
1931d. [A note]. Entomologische Rundschau 48(23): 251-252 (1 December) [Morpho aega (Hübner); parasites; Brazil]
1931e-32a. Goyaz-Reise. Entomologische Rundschau 48(24): 257-263, figs. 15-16 (15 December 1931); 49(2): 11-15 (1 February 1932), (3): 17-21, fig. 1 (15 February 1932), (5/6): 41-47, fig. 2 (15 March 1932), (8): 73-77 (15 April 1932) [general; Brazil]
1932b. [A note]. Entomologische Rundschau 49(8): 79-80 (15 April) [Morphinae, Apaturinae; behavior; Paraguay]
1932c. Goyaz-Reise. Entomologische Rundschau 49(10): 91-94 (15 May), (11): 105-109 (1 June), (12): 118-123, fig. 4 [sic] (15 June), (13): 129-133 (1 July), (14): 139-143, fig. 4 (15 July), (15): 151-152 (1 August), (21): 218-219 (1 November), (22): 228-231 (15 November), (23): 238-243, figs. 5-6 (1 December), (24): 253-256, pl. 2 (15 December) [general; new taxa: Ematurgina axenus form perrupta, E. a. aberration röberi, Diophthalma hyphea form prosoeca; Brazil; Guyana]
1934. Fünf entomologische Tage. Der zweite Tag: Argentinien. Entomologische Rundschau 51(6): 49-57 (15 March) [general]
1936a. Warum überhaaren mancher Schmetterlinge ihre Eigelege mit der Analwolle? Entomologische Rundschau 53(19): 263-264, 2 figs. (1 April) [Stalachtis spp.]
1936b. Raupenbilder aus Paraguay. Entomologische Rundschau 53(38): 537-539 (22 August), (40): 569-570 (8 September) [Papilio spp.]
1951. Als Naturforscher durch alle Erdteile. Frankfurt am Main, W. Kramer. 315 pp., 78 figs. [general; host plants; larvae, pupae, imagines; behavior; ecology; Argentina, Brazil]
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