3 SITING OF BUS STOPS 3.16 Care needs to betaken at Zebra crossings as a bus stopped at any location close to a Zebra crossing can block other drivers view of pedestrians on the crossing. It is therefore not advisable to locate bus stops in the immediate vicinity of Zebra crossings. 3.17 It is generally not advisable to position bus stops opposite each other on a two-lane carriageway. Safety and sightline considerations suggest ab minimumb separation of three bus lengths (36m), with the stops positioned in such away that the buses stop tail to tail and move off away from each other (See Diagram 3c). �������� ������� �������� ��� ��� �� �� ���������������������� �������� ������� �������� Diagram c – Bus stops on opposite sides of a two-lane carriageway 3.18 In the absence of any better alternatives, where there is a need fora bus stop close to a bend or the crest of a hill, there maybe cause for concern on safety grounds that the bus or its intending passengers maybe at risk from other vehicles. In such cases, consideration should be given to an advanced warning sign. Such a sign will require Departmental approval and authorisation by Road Service. 14