Cadet Handbook The ram battalion

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Cadet Handbook

The RAM Battalion

Colorado State University
University of Northern Colorado


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Army ROTC


Description and Purpose of Army ROTC

Ten Commandments for the Army Cadet
Chapter 2: Facts You Want to Know


Basic Course

Advanced Course

Allowances and Stipends

Credit for ROTC

Simultaneous Membership Program

Academic Requirements
Chapter 3: Military Customs and Courtesies


Standards of Conduct

Basic Drill and Ceremony

General Courtesies

Dining in and out

Chapter 4: Uniform Wear

Physical Appearance

Uniform Appearance and Fit
Chapter 5: Battalion Organization

Chain of Command

General Cadet Battalion Positions

Cadet Company Positions

Promotion Policy

Military Cadre and Civilian Staff
Chapter 6: Transition from Cadet to Lieutenant — The MS-IV Year

MS-IV Year —Finally

The Distinguished Military Graduate Program

Branch Assignments


Military Service Obligation
Chapter 7: Awards


Sunset Salute Awards

Academic Awards

Athletic Awards

Military Awards

Miscellaneous Awards

Recruiting Awards

Other Awards
Chapter 8: Extra-Curricular Activities

Ranger Challenge

Pershing Rifles

Color Guard

Officers' Christian Fellowship

Cannon and Push-Up Crew

Scabbard & Blade

Bataan Death March

Chapter 9: Army Physical Readiness Training


Weight Tables

Appendix A: The History of CSU and UNC

Appendix B: The Creeds

Appendix C: Cadet Command and Crests

Appendix D: Active Army Divisions

Appendix E: Ranks (Cadet and Active duty ranks)

Appendix F: Branch Insignia

Welcome Ram Battalion Cadets and congratulations on your decision or selection to join an outstanding leadership program dedicated to Leadership and Excellence. I assure you that you will be a better person and leader for participating in this program, regardless of whether you join the Army or not. I ask that you review the below mission, core values, and leadership philosophy, which we hold to and strive to always achieve. Good luck!!

RAM Battalion Mission. As a cohesive team of professionals, the Ram Battalion recruits, inspires, mentors, and trains cadets to be officers who, upon commissioning, are warrior-leaders, capable of building, motivating, leading, and winning with their combat-ready teams.

Ram Battalion Core Values.

a. Cadets are our focus and priority; we go the “extra mile” for them

b. We will work to build resiliency in our team so that we are all able to handle real life issues.

c. Overwhelming victory and mission accomplishment is our mindset; we live it and imbue it in our Cadets; No excuses for anything less.

d. We are a TEAM and work together and contribute to the success of the Ram Battalion

e. We passionately teach and mentor Cadets and then allow them maximum latitude to execute as a chain of command

f. Our pride and love of professionalism shows in all that we do and inspires our cadets


My philosophy is short and simple, and it's user level. It applies to all cadre, staff and cadets. We must work together as professionals and build confident Soldiers and TEAMS with the drive and dedication to accomplish any mission and win. The below standing orders provide a foundation and framework for how we will operate and summarize my expectations.


TEAMWORK IS KEY. A TEAM is a group of individuals that can accomplish far more than the collective individual efforts of its members. A TEAM should have a competent, capable leader who will always set the example by his actions first. For this to be an effective Army TEAM, the leader and its members must have the WILL and DESIRE to WIN! This should describe our TEAM and sub-TEAMS. We will make our TEAM the best possible, and remember, we’re always part of a bigger TEAM: BDE, CC, Army, Armed Forces.

Leaders set the example. This means first at weigh-in, first on M-16 range, first to take the APFT, first in the Motor Pool, and first across the LD. Soldiers want to follow a good leader and don't have to be told. Always be prepared to physically lead by example. Cadets will emulate our example. Be the leader you want them to become.
Learn your job. You are the expert and represent the battalion and the Army to all Cadets and civilians we encounter. Know the FMs, SOPs, policies that affect your specialty and our Soldiers. Become an expert concerning CC and Ram BN policies and procedures. Cross talk with other cadre and staff members. Study.
Present a Problem; Recommend a Solution. No sniveling. Don't make excuses, and don't accept excuses from others. Don't blame higher for our problems. We need people who are part of the solution. Don't be afraid to present a legitimate problem, but have a recommendation. Work with others to come up with a solution. When time allows, I like good ideas from all levels. Without the luxury of time, be ready to execute.
Be professional. Conduct, language, and military courtesy are just a start. A professional doesn’t resort to yelling and screaming as the standard way of business. A professional conducts performance counseling, sets the right example by his words and actions, sets high standards, leads by example, and builds his Soldiers into a TEAM. Ensure Cadets know it’s not OK to break the law, just because it’s waiverable.
ARMY VALUES. Live it and demand it; be a leader all the time; be a leader of character; be the leader we want them to become.
Take the initiative. Anticipate requirements and look for implied tasks. Leaders must learn to function/operate without knowing everything is going to turn out OK. We operate in an Army with imperfect and incomplete information. Leaders should develop themselves to operate with less guidance and less assurance of the outcome. In the lack of guidance or clarity, make a decision and drive on.
Admit mistakes, learn from them, then Charlie Mike. Learn from others' mistakes, and allow others to learn from yours.
Power Down. Leaders must fix responsibility at the appropriate level where the job can be adequately performed. Delegate, then hold their feet to the fire.
Safety always. The safety and wellbeing of our Cadets is the top priority of this battalion in everything we do. This includes helping build resiliency in our Cadets and staff so that we are all able to handle real life issues. Balance realistic training with safety. I expect you to always examine where you are and where you should be. Anticipate problems, and get there. Cadre are responsible to ensure all training events are conducted safely; this will not be delegated to cadets.


LTC, FA Professor of Military Science

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Army ROTC
Description and Purpose of Army ROTC

The Army ROTC program is designed to augment the ROTC Cadet's undergraduate studies with the professional and leadership education necessary to qualify young men and women for a commission as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army. Commissioning takes place upon attainment of a baccalaureate degree.roberts contracting 2.jpg

Nationally, Army ROTC is the primary source of commissioned officers for the Active Army, the Army Reserve, and the National Guard. Over the years, the Ram Battalion has developed a reputation for producing well-prepared lieutenants to serve our nation. Over 5,000 students have received commissions from CSU and UNC.

All Army ROTC students (scholarship and non-scholarship) may pursue any major offered at CSU or UNC. In addition to meeting weekly for classroom instruction, Cadets receive practical management and leadership experience during lab and field training exercises scheduled throughout each semester. A major highlight of the program is the challenging 28 day Leader Development& Assessment Course (LDAC) at Fort Lewis, Washington; conducted during the summer following the Cadet’s junior year. Special provisions may be made for nursing students and other extenuating circumstances. LDAC emphasizes applied leadership and human relations in a variety of stressful (and exciting) situations and is intended to provide practical application of the concepts taught in the classroom. Students also attend leadership laboratory and physical training sessions throughout their college career.

In addition to military subjects, the Army ROTC curriculum stresses the development of leadership potential and decision-making skills which are equally valuable in a military or civilian career.

The cadre mission is "To commission the future officer leadership of the United States Army." The key to our mission is leadership. This is accomplished by teaching you fundamental skills during the Basic Course (freshman and sophomore years) and by teaching you how to instruct, supervise, and lead during the Advanced Course (junior and senior years). Leadership training that you receive during your ROTC experience will benefit you regardless of your future plans in life, be it military or civilian.

The Cadet Command has recognized that there is a responsibility to make this type of instruction available to any interested students on campus. Therefore, Army ROTC freshman and sophomore classes are open to all students who wish to learn more about the Army, but do not wish to commit themselves to military service so soon in their college career.

Ten Commandments for the Army Cadet

  1. Never compromise your integrity. Military leaders are responsible for the lives of their subordinates; therefore, they must have unquestionable integrity. Honesty, sense of duty, and moral principles must be placed above all else.

  2. Conduct yourself in an honorable way at all times. It makes no difference where you are; at a party or on an FTX. You should always act in a proud and honorable manner.

  3. Keep in good physical condition. It is essential that you devote yourself to physical fitness. Being in good condition means both mental and physical endurance.

  4. Budget your time. Organize your time schedule. This will allow time to improve all studies, as well as free time. Thousands of Cadets have discovered this; so can you!

  5. Wear your uniform proudly and correctly. When you wear the Army uniform, you not only represent today's Army, but the Army of the past and the Soldiers who have fought and died defending our country.

  6. Respect your senior officers and noncommissioned Officers. They are here to lead, guide, and help you. Don't be afraid to go to them if you have a question or problem.

  7. Know your squad leader's name, rank, and phone number. Your squad leader is your "sponsor" and is here to assist you. Contact your squad leader immediately if you cannot make an ROTC function.

  8. Know the cadet chain of command. Every Cadet should know his or her platoon leader and platoon sergeant as well as the senior officers.

  9. Know the time and place of all ROTC functions. It is extremely important that all Cadets attend these functions. Every Cadet has a role to play in ROTC, and missing even one cadet can take away from the performance of the entire unit.

  10. Know how and when to salute. The salute is a sign of respect and recognition of an officer's rank and responsibility.

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Chapter 2: Facts You Want to Know

  1. Email is the primary method of communication, check it often

  2. Save power point files from lecture and for lab

  3. When in doubt—ask the older Cadets

  4. Utilize your mentor

  5. Create a binder of important information to include contact information, awards, and a copy of your contract. This applies to military and civilian life

  6. Important websites to know:

    1. UNC’s homepage: http://

    2. UNC AROTC page:

    3. CSU’s homepage:

    4. CSU’s AROTC page:

  7. The internet is a wonderful resource in which to gather information, charts, animations, pictures, etc


The question of commitment is a key question for most new Cadets. Rest assured that during the Basic Course (typically freshman and sophomore years), you make no commitment to the Army unless you are contracted as a scholarship Cadet. If you have an ROTC scholarship, see the paragraph on scholarship students below.

Advanced Course students are obligated to the terms of the student contract. In summary, the student agrees to complete the ROTC program as a requirement for graduation; to accept appointment as a commissioned officer in the Army if one is offered to him/her; to incur a total military service obligation of eight years unless discharged earlier (this obligation may include a minimum of three years active duty); and to continue the terms of the contract in the event of transfer to another institution which has the Army ROTC program. If active duty is not desired by the student, Reserve or National Guard duty can be guaranteed by contract. Nursing Cadets receive a guaranteed contract that they will only work as a nurse upon passing the NCLEX exam.

Scholarship students are also contracted and incur the same obligation as non-scholarship contracted students. Additionally, a scholarship student agrees to serve a minimum of four years if selected for active duty.
Basic Course

Enrollment in the Basic Course (Military Science I and II) is a voluntary basis. Students must be attending full-time (at least 12 credits) at CSU or UNC, must be a U.S. Citizen (waiver able), and have no medical condition or physical impairment that precludes participation in physical activity. Enrollment in the Basic Course is normally restricted to freshmen and sophomores.
Advanced Course

Students enrolled in the Advanced Course (Military Science III and IV) must have satisfactorily completed the Basic Course, Basic Training and AIT, or Leader's Training Course. In addition to the general requirements for enrollment in the Basic Course, an Advanced Course student must possess qualifications for becoming an effective Army officer (as determined by the Professor of Military Science), be an academic junior or above, with 4 academic semesters remaining, must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in his/her academic studies, and must be under 28 years of appointment (may be waived).
Allowances and Stipends

Upon contracting with ROTC, either upon entrance to the advanced course or acceptance of a scholarship, Cadets will begin to receive a stipend. This money is directly deposited into your account and is tax free. Freshmen (MS I Cadets) scholarship cadets receive $250 a month. Sophomore (MS II Cadets) scholarship Cadets receive $300 a month. All juniors (MS III) that remain in the program will receive $350 a month, and seniors (MS IV) will receive $400 a month. During LDAC (see chapter 1) Cadets are paid approximately $600 for the 28 day training. In addition, each Cadet will be flown to LDAC at government expense. Housing, uniforms, rations, and medical care are furnished during LDAC.
Credit for ROTC

Students may receive full credit for the Military Science Basic Course on the basis of other previous military service, or satisfactory completion of Leader's Training Course (LTC). Veterans who were honorably discharged with qualifying re-enlistment codes may enroll directly into the ROTC Advanced Course provided all other general requirements (usually credits) are met. Under the two-year program, non-veterans are also eligible for enrollment directly into the Advanced Course by attendance at a Leader's Training Course. To be eligible to attend LTC, a student normally must have two years college credit (54 hours); be otherwise qualified for ROTC; and be enrolled or accepted in a four-year institution. LTC is conducted at Fort Knox, Kentucky during the summer and lasts for five weeks.
Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)

Non-scholarship contracted Cadets are also eligible to be full-time members of the National Guard or Army Reserve. This means that an Advanced Course ROTC Cadet can be affiliated with a Reserve or National Guard unit as an Officer Trainee, paid at E-5 drill pay rate. ROTC Cadets learn valuable leadership and managerial skills and are paid well for their time. An SMP Cadet can earn almost as much as an in-state scholarship cadet while in the Advanced Course. Selection for this program is a dual responsibility taken by the PMS and the Guard or Reserve unit commander.
Academic Requirements

A Cadet’s first priority is to obtain an excellent well-rounded education and complete all requirements for graduation. Therefore the ROTC program places great emphasis on academic achievement by requiring the following measures be adhered to by all cadets:

  1. Be fully enrolled for a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester

  2. Maintain a minimum cumulative academic GPA of 2.0

  3. Maintain enrollment in the proper military science courses

  4. Advise the Professor of Military Science prior to dropping any courses for which you have registered

  5. Obtain approval from the Professor of Military Science prior to changing academic major (contract cadets only)

These are only requirements for participation in the program. In order to be competitive for a campus scholarship you should do much better. See the Recruiting Operations Officer for details.

Chapter 3: Military Customs and Courtesies


Military courtesy is simply good civilian courtesy adapted to military life by long-standing customs. The principles of military courtesy that are followed in the Armed Forces apply to members of ROTC and will be adhered to within the guidelines prescribed below. Whether in or out of uniform, you represent the Armed Forces of the United States, and in particular the Ram Battalion and CSU/ UNC ROTC. You must, therefore, maintain high standards of appearance at all times.
Standards of Conduct

To meet the challenge that will confront you in the future, Cadets must develop traits that are characteristic of good officers. A few of these traits and indicators of a good leader are briefly described below:

  • Bearing: One's overall appearance, carriage and conduct. An individual is noted for strong personal presence. Look and act like an officer at all times.

  • Dependability: Getting the job done well and on time. This involves being at the right place at the right time. Make people know that you can be counted on.

  • Enthusiasm: The display of sincere interest and zeal in the performance of one's responsibilities. Enthusiasm is contagious.

  • Integrity: The quality of truthfulness and honesty. Your word and signature are your bond. Integrity is non-negotiable.

  • Selflessness: Look out for others and provide for their needs before your own. Teamwork goes a lot farther than individual effort alone.

Other desirable traits are cooperation, decisiveness, endurance, humility, initiative, judgment, knowledge, loyalty, and tact. Development in each of these areas is essential for the future officer.

The first and most familiar of military courtesies is the hand salute. This is an exchange of greetings between military personnel and it should be executed willingly and properly, indicating pride in one's self and unit, and confidence in one's ability to perform their military duties well. Cadets will observe the following rules regarding saluting:

  1. Salute when reporting to a commissioned or Cadet officer (see reporting procedures below)

  2. Salute when meeting and recognizing a commissioned or Cadet officer out-of-doors, on campus (when both are in uniform; the salute normally will be given at or within six paces). Cadet officers will be saluted in formations and during Leadership Laboratory

  3. When in formation, the salute will be given by the ranking Cadet in charge of the group along with the appropriate greeting

  4. When a commissioned or Cadet officer approaches a group of Cadets not in a formation, the first Cadet to see the officer will command "Attention" and the salute will be given by all Cadets.

  5. When indoors, Cadets will not salute except when reporting to and at the termination of a conversation with an officer

  6. Do not salute either active duty or Cadet non-commissioned officers. Active duty non-commissioned officers are not required to salute Cadet officers

  7. Remember that the lower-ranking member always presents the salute first and holds it until it is returned by the senior member. It is customary to accompany the salute with an appropriate greeting, such as "Good Morning Sir /Ma'am," depending on the time of day

  8. Salutes will be presented by all Cadets while in uniform during the passing of National Colors, the raising and lowering of the National Flag at all ceremonies, and when the National Anthem is played outdoors whether or not colors are present. (See FM 3-21.5)

  9. Personnel will exchange salutes with officers and cadet officers of all services

  1. Do not attempt to salute when your hands are full, but acknowledge a greeting orally, with "Good morning/ afternoon, Sir/Ma'am”

  2. Cadets will also offer an appropriate greeting such as "Good Morning/ Afternoon, Sir/ Ma'am" also saluting a group of male or female officers ”Gentelmen/Ladies”

Reporting to an Officer (Either Active Duty or Cadet)

Before requesting to see an officer, each individual is expected to have used the chain-of-command, whether it be Cadet chain-of-command or MS Instructor Group chain-of-command. For example, before an individual requests to see the PMS, unless the topic is of such confidential or personal nature that no one else may be of assistance, he/she is expected to have first talked with the primary instructor. The same is true for the Cadet Battalion Commander: first present the situation or problem to the squad leader, platoon sergeant, platoon leader, or company commander. This procedure saves time and is much more effective and efficient because the leaders closer to you in the chain-of-command are normally more familiar with you and have the majority of the necessary resources to provide you assistance faster. Naturally, if the situation is not resolved or cannot be answered, the problem continues up the chain until someone can provide a satisfactory response.

(a) When reporting outdoors approach the officer halting approximately two steps in front of the officer.

1. Salute and state "Sir, Cadet _____ reports”

2. Wait for the salute to be returned and you are asked to state your business.

(b) When reporting indoors:

  1. Salutes are not exchanged except when reporting to an officer.

  2. Knock on the door of the office and wait to be told to enter.

  3. Salute and state, “Sir, Cadet____ reports.” Hold your salute until it is returned. If you are told to sit down, be seated. When the business is completed the Cadet rises, salutes, executes an about face and departs.

In general, outdoors when a conversation takes place between an officer and a Cadet the following procedure is correct: salutes are exchanged and the conversation is held. Salutes are again exchanged at the end of the conversation. Exception: an enlisted Cadet in ranks comes to attention but does not salute.
General Courtesies

  1. Cadets are formally addressed as "Cadet," "Mr.," or "Ms." by the permanent ROTC staff and cadet officers

  2. Cadets will address Cadet officers by their Cadet rank, i.e., "Captain Smith."

  3. Military courtesy operates in a two-way flow. A Cadet who feels he has been denied proper military courtesy may report it directly to his or her instructor.

Chapter 4: Uniform Wear
Refer to AR670-1 Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia
Physical Appearance


The Army is a uniformed service where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which the individual wears the uniform as prescribed. Therefore, a neat and well-groomed appearance by Soldiers is fundamental to the Army and contributes to building the pride and esprit essential to an effective military force. A vital ingredient of the Army's strength and military effectiveness is the pride and self-discipline that American Soldiers bring to their Service. It is the duty of all Soldiers to take pride in their appearance at all times. Physical fitness and acceptable weight standards are also factors in personal appearance.

Hair and fingernail standards and grooming policies

Army ROTC students not under contract (MS I and MS II): There are no haircut limitations for non-contract Cadets except for those who desire or are requested to wear the Army uniform for any reason. These Cadets must adhere to the standards below.


There are many hair styles that are acceptable in the Army. So long as the Soldier's hair is kept in a neat, clean manner, the acceptability of the style will be judged solely by the criteria described below. Extreme or fad style haircuts or hairstyles are not authorized. Lines or designs will not be cut into the hair or scalp.

Male Cadets

The hair on top of the head will be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of the hair will not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. Hair will present a tapered appearance and when combed will not fall over the ears or eyebrows or touch the collar except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck. The block cut fullness in the back is permitted in moderate degree as long as the tapered look is maintained. In all cases, the bulk or length of hair will not interfere with the normal wear of headgear or protective masks.

Sideburns will be neatly trimmed. The base will not be flared and will be a clean shaven, horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening. The face will be clean-shaven however, mustaches are permitted. If a mustache is worn, it will be kept neatly trimmed, tapered, tidy, and will not present a chopped-off appearance. No portion of the mustache will cover the upper lip or extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corner of the mouth. Note: In the past, it has been very difficult for Cadets to maintain the standards required for a mustache. It is much easier to be clean-shaven; however, if you really want to have a mustache, consult an instructor or AR670-1 for the complete regulations.

Female Cadets

Hair will be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of the hair will not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. Hair will not fall over the eyebrows or extend below the bottom edge of the collar. Hair styles will not interfere with proper wearing of military headgear or protective masks. Note: This means that ponytails and some buns are against regulations. Check with an instructor if you are unsure of how your hairstyle fits into the regulations.

Hair holding ornaments (such as but not limited to barrettes, pins, clips, bands), if used, must be unadorned and plain and must be transparent or similar in color to the hair, and will be inconspicuously placed. Beads or similar ornamental items are not authorized.

Female Soldiers are authorized to wear cosmetics applied conservatively (as determined by the commander) and in good taste. Exaggerated or faddish cosmetic styles are inappropriate with the uniform and will not be worn. Lipstick and nail polish may be worn with all uniforms as long as the color is conservative and complements the uniform. Extreme shades of lipstick and nail polish such as purple, gold, blue, and white will not be worn.

Visible piercings are not authorized while wearing the Army Combat Uniform (ACU).
Uniform Appearance and Fit


All Cadets will maintain a high standard of dress and appearance. Uniforms will be properly fitted, clean, serviceable, and pressed as necessary. While in uniform, cadets must project a military image that leaves no doubt that they live by a common military standard and are responsible to military order and discipline. Cadets will ensure when articles are carried in pockets (e.g. wallets, checkbooks, combs, or keys), these articles do not protrude from the pocket or present a bulky appearance.

While in uniform, Cadets will not place their hands in their pockets except momentarily to place or retrieve objects. Uniforms will be kept buttoned, zipped, and snapped; metallic devices such as metal insignia, belt buckles, and belt tips will be kept in proper luster and will be free of scratches and corrosion; ribbons will be clean and not frayed; and shoes and boots will be cleaned and shined.

Uniform Issue

Basic Course Students: Uniforms will be issued to basic course students based upon participation in a related ROTC activity.

Scholarship Students: All scholarship students will be issued appropriate uniforms.

Advanced Course Students: In addition to the Army combat Uniform (ACU), Advanced Course students will be issued a complete Class "A" green uniform. These uniforms will be returned upon disenrollment from, or completion of the ROTC program.

Selected items of organization (field) equipment will be issued to cadets on an as-required basis to fulfill leadership laboratory requirements (e.g. compasses, maps, protractors, weapons). This equipment will be turned in immediately after the leadership laboratory.
Uniform Descriptions

Green Service Uniform

The Class A uniform is the most formal uniform authorized for cadet wear. It is worn at ceremonies and formal occasions, such as the Dining In or the Sunset Salute. The Class A uniform consists of a garrison cap, coat, trousers, green shirt, four-in-hand tie, black socks, brass buckle, and black oxford shoes for male Cadets. For female Cadets, the uniform consists of a garrison cap, coat, green shirt, black neck tab, skirt (or slacks), nylons, and black pumps.

The Class B uniform is the "office wear" uniform for cadets. The Class B uniform consists of a garrison cap, short or long sleeve shirt, black sweater (optional), trousers, black socks, belt, buckle, and low quarter shoes for male cadets. For female Cadets, the uniform consists of the garrison cap, short or long sleeve shirt, black sweater (optional), skirt or slacks, nylons (skirt or slacks) or black socks (slacks only), and black pumps or oxford shoes (heel is ½ inch, but no more than 3 inches).
Army Combat Uniform (ACU)

The Army Combat Uniform (ACU) is the field uniform for cadets. It is worn to most leadership laboratories, and field exercises. The basic ACU uniform consists of the ACU cap, tan belt, ACU blouse and trousers, tan T-shirt, green or black socks, and clean, tan suede combat boots. Additional field gear is often worn with the ACU, such as field jacket and gloves, load bearing vest (LBV), helmet (Kevlar), and/or ponchos. Use and wear of these items is beyond the scope of this text, and will be explained as necessary in class and/or laboratory.

ACU Cap. The ACU cap will be worn straight on the head so the cap band creates a straight line around the head parallel to the ground. The cap will be worn so no hair will be visible on the forehead. Only insignia of grade will be worn on the camouflage cap. Officers will wear non-subdued insignia of grade in the garrison environment. Subdued insignia of grade will be worn on all headgear in a field environment. Enlisted personnel will wear subdued insignia of grade at all times. The insignia of grade will be centered on the front of the headgear left to right, top to bottom. No other insignia will be worn.

Footgear. Clean combat boots with laces tucked into the boots are worn with the ACU uniform. Trousers will be tucked into the boots. Trousers are to be bloused, and not give a "pegged" appearance.

Insignia. The only authorized items for wear on the ACU are insignia of grade, insignia of branch (MS IVs second semester), shoulder sleeve insignia, name tapes, US Army tape, and combat or special skill badges. All items will be subdued.

ACU Coat/Trousers. The uniform is designed to be loose fitting. The coat will be worn outside the trousers, and the trousers will be worn with a belt. This uniform is not designed to be pressed/ironed. When sleeves are worn rolled up, the camouflage pattern will remain exposed. The sleeves will be rolled neatly above the elbow but no more than three inches above the elbow.

Laundering. When laundering your ACU turn them inside out. Use warm (never hot) water. Set the machine to the "wash and wear" or "permanent press" cycle. Use a detergent designed for warm or cool water washing, and NEVER use chlorine bleach. Use the "permanent press" setting when drying. The normal heat setting is too hot!
Army Physical Fitness (PT) Uniform

The Army Physical Fitness (PT) Uniform consists of the summer uniform (shirt and shorts) and in wintertime may be augmented with the winter jacket and winter black pants (gloves and watch cap may be worn as necessary). Spandex shorts are authorized to be worn under the PT shorts as long as the color is black or gray without any visible logos (length of the spandex shorts must end above the knee or higher). White socks are worn and must be above the ankle bone and devoid of visible logos.
Special Uniforms

Some Cadet units are authorized special uniform wear. The following are the exceptions to the standard uniform policy and only these exceptions are authorized. All other exceptions must be approved by the PMS.

Cannon and push-up crew. ACU trousers, special t-shirt or sweatshirt, patrol cap (uniform may change to accommodate weather conditions).

Prior service Cadets. Medals, badges, awards, and decoration including ribbons pertinent thereto of the United States and foreign nations will be worn as authorized by AR 672-5-1. Cadets may either wear their prior service ribbons, or their Cadet ribbons, but the two may NOT be worn together.

Senior Cadets. All Cadets that have received branch assignments will wear their branch insignia on the Army Green Class A and ACU uniform positioned IAW AR 670-1. Cadet awards will not be worn with the Army Green Class A uniform when branch insignia is worn.

Class B Uniform. Gray-green shirt. The short sleeve shirt can be worn with or without the black tie or tab. The long sleeve shirt can only be worn with the tie or tab. Name plates and ribbons will be worn as on the Class A.

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Class A Uniform

Garrison Cap. The garrison cap will be worn with the front vertical crease of the cap centered on the forehead, in a straight line with the nose (about 2 fingers above the eyebrows). Females will center the cap approximately one inch above the eyebrows (again, approximately the width of the first two fingers). The top of the cap will be opened to cover the crown of the head. Hair will not be visible on the forehead below the front bottom edge of the cap. Cadet Officers will wear rank insignia and enlisted cadets the Ram Battalion Unit Crest centered on the left curtain, one inch from the crease.


(1) Insignia of Rank. Non-subdued insignia will be worn on both shoulder loops of the coat. The insignia will be centered, 5/8" from the outside shoulder seam. The top of enlisted insignia will point toward the individual's neck.

  1. Torch of Knowledge. This insignia is worn by Basic Course Cadets centered on both collars parallel to the inside edge of each lapel with the outside edge of insignia 5/8" above the notch of the lapel.

  2. ROTC Initials. This insignia is worn by Advanced Course Cadets centered on both lapels of the coat, parallel to the inside edge of each lapel with the lower edge of the insignia 5/8" above the notch of the lapel.

  3. Branch Insignia. Second semester MS IV's may wear branch insignia centered on both lapels, 1 1/4" below the ROTC initials, with the insignia bisecting the ROTC initials and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel.

  4. Battalion Unit Crests. The two crests are worn centered on the shoulder loops of the coat and midway between the insignia of grade and the outer edge of the button.

  5. Name plate. Male personnel will wear the name plate on the flap of the right breast pocket, centered between the top of the button and the top of the pocket. Female personnel will wear it one to two inches above the level of the top jacket button centered horizontally on the wearer's right side. Placement of the name plate may be adjusted to conform to individual figure differences.

  1. Ribbons. Only authorized ribbons will be worn. The order of precedence is found in Chapter 7. Ribbons will be worn in the order of precedence from the wearer's right to left in one or more rows either with no space or a 1/89' space between rows. No more than four ribbons will be worn in any one row, and only four rows of ribbons are allowed. Male personnel will wear their ribbons centered 1/8" above the left breast pocket. Female personnel will wear ribbons centered on the left side with the bottom row positioned parallel to the bottom edge of the name plate. Placement of the ribbons may be adjusted to individual figure differences. Reference site for ribbons:

  2. Other Insignia, Badges and Tabs. See the following diagrams along with Cadet Cmd Reg 670-1 for instruction on wear.

Class A Uniform, Male Officer.


-ROTC Insignia for MS III and MS IV's -Torch of Knowledge for MS I and MS II's. These insignias are worn in place of the US pin on this example.

-Second semester MS IV's wear branch insignia as portrayed here.

-ROTC insignia is 5/8" from Notch with branch insignia 5/8" below notch. Torch of Knowledge 1" above notch

Rank pin on 5/8" from

shoulder seam

Unit Crest Equal space

School Patch 1/2" below seam and centered on right shoulder.

Name Plate is centered from top of pocket flap and top of button.

Torch of Knowledge 1"

Badges 1/4" above ribbons

Ribbons 1/8" above pocket flap

Marksmanship badge 1/8" below top of pocket flap

ROTC insignia on lapel

Torch of Knowledge

Torch of Knowledge insignia on lapel

Figure 15-1. Army green service uniform, officer

Class “B” for Male

Must wear shoulder boards with the appropriate rank if a Cadet Corporal or above.

Unit crest 1/8" above pocket

Must wear tie with the long sleeve shirt

Class A Female

Unless otherwise stated, same requirements as male.

Nude colored Nylons are required with skirt, but black socks are optional with pants.

Class B Female

Long shirt requires neck tie tab

Long sleeve shirt (tucked in) Short sleeve shirt (tucked in) Short sleeve shirt (tucked in),

and neck tab with slacks and neck tab with skirt open, with skirt

Care and Maintenance of Uniforms and Equipment

Cost of cleaning and maintenance of uniforms and footwear, while in the possession of the Cadet (with the exception of necessary alteration and sewing of patches) will be borne by the student. The Cadet is required to clean the uniform for the purpose of turn-in. The cost of cleaning and maintenance of organizational (field) equipment will normally be borne by the U.S. Government. The Cadet will not be held responsible for the cost of repair or renovation which results from fair wear and tear. However, he or she will be charged for any damage resulting from negligence or for any items missing or lost.

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